GOOD NEWS: The RNC is FINALLY Hiring Conservative Activist Scott Presler to Lead Ballot Chasing Effort for 2024

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By Maya Cantina

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Grassroots conservative activist Scott Presler with Noah Formica door knocking for GOP registrations in Beaver County, Pennsylvania.

Conservative activist Scott Presler is finally getting hired by the RNC to do what he has been doing for free for years.

Presler is going to lead efforts to chase ballots for the 2024 election. He has been registering voters to support Republicans in various states for a long time, with tremendous success.

This is only happening because Lara Trump has been placed in charge of the RNC.

The Daily Caller reports:

Lara Trump Announces RNC Hiring Scott Presler To Lead Legal Ballot Chasing Operations

Recently elected Republican National Committee (RNC) Co-chair Lara Trump announced Friday on Daily Caller alumnus Benny Johnson’s show that the party would be hiring popular conservative influencer Scott Presler to lead legal ballot chasing operations.

After the 2020 election concluded and outlets started to name now-President Joe Biden the winner, many Republicans pointed to election laws changed and ignored during the COVID-19 pandemic as a reason for the outcome. Johnson asked Trump to describe the efforts the RNC is planning to take ahead of November to ensure that Americans trust in the election system. In describing the party’s efforts to chase ballots, Trump announced that Presler would be heading the initiative.

“But we also have to start thinking about legal ballot harvesting, something we have never embraced as a party. We are going to start doing it now. I am going to have a call very soon with Scott Presler, who is an amazing voter registerer. He has registered so many people in this country. I think he is fantastic. I want him on our legal ballot harvesting division,” Trump told Johnson.

Watch below:

Congratulations to Scott Presler. He deserves this and will do a great job.


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