Street 2 is not only impressing the audience but also making history at the box office. After becoming the highest-grossing film in its second weekend, the horror-comedy has now claimed the title of the highest-grossing Hindi film in its second week. This milestone was highlighted in a note shared by Bollywood trade analyst Taran Adarsh on X (formerly Twitter). The film has surpassed the records of blockbusters like Baahubali 2 (Hindi version), Gadar 2, Animal and Jawan. In his note, Taran Adarsh wrote, “#Stree2 creates HISTORY again… Becomes the HIGHEST GROSSING Hindi film in Week 2… Surpasses the Week 2 numbers of Baahubali 2 Hindi, Gadar 2, Animal and Jawan.”
Taran Adarsh added, “With no major release to challenge its business this week, Stree 2 is expected to maintain its momentum for the third consecutive week… Expect a significant increase in business in [third] Sat & Sun. From urban centers to mass markets and from multiplexes to single screens, the trends have been nothing short of EXTRAORDINARY.”
Mentioning the numbers, the business analyst added: “[Week 2] Fri 19.30 cr, Sat 33.80 cr, Sun 40.75 cr, Mon 20.20 cr, Tue 12.25 cr, Wed 10.40 cr, Thu 9.10 cr. Total: ₹ 453.60 cr. #India biz. #Boxoffice #Stree2 biz in a nutshell… Week 1: Rs 307.80 cr [incl Wed previews; full-fledged release on Thu] Week 2: ₹145.80 cr Total: ₹453.60 cr #India biz. Nett BOC. #Boxoffice.”
#Tree2 creates HISTORY again… Becomes the BIGGEST BOX OFFICER #Hindi movie in Week 2… Beats *Week 2* numbers of #Baahubali2 #Hindi, #Gadar2, #Animal and #Japan.
From urban centers to mass markets and from multiplexes to single screens, the trends have been nothing less than…
—taran adarsh (@taran_adarsh) August 30, 2024
As for the latest box office numbers, on the 16th, the Amar Kaushik– film directed for Rs 8.1 crore, according to a report by Sacnilk. So far, 2nd Street, hled by Shraddha Kapoor and Rajkummar Rao, has grossed ₹441.5 crore, the report added.
In addition to the main duo, Street 2 It also features Pankaj Tripathi, Abhishek Banerjee, Aparshakti Khurana and Vijay Raaz. The project was bankrolled by Dinesh Vijan and Jyoti Deshpande under their banners Maddock Films and Jio Studios.