In “The Hunger Games” franchise, District 1 tributes have always been known for their ruthlessness, and Gloss was no different. The winner of the 63rd Hunger Games, Gloss won The Capitol over during the Quarter Quell due to his Career Tribute status, while the strong political alliance between his district and The Capitol inevitably worked in his favor. His sister, Cashmere, was also a victor, and joined him during the Quarter Quell, the two of them sticking together as a team to take out the others with brutal effectiveness. In the books, Katniss describes Gloss and Cashmere as “polite, but cool,” where the duo make some attempts to win her alliance, but eventually fail. Ritchson portrayed Gloss as a formidable fighter, particularly adept at knife-throwing, which earned with a very high score during the evaluation trials.
In the games, Gloss was a member of the Career pack with Cashmere, Brutus, and Enobaria, who were the most vicious during the bloodbath after the games began. Although Ritchson’s potential is barely on display here, he balances the character’s innate bloodlust with benign complacency to Capitol hypocrisy, as he views them as his “family” without ever questioning the brutality inherent in their broken system. As Gloss’ role is fairly limited when compared to the bigger scheme of things in “Catching Fire,” this is a case of an actor doing their best with what they have been given.