Before Ruby, companions like Martha, Donna, and Bill each got just one year in the TARDIS (give or take a few later specials), and they all still managed to make a strong, lasting impression on audiences. As the show itself has argued constantly over the past sixty years, how much time you have is a lot less important than what you do with it.
It’s also possible that by having a lead character leave after just one season, showrunner Russell T. Davies is repeating a trick he pulled back in 2005. There, he had the Ninth Doctor (Christopher Eccleston) regenerate after a single season, which really helped to acclimate new viewers to the whole concept. The idea that one of a show’s lead actors can just disappear and be replaced by a completely different-looking guy is a tough one to get used to, so it was best to rip that band-aid off sooner than later. Considering Davies has been trying to rebrand season 14 as season 1, he likely expects this upcoming era to be a jumping on point for a new generation of viewers. Letting Ruby leave so quickly, while jarring, might be the best way to set expectations going forward.
As for Varada Sethu herself? Based on everything we know so far, it seems likely she’ll be right at home in the TARDIS. As one BBC source told The Mirror: “Varada is a real gem, Russell was just blown away by her talent. The cast and crew have really warmed to her, and he’s sure the fans will too.”
Millie Gibson’s first and last season will premiere in May of 2024. So far, it looks like Varada Sethu’s first season will debut in spring 2025.