The film centers on Bea (Sweeney) and Ben (Powell), who look like the perfect couple. However, after an amazing first date, something happens that dismantles the budding romance. They later find themselves unexpectedly at the same destination wedding in Australia and decide to pretend to be a couple. Will Gluck (“Easy A”) directed the film, which also stars Alexandra Shipp (“Barbie”), GaTa (“Dave”), Hadley Robinson (“Winning Time”), Michelle Hurd (“Star Trek: Picard”), and Dermot Mulroney (“Scream VI”).
There is much to consider here. For one, it’s clear that word of mouth is through the roof for this one. With a pretty bare release calendar through February, there’s really no telling how much money this film could theoretically make. Sony wisely decided to invest in a couple of major budding stars by giving them a romantic, R-rated vehicle to test the strengths of their star power. It’s seriously paying off in the early going. Powell and Sweeney appear to be turning into butts-in-seats movie stars. That’s increasingly rare these days.
More than anything, it proves once again that rom-coms are still extremely viable in the modern marketplace. Sony also did well last year with Jennifer Lawrence’s “No Hard Feelings” ($87 million worldwide), while 2022 saw both “The Lost City” ($192 million worldwide) and “Ticket to Paradise” ($168 million worldwide) succeed in this arena. Yes, we’ve had disappointments like “Bros” but these movies do not — and arguably should not — have to be relegated to Netflix. Audiences will turn up for the right romantic comedy. Keep the budgets reasonable and there is money to be made here. The only question now is just how much money Sony is going to make with this one.
“Anyone But You” is in theaters now.