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A 10-year-old cyclist was hit by a truck and trapped in the wheel arch of the vehicle. After about 35 minutes he succeeded Fire brigade Wednesday to rescue the seriously injured girl with special equipment, the fire brigade announced. The child was taken to a hospital by rescue helicopter. According to the fire brigade, the truck driver and the victim’s mother were in shock.
According to the initial findings of the Police The 39-year-old truck driver hit the cycling child while turning.
© dpa-infocom, dpa:240515-99-47434/2
A 10-year-old cyclist was hit by a truck and trapped in the wheel arch of the vehicle. After about 35 minutes he succeeded Fire brigade Wednesday to rescue the seriously injured girl with special equipment, the fire brigade announced. The child was taken to a hospital by rescue helicopter. According to the fire brigade, the truck driver and the victim’s mother were in shock.
According to the initial findings of the Police The 39-year-old truck driver hit the cycling child while turning.