Returning to the scene from episode 1 where we first meet Blair and Bee, it turns out this introduction was even more significant than we thought. During Evangeline Navarro’s visit to the Blue King plant, Blair sits with her right hand tucked under her left elbow. But in a brief close-up shot, she uses her right hand to wipe her face, revealing a missing ring finger and pinky.
In episode 2, after the discovery of the horrific “corpsicle” containing the Tsalal scientists’ bodies, Prior meets Danvers at the ice rink and tells her that police recovered a handprint from the Tsalal crime scene. We then get a glimpse of the print in question, which appears to be missing the same fingers as Blair. In the season finale, we get confirmation via flashback that this print did indeed belong to Blair, who during the siege was desperately trying to pry open the hatch to the secret ice cave below the research station, in which Raymond Clark was hiding.
Of course! It all makes sense now. But Blair’s missing fingers were, admittedly, easy to miss in that quick closeup from episode 1. As such, Issa López made sure to give us even more by way of missing digit clues. In the first episode of “Night Country,” officer Peter Prior (Finn Bennett) returns home to find that his infant son, Darwin, has drawn a monstrous female figure with her fingers severed and blood dripping from her hands. Prior’s wife, Kayla, tells him the drawing is of a “local legend” but provides no further information. Thankfully López herself confirmed that this drawing represents a real Inuit legend, which for those paying close attention, provided yet more clues as to how the scientists met their fate.