Exercise Quadriga in final phase – “Signal of deterrence to Russia”

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By Maya Cantina

Vilnius. Inspector General Carsten Breuer has almost completed the case in Lithuania armed forces-Maneuver Quadriga 2024 described as a signal of credible deterrence. “The Baltic states and therefore our commitment in Lithuania are the cornerstone of Germany’s contribution to the defense of NATO’s eastern flank. Just as the Allies stood up for us during the Cold War, today we stand up for the security and freedom of our partners – on every square centimeter of the alliance’s territory,” the top German officer told the German News Agency in Vilnius. On Wednesday he will attend the final phase of the series of exercises by which armored combat troops defend the armed forces in Lithuania NATO-Train east flank.

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“The Quadriga exercise sends clear signals: a signal of deterrence to Russia. A signal of reliability for our allies, especially Lithuania,” said Breuer. And: “A signal also to our German society: the Bundeswehr is consistently moving in the direction of war capabilities. We understood. You can rely on us.”

Carsten Breuer, Inspector General of the Bundeswehr.

Carsten Breuer, Inspector General of the Bundeswehr.

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Breuer: “Biggest exercise by the Bundeswehr in decades”

After deploying by sea, rail and road convoys, parts of the Bundeswehr’s Tenth Armored Division practice combat up to and including live fire on Lithuanian military training areas. This also includes cooperation between tank troops, artillery, engineers and medics. The men and women must demonstrate that they are willing and able to defend the alliance.

The Quadriga 2024 exercise, which began months ago, is “the Bundeswehr’s largest exercise in decades.” The focus is on two core tasks that the Bundeswehr must master in the defense of the alliance area in Europe. “On the one hand, we are one of the largest troop suppliers to NATO’s eastern flank, and on the other hand, Germany is the logistics hub for Allied forces in the defense of Europe,” the inspector general said. “Both must be practiced, all gears must mesh smoothly: internal security, relocation and the deployment of powerful forces. In this way we ensure a credible deterrent.”

First female submarine commander in the German Navy: Claudia Neben as lieutenant captain is the first woman to receive the commander's star for commanding a submarine in the German Navy.

34-year-old takes command of submarine: “When in doubt, I alone decide whether to shoot”

At the age of 34, she is the first woman to command a submarine in the German Navy: Claudia Neben is in command of the 28 men and women on board the U 34 and five torpedoes. Soon they will go diving again, then they will do things. Secret things.” About life on board and the woman at the helm.

Bundeswehr rehearses with 3D situation map

According to its own statements, the Bundeswehr also uses newly introduced technology in the exercise, such as a 3D situation map (“Augmented Common Operational Picture”), which gives a better impression of the relief and terrain of the battlefield. In this way, in addition to the 2D maps, the tactical situational picture can also be condensed and displayed in more detail.

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In response to the changed security situation in Europe, the federal government has agreed to permanently station a combat unit in Lithuania that is combat-ready and able to act independently. The brigade is expected to be operational until 2027. A permanent presence of about 4,800 soldiers and about 200 civilian Bundeswehr members is planned. The incident team with approximately twenty soldiers arrived in Lithuania on April 8.

Recently, doubts had been publicly expressed about whether the equipment and infrastructure schedule was in place. Lithuanian Defense Minister Laurynas Kasciunas said during a visit to Berlin that contracts for the construction of the infrastructure would be signed this year and that construction of the first housing for 500 German soldiers would begin in September.


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