Faster than a cat: Faster than a cat The best police news of the day

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Written By Maya Cantina

The bird of prey seems to be looking a little indignantly into the camera. The feathered animal should be grateful. Because if the eye of the law didn’t have such a good ear, this baby kestrel wouldn’t be alive anymore…

It is Sunday morning, just after 10:00. Suddenly, the peace in Hockenheim is interrupted by the loud screeching of birds. Right outside the window of the police station. An officer then looks out of the window, looking for the screamer. “At that moment he saw a young bird falling from a building opposite Zähringer Strasse,” says Chief Inspector Philipp Kiefner of the Mannheim police station, describing the scene. And trouble is looming. Because the cries of the birds were not only heard by the officer.

Police officer responds quickly

“When he then noticed a cat, apparently attracted by the bird sounds, approaching the bird, the police officer immediately took action,” Kiefner said. “He grabbed his gloves and rushed to the bird lying on the ground.” The officer was able to rescue the animal and bring it to the safety of the police station. “From there, the bird went to the raptor station, very carefully and properly placed in a box.”

The experts determined that it was a kestrel that was almost six weeks old. “Fortunately, the strictly protected bird remained unharmed despite its fall and is now in good hands,” Kiefner said.

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