Georgia’s head of government: ‘Germany should not send such ambassadors’

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By Maya Cantina

The German ambassador to Georgia criticizes a new law seen as a threat to democracy. To do this, Peter Fischer must now endure the displeasure of the Georgian head of government. “Germany, which has traditionally distinguished itself as a responsible state, should not send such ambassadors to a country like Georgia,” Kobachidze said on Thursday, according to Georgian media, about Peter Fischer, who has represented the Federal Republic in the country in the South Caucasus since 2022.

Berlin defends Fischer: “Law incompatible with the European Convention on Human Rights”

The prime minister of the former Soviet republic also accused Fischer of alleged ties to the opposition party Lelo. The background to the discontent is likely primarily to be Fischer’s criticism of the law, which is seen by many as anti-democratic and which Kobachidze’s Moscow-friendly Georgian Dream party recently passed despite mass protests. Just like many others European Representative Fischer recently emphasized that the law jeopardizes the EU prospects of Georgia, a candidate country for membership.

Kobachidze’s government is seeking stricter accountability for civil society and media projects. Critics also speak of the ‘Russian law’ because they fear it is a regulation from Russia oriented, with the help of which critical organizations and media are suppressed there. Both the EU and the US have threatened consequences and sanctions.

Berlin clearly supported Ambassador Fischer: “The law is incompatible with the European Convention on Human Rights. It must be taken back. This corresponds to the position of the federal government, which is also represented by our ambassador to Georgia,” the Foreign Ministry said in response to a request from the German Press Agency. At the same time, the authority emphasized: “Its duties include monitoring political developments in the country. To this end, he is in discussions with representatives of various political parties in the country.”

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