In an interview with UPI, comedy star Kumail Nanjiani said he believes “Ghostbusters: Frozen Empire” will return the franchise to its scare-happy roots. While promoting the new animated film “Migration,” Nanjiani said, “There’s some really, genuinely scary stuff. The scary stuff is actually scary.”
The teaser trailer doesn’t mess around. We’re told New Yorkers are freezing to death all over the city. I don’t know that I need a “Ghostbusters” movie with a Roland Emmerich-sized death toll (fortunately, I doubt these folks will stay dead), but it’s important to make us believe the entire planet is in jeopardy. Because that peril-to-comedy ratio is why the first movie is a lightning-in-a-bottle classic.
Nanjiani gets it. “The danger is very real and the stakes are very high,” he told UPI. “That makes the comedy even funnier.”
It’d be swell to get a get a legitimately great “Ghostbusters” movie for the franchise’s 40th anniversary. We’ll find out if Kenan pulled it off when “Ghostbusters: Frozen Empire” hits theaters on March 29, 2024.