A quick internet search reveals that India is home to three notable species of crocodile. There’s the saltwater crocodile, which is the largest species of croc on the planet. There’s the marsh-dwelling mugger crocodile, and there’s the little, narrow-snouted critter called the gharial. None of these animals look like the ones seen in “Temple of Doom.”
In the Insider video, Robb looks at scenes from films like “Crawl,” “Lake Placid,” and “‘Crocodile’ Dundee,” pointing out the accuracies and mistakes. He even talks about the Loki alligator from the TV series “Loki.” When he arrived at the clips from Spielberg’s film, Robb noted that not only did they get the species wrong, but even alligators don’t behave that way in the wild. He knew on site that these were zoo-dwelling, tame alligators on a movie set, not vicious killers in a distant ravine in India. He said:
“This is supposed to be in India, and they’re showing American alligators in India. It would either be the Indian gharial or the saltwater crocodile you can find in some places in India as well. So they got the species wrong. They’re not a communal eater whatsoever. Those animals are used to eating together. Alligators in the wild, you’re not going to find sharing a meal. That does not happen. If they’ve got something and want to rip a piece of it off, that’s how they’ll take their prey and rip a piece off in order to have that right then and there.“
There was, however, at least one detail the movie got right: alligators will indeed eat clothes.