Islamism: Searches at Hamas support group in Duisburg

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By Maya Cantina

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For alleged support of the Islamist terrorist organization Hamas The police and the Ministry of the Interior of North Rhine-Westphalia took action against the Palestine Solidarity Duisburg group. Emergency services searched four objects linked to the group in Duisburg on Thursday morning, the ministry announced. The group was banned by the Ministry of the Interior in Düsseldorf on Thursday.

“This ban comes at the right time and sends the right signal. In many cases there is solidarity behind this Palestine nothing but hatred of Jews – just like in the organization that is banned today,” said Interior Minister Herbert Reul (CDU) of North Rhine-Westphalia, the statement said. The state has taken a clear stand against extremism.

According to the ministry, Palestine is about solidarity Duisburg about an association that has set itself the task of carrying out solidarity work for Palestine, primarily in Duisburg, but also nationally. The group seeks the liberation of Palestine within the 1947 borders before the establishment of the State of Israel. Palestine Solidarity Duisburg expresses solidarity with the Palestinian resistance in all its forms, which also includes the armed struggle of the terrorist organization Hamas against Israel.

The group’s ideological orientation is characterized by an anti-Israel and anti-Semitic worldview. The association spreads anti-Semitic ideas publicly at meetings and through its social media channels. Palestine Solidarity Duisburg continuously works against the state of Israel and holds it solely responsible for the conflict in the Middle East. In doing so, he is bringing hatred and violence into the relationship between Israelis and Palestinians and, not least, he is endangering the lives and limbs of fellow Israelis and Jews living in Germany.

The ministry also announced that the association’s websites were banned and would be closed. In the future, it will also be prohibited to establish substitute organizations for the association and to use its trademarks. The association’s assets would be confiscated and confiscated for the benefit of the state of North Rhine-Westphalia.

© dpa-infocom, dpa:240516-99-51339/3

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