The discussion about the deportation of criminals from Germany Afghanistan And Syria is gaining momentum. Union interior ministers supported the initiative of Hamburg Senator Andy Grote (SPD), but also criticized the timing of the proposal fatal knife attack on a police officer in Mannheim by an Afghan.
The Grote authority announced a corresponding proposed resolution on Monday. “The IMK reiterates its expectation that Afghan and Syrian nationals who pose a threat to public safety by committing serious crimes or pursuing unconstitutional goals should also have their stay terminated.” “We must find a way to guarantee deportations of criminals, but also of dangerous people and Islamic enemies of the constitution Afghanistan to resume,” said Grote.
The group of ministers should ask the Federal Ministry of the Interior to reassess the security situation in Afghanistan and in the region of the Syrian capital Damascus. Existing flight connections must also be used for repatriations. With Pakistan, as per the proposal Hamburg An agreement should be sought whereby Afghans are brought overland to the border of their homeland.
“It’s late, but at least: Hamburg and the federal SPD are finally waking up to the issue of deportation,” said Saxony’s Interior Minister Armin Schuster (CDU). Editorial Network Germany (RND). Schuster pointed out that similar suggestions could have been implemented last year.
Bavarian Interior Minister Joachim Herrmann (CSU) also urged concrete steps to repatriate criminals and people at risk. He criticized the federal government for its previous inaction on the issue and noted the urgency of action.
The chairman of the Interior Ministers’ Conference, Brandenburg Interior Minister Michael Stübgen (CDU), spoke positively about possible progress in the debate, but said that Deportations alone were not enough to solve all the problems. Further measures are needed to identify potential perpetrators at an early stage and prevent acts of violence.
Action plan “Political Islam”
CDU Secretary General Carsten Linnemann asked this in a guest article in the World an action plan for ‘political Islam’. Islamist organizations must be banned from persecuting the demands of the caliphate. And: “Anyone who comes to our country as a guest and seeks protection, but does not adhere to our legal system and violates our values, has lost his right to hospitality.”
The Federal Ministry of the Interior said that Minister Nancy Faeser (SPD) is intensively investigating how criminals and dangerous people can be deported back to Afghanistan. In these cases, German security interests must clearly outweigh the interest of the person concerned to stay. However, given the difficult security situation and the fact that there is no internationally recognized government in Afghanistan, difficult issues need to be clarified.
The discussion about the deportation of criminals from Germany Afghanistan And Syria is gaining momentum. Union interior ministers supported the initiative of Hamburg Senator Andy Grote (SPD), but also criticized the timing of the proposal fatal knife attack on a police officer in Mannheim by an Afghan.
The Grote authority announced a corresponding proposed resolution on Monday. “The IMK reiterates its expectation that Afghan and Syrian nationals who pose a threat to public safety by committing serious crimes or pursuing unconstitutional goals should also have their stay terminated.” “We must find a way to deport criminals, but also dangerous people and Islamic enemies of the constitution Afghanistan to resume,” said Grote.