BERLIN. Referring to police crime statistics, Berlin Police Chief Barbara Slowik clearly named the perpetrators for the first time: “In recent years we have seen an overall increase in violent crime, as well as non-German criminals in the capital,” she said. the broadcaster said n-tv.
“Non-Germans are over-represented.” The police chief added: “To put it bluntly, according to our figures, the violence in Berlin is young, male and has a non-German background. That is also the case for Knife violence.”
Attacks with stabbing weapons are increasing, especially among children, young people and adolescents, Slowik explains: “The knife perpetrators are therefore getting younger.”
No further knife ban zones are planned
When asked whether knife and weapons ban zones are also planned outside the European Championships in Berlin, she answers: “If you look at the locations where knife attacks take place in Berlin, they are spread across almost the entire urban area.” not “one hotspot”. In crime-ridden areas, police are allowed to ‘search without cause’.
Where the police deem this useful, “we will resort to the option of establishing such weapons ban zones”. But: “There is nothing specific planned at the moment.”