Leaflet affair: investigation against ex-teachers stopped

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By Pinang Driod

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Leaflet affair: investigation against ex-teachers stopped


The Regensburg Public Prosecutor’s Office is investigating a former teacher in connection with the leaflet scandal surrounding the Bavarian Minister of Economic Affairs Hubert Aiwanger (Free voters) set. According to the prosecutor, there is no evidence of the crime. There were neither witnesses nor any other evidence that the suspect had passed on information to the “Süddeutsche Zeitung”.

The leaflet affair arose last summer after a newspaper article. It was about an anti-Semitic and inhuman leaflet that was found at the home of Free Voters leader Aiwanger when he was at school. Aiwanger came under enormous pressure in the affair. Shortly afterwards, his brother confessed that he had written the pamphlet.

Several media reported at the time that a former teacher had passed on the folder. The Public Prosecution Service has received several criminal complaints about violations of state and private secrets.

The suspect exercised his right to refuse to testify

Reports in the “Süddeutsche Zeitung” show that there were contacts between the suspect and employees, the prosecutor said. “However, it is not possible to prove in detail which communications took place and whether privileged information was passed on.” The newspaper did not provide any information due to editorial confidentiality and source protection. The suspect refused to testify.

The prosecution said it was possible that the newspaper learned about the leaflet from a student project that reproduced the leaflet in 1988/1989. According to their information, the former teacher also stated that he had not personally taught Hubert Aiwanger and his brother.

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