Bishop Ulrich Neymeyr of Erfurt called for the preservation of the dignity of all people during the men’s pilgrimage to Klüschen Hagis in Eichsfeld. In his homily on Ascension Day, the Catholic bishop referred to the Basic Law, article 1 of which reads: “Human dignity is inviolable. Respecting and protecting it is the duty of all state authorities.” The article is the lesson of the National Socialist dictatorship, which ended 79 years ago with the surrender of Hitler’s Germany in World War II. Today, the phrase about the inviolable dignity of man must be defended, Neymeyr warned.
“Especially from us Christians, because according to our conviction man is exalted in the ascension of Christ,” he said, according to the sermon manuscript. It is also about the dignity of refugees. The right to asylum must also be defended. “It is a sacred right and must be protected from abuse.” It is also important to stand up for the dignity of people of different skin colors, Neymeyr said. Many have lived in Germany for a long time or are German citizens. Skin color shows “the colorfulness of creation, the joy of the creator God in this diversity” and should not lead to degradation.
Thousands of people came to the pilgrimage at the Klüschen Hagis church in Catholic-dominated Eichsfeld on Thursday.
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Bishop Ulrich Neymeyr of Erfurt called for the preservation of the dignity of all people during the men’s pilgrimage to Klüschen Hagis in Eichsfeld. In his homily on Ascension Day, the Catholic bishop referred to the Basic Law, article 1 of which reads: “Human dignity is inviolable. Respecting and protecting it is the duty of all state authorities.” The article is the lesson of the National Socialist dictatorship, which ended 79 years ago with the surrender of Hitler’s Germany in World War II. Today, the phrase about the inviolable dignity of man must be defended, Neymeyr warned.