Created by “American Horror Story” alum Brad Falchuk and Byron Wu, “The Brothers Sun” will kick off yet another busy year for Yeoh. The latter, fresh off voicing Airazor in “Transformers: Rise of the Beasts” and playing a (supposed) psychic medium in Kenneth Branagh’s Hercule Poirot mystery “A Murder in Venice,” will also lend her voice to the animated feature “The Tiger’s Apprentice” and get her musical theater on as Madame Morrible in “Wicked: Part One” in 2024, in addition to headlining what looks to be Netflix’s first major offering of the year. Not that you’ll hear any complaints from us; the more Yeoh, the merrier, as the adage I definitely didn’t just make up goes!
Among those joining Yeoh, Chien, and Li in the “Brothers Sun” cast are Maite Garcia, Alice Hewkin, Madison Hu, Highdee Kuan, Joon Lee, Rodney To, Jon Xue Zhang, and Jenny Yang. Perhaps most excitingly, the series is being executive produced and at least partly helmed by Kevin Tancharoen, the choreographer/director responsible for the incredible fight scenes in shows like “Mortal Kombat: Legacy” (which he co-developed based on his short fan film “Mortal Kombat: Rebirth”) and “Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.” That alone would’ve been enough to pique my interest, even without Yeoh’s involvement.
“The Brothers Sun” begins streaming on January 4, 2024, on Netflix.