Berlin/Kampen. After the racist video of a party on Sylt became known, the SPD withdrew a heavily criticized post on social media that referred to the subject. The party also apologized for the choice of words on Friday evening in its own post, which has now appeared on Instagram and Facebook. She has now deleted the message.
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The message initially included the statement “Germany the Germans defending our democracy.” The first part of the sentence was written in large letters and the italicized ‘den’ was apparently intended to indicate emphasis. The party was referring to a video that has been causing a stir since Thursday. In a short fragment you see a group of young men and women shouting, among other things, ‘Germany to the Germans’ to the tune of the party hit ‘L’amour toujours’ by Gigi D’Agostino. Even Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD) commented on the incident. “Such slogans are disgusting. They are unacceptable,” he wrote on X (formerly Twitter) on Friday.
Due to a shitstorm, the SPD deleted this message.
Source: spdde/Instagram
“What did you think?”
In its apology, the SPD wrote that it had failed “to strike a tone that would bring everyone along. We would like to offer our sincere apologies for this. For us, it is about making it clear that we do not want to leave this country to right-wing extremists and hate preachers.” The party originally wanted to use the post to advertise the European elections on June 9.
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In her story, the SPD subsequently apologized for her post.
Source: spdde/Instagram
But even though the SPD has deleted the message and apologized, many people still seem angry about the action. “Better you deleted the last post… What were you thinking?,” one user wrote on Instagram Video with SPD Secretary General Kevin Kühnert. Journalist Julius Betschka said at X that the Internet “will not soon forget” this content.
State security is now investigating the group
A report was filed with the police on Friday about the incident on Sylt. The owner of the “Pony” bar where the video was shot told investigators the names of the young men and women. In his own words, he also clearly distanced himself from the action.
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However, it is apparently not the only racist incident that has occurred in a restaurant on Pentecost. The “Club Rotes Kliff” from Kampen on Sylt also published a statement and explained that a “racism incident” had also taken place in the restaurant. According to information from the Editorial Network Germany (RND), the same song may have been played.