Political veterans praise Orbán’s trip to Moscow

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Written By Maya Cantina

MOSCOW. The visit of Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán (Fidesz) to Moscow was not only rejected but also approved on the international stage. For example, former French President Nicolas Sarkozy (Les Republicains) praised the initiative from Budapest. “There is no military solution to the Ukrainian war. “Peace can only be achieved through diplomatic negotiations,” the former politician stressed on Friday in an interview with the Hungarian news site “Mandiner”.

Ultimately, the warring parties should decide. But first and foremost, it is time to restore the necessary channels of communication. “The prime minister of Hungary is doing the right thing when he supports the country,” the 69-year-old stressed.

Orbán: We have taken the first steps towards dialogue

Former Austrian Chancellor Sebastian Kurz (ÖVP) made a similar statement on Friday. He also praised the efforts of the Hungarian head of government in Moscow to bring about “Mandiner”: “The efforts of Viktor Orbán and the Hungarian EU Council Presidency open up the possibility of taking a step in the right direction – but ultimately the two warring parties have to work out a solution.”

Prime Minister Orbán was present Arrived unexpectedly in Moscow on Fridayto talk to Russian President Putin about the terms of the ceasefire and peace talks in Ukraine. “Our positions are very far apart and the number of steps needed to end the war in Ukraine is high. Nevertheless, we have made a first attempt in this direction to restart the dialogue.” the head of government summarized his visit in the Kremlin. It was important for him to hear the Russian positions from Vladimir Putin personally.

EU foreign policy chief Borrell: No agreement reached on Orbán’s trip

Had it before the outgoing EU foreign policy chief, Josep Borrellexpressed his outrage at the Hungarian initiative. “Prime Minister Orbán has not received a mandate from the EU Council to visit Moscow,” he clarified on Friday via X.

The EU broke off all contacts with President Putin after the outbreak of Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine. “The Hungarian prime minister does not represent the EU in any way.”

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