Several activists demonstrate at the airport Leipzig/Halle for more climate protection. The Leipzig police confirmed this upon request. The police initially refused to say how many people were involved or whether restrictions on air traffic were expected. According to the airport’s website, the first flight will depart at 5:25 a.m., while the first arrival is expected at 9:10 a.m.

The group ‘Last Generation’ claimed responsibility for the disruption. According to them, climate activists entered the airport grounds around midnight. They want to send a message on the tarmac against the increasing air traffic, the airport’s inadequate climate strategy and the lack of a plan for the federal government to quickly phase out fossil fuels.

The group’s post on Platform The post was accompanied by photos showing activists on the asphalt, in at least one case with their hands glued to the ground. Their signs read: “Oil Kills.” According to the group “Oil Kills,” a total of five activists were glued to the asphalt.

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