That Grotesque Body Horror Moment At The End Of Men Was Hilarious Behind The Scenes

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By Sedoso Feb

The viscera coating Kinnear’s character(s) came at least in part from smushed fruit, though it sounds like he and Buckley were more focused on the bewildering predicament they’d found themselves in than the particulars of the ingredient list. “He’d be in his little tighty-whitey shorts having smashed banana and blood poured on him,” Buckley recalled. “You’d just look at him and go, ‘Bad life choices.’ We both knew, ‘This is so far out. We’re just going to have to commit.'”

In a previous interview with IndieWire, Garland praised Kinnear for being “brave and straightforward and not bulls**tty about” filming the final scenes. “Some actors, in a way, would have very understandably made those two weeks of shooting really, really difficult, but he was so game,” he explained, adding:

“If you can imagine, you’re doing all that s**t in -2 [degrees Celsius], and you’re also crawling out of a prosthetic that has no relationship with anything real. It looks silly. It looks totally ridiculous. He put a lot of trust in everybody around him. I felt very grateful to him, really, and very admiring.”

The silliness was apparently exacerbated by the presence of an animal that wanted to get in on the fun. “Rory came in, and fell to his knees, and let the first bellow out — or moo, or whatever,” Buckley told Total Film. “It was about one o’clock at night, and he let the first labor pain out, and in the adjoining field, a sheep bellowed back to him,” the actress said with a laugh. “The sheep was like, ‘Mehrrrrrrrrr!'” 

It’s nice that someone can laugh about the freaky man-monster, because I’m still just trying to get it out of my head.


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