At one point, Cassie decides to take a trip to Peru to get some answers about her heritage. There are a couple of shots to indicate her travel status — a plane, then a car driving past an overgrown sign — but then she’s just … walking in the jungle with no guide. She’s armed with her mom’s old notebook, which, in the most generous possible read, could have had the coordinates or a detailed description of the location in question in it. But nothing can excuse this next bit of nonsense.
Cassie holds up a photograph that her mom took, lowers the photo, and the terrain she’s currently looking at is exactly the same as what’s in the picture. You’re telling me that she just happened to randomly wander into the exact same spot where her mom took a photo 30 years earlier? That is some “Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker”-level crap right there. Remember when Daisy Ridley’s Rey held up a knife with a map in it and just so happened to be standing in the exact right spot at the exact right distance where the floating ruins of the Death Star aligned perfectly with the knife as she held it in front of her face? God, what a terrible movie that was.
Anyway, if you’d like to know more about “Madame Web,” /Film’s Ethan Anderton and I had a spoiler-filled conversation about the movie on today’s episode of the /Film Daily podcast, which you can listen to below:
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