Throughout the seasons of “The Walking Dead,” Michonne has always been a formidable warrior with intuitive survival skills that have helped her stay alive. However, her ruthlessness has never been arbitrary or driven by vengeance — even though she has killed countless people, Michonne has forever remained compassionate towards survivors who deserve it. When Michonne was a part of Rick’s survivor group, she made it a point to ensure that the primal urge to stay alive doesn’t come at the cost of innate humanity, and she continues to hold on to this belief in “The Ones Who Live.” Her romance with Rick has also been pretty gradual and steady, but rudely thwarted after his assumed death, after which she embarks on a one-person mission to find him.
Shortly after getting Aiden and Bailey to safety and procuring a horse, Michonne meets Nat (Matthew Jeffers), who is skilled at crafting weapons and other technological devices to keep his fellow caravan survivors alive. Michonne and Nat immediately form a bond, and they are both incredibly kind people forced into difficult situations, and the latter teams up with Aiden and Bailey to save her from walkers during their migration. Unfortunately, a CRM chopper drops deadly chlorine gas on some of the caravan survivors, which leads Aiden (who is also pregnant) and Bailey to turn. Michonne has to make the heartbreaking decision to kill these people, and her anguish is palpable while she ends their lives. Thankfully, Nat and Michonne survive but are horribly impacted by the gas, and it takes months for them to recover and return to their baseline bodily functions.
Michonne’s faith in humanity is tested yet again after Nat’s death and the risks of integrating with the CRM for Rick’s sake.