In the appeal procedure regarding a fatal accident after an open-air party in Bad Doberan in the summer of 2022, the Public Prosecution Service demanded a prison sentence of two and a half years for the then 19-year-old perpetrator. The defendant acted deliberately negligently and there was a special gravity of guilt, the prosecutor explained her claim before the Rostock Regional Court on Tuesday. The defense did not mention a specific punishment in its plea, but warned that if convicted, the maximum possible punishment would be probation.
The accident after an XXL foam party on the grounds of the Bad Doberan racecourse in August 2022 left a 21-year-old woman dead and four other people injured, some seriously. The then 19-year-old had hit a group in his powerful car on a nearby street, in which there were other partygoers who had also left the party earlier.
At the end of June last year, the Rostock court sentenced the young man to two and a half years in prison for negligent homicide and negligent bodily harm. In addition, a driving ban was imposed, which means that the suspect can only get a driver’s license again after three years. The suspect and the public prosecutor have appealed against this.
At the start of the appeal procedure in mid-April, the now 21-year-old admitted that he had drunk alcohol before the accident and had consumed two whiskeys and a coke during the party. During the hearing in the first instance at the court, he explained the alcohol he had detected using a mouth spray. During the appeal procedure he revised his statement at the time. The verdict will be announced on Tuesday at 2 p.m.
© dpa-infocom, dpa:240521-99-109260/3
In the appeal procedure regarding a fatal accident after an open-air party in Bad Doberan in the summer of 2022, the Public Prosecution Service demanded a prison sentence of two and a half years for the then 19-year-old perpetrator. The defendant acted deliberately negligently and there was a special gravity of guilt, the prosecutor explained her claim before the Rostock Regional Court on Tuesday. The defense did not mention a specific punishment in its plea, but warned that if convicted, the maximum possible punishment would be probation.