True Detective: Night Country Gives Us A Perfect Christmas Cameo (And Maybe A New Suspect?)

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By Sedoso Feb

The 2003 Christmas modern classic (and surprise box office hit) Jon Favreau joint “Elf” follows Buddy, a human raised by elves in the North Pole. When he discovers he is not a very tall elf but a human, he travels to New York City, eats spaghetti, works in a shiny mailroom, meets his biological father, and eventually saves Christmas. How could cheerful Christmas icon Buddy be the killer? Let’s look at the evidence.

For starters, he is from the North Pole, so he has easy access to Alaska. We know he’s capable of walking all the way to New York from the far North, so he can easily navigate the dark and cold Alaskan landscape. As for murdering skills, “Elf” shows Buddy being able to throw snowballs extremely fast, making them as strong and dangerous as bullets. We know the scientists died outside in the snow, so Buddy could have gotten to them. 

But what about the scientists’ missing clothes? Well, Buddy is — shall we say — peculiar, but also quite persuasive. He also loves to sing, so he could easily sing his way into somehow convincing the scientists to remove their clothes. Maybe he was offering them elf costumes? If you see a tall man claiming to be an elf from the North Pole who offers you a uniform, you’d be forgiven for giving him the benefit of the doubt if he’s as charming as Ferrell.


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