When should you exercise to lower your blood sugar levels?

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Written By Maya Cantina

One in ten Germans will develop diabetes during their lifetime. Increasing trend. The German Diabetes Aid estimates that more than 12 million people in this country could suffer from this by 2040.

Type 2 diabetes – the widespread disease

Bee Type 1 diabetes it is an autoimmune disease. This destroys the insulin-producing cells. Those affected must then inject insulin for life. The exact causes for this are still unknown today.

The creation of Type 2 diabetes it depends though strongly related to lifestyle and nutrition. In addition to family predisposition, there are two crucial risk factors:

  • Lack of exercise
  • and obesity.

Exercise in particular can help keep blood sugar levels stable. Because it ensures that sugar in the form of glucose is absorbed into the muscle cells. In this way, the energy is used up before it is converted into fat deposits.

This not only helps prevent obesity or diabetes. In general, it makes sense to avoid high blood sugar levels. The increase puts pressure on the pancreas, which has to produce more insulin. This robs the body of energy and leads to overeating

  • Desire
  • Brain fog
  • exhaustion
  • Lack of concentration and
  • Mood swings.

Another disadvantage: we gain weight due to too much sugar. Because excess sugar is converted into fat by the body and stored in the depots. Constant spikes in blood sugar levels also cause oxidative stress in the body, which causes us to age faster and promotes inflammation, heart and metabolic diseases such as diabetes.

Research: Exercise in the evening has a greater effect on blood sugar levels

So: sports. However, researchers have now discovered that this has different effects on blood sugar levels depending on the time of day you exercise.

scientist from Spain observed 186 adults. They had an average age of 46 years and a body mass index of about 33. They were monitored for two weeks to determine when they were physically active: ‘morning’, ‘afternoon’ or ‘evening’.

The team especially noticed a positive effect at one time of the day: when they exercised in the evening, it had more than just a direct impact. Instead, blood sugar levels also dropped overnight, the next day and in general (24-hour blood sugar levels). This was not the case with morning exercises.

“Our results underline the importance of accurate training recommendations,” summarizes study author Jonatan R. Ruiz from the University of Granada. “In clinical practice, certified sports and medical professionals must take into account the optimal daily routine to ensure the effectiveness of training and “To improve exercise programs.” The team published their research in the journal “Obesity”.

“As research moves toward individualized exercise recommendations for various chronic diseases, this study now provides additional insights beyond just recommending more exercise,” said independent researcher Renee J. Rogers of the University of Kansas, who the study assesses exercise as often as possible and the Prefer exercise in the afternoon and evening.

How you can also lower your blood sugar levels

The French Biochemist and blood sugar expert Ines Inchauspé, who wrote the bestseller “The Glucose Trick,” recommends other hacks, some of which diabetologists also recommend to their patients. They are based on scientific findings and our own research:

1. Always eat in the right order

Eat fiber first, i.e. vegetables and salad. Then the proteins and fats such as meat and fish and finally the carbohydrates such as pasta, rice, etc. According to Inhauspé, a study by Cornell University in the US showed that this order reduces glucose peaks by 73 percent and insulin peaks by 48 percent. . This applies to everyone – with or without diabetes.

2. Eat vegetables or salad as a starter for every meal

Always eat the fiber first, i.e. vegetables or salad. Because they ensure that blood sugar levels rise only slowly due to the following foods. The reason: the fibers slow down the breakdown and absorption of sugar into the bloodstream. For example, they form a kind of barrier in the small intestine that prevents sugar from quickly entering the blood.

3. Eat sweets for dessert after the main meal and avoid snacks

Sweets and snacks in between cause blood sugar levels to rise unnecessarily and thus harm the body. If you do not want to do without it, you should eat sweets immediately after the main meal. This means that the sugar does not enter the blood as quickly.

4. Drink vinegar with water

If you want to eat cake or other desserts at an afternoon party, you can avoid blood sugar spikes if you drink a large glass of water with a tablespoon of vinegar (preferably apple cider vinegar) a few minutes beforehand. As a result, despite the sweet dish, sugar and insulin levels do not rise as quickly and especially not as high. The reason: Vinegar contains an enzyme that ensures that sugar and starch in the body are not quickly converted into glucose.

5. Exercise after eating

If you exercise after a meal, you are also doing something positive for your blood sugar levels. This is because the muscles absorb excess glucose that enters the bloodstream through food. So a walk after dinner makes sense.

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