Will the Bundestag soon vote on a ban on the AfD?

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Written By Maya Cantina

BERLIN. The CDU member of the Bundestag, Marco Wanderwitz, says he has convinced enough MPs to table a motion to ban the AfD in the Bundestag. “Together we have the 37 MPs who would be needed for this,” he said to the taz.

However, before submitting the application, he wanted to wait for the written reasons for the judgment of the Higher Administrative Court of Münster, which in May confirmed the AfD’s classification as a suspected right-wing extremist case. “Once the reasons for the ruling are known, we will scrutinize them and then submit our application for a ban in an updated and well-substantiated manner,” Wanderwitz said.

Task force must collect material for AfD ban

It is not known when the written reasons for the judgment will be available. The only thing that is certain is that the court can give a maximum of five months after the announcement of the verdict (May 13) to provide written reasons. If the Bundestag agrees to a possible ban request against the AfD, the Federal Constitutional Court should decide a possible ban on the party to decide.

Meanwhile, Green politician Marcel Emmerich called on the Conference of Interior Ministers to create a task force against the right-wing party. Their job should be to gather material for an application for a ban. “The AfD is a security risk for the people and democracy,” he argued in the newspaper taz.

Left-wing associations start new campaign

The task force was also recently called up by the federal government of the Greens and the red-red-green state government in Bremen. Noisy taz The SPD interior ministers plan to discuss the issue of the AfD ban on Wednesday at the upcoming interior ministerial conference.

In addition to the political progress, an alliance of several left-wing associations has launched a new campaign against the AfD. Under the title “Defend human dignity – AfD now bans” The initiators want – analogous to Wanderwitz – to win a parliamentary majority for a ban proposal. Part of the campaign is the Paritätische Wohlfahrtsverband, the Attac organization and the Buchenwald Memorial. (i.e)

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