Accident in the Eifel: car overturns, woman and two children seriously injured

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By Pinang Driod

A 36-year-old and two children, aged six and eight, were seriously injured in a car accident in the Eifel district of Bitburg-Prüm. The car left the road at the end of a left bend on the 410 federal road between Arzfeld and Lichtenborn, police said. Police with. He rolled over and landed on the roof. The highway was completely closed for an hour near Arzfeld. Three rescue vehicles, two rescue helicopters, several fire brigades and the police were called into action.

Car overturns – mother and children are not in danger of death

It is still unclear why the driver left the highway. The woman and children were not in danger of life, it was said.

Last Thursday, an accident also occurred on the federal road between Arzfeld and Lichtenborn. A bus and a tractor collided when the tractor tried to turn into the flowing traffic. Two occupants of the bus were slightly injured and both vehicles were badly damaged.

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