AfD Schleswig-Holstein invites right-wing extremists to network meetings

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By Pinang Driod

Keel. The AfD Schleswig-Holstein is planning an event in the southeast of the country next Saturday with right-wing extremist politicians and journalists, as well as organizations that the Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution classifies as definitively right-wing extremist. The party is not publicly announcing the exact location of the so-called “run-up day.” The state house is alarmed by the network meeting.

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For Serpil Midyatli, state chairman of the SPD, it is “frightening but not surprising that the AfD wants to meet right-wing extremists, radical media makers and those who understand Russia in Schleswig-Holstein next Saturday.” The fact that the magazine Compact, which has been banned since Tuesday, is said to have been invited, shows “the true attitude of the AfD in our country as well.”

The SH Ministry of the Interior also does not know the location of the AfD meeting

The regional association AfD has now announced this Compact magazine to be excluded from the event. Jan Kürschner, spokesman for legal and domestic policy for the Green faction, still considers the authorities as required in relation to the AfD meeting. “It remains the case that the police must check at this meeting whether there are any criminal acts.”

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When asked, a spokeswoman for the Ministry of the Interior said law enforcement authorities were investigating criminal right-wing extremist statements of course take appropriate measures. But: “The Ministry of the Interior currently has no reliable information about the exact time of the event and the location.”

CDU draws parallels with the “Secret Meeting in Potsdam” in November

For the “Day of the Future” on July 20 – the anniversary of the assassination attempt on Stauffenberg – registration is only possible by e-mail. Participants will receive from the AfD The location will be announced 48 hours before the start. The AfD uses the term ‘Vorfeld’ to indicate publishers, media or even trade unions that share their ideological views.

The CDU Schleswig-Holstein also joined the protest against the AfD meeting with a call on the social network Instagram, writing: “We say ‘no’ to the secret AfD meeting 2.0 and to the spread of anti-democratic, right-wing extremist ideas here in Schleswig-Holstein!”

Right-wing extremist clubs and magazines come to the AFD meeting

The term “secret meeting” refers to the gathering of right-wing extremists in Potsdam last November, which, when it became known, sparked numerous protests and demonstrations across the country. The regional association AfD is promoting the gathering in southeastern Schleswig-Holstein, among others, with the participation of the association “One Percent”, which the Office for the Protection of the Constitution has since classified as right-wing extremist and anti-constitutional. 2020.

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Also present will be various right-wing extremist magazines and online platforms from Germany and Austria. Invited speakers include Philip Stein, right-wing radical publisher and board member of the association “One Percent”, and AfD politician Matthias Helferich, who wants to expel the regional AfD association from North Rhine-Westphalia because of “serious” violations of the Basic Law.


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