After a major operation in Weingarten: Suspected knifeman arrested

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Written By Maya Cantina

VINEYARD. In the Baden-Württemberg community of Weingarten, near Karlsruhe, a 25-year-old from Montenegro is said to have stabbed a 52-year-old woman and then tried to escape. Police launched a major operation to locate him on Tuesday evening. as the Image-newspaper reported.

Parts of the community were cordoned off; officers asked drivers not to pick up hitchhikers. A police helicopter also circled the area for hours to search the area, the newspaper reports. In the morning, police were finally able to arrest the suspected perpetrator when he was said to have hidden in a shed.

A knife crime also recently took place in Franconia

Initial investigations have already shown that the victim and the suspect knew each other personally, the police saidHowever, she did not provide precise information about the woman’s identity.

After the Islamic attack on Michael Stürzenberger in Mannheim, in which police officer Rouven L. was killed, repeated knife attacks became known that received media attention. Most recently in the Frankish run an Iranian known to the police attacked three police officers. When he tried to stab the officers during an arrest, a police officer shot him. (kuk)

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