Diaby: AfD’s behaviour in the Bundestag ‘breeding ground for violence’

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Written By Maya Cantina


SPD member of the Bundestag Karamba Diaby complains about a hostile atmosphere as a result of the AfD’s entry into parliament. “It has been in German since 2017 Bundestag the tone became rougher. We hear aggressive speeches from our colleagues AfD“We hear derogatory and hurtful content in these speeches,” Diaby, who plans to leave parliament next year, said on the news magazine Politico’s “Berlin Playbook Podcast.”

“This is really a completely new situation compared to 2013 to 2017. This aggressive style of speech is a breeding ground for violence and aggression on the streets,” says Diaby, who represents the constituency of Halle in Saxony-Anhalt.

Diaby, who holds a PhD in chemistry and is from Senegal, has been racially attacked repeatedly in recent years. There have been threats and insults, and several attacks on his office. “I have received several death threats in recent years. A red line has now been reached,” the 62-year-old says in the podcast. The problem is that employees are now being blackmailed into leaving their jobs with him.

The decision will take place in 2025 Federal elections Diaby had decided, in consultation with his family, not to run anymore. After three legislative terms, it is time to take new paths and make room for the next political generation, the SPD politician told his comrades in an internal party letter that was made available to the German Press Agency. He looks back on successful years in federal politics.

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