In “Jurassic Bark,” Fry (Billy West) goes to a 31st-century museum of ancient artifacts, only to see ephemera excavated from the long-buried Panucci’s Pizza, his place of employment from back before he was cryogenically frozen. Among the bric-a-brac are the fossilized remains of Seymour, his beloved dog. Fry eventually reclaims his dog’s remains only to learn that, according to the Professor (West), Seymour was “fast fossilized,” meaning he can be cloned and brought back to life with all his memories intact. Through this process, audiences see flashbacks to 1999 wherein Fry bonded with Seymour. Fry taught the dog to bark “Walking on Sunshine” and Seymour eventually became the poor dope’s only true friend. Fry left Seymour behind when he was cryogenically frozen.
The episode ends when Fry learns that Seymour lived for many years before becoming fast-fossilized. Fry reasons that Seymour lived a long full life without him, and elects to not resurrect his dog after all. The epilogue features a montage, set throughout the early 2000s, depicting Seymour waiting for the frozen Fry to return to Panucci’s … for years. Seymour waited back on the sidewalk, hoping Fry would come home. The last shot is of Seymour lying down on the sidewalk to die, tragically never reunited with his best friend.
Of the episode, LaMarche said:
“I’ve only been able to watch it once. I call it a favorite, but I can’t revisit it because I’m a mess. I was a mess at the end of the episode. I cried at the table-read with the description of what was going to happen. I’m sitting there — and there’s no animation, we’re just reading the thing cool — and when David [X. Cohen] reads what happens when Seymour’s waiting at the … I can barely discuss it without crying.”