Government finances: Federal government collects more taxes in first half of year

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By Pinang Driod

The federal government has slightly more in the first half of 2024 To steer taken than in the same period last year. According to the monthly report of the Ministry of Finance, tax revenues amounted to 176.5 billion euros – 4.6 percent or 7.8 billion more than in the first half of 2023. In addition, there was another 20 billion euros in other income, including interest income, toll payments and income. from the sale of investments.

At the same time, federal spending fell by about 4 percent, largely due to lower interest rates. For the money from the people and subsidies for pension insurance, they had to Federal government However, you will have to dig deeper into your pockets than in the first half of 2023.

According to the report, the federal budget had a total financing deficit of 23.6 billion euros at the end of June. Income and expenditure are generally subject to strong fluctuations during the course of a financial year, so that no conclusion can be drawn from this for the annual accounts.

In addition, the federal government wants to take on another 11.3 billion euros in additional debt with a supplementary budget, which is intended, among other things, to compensate for the additional need for citizen money. Due to the weak economy, this is possible, even if the debt brake is in place.

© dpa-infocom, dpa:240722-930-181375/1

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