Inflation: Eurozone prices fall slightly in June

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Written By Maya Cantina

After a slight increase in the previous month, inflation in the eurozone eased again in June to 2.5 percent. On an annual basis, the price increase was 0.1 percentage points less than in May, the EU statistics office Eurostat announced in a first estimate.

Inflation remained high in June, however, especially in the services sector. Compared to the same month last year, prices rose again in June by 4.1 percent. The price increases for food, alcohol and tobacco slowed slightly from 2.6 to 2.5 percent.

According to preliminary information, prices for energy products rose slightly by 0.2 percent. Until April of this year, they had been steadily declining compared to the previous year. However, the main reason was the high energy prices in the past two years as a result of the Russian war of aggression in Ukraine.

Belgium has the highest inflation rate in the Eurozone

Germany has one inflation percentage of an average of 2.5 percent in the 21 euro countries. For international comparability, the EU authority Eurostat uses a different calculation method than the German Federal Statistical Office. The latter estimated inflation in Germany at 2.2 percent in June.

In the Eurozone, Belgium recorded the highest inflation rate in June at 5.5 percent, followed by Spain at 3.5 percent and Croatia and the Netherlands at 3.4 percent each. Eurostat reported small price increases for Finland, at 0.6 percent, followed by Italy at 0.9 percent and Lithuania, which had inflation of 1.0 percent.

This article will be continuously updated.

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