Inspector General: Include women in compulsory military service

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Written By Maya Cantina


The Inspector General of the armed forcesCarsten Breuer would also employ women if military service were to be reactivated. “We currently have a suspended military service, which, according to the Basic Law, is aimed exclusively at the male population. Equality must be established here – but for that we first need an appropriate political and social discussion,” Breuer told the editorial network. Germany (RND). Germany must be ready for war.

Defence Minister Boris Pistorius (SPD) presented plans for a new military service model in June. The new model would consist of a basic military service of six months with an option for additional voluntary military service of up to seventeen months. To this end, mandatory registration would be introduced, whereby young men would have to declare their willingness and ability to perform military service. Young women would also be able to do so.

Breuer spoke in favor of the Pistorius model. ‘From a military point of view, we need a capacity for growth, not least in terms of planning for war NATOGermany is the central hub for the alliance. “In total, we need more than 400,000 temporary and professional soldiers, as well as reservists. To meet this need, we need about 100,000 additional reservists,” the inspector general said. The new model could initially cover this. But: “Without mandatory ratios, it won’t work.”

Compulsory military service was introduced in Germany in 2011 under the Minister of Defense Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg (CSU) was suspended after 55 years. This amounted to an abolition of military service and community service.

An announcement: This report is part of an automated service of the German Press Agency (dpa), which operates according to strict journalistic rules. It is not edited or checked by the online editorial staff of AZ. Feel free to send questions and comments

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