“Then disappeared into thin air”: Object in the sky: 12 witnesses report UFO sighting in Colorado

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Written By Maya Cantina

Twelve people claim to have seen a UFO in the US state of Colorado. The object disappeared without a trace after 30 seconds.

Twelve employees at Red Rocks Amphitheater in Colorado claim to have made an unusual observation on June 5. Like the “New York Post” Reportedly, around 1am they saw a large, dark, metallic object appear in the sky.

“One of our colleagues suddenly said: ‘Hey, what is that there? “Looks like a spaceship,” the portal quotes “NUFORC UFO Sighting 181776” an eyewitness.

“We saw a disc-shaped plane”

Moments later, everyone reportedly agreed that they had seen a UFO about a half mile north of the amphitheater. “It wasn’t an airplane. It wasn’t a satellite or a drone or anything like that. There was no doubt about what it was: “We all saw a huge, disc-shaped craft hovering a few hundred feet above the ground with three rows of windows and lights,” the eyewitness says. “A dozen other people saw it with me.

Object “dissolved in air” after 30 seconds

According to the report, after about 30 seconds, the UFO simply disappeared and “dissolved into thin air.” The witness suspects the object disappeared because it was noticed: “We all saw it disappear as soon as he knew it was being watched.”

‘There is life, but in other galaxies’

The possibility of life somewhere in the universe has always inspired the human imagination. A German ex-astronaut recently said: “Yes. There are some out there. Logic alone demands that, because there are virtually an infinite number of other planets.” But: in other galaxies. Humanity will never be able to travel there. Therefore, ‘they will never meet’.

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