Telegram recently reached an important milestone by reaching 900 million users. This surge in user numbers had a direct impact on Telegram Open Network (TON), which experienced impressive growth of 17% in the last three days alone. TON, a blockchain designed to seamlessly integrate with Telegram’s vast user base, is benefiting directly from the platform’s expanding reach and its aggressive push for cryptocurrency adoption.
TON’s integration in Telegram allows users to make transactions directly through the app, utilizing Telegram’s native wallet. This feature enables seamless transactions on the TON blockchain network, which is especially attractive as it offers cheap transactions within the network and fee-free transfers for USDT. This no-fee structure is a major attraction for users who want to make frequent transfers without the burden of high transaction fees.
However, wallet integration in messaging apps raises major security concerns. Critics argue that while wallets offer convenience for everyday transactions, they may not provide the level of security necessary to safely store large amounts of assets. For users who care about security, traditional hardware wallets remain the recommended choice due to their strong security features.
Despite these concerns, the Telegram ecosystem presents a unique value proposition. It hosts various applications and bots that allow users to interact with their wallets in innovative ways. For example, users can engage in “farming” – using TON or other tokens to participate in decentralized finance (DeFi) activities directly via Telegram. This functionality not only increases user engagement but also encourages a more integrated use of cryptocurrency in everyday applications.
The growth of blockchain is closely tied to Telegram’s user base, and as the app expands further into the crypto world, TON could see greater adoption and utility. But this growth must be balanced with regulatory compliance and security considerations – factors that will determine TON’s long-term viability in the competitive cryptocurrency world.