Woman is invited to the wedding and has to pay for her own food

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By Maya Cantina

“I was at one Wedding invited, the groom G (30) and the bride B (30) were more acquaintances than friends,” a woman begins her story Reddit. Still, she decided to accept the invitation WhatsApp accept. After the wedding there must be parties and food.

“I was quite surprised when I heard that they had reserved a table and invited the less than ten guests to come along if they wanted.” “G ordered snacks for everyone and at one point I gave them money as a gift that I would have given them anyway.”

The woman also had to pay for the snacks the groom ordered

After dinner there was a big surprise. “G.’s mother came to him. I didn’t hear the question she asked, but he replied, “Everyone for what they had.” That sounded a lot like I had to pay for my own food, including coffee and soda.

When it was time to leave, she asked if you had to pay yourself. “G.’s mother said yes.” When paying, she pointed out that I also had to pay for the starter that G. had ordered. With tip that is 33 euros. Actually not even expensive. It was a coincidence that I had any money with me at all, which is not guaranteed at a wedding.”

After this incident, the woman is upset. “If they had said in advance that you had to pay yourself, it would have been fine.”

“I would have refused the payment and withdrawn the gift”

Many users on Reddit agree with her. “It is not customary, but it is also not wrong not to give food after the wedding. The couple’s mistake is not telling you that you would be responsible for the cost of the meal. This information should have been provided before the wedding day,” one person wrote.

Others see things less relaxed. “I would have refused to pay and withdrawn the gift. They don’t deserve to do such nonsense without informing someone first.” Another agreed: “You should have just left. It’s their duty to provide a meal.”

On the discussion platform Reddit Another guest recently had one alcohol nor food“”>unusual wedding experience that was met with much controversy. The person was invited to a wedding reception on New Year’s Eve where, despite formal invitations and expected formal attire, no food or alcoholic beverages were offered.

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