Bundesliga: Magath about Hoeneß: “Everyone depends on his grace”

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By Maya Cantina

According to the former master trainer Felix Magath The crisis at FC Bayern also has to do with honorary chairman Uli Hoeneß. «Uli Hoeneß created the club as it stands today. That was always the problem with his actions, because he wanted to be in control. If he had a coach he could control, all was right with the world. If a coach couldn’t do that with him, there were problems. This has been going on for decades. In this way he made the club great and made himself irreplaceable,” Magath said in the Sky program “Triple – the Schüttflix football talk”.

You can’t share power, the former vice world champion continued: “He has it. Everyone who works here depends on his grace.” When looking for a coach, Magath lacks a clear line: “Now it has to be Kompany. (…) They spoke to everyone except me.”

However, the problems in Munich will not be solved with a new coach. “Next season will be more difficult because things are not right within the team either. Next season won’t be true FC Bayern “We are at the forefront,” emphasized Magath, who coached FC Bayern between 2004 and 2007 and won the double twice.

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