Protection status: FDP faction leader questions the subsidiary protection of refugees

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By Maya Cantina

FDP faction leader Christian Dürr questions the protection of refugees who are considered endangered in their country of origin, but are not entitled to it asylum to have. “After the European elections, we also need an open debate about whether the subsidiary protection that brings many refugees to us in this form is still appropriate,” Dürr told the newspapers of media group Funke. “Brussels can change this in concrete terms. People rightly expect us to address these questions.”

Those who are neither are entitled to subsidiary protection asylum Refugee protection continues to be provided, but they may be at risk of harm in their country of origin. People often flee civil wars; other reasons include the imposition of the death penalty in their home country or torture. In Germany, many Syrians have this protection status. CSU boss Markus Söder recently called for the abolition of subsidiary protection for refugees from Afghanistan and Syria.

The basis of the German rules is EU law. The European Commission could theoretically propose to change the relevant EU laws, but it cannot decide for itself. The governments of the EU countries and the European Parliament should negotiate the authority’s proposal.

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