The live-action “Star Wars” show picked up 10 years after the events of “Revenge of the Sith,” with Obi-Wan living a quiet life on Tatooine after the execution of the exceptionally violent Order 66. He hasn’t used his Jedi powers in years, but is pulled out of retirement when a young Princess Leia is kidnapped. This mission ends up putting him squarely in the crosshairs of his former apprentice, Anakin Skywalker, who has now fully assumed his new role as Darth Vader.
McGregor had expressed a desire to reprise his role as Obi-Wan for years before the show was officially announced. Originally, it was conceived as a movie, not unlike “Solo: A Star Wars Story.” The big difference is that it was envisioned as a potential “Star Wars” movie trilogy – not just a one-off. Then, after the success of “The Mandalorian,” Lucasfilm pivoted to bring the story to the small screen, with Deborah Chow directing all six episodes. Hayden Christensen was brought back as Vader, Obi-Wan got to meet a young Leia, and the Inquisitors were brought to live-action. The series threw it all out there.
Because of that kitchen sink approach, a second season of the show might not make a lot of sense. It might run the risk of feeling weak in comparison, as far as the stakes are concerned. But nothing would prevent bringing McGregor back for a different show — or perhaps even a movie. It would almost certainly just be titled something different, which would still make “Obi-Wan Kenobi” a limited series. For now, fans need to be comfortable with the idea that this remains a one-and-done.
“Obi-Wan Kenobi” arrives on 4K Ultra HD and Blu-ray on April 30, 2024.