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A 38-year-old is involved in a house fire Leipzig was seriously injured. As the police announced on Monday, a fire broke out in an apartment in the Mockau-Süd district for unknown reasons on Sunday morning. The man was taken to a hospital by rescuers. The fire brigade extinguished the fire. While the fire was being extinguished, the remaining residents of the house were evacuated. The police were initially unable to provide any information about the extent of the damage. According to the information, the apartment is no longer habitable.
© dpa-infocom, dpa:240520-99-101488/2
A 38-year-old is involved in a house fire Leipzig was seriously injured. As the police announced on Monday, a fire broke out in an apartment in the Mockau-Süd district for unknown reasons on Sunday morning. The man was taken to a hospital by rescuers. The fire brigade extinguished the fire. While the fire was being extinguished, the remaining residents of the house were evacuated. The police were initially unable to provide any information about the extent of the damage. According to the information, the apartment is no longer habitable.