Mad Max: Fury Road’s Dusty Desert Conditions Had The Cast And Crew Constantly ‘Choking’

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By Sedoso Feb

As special effects supervisor Andy Williams said, dust was a big problem working in the Namibian desert, 60% of which is made out of silica. But director George Miller told him that “dust is our friend” even if that sounded counterintuitive. “Apart from the fact that you shouldn’t be breathing it in, it gets into everything, it ruins every piece of equipment, it’s a nightmare,” Williams said. “But he was actually correct. The end result, the cinematography, was fantastic.”

Of course, not every member of the cast and crew was this enthusiastic. Charlize Theron repoortedly had issues with director George Miller during the making of “Fury Road,” from his lack of a traditional script to the shooting conditions and location. “Charlize had this aversion to dust,” Miller said. “I said: ‘Well, why don’t we have tissues? You can wipe your hands all the time.’ And she said: ‘No, no, no. I want to use that.’ Indeed, she would walk out of makeup and wardrobe and would roll around in dust as a preparation every morning.”


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