After its debut last week, the Moto G45 5G is now available for open sale in India. The Snapdragon 6s Gen 3 device starts at INR 10,999 (US$ 130/€ 117) in its 4/128 GB finish and INR 12,999 (US$ 155/€ 140) for the 8/128 GB model. The Moto G45 5G comes in Brilliant Blue, Viva Magenta, and Brilliant Green colors. It is available from Motorola India, Flipkart, and select offline retailers.
Moto G45 5G Key Specifications
Motorola is also offering several launch offers, including INR 1,000 off on Axis Bank and IDFC First Bank credit cards and credit card EMI transactions. Reliance Jio is also offering Jio Cashback of INR 2,000 and up to INR 3,000 in vouchers.
For more details on the Moto G45 5G, check out our release post.