Canadian Nobel Prize winner for literature Alice Munro has passed away, according to a report in the New York Times, she passed away last Monday (May 13) at the age of 92 at her home in Ontario. This was confirmed by their management. Munro made her name primarily as a short story writer, often dedicating her stories to women who grew up in quiet country towns – like the writer herself, born in 1931. Her works include ‘Lives of Girls and Women’ and ‘Lives of Girls and Women’ . “The Love of a Good Woman”.
About ten years ago, Munro received the greatest award of her long career: in 2013 she was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature for her work. She previously received the O’Henry Award (2012) and the Man Booker International Prize (2009). The award ceremony stated: “Alice Munro is best known as a writer of short stories, and yet she brings to each story the depth, wisdom and precision that most novelists can only bring to a lifetime of novels. To read Alice Munro is to read.” Every time you learn something you’ve never thought of before.”
Source of inspiration for filmmakers
Numerous short stories by Alice Munro even served as a source of inspiration for Hollywood. Pedro Almodóvar (74) used some of her stories for his 2016 film ‘Julieta’. Sarah Polley’s (45) drama “At Her Side” was based on Munro’s short story “The Bear Came Over the Mountain” and generated Oscar buzz : leading actress Julie Christie (84) was nominated for the Academy Award in the category “Best Actress”. Polley, meanwhile, earned a Best Adapted Screenplay nomination at the 2008 Oscars thanks to her directorial debut.
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