Plea for separate beds: Love together, sleep alone

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By Pinang Driod

The shared marriage bed is romantically elevated. And couples who even willingly share a blanket have lost control of their lives.

A man and a woman lie, each under their own blanket, in a double bed.

Some couples sleep better under separate duvets Photo: Andrey Popov/imago

Finally, vacation. Finally, after the back and forth with the travel planning, after extensive research into the most eco-friendly transportation options and affordable, nice accommodations far away from the tourist hotspots. Finally, you leave your luggage in the hallway and walk slightly nervously through your temporary home, trying to escape from reality with the promises of the pictures. Cleanliness: check, view: check, comfort: check. But then she lies there, on the narrow double bed. The duvet for two.

It is especially widespread in Italy and France. The blanket under which the couple must huddle together, along with soft mattresses and huge pillows, complete the merciless trio of hostility to relaxation.

It is common knowledge that sleep deprivation is harmful. A good night’s sleep is essential for the human body to recover from the stress of everyday life and to regenerate as well as possible. Those who consistently sleep too little and poorly weaken the immune system and are more susceptible to cardiovascular diseases, depression, dementia and diabetes. In extreme cases, sleep deprivation can even cause us to die prematurely. Many factors that promote poor sleep or insomnia are structural and can be solved don’t solve in the blink of an eyeResearch from the US shows that poor people are significantly more likely to have sleep problems than rich people that black people and people of color get less sleep than white people.

The duvet for two is not such a problem. It can easily be exchanged for two individual blankets. The only thing that would be better would be to abolish the marriage bed dictate altogether.

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When couples move in together, they usually decide to share a bed, of course – even if there is enough space for a second bed in the apartment. Those who voluntarily share a blanket have clearly lost control over their lives.

Women have a harder time shutting down

After all, researchers have been saying for decades that co-sleeping isn’t always the best choice. Although couples indicate this in surveys that they sleep better together – but as we get older and in people who already have sleep problems, studies show a very different picture. And there is a lot that points to that Women often sleep less well togetherbecause they care more about each other’s well-being and only switch off when they are completely alone.

Many couples worry that giving up their marital bed could have a negative effect on their relationship. If you don’t sleep next to each other, doesn’t that mean a loss of closeness? Isn’t that where affection is lost? Doesn’t your sex life suffer?

There is currently no evidence to support these concerns. After all, it makes a difference whether you sleep apart because you want to sleep better or because you don’t like the other person as much anymore. If you miss each other, you can still visit each other. And you can also wonder whether affection and libido are at greater risk if you wake up in a bad mood because your partner was too loud, too hot or too restless.

That’s why professionals book holiday apartments with multiple beds. Or at least with a blanket for yourself.

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