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By Maya Cantina

The Gateway Pundit Where Hope Finally Made a Comeback Thu, 30 Nov 2023 15:09:17 +0000 en-US hourly 1×512-2-150×150.png The Gateway Pundit 32 32 Israeli Hostage Held for 50 Days in Attic by “United Nations” Teacher – As Joe Biden Continues to Fund UNRWA Terrorists Thu, 30 Nov 2023 15:00:29 +0000

  Several hostages released by Hamas have testified they were held in the homes of so-called “United Nations” workers, who are often affiliated with Hamas.

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]]> The Gateway Pundit

UNRWA schools train young Arab children to kill Jews; photo: UN Watch

Several hostages released by Hamas have testified they were held in the homes of so-called “United Nations” workers, who are often affiliated with Hamas. Joe Biden gave the terror group $730 million via UNRWA grants.

One of the hostages, recently released from Gaza, revealed on Wednesday that he was held for nearly 50 days in an attic by a teacher from the “United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees” UNRWA, Channel 13 journalist Almog Boker reported.

The hostage said the teacher who held him captive was a father of 10 children who barely provided food or medical attention, and locked the hostage away.

“Uninvolved,” they say, right? Well, read this story carefully. One of the abductees, held for nearly 50 days in an attic, reveals he was held by a UNRA teacher – a father of ten children. This teacher locked the victim away, barely provided food, and neglected medical needs,” journalist Almog Boker wrote on Twitter/X.

“But wait, there’s more! Another abductee was held captive by a Gazan doctor who, simultaneously, cared for children. These are not isolated incidents; these civilians are terrorists. Present at the Saturday massacre, they’re now revealed as integral to holding hundreds captive, including women and children,” he added.

Beginning of the month, an UNRWA-run school in Nablus in the West Bank posted a video to its official Facebook page in which a young student called for the victory of Hamas’s “jihad warriors” in Gaza.

The “Palestinians” are the only refugee group in the world with their own UN agency, UNRWA, with 30.000 employees, 99% of whom are “Palestinians”. All UNRWA employees in the Gaza strip serve at the beck and call of Hamas, who station rockets in UNRWA schools and plunder UNRWA warehouses. UNRWA schools extol “marytyrs” like Laila Khaled and teach children to want to grow up to kill Jews.

UNRWA is essentially Hamas’ aid agency.

Peacemaker President Donald Trump stopped US funding for UNRWA in 2018.

The Biden Regime has funneled more than $730 million to UNRWA since 2021, the New York Post reported.

The Hamas terrorists that kidnapped 240 and butchered 1200 Israelis Oct. 7 “are a generation of Gazans who have been raised in UNRWA camps,” Enia Krivine, Senior Director of the Foundation for Defense of Democracies’ (FDD) Israel Program, told The New York Post. “UNRWA was established to perpetuate the refugee problem.”

“The whole purpose of refugee programs is to reduce refugees and to repatriate refugees and to give them a life and a nation,” she added. “UNRWA does the inverse. UNRWA also teaches anti-semitic, anti-Israel content in their schools. It’s really a scandal that the US and the Europeans have funded these curricula through generations of Palestinians.

“UNRWA has been used as staging grounds for attacks. They’ve discovered terror tunnels under UNRWA buildings, registered Hamas members have been employed by UNRWA — it is rotten to the core.”

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]]> 0 unrwa hamas children UNRWA schools train young Arab children to kill Jews Let J6 Politcal Prisoners Know They Are Not Alone: Please Help Support the Weekly Livestream of the J6 Political Prisoner Vigil Outside the DC Gulag Thu, 30 Nov 2023 14:45:18 +0000

While the mainstream media tries to hide the plight of J6 political prisoners, the nightly “Freedom Corner” vigil is held outside the DC Gulag to share their stories with the world.

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While the mainstream media tries to hide the plight of J6 political prisoners, the nightly “Freedom Corner” vigil is held outside the DC Gulag to share their stories with the world.   Although the establishment is trying to silence them, this is a daily opportunity for them to know they are not alone.

The vigil was started in August of 2022 by Ashli Babbitts’ mother, Micki Witthoeft, and continues every night come rain, snow, blazing heat or freezing weather.

The vigil includes an opening prayer, phone calls from inmates housed in the “patriot pod” at the D.C. Central Detention Facility and updates from Micki’s team about what is happening in court with January 6 cases. The group shares opportunities on ways to communicate with and support the J6 defendants.

President Donald Trump even called into the Vigil last September and shared his words of encouragement with Micki, her team, and the unconstitutionally incarcerated political prisoners of January 6th.

David Valentine (Freedom Express Media) and 1791Stormtrooper have been live-streaming the weekly vigils since the very beginning.

They are passionate about helping share J6er’s stories with an even wider, national audience. They also provide ways for Americans to support the political prisoners, by sending letters of support through and highlighting important issues, including shining a much-needed light on the abuses taking place against J6ers inside prison.

Many J6ers have remarked how important this nightly vigil is to them to let them know they are not alone.

David shared why they are bringing the vigil to Americans no matter where they are and the help they need to get through the winter months.

“I myself personally went to the Jan. 6th rally for the first time of ever going to anything political in my life. I saw for myself how there were agitators in the crowd that I don’t believe were Trump supporters. I saw how an officer personally took me by the hand to help me over the short boundary wall and told me to keep going, so I did.”

“I saw how some officers were treating some of the protestors by pushing or shoving them and throwing flashbangs out into a peaceful crowd.”

** Please support their work here.
And here.

“I saw a lot of things that day that impacted me in a way that I will never forget! That is why I have personally left my home state of Ohio to be here in the DC area to continue to get each and every one of the J6ers stories out about how they have been treated and had their constitutional rights trampled on like this is some kind of third-world country.”

“I believe America is better than that, and I believe that America is going to take a stand to stop our country from being controlled by a select few who think their lives are somehow more important than anyone else’s. This should not be happening anywhere in the world, but it, more importantly, should not be happening in America! We, as a people, are so much better than that! As Micki Witthoeft would say #WeThePeopleBeThePeople.”

“We would love to see American Patriots from all over the country join us either in person at #FreedomCorner or by joining our livestreams. We would love to see even more Americans stand in solidarity with the J6 political prisoners as we sing the National Anthem along with them each night at 9:00 PM,  something that has happened every single night for over a year!”

In order to share this nightly event, 1791 Stormtrooper and David have been going from campground to campground to stay in the area.  Unfortunately, many of the campgrounds close from Nov. 15th to March 1st, and those that remain open have a 14-day limit. They need to either find a place to camp that is available through the winter or find a small place to rent month to month until March, when the campgrounds reopen.

** Please support their work here.
And here.

“We would prefer an inexpensive place to camp, but if that isn’t an option, then we need to raise enough to cover a small place until we can go back to camping in the spring and summer months.”

“Our viewers are a very supportive family that has been vital in supporting us both to be able to stay in the area and supporting J6ers since the beginning of Aug. of 2022, and for that, we are extremely appreciative!”

“We don’t want to ask for help, but the funds and time are getting limited, so we are reaching out for assistance. The most important thing we are asking is for everyone to stand with J6ers and your continued prayers.”

“Beyond that, we ask that you help us to remain here in the DC area so that we can continue to live stream the DC Vigil and gather more support for the J6 political prisoners. Please Join us every single night from 7:00 pm to 9:30 pm to stand and sing the National Anthem in solidarity with each and every one of these men and women who have suffered so much to stand for us and our country!”

“Thank You all so much for your love, prayers, and continued support! I know it means so much to both of us and to all the J6 political prisoners that have been impacted by what has taken place.”

If you would like to support David and 1791 StormTrooper and help them continue to provide the live stream, you can help and follow them below.

Freedom Express Media at Youtube, Rumble and Gettr.

1791 StormTrooper at YouTube, Rumble, and Gettr.

** Please support their work here.
And here.

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]]> 0 J6 Political Prisoner Vigil Washington State Republican Party Files Formal Ethics Complaint Against WA Secretary of State Hobbs for Using Public Funds to Surveil and Censor Political Opposition Thu, 30 Nov 2023 14:30:49 +0000

Guest post by Bill Bruch at All Things Politics on Substack Today the Washington State Republican Party (WSRP) filed a formal ethics complaint with the Washington State Ethics Board against Secretary of State Steve Hobbs.

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]]> Guest post by Bill Bruch at All Things Politics on Substack

Today the Washington State Republican Party (WSRP) filed a formal ethics complaint with the Washington State Ethics Board against Secretary of State Steve Hobbs. A big thank you to WSRP Chairman Jim Walsh for initiating the complaint and attorney K. Garl Long, Long Law office, for writing and filing the complaint.

After the complaint was filed the WSRP issued a press release here.

Full Complaint, Exhibits, and Footnotes here:


Summary of Complaint: Secretary of State Hobbs (“Secretary Hobbs”) is using public funds to pay an offshore artificial intelligence company to surveil voters. Speech objectionable to Secretary Hobbs is “fact-checked,” reported as a “threat,” and suppressed. It is unethical and illegal to use public funds to aid Secretary Hobbs and/or his political party in suppressing opposition views. Such government censorship is a spreading cancer in our society.1

Ethical Duties Violated: The Secretary of State is a constitutional officer entrusted with the fair and unbiased conduct of elections.2 Secretary Hobbs has violated his oath of office, the United States and Washington constitutions, and the laws of the state of Washington. Specifically, he has violated:

Oath of Office: Before he could enter into office Secretary Hobbs was required to take this oath: “I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution and laws of the state of Washington, and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of the office of Secretary of State to the best of my ability.” RCW 43.01.020.

United States Constitution: Government may take no action “abridging the freedom of speech.” Constitution of the United States, Amendment 1.

State Constitution: Every person may freely speak, write and publish on all subjects, being responsible for the abuse of that right. Washington State Constitution Article I, Section 5.

Proper Discharge of Office: No state officer or state employee may have an interest, financial or otherwise, direct or indirect, or engage in a business or transaction or professional activity, or incur an obligation of any nature, that is in conflict with the proper discharge of the state officer’s or state employee’s official duties. RCW 42.52.020.

Electioneering at Public Expense: No state officer or state employee may use or authorize the use of facilities of an agency, directly or indirectly, for the purpose of assisting a campaign for election of a person to an office or for the promotion of or opposition to a ballot proposition. Knowing acquiescence by a person with authority to direct, control, or influence the actions of the state officer or state employee using public resources . . . constitutes a violation of this section. RCW 42.52.180.


1. Exhibit 1: November 8, 2023, letter from 27 state legislators to Oregon Secretary of State protesting use of Logically to surveil citizens; Oregon Free Speech Lawsuit Thielman v Kotek,; Biden administration efforts to suppress speech it does not like;
2. Secretary Hobbs is a member of the “Democratic” party. However, his party is not the issue, the same conduct by a member of any other party would be equally unethical.

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Information Security & Response Division: Secretary Hobbs has created, despite the legislature’s rejection of such a program, an Information Security & Response Division.3 This new division contracts with Logically,4 an offshore artificial intelligence surveillance company, to scour the internet and suppress any statements by citizens critical of Secretary Hobbs, his office, or his policies.5

Secretary Hobbs refuses to let the public see the Logically contract.6 But the draft Statement of Work for the contract has been obtained.7 The cost is at least $147,600. It is a “sole source” contract. Surveillance began even before the contract was approved.8 The political surveillance is by election period, running through the next statewide general election.

Protection from threats to “electoral integrity” and “threats targeting the Secretary of State or staff” is the proffered justification for monitoring and suppressing free speech. The scope of work includes monitoring voter communications in order to alert Secretary Hobbs of critical or unwelcome “narratives,” providing bi-weekly analysis and producing reports of citizen comments, trends, and statistics. Logically provides briefings to Secretary Hobbs and “outside stakeholders.”

Surveillance & Suppression: Logically monitors internet speech including X, Rumble, Truth Social, Substack, and others. It conspires with Facebook to label citizen comments as false, apply warning labels, and suppress distribution of the unwelcome speech.9 This allows Secretary Hobbs to suppress and abridge free speech on a massive scale. Logically refers to free speech selected for suppression as “narratives.”10 Examples are:

July 24, 2023: People online were discussing whether updating signatures by mail enables voter fraud, and whether verification of citizenship should be required. Logically reports this is possibly harmful because it could “Generate calls for King County election officials to require in-person verification of the current addresses and citizenship for registered voters.”11

August 10, 2023: People online were identified as a narrative threat because they discussed whether mail-in ballots enable fraud. Logically reports this is possibly harmful because it could “Motivate individuals to call on officials to ban mail-in ballots and advocate for in-person voting.”12


3. House Bill 1333-2023-24, which would have created a commission on disinformation and misinformation, did not make it out of committee.
4. “TheLogically LTD” (sic) is incorporated in the United Kingdom under company number 10850644.
5. Exhibit 2: Logically promotional materials. Artificial intelligence is used to identify and suppress information its client deems “Mis-and-Disinformation.”
6. Exhibit 3: The contract was requested on October 19, 2023, but Secretary Hobbs has not produced it.
7. Exhibit 4: Draft Statement of Work for Logically contract, June 12, 2023.
8. Exhibit 5: Email from Director of Information Security & Response to Logically.
9. ly-announces-uk-factchecking-partnership-with-facebook.
10. Logically election reports available here.
Exhibit 6: Alert 13 King County Initiative to Update Voter Signatures Via Mail Enables Voter Fraud, July 24, 2023.
Exhibit 7: Alert 18 Washington State Election Officials Mailed Excess Ballots Which Enabled Voter Fraud, August 10, 2023.

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August 31, 2023: People online were discussing why a ballot envelope was required to show the party preference on the outside. Logically reports this is possibly harmful because it could “Motivate individuals to protest the requirement that voters disclose their political party preference.”13

Nothing in these reports justifies the expenditure of public funds; there is no public benefit. If there were any “threat” against Secretary Hobbs it would be a matter for a law enforcement agency, not a justification for surveilling and suppressing speech.

The political nature of the surveillance is blatant. Secretary Hobbs has targeted the Chairman of the Washington State Republican Party, Jim Walsh, and the Chairman of the State Republican Party Election Integrity Committee, Bill Bruch.14 Using public funds to target political opposition and to
suppress free speech is a defining trait of tyranny, the very tyranny our constitutions and laws were implemented to prevent.

Conclusion: The oath of office taken by Secretary Hobbs requires that he conduct elections in a fair, transparent, and nonpartisan manner. Every person must have the right to freely speak, write and publish on all subjects, without the speech being abridged by government actors, being intimidated by state surveillance, reported to state officials as a “threat”, or punished as the spreader of a “narrative”
unwelcome by the state. Secretary Hobbs cannot be allowed to use his office to surveil, suppress, and hinder free debate; especially when that debate is critical of him.

Secretary Hobb’s unethical and illegal conduct can be mitigated only by immediately declaring the unconstitutional contract with Logically void as against public policy, refusing to accept any further services under the contract, and publicly committing to conduct elections in a fair and transparent
manner. There can be no democracy without free speech; when a government founded on democracy suppresses free speech, it destroys its own legitimacy.

Submitted this 29th day of November, 2023 by the Washington State Republican Party on behalf of all citizens and residents.


13. Exhibit 8: Election Alert 26 Election Officials Reject Ballots Based on Voters’ Listed Political Party Preference,
August 31, 2023.
14. Exhibit 9-1: Alert 30 Procedural Lapse in King County Primary Election Enabled Potential Fraud, September 14, 2023; Exhibit 9-2: Alert 13 King County Initiative to Update Voter Signatures Via Mail Enables Voter Fraud, July
24, 2023; Exhibit 9-3: Alert 5 Emerging Narrative WA State Recount Methods are Ineffectual and Enable Voter Fraud, June 28, 2023.

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These are serious Constitutional Freedom of Speech issues! Let’s hope the Washington State Ethics Board acts on this complaint. The use of taxpayer money to fund online Democrat Opposition Research and Censorship of Republicans and Conservatives through the 2024 election is blatantly wrong!

The Democrat WA SOS and their Administrative State have been totally corrupted. The citizens have a right to be defended and notified that their speech has fallen under surveillance by the SOS via leftist-controlled AI companies.

This is nothing but state-funded electioneering with no public benefit and an Orwellian Totalitarian State promoting the views of the Democrat party and censoring their rivals. WA SOS’s actions are part of the destruction of civil society and have absolutely no consideration for the people or the Constitution.

For those seeking truth, transparency, and exposing corruption that landed their speech in front of SOS state bureaucrats for “mis / dis-information” review, will they be entitled to a response or dialog to address their concerns?

It is time for the people and their elected representatives in the state legislature to weigh in on this. The public must be involved in such important Constitutional issues to provide input for weaponized WA State agencies that have gone rogue.

Bill Bruch

Bill Bruch is the WA State GOP Election Integrity Chairman, WSRP Executive Board Member, 4-Term Skagit County GOP Chairman, Citizen Journalist, Blogger, Business Owner, “2021 Citizen Activist of the Year” award by the Olympic Conference, 2020 WA State House Representative Candidate, Former Council Member, and WA State 2016 RNC National Convention Delegate.

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]]> 0 washington state republican party war is peace 9-Year-Old Chiefs Fan Holden Armenta Speaks Out for the First Time Against False Blackface, Cultural Appropriation Accusations by Racist Deadspin Journalist (VIDEO) Thu, 30 Nov 2023 14:15:15 +0000

9-year-old Chiefs fan Holden Armenta speaks out for the first time against the false blackface and cultural appropriation accusations made by a racist Deadspin journalist.

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Screenshot: Jesse Watters Primetime/FOX News

9-year-old Chiefs fan Holden Armenta speaks out for the first time against the false blackface and cultural appropriation accusations made by a racist Deadspin journalist.

The Gateway Pundit highlighted the recent developments, revealing the one-sided narrative pushed by Deadspin’s Carron Phillips, who mistakenly accused the child of racial insensitivity.

Source: Carron Phillips/X

On Sunday, during the Kansas City Chiefs versus Las Vegas Raiders game, Phillips took to social media to allege that Holden exhibited hatred towards both Black people and Native Americans by wearing blackface and a Native headdress. Despite his claims, the portrayal was not only false but misled the public regarding the child’s intentions and heritage.

“It takes a lot to disrespect two groups of people at once. But on Sunday afternoon in Las Vegas, a Kansas City Chiefs fan found a way to hate Black people and the Native Americans at the same time.” Carron Phillips wrote in the article.

“The NFL needs to speak out against the Kansas City Chiefs fan in Black face, Native headdress,” Deadspin writer Carron Phillips wrote.

“They’re doubling up on the racism. Are you going to say anything, Roger Goodell?” he said.

Carron Phillips actually tried to defend his article and doubled down on his attack on the innocent child.

“For the idiots in my mentions who are treating this as some harmless act because the other side of his face was painted red, I could make the argument that it makes it even worse,” Phillips said on X in a since-deleted post.

Carron Phillips is not only a coward for bullying a child. He disabled the comments to his tweet. Stunning and brave.

Facebook group of Chiefs supporters, Real KC Chiefs Fans, revealed the truth behind the face paint, including the fact that Holden is actually of authentic Native American descent, belonging to the Chumash tribe, with his grandfather serving on the Tribe board in Santa Ynez.

“During Sunday’s broadcast Holden A. from California, a Native of the Chumash Tribe. His Grandfather is on the Chumash Tribe board up in Santa Ynez. This is his family at Super Bowl LVII. Everyone is making a massive deal out of this, only trying to show one side of his face to push their narrative. Real Kansas City Chiefs Fans Salute You Holden And Your Family,” according to the post.

Shannon Armeta came forward on Facebook and confirmed that Holden is her son and is Native American. Moreover, he is a popular figure at the Chiefs’ games.

“Everyone asked to take a photo with him. He’s Native American – people are ridiculous,” Shannon wrote.

The most interesting thing is that neither Deadspin nor the racist writer have updated or retracted the entire article.

Holden Armenta with his dad, Bubba Armenta, and mom, Shannon Armenta. (Source: Facebook)

During a heartfelt conversation with Jesse Watters on Wednesday night, Holden and his father, Bubba Armenta, were given a platform to share their side of the story.

Bubba expressed his deep-seated frustration and distress over seeing his son targeted by unfounded accusations, while Holden conveyed some nervousness amidst the attention but also a sense of pride for his heritage and love for his team.

“I was mad, upset, upset for him. Mad that he’s upset. He’s pretty devastated. I mean, he’s seen the videos and everything posted. He’s excited. He’s all over. It was his dream to get on the jumbotron, and I’ve had family and friends call and, ‘Oh, we saw you on Sunday Night Football.’ So he’s excited, but then everything else came up, and it’s been a little bit of a spiral,” Bubba Armenta told Jesse Watters.

Both father and son conveyed little interest in an apology from Deadspin, emphasizing that the true issue at hand was the unwarranted defaming of a young child’s character.

Holden, a true fan of football who plays both wide receiver and free safety, found himself unexpectedly at the center of a media storm. Yet, he remains positive thanks to the outpouring of support from the Chiefs community.

“It’s okay, because a lot of kids at school are getting excited, but it’s starting to get me a little nervous because if they go a little bit overboard, it’s a little scary,” said Holden, who asked his dad if he can paint his face black and red before live.


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]]> 0 holden and bubba armenta carron phillips Source: Carron Phillips/X holden armenta Hamas Monsters Admit Israeli Hostage ‘Baby Kfir’ Is Dead – Total of 97 Hostages Released During Truce – An Estimated 150 Hostages Still Detained Thu, 30 Nov 2023 14:00:45 +0000

For several days Israelis have hoped that Baby Kfir would be returned.

The post Hamas Monsters Admit Israeli Hostage ‘Baby Kfir’ Is Dead – Total of 97 Hostages Released During Truce – An Estimated 150 Hostages Still Detained appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


97 innocent civilian hostages taken prisoner by Hamas barbarians from Israel have been released during the multi-day truce with Israel. Approximately 150 hostages still remain. – Nov. 30, ’23

For several days Israelis have hoped that Baby Kfir would be returned.

Hamas on Thursday finally admitted that Baby Kfir was dead.  He was 9-months-old when the Hamas barbarians took him, his brother and mother hostage on October 7, 2023.

Israelis were hoping the baby would be released this week.  On Thursday Hamas admitted that Baby Kfir was killed.  Earlier in the week they said the mother and her babied were turned over to a rival Islamic terrorist group. On Thursday Hamas said Baby Kfir and his mother and brother were killed “in an Israeli bombing.”

What very sad news.

Baby Kfir’s entire family was taken hostage. Hamas filmed their terrified looks when they family was captured.


CBS News has more on the latest hostages released.

The post Hamas Monsters Admit Israeli Hostage ‘Baby Kfir’ Is Dead – Total of 97 Hostages Released During Truce – An Estimated 150 Hostages Still Detained appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

]]> 0 Hamas Monsters Admit Israeli Hostage ‘Baby Kfir’ Is Dead – Total of 97 Hostages Released During Truce – An Estimated 150 Hostages Still Detained | The Gateway Pundit | by Jim Hoft For several days Israelis have hoped that Baby Kfir would be returned. Hamas on Thursday finally admitted that Baby Kfir was dead.  He was 9-months-old when the Hamas barbarians took him, his brother and mother hostage on October 7, 2023. Israelis were hoping the baby would be released this week.  O 97 hostages released by hamas 97 hostages from Israel have been released by Hamas barbarians during the multi-day truce with Israel. Approximately 150 hostages still remain. – Nov. 30, ’23 baby kfir dead Unhinged DC Judge Beryl Howell Who Is Assisting Jack Smith in His Political Assassination of Donald Trump Goes on Toxic Trump-Hating Rant in Public Speech (VIDEO) Thu, 30 Nov 2023 13:45:31 +0000

On Tuesday night, DC Circuit Court Judge Beryl Howell went on an unhinged rant during a speech where she suggested that the country is creeping towards authoritarianism.

The post Unhinged DC Judge Beryl Howell Who Is Assisting Jack Smith in His Political Assassination of Donald Trump Goes on Toxic Trump-Hating Rant in Public Speech (VIDEO) appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


DC Judge Beryl Howell, rank partisan and unhinged Trump-hater

On Tuesday night, DC Circuit Court Judge Beryl Howell went on an unhinged rant during a speech where she suggested that the country is creeping towards authoritarianism. Not because of her uber-partisan actions as a lawless judge, but because Donald Trump is a tyrant.  Got that? And she is the judge overseeing DOJ hitman Jack Smith’s political assassination against President Trump.

Beryl Howell warned her audience that the country is creeping toward authoritarianism because of Donald Trump and his BIG LIE that the election was stolen in 2020.

Howell is the DC Judge working with hitman Jack Smith in his unconstitutional requests from Twitter-X regarding President Trump’s Twitter followers.

The Gateway Pundit reported earlier today that hitman Jack Smith and Obama-appointed Judge Beryl Howell are now attempting to cover up the fact that they both suggested Trump was a ‘flight risk’ to justify the nondisclosure order on X/Twitter.  The search warrant was so secret that Trump didn’t even know Jack Smith issued a subpoena for the records.

Biden’s corrupt Justice Department obtained a nondisclosure order that prohibited X from informing Trump about Jack Smith’s subpoena.

Over the course of the months-long legal battle, X argued that the nondisclosure order violated the First Amendment and Stored Communications Act.

The Justice Department argued Trump would put the so-called ‘ongoing investigation’ in jeopardy.

The radical and lawless Judge Howell is overseeing the case against President Trump in Washington DC.

How is this acceptable?  This is like something you would expect from a third-world country.

Laura Ingraham: The story on her just gets worse and worse. Judge Beryl Howell, who spearheaded the Judiciary’s response to January 6, reportedly warned in a speech last night that the country is creeping toward authoritarianism. According to Politico, she said January 6 was based on the BIG LIE, sounds like MSNBC. And quoted a Boston College historian who said, big lies are springboards for authoritarians.

Now, how can President Trump expect to receive a fair trial here? Of course he can’t. And why should this rank partisan be allowed to oversee any aspect of any case involving anyone in Trump world? So what are the remedies here for Trump and others? Joining me now, Fox News contributor Saul Weisenberg, former deputy independent counsel, and Mike Davis, founder and president of the Article Three project. Now, Mike, let’s start with you. To be fair, this is nothing new for Judge Howell. She has a history of using charge language when speaking about January 6. She once referred to the protest as about the most fascistic things she’d ever seen and saying it was more like a mob that was like the Nazis and the fascists that day.

Legal Expert Mike Davis added this:

Mike Davis: She is a highly partisan actor.
She’s an Obama judge.
She used to work as a Democrat staffer on the Senate Judiciary Committee for the chairman. Patrick Leahy.
She was a former federal prosecutor with Loretta Lynch and Andrew Weissman.
She co authored a legal paper with Andrew Weissman from the Moeller probe.
She supervised the Muhler probe.
She’s been the harshest sentencer of January 6 defendants.
She even pressured the DOJ to sentence them more harshly!
She seized a congressman’s phone, which was overturned by the DC circuit.
She made Trump’s attorneys turn over attorney client privilege records and didn’t give them time to appeal before she made them turn them over.
And now – she’s going after Twitter with an illegal warrants with Jack Smith to get all these records that the government is not entitled to have.
She is a left-wing activist.

This is the unhinged leftist assigned to oversee hitman Jack Smith in his assault on President Trump.
How is this even allowed?

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]]> 0 judge beryl howell faceshot DC Judge Beryl Howell, rank partisan and unhinged Trump-hater judge beryl howell SICKENING DISPLAY OF POLICE ABUSE: Cops Shove Woman to the Ground on J6 As She Chokes On Deadly CS Gas, Screams For Help: ‘I’m Blind… I Can’t Go Back… I Can’t Breathe’ [WATCH] Thu, 30 Nov 2023 13:30:58 +0000

Cops are seen tossing a woman to the ground and savagely spraying her and other protesters in the face with CS gas as she screams at the top of her lungs pleading for help during the January 6 Capitol riot in harrowing police body footage.

The post SICKENING DISPLAY OF POLICE ABUSE: Cops Shove Woman to the Ground on J6 As She Chokes On Deadly CS Gas, Screams For Help: ‘I’m Blind… I Can’t Go Back… I Can’t Breathe’ [WATCH] appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


Cops are seen tossing a woman to the ground and savagely spraying her and other protesters in the face with CS gas as she screams at the top of her lungs pleading for help during the January 6 Capitol riot in harrowing police body footage.

The woman, in a white coat, sunglasses and a black hat is seen falling backward to the ground after getting shoved by cops.

An officer yells, “Go back! Go back! Go Back! as protesters attempt to render the woman’s aid.

The police then shove the other protesters as they attempt to pick her up.

“Stand down — stand down!” a cop yells as demonstrators raise their hands in the air.

A man in a black leather jacket is seen wrapping his arms around a female demonstrator and turning his back to the police, in what appears to be an effort to shield her from getting hit by the cops.

“I’m blind! I can’t breathe,” the woman in the white coat screams in a panic after getting tossed to the ground by police and sprayed with tear gas.

“Help me out of here! Get me out of here!” she wails, as she uses her hands to navigate her way around the crowd.

While pleading for assistance, a cop is seen shoving her to the ground a second time in the 37-second clip.   

A man in a brown jacket intervenes asking the police to escort her away from ruckus.

“Can you please take her out? She needs help,” he tells an officer. “She keeps falling. She’s old.”

The man uses his arm to shield the officer from striking him.

“I’m not — I’m not trying to push you right now,” he says before he also gets shoved by a cop.

Seconds later, another officer mercilessly sprayed the crowd with CS gas from close range, standing just feet away from the protesters, dousing them and the distressed woman in the white coat in the face with the chemical agent.


The woman who begged for help and a safe exit as police violently attacked demonstrators has not been identified, but will likely be doxed by Sedition Hunters, terrorized by the FBI in a predawn raid and face years of prison time for “obstructing the official proceeding” if she is not already a J6 defendant.

Had the police been caught on camera shoving her to the ground and dousing her in CS gas at a Black Lives Matter rally, she would likely have been awarded millions of dollars by the District of Columbia and the police department for the abuse.

As TGP has reported, when the cops beat the hell out of Trump supporters they go to prison. When the Antifa and racial justice activists burn down cities while rioting, they sue for “excessive force” and win millions.

Police Beat The Hell Out Of Innocent J6 Protesters And They Face Years In Prison. The Left Riots, Sues Police For ‘Excessive Force’ And Wins Millions.

Exposure to CS gas, a chemical weapon banned in war, causes a burning sensation and tearing of the eyes to the extent that the subject cannot keep their eyes open.

CS gas activates pain receptors, igniting severe burning irritation of the mucous membranes — the eyes, nose, mouth, throat and skin — resulting in profuse coughing, nasal mucus discharge, disorientation, and difficulty breathing, incapacitating the subject. It can also cause exaggerated muscle cramping in the eye and sensitivity to light which leads to eye closure and difficulty in swallowing.

In some cases, CS gas can cause an asthma attack or swelling in the area that could potentially lead to asphyxiation or death. According to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, long-lasting exposure to CS gas can cause lethal chemical burns or respiratory failure.

Earlier this month, The Gateway Pundit published hours of J6 police body cam footage that Congress refuses to publicly disclose. The footage was originally acquired and compiled by Sedition Hunters.

EXCLUSIVE | J6 Police Body Cam Footage Is Uncovered by The Gateway Pundit’s Alicia Powe – Troves of Body Cam Footage Listed and Linked Below …NOTE: This is the BODYCAM FOOTAGE – NOT the House Security Camera Footage

Tommy Tatum, who attended the J6 protest, has devoted nearly three years to investigating the events of January 6 after nearly getting killed during the riot and spent the past five days examining the police body cam footage

Tatum was on the ground alongside Roseanne Boyland and witnessed Officer Lila Morris incessantly beat Boyland’s unconscious body outside the tunnel.

While scouring through hours of the police body cam footage, he discovered the woman in the white coat screaming for help among countless instances of police brutality during the protest of the stolen 2020 presidential election.

“It’s important to remember that moments before the video of the woman screaming that she is blind starts, the police had just inadvertently gassed the entire police line, along with the crowd of protesters, at approximately 2:30 pm. That is probably why the woman is screaming and in agony,” Tatum told TGP in an exclusive interview.

“Everything was normal on January 6, until the first shot from the less lethal team was fired, visibly injuring a protester,” he said.

At 1:07 pm, police fired a rubber bullet into Joshua Black’s left cheek and he immediately began profusely bleeding from his face.


Aerial CCTV footage shows the moment Black was shot in the face and the state of the crowd before and after the police opened fire.


But when the police opened fire at 2:30 pm, inadvertently firing CS gas at the police line, hundreds suffered injury hundreds and began to panic, Tatum explained.

“Officer Rich misfired a 40 millimeter CS gas canister near the scaffolding and accidentally gassed the entire police line on January 6, prompting the line to quell and protesters to start moving forward. That’s when this lady got caught up in the melee.

“If the cops never fired CS gas at their own officers, January 6 would not have happened the way it did.”

The majority of police injuries on January 6 were inflicted by other police, not the protesters, an inconvenient fact omitted in the state-run narrative about the “insurrection” propagated by mainstream media.

Cops can be seen in numerous instances incompetently throwing canisters of tear gas and firing flashbang grenades at demonstrators that land amongst the squadron of police.


The post SICKENING DISPLAY OF POLICE ABUSE: Cops Shove Woman to the Ground on J6 As She Chokes On Deadly CS Gas, Screams For Help: ‘I’m Blind… I Can’t Go Back… I Can’t Breathe’ [WATCH] appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

]]> 0 SICKENING DISPLAY OF POLICE ABUSE: Cops Shove Woman to the Ground on J6 As She Chokes On Deadly CS Gas, Screams For Help: ‘I’m Blind… I Can’t Go Back… I Can’t Breathe’ [WATCH] | The Gateway Pundit | by Alicia Powe Cops are seen tossing a woman to the ground and savagely spraying her and other protesters in the face with CS gas as she screams at the top of her lungs pleading for help during the January 6 Capitol riot in harrowing police body footage. The woman, in a white coat, sunglasses and a black hat is se BeFunky-design (5) BeFunky-design (2) WATCH: Arrests Made After Violent Pro Hamas Rioters Clash With Police in NYC While Trying to Stop Rockefeller Christmas Tree Lighting – At Least One Leftist Rioter Seen With Swastika Sign Thu, 30 Nov 2023 13:15:21 +0000

Another mob of pro-Hamas radicals sprung up in Manhattan and clashed with police during a “Flood Tree Lighting for Gaza” protest at the Rockefeller Christmas Tree Lighting event on Wednesday night.

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Another mob of pro-Hamas radicals sprung up in Manhattan and clashed with police during a “Flood Tree Lighting for Gaza” protest at the Rockefeller Christmas Tree Lighting event on Wednesday night.

One masked individual is seen carrying a flaming NYPD officer’s hat as he walks away from the violent scene. Another was seen touting a Swastika sign.

New York Post reports,

Hundreds of pro-Palestinian protesters swarmed the streets surrounding Rockefeller Center Wednesday, clashing with NYPD cops and chanting “river to the sea,” long seen as an antisemitic slogan, in an effort to derail the annual tree lighting in support of Gaza.

Waving Palestinian flags and signs calling for the “end to genocide,” the ralliers gathered along Sixth Avenue alongside hordes of tourists waiting in line to see the iconic ceremony.

Unable to get to the NYC Christmas tree, the enormous crowd instead swarmed around the tree outside the News Corp building, which houses The Post and Fox News, and has already been targeted by pro-Palestinian protesters on at least two occasions.

This comes after a recent mob of leftwing radicals attempted a hostile takeover after rushing the lobby at the headquarters of FOX News in New York City. And this also comes after Within Our Lifetime (WOL), which describes itself as a Palestinian-led community organization, created an anti-semitic ‘target’ map of ‘enemies’ in New York and urged followers to ‘act in their own interest.’ “From Palestine to NYC… Globalize the Intifada,” the poster states while displaying a “Zone of Direct Actions.”

Pro-Palestine Group Shares Anti Semitic NYC ‘Target’ Map of ‘Enemies’-Urges Followers to ‘Act in Their Own Interest’

Yet pro-Israel and anti-war conservatives are still labeled “antisemites” or “neo-Nazis.” These innocent Americans are targets of federal agencies like the FBI and even TSA, but not these pro-terror radicals or the known or suspected terrorists flowing through our open borders with Mexico and Canada.

While New Yorkers foot the massive bill, estimated to be $11 billion, to care for an estimated 143,000 migrants who invaded their city, they can’t even celebrate Christmas.

Meanwhile, DHS Secretary Mayorkas and TSA Administrator David Pekoske are flying illegals around America on our dime but targeting innocent Americans who traveled to DC in the same time period as the January 6 protest at the US Capitol. Many conservatives, including journalist James O’Keefe, are being placed on the SSSS list, designated for domestic terrorists.

Rep. Matt Gaetz shared footage of this riot, calling it “The consequences of unchecked immigration, as seen in New York.”

At least one of these participants was spotted parading a Swastika on one side of their sign and the message “Free Gaza end genocide” on the other.

The “protest” later turned violent as the radical leftists started attacking police and pulling down barricades.

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]]> 0 Pro-Hamas NYC Rockefeller Christmas tree lighting Gregg Jarrett Joins Rose Unplugged to Discuss Biden Crime Family Corruption (AUDIO) Thu, 30 Nov 2023 13:00:06 +0000

Gregg Jarrett joined Rose Unplugged this week to discuss his latest book: “The Constitution of the United States and Other Patriotic Documents” •Since before its founding, our country has been blessed with extraordinary leaders who were passionate about independence.

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Gregg Jarrett joined Rose Unplugged this week to discuss his latest book: “The Constitution of the United States and Other Patriotic Documents”

•Since before its founding, our country has been blessed with extraordinary leaders who were passionate about independence.
•They invented a new form of government by the people and for the people. Each brought different skills and talents to the cause of freedom.

“Joe Biden is what our Founders Feared. . A president all too willing to sell out his country and jeopardize its national security to get rich,” Jarrett said.

Gregg Jarrett also weighed in on Hunter Biden’s indictment, upcoming testimony and legal challenges.


Click here to follow Rose Unplugged on Rumble.

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]]> 0 Rose Unplugged Gregg Jarrett Breaking: Terror Attack in Jerusalem Kills Three Israelis; Two Gunmen Reported to be Members of Hamas Killed After Shooting Israelis at a Bus Stop (Video) Thu, 30 Nov 2023 08:38:00 +0000

A terror attack in Jerusalem Thursday morning killed at least three Israelis waiting at a bus stop and wounded eleven more.

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]]> A terror attack in Jerusalem Thursday morning killed at least three Israelis waiting at a bus stop and wounded eleven more. The two gunmen, reported to be Israeli Arabs, were in turn shot and killed by an off-duty soldier who had just returned from fighting Hamas in Gaza. The terrorists have been identified by the Israeli government as two brothers who were members of Hamas and had previously been jailed on terrorism charges. The attack came after an extension was announced of the ceasefire for hostages for another day by Israel and Hamas as the sides negotiated another round of hostage and prisoner swaps.

Screen image from surveillance video shows alleged Hamas gunman at start of terror attack on Israelis in Jerusalem, November 30, 2023.

The victims were a 24-year-old woman killed at the scene and two who died at hospital, a 60-year-old woman and a 70-year-old man, reported YNetNews. There are reports an armed citizen and another off-duty soldier also engaged the terrorists.

The terrorists pulled up to the bus stop in a car and exited, then opened fire, one with an M-16 rifle and one with a handgun. After shooting at the Israelis at the bus stop for several seconds, the two terrorists tried to return to their car when they were confronted and killed by the off-duty Israeli soldier. Other Israelis can also be seen responding with the off-duty soldier then frantically identifying himself to avoid friendly fire.

Two videos have been released. The sound of gunfire can be heard in one video. In the other the attack can be seen from beginning to end.

The Israeli government posted video with the sounds of the attack, at least tow dozen shots can be heard:

Subsequently released surveillance video captured the attack as well as the neutralization of the terrorists:

A photo of the neutralized terrorists:

“According to the Shin Bet, the two Palestinian terrorists who carried out the shooting attack at the entrance to Jerusalem are Hamas members, previously jailed for terror activity. They are named as brothers Murad Namr, 38, and Ibrahim Namr, 30. Murad was jailed between 2010 and 2020 for planning terror attacks under directions of terror elements in the Gaza Strip. Ibrahim was jailed in 2014 for undisclosed terror activity.”

“The off-duty soldier who killed the terrorist who shot and killed 3 people in Jerusalem today had returned home from Gaza last night, and was waiting at the bus stop where the attack took place for a ride back to southern Israel. He was injured in his hand.”

“The perpetrators of the Jerusalem operation: the two martyrs, the brothers Murad Nimr (38 years old) and Ibrahim Nimr (30 years old), from the village of Sur Baher in Jerusalem, who were liberated prisoners. It is noteworthy that the martyr Murad Nimr spent 10 years in the occupation prisons on charges of planning to carry out operations within a cell of the Qassam Brigades.”

“One of the murdered in the attack in Jerusalem: Dayan at the Ashdod court, Rabbi Elimelech Wasserman, about 70 years old. May his memory be blessed”

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]]> 0 Jerusalem Terror Attack Screen Image Surveillance Video 11302023 Screen image from surveillance video shows alleged Hamas gunman at start of terror attack on Israelis in Jerusalem, November 30, 2023. Biden Says That Prices Are Still Too High so Companies Should Just Lower Them Thu, 30 Nov 2023 04:20:10 +0000

Joe Biden has apparently noticed that the price of everything is much higher on his watch than a few years ago.

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Joe Biden has apparently noticed that the price of everything is much higher on his watch than a few years ago. He is now asking sellers to just lower their prices.

As a viral commercial once said. That’s not how this works. That’s not how any of this works.

Companies don’t lower prices just because inflation is politically inconvenient for the president and his party.

From the New York Post:

Biden admits prices ‘too high’ but blames sellers for 18% inflation

President Biden acknowledged Monday that prices are still “too high” and argued that companies should lower them after an 18% jump in consumer costs since he took office.

“We know that prices are still too high for too many things — that times are still too tough for too many families,” the 81-year-old said near the White House.

“We’ve made progress, but we have more work to do,” Biden added. “Let me be clear to any corporation has not brought their prices back down, even as inflation has come down, even supply chains have been rebuilt: It’s time to stop the price gouging and give the American consumer a break.”

The prices of some goods, such as food products, are expected to decline in the coming months, but periods of general deflation are rare in US history.

Biden previously used his bully pulpit to try to pressure oil companies to take action to lower gas prices last year.

Is it too late for Biden to take a basic economics course?

Just last week, he was bragging about lowering prices.

Nothing about this administration makes sense.

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]]> 0 Joe Biden Oct 31 2023 MIRACULOUS RESCUE: When All Machines Fail, Indian ‘Rat Miners’ Dig Non-Stop for 26 Hours WITH HAND TOOLS To Free 41 Workers Trapped in a Collapsed Tunnel Thu, 30 Nov 2023 04:00:32 +0000

If you need a story to rekindle your love for our fellow human beings, you got one here.

The post MIRACULOUS RESCUE: When All Machines Fail, Indian ‘Rat Miners’ Dig Non-Stop for 26 Hours WITH HAND TOOLS To Free 41 Workers Trapped in a Collapsed Tunnel appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


If you need a story to rekindle your love for our fellow human beings, you got one here.

I diligently avoided this story for days on end, I felt it was too horrific: 41 workers were trapped in a collapsed mountain tunnel in India, while frantic efforts were made to free them.

It is true that they had oxygen, and at some point even food was delivered to them. But the days went on and the attempts to free them failed, you ask yourself: how long can they last?

Finally, 17 days in, it arose that they were sending human diggers, called ‘rat hole miners’ to do the job. They are specialists in dealing with digging in perilous circumstances.

To everyone’s glad surprise and relief, the ‘rat miners’ came through, and saved every one of the 41 trapped workers.

So, now – of course – it’s my favorite story in the whole wide world.

The “rat hole” miners have said that the operation involved 26 hours of digging by hand (tools).

The Guardian reported:

“Munna Qureshi, 33, was the first of the 12-man team to break through a wall of rubble and lay eyes on the 41 workers who had been trapped in the collapsed tunnel in the Himalayan mountains since 12 November. It was his expertise in the method of rat hole mining, which involves making narrow tunnels underground in often high-risk settings, that had led to him and his team being called on for the rescue after a drill broke down.

‘It was a larger-than-life situation and we were driven by the passion to save the lives of people who work like us’, Qureshi said. ‘It became our mission to bring them back alive. We took this as a rare chance to get our work recognized. I feel that the purpose of my life has been fulfilled’.”

Rescued workers welcomed.

That’s what it means to RISE to the occasion. Qureshi said he hoped that the work laborers, hailed as heroes by the politicians, would lead to greater awareness about their value and the risks of their work.

In other words: India, PLEASE value your heroes.

Qureshi and his team usually lay sewers and pipes using the rat hole technique.

Sometimes the pay is just 500 rupees (£5) for 12 hours of work – potentially deprived of oxygen.

“The rescue operation was one of the largest in India’s history, involving multiple government agencies and the army, and it was closely followed by millions of people. A large drill managed to penetrate about 50 metres of the rubble and debris blocking the Silkyara tunnel entrance, and it was the efforts of Qureshi and his team using small hand drills and shovels that led to breaking through the final 12 metres of blockage.”

‘People pinned their hopes on to us and we could not let them down’, Qureshi said. ‘We faced many challenges: we had to cut through metal bars, drill through huge rocks, and we kept pushing further til we reached the end. When we saw the workers on the other side, they were overwhelmed. There was happiness on both sides. On the other side, the workers embraced us and showered us with love for saving their lives. We told them it was not us but God who wanted them to live’.”

The rescued workers were taken to a hospital in the state of Uttarakhand. They were in good spirits after 400 hours in the cut-off tunnel.

Arnold Dix at the Makeshift temple.

Hindustan Times reported:

“International tunneling expert Arnold Dix who was roped in for the Uttarkashi rescue operation on Wednesday said the mission witnessed a miracle and he would go to the temple as he had promised to say ‘thank you’ at the temple when the operation was going on. Hours later, Dix was seen offering his prayers at the temple of local deity Baba Bokh Naag ji.

Arnold Dix heads the Geneva-based International Tunnelling Underground Space Association and is also a geologist, an engineer and a lawyer. ‘It has been my honor as a parent to help out all parents in getting their children back home. Remember, I said in the beginning that 41 people would go home unhurt by Christmas. Christmas is coming early’, Dix said.

[…] Arnold Dix was seen praying at the makeshift temple at the rescue site on Tuesday when the breakthrough was just a matter of time with the rat miners manually digging the way out. The photo created a stir on social media with commentary on faith. ‘When science and technology meet faith. International tunnelling expert Arnold Dix joins a priest in praying for the safe evacuation of 41 workers trapped inside the Silkyara tunnel, in Uttarakhand’, BJP’s Amit Malviya wrote sharing the photo.”

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]]> 0 Rat Miner Heroes miners Arnold Dix at makeshift temple Keith Olbermann Quits Twitter in a Rage – Comes Back Less Than 24 Hours Later Thu, 30 Nov 2023 03:40:04 +0000 Podcaster Keith Olbermann calls for a “national emergency” on Twitter to deal with conservatives.

Former MSNBC host and current deranged podcaster Keith Olbermann rage-quit Twitter this week and lasted less than 24 hours before coming back.

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]]> Podcaster Keith Olbermann calls for a “national emergency” on Twitter to deal with conservatives.

Former MSNBC host and current deranged podcaster Keith Olbermann rage-quit Twitter this week and lasted less than 24 hours before coming back.

This happens frequently on the left. Progressives can’t stand the fact that they no longer control Twitter, yet they can’t live without it.

When Olbermann returned, he even insisted that he never quit.

The Daily Caller reports:

The Dark Lord Returns: Olbermann Back On Twitter 24 Hours After He Quit ‘Antisemitic’ Platform

He’s back.

In an incredible, wildly unpredictable event (kidding, I predicted it just this morning), Keith Olbermann has returned to Twitter after making a grand proclamation that he’d stop posting on the platform.

Citing the apparently “antisemitic” Elon Musk’s flirtation with the Pizzagate conspiracy, Olbermann walked out in disgust, claiming, “I won’t be posting here anymore,” shortly after 1 p.m. Tuesday afternoon. But by 11 a.m. Wednesday morning the dark lord had returned, unable to resist for even one moment the opportunity to suck all of the air out of the room.

This particular time the hall-of-fame-level liberal bloviator just had to shoot a response to Republican Colorado Rep. Lauren Boebert and her farewell message to him.

Here’s Keith announcing his departure from Twitter:

And here he is less than 24 hours later:

You have to give Olbermann credit for one thing. He is the only person who ended up being too crazy for MSNBC.

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]]> 0 olbermann Podcaster Keith Olbermann calls for a “national emergency” on Twitter to deal with conservatives. (@KeithOlbermann / Twitter video screen shot) Joe Rogan Calls Out Democrats for ‘Banana Republic’ Tactics of Going After Trump in 2024: ‘They Have No Cards’ (VIDEO) Thu, 30 Nov 2023 03:20:19 +0000

During a recent episode of his podcast, Joe Rogan called out the Democrats for using lawfare to attack Trump heading into the 2024 election.

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During a recent episode of his podcast, Joe Rogan called out the Democrats for using lawfare to attack Trump heading into the 2024 election.

Rogan correctly says that the Democrats have no cards and that they’re relying on nothing more than this and hoping for voter turnout.

The clip begins with him criticizing the city of San Francisco for cleaning up for Chinese dictator Xi.

Transcript via Real Clear Politics:

JOE ROGAN: I think at this point they kind of have to run [Biden] unless he dies. We have one year now, we’re in late November, we have less than on year. What are they going to do? If Biden died tomorrow, what do they do with Kamala Harris? Put her on the moon? What are they going to do, she’s the vice president. If he dies, she becomes the president, which is fucking wild when you hear that lady talk…

I think they have no cards and they’re looking at this game and I think they’re depending upon party loyalty and they’re depending upon Trump getting convicted and arrested and imprisoned. I don’t know if that’s going to happen. I don’t think it is. It just seems like it’s a bunch of trumped-up charges, no pun intended…

It does make sense if you want to look at banana republic tactics, when you’re imprisoning and trying to convict your political opponents. The problem with that is, even if you think Donald Trump is a crook and should be arrested, this set a precedent for future president…

Watch the video below. Heads up – Lots of four-letter words:

Democrats don’t care. They’ve made it very clear that they’ll do anything to cling to power.

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]]> 0 Joe Rogan Democrats 2024 Trump Says He’s ‘Honored’ to Have Black Lives Matter Leader’s Endorsement Thu, 30 Nov 2023 03:00:44 +0000

Former President Donald Trump has responded to Black Lives Matter Rhode Island leader Mark Fisher saying that he has endorsed him because the “Democratic Party is not for us.” Fisher appeared on Fox & Friends on Tuesday to discuss why he has chosen to support Trump over President Joe Biden.

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Former President Donald Trump has responded to Black Lives Matter Rhode Island leader Mark Fisher saying that he has endorsed him because the “Democratic Party is not for us.”

Fisher appeared on Fox & Friends on Tuesday to discuss why he has chosen to support Trump over President Joe Biden.

“This is my favorite story of the day because it identifies what I have seen in the barbershop. All the brothers, for some reason right now are turning tides right now. I just wonder what is the big reason?” Fox & Friends co-host Lawrence Jones asked.

Fisher replied, “I think personally it’s the duplicity of the Democrats, the hypocrisy. We are not stupid. The brothers are not stupid. We understand when someone is for us and when someone is not. It’s obvious that the Democratic Party is not for us. Their policies actually strike at the heart of the black family and nuclear family.”

“A lot of people are misinformed,” Fisher continued. “They don’t understand because they don’t educate themselves on Donald Trump as a person and his history. But, if they do that and it’s going to take, you know, leaders, educating leaders to get the word out there. I think it will happen on its own. It will be organic because personally, I love the man. How could you as like a real man, how could you not relate to someone like that?”

Trump responded to Fisher’s interview in a post on Truth Social Wednesday.

“Spoke with Mark Fisher yesterday, a great guy, very honored to have his and BLM’s support,” Trump wrote. “I have done more for Black people than any other President (Lincoln?), including 10 year funding for Historically Black Colleges and Universities, where they had none, Opportunity Zones, Criminal Justice Reform, and much more. Thank you to Mark!”

The national umbrella Black Lives Matter organization has not endorsed Trump.

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]]> 0 trump smiling WATCH: O’Keefe Media Group Goes Undercover in Fresno, California to Report on Illegal Chinese-Funded Bio Lab Thu, 30 Nov 2023 02:40:47 +0000

O’Keefe Media Group went undercover in Fresno County, California to report on the Chinese-funded bio lab in Reedley.

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O’Keefe Media Group went undercover in Fresno County, California to report on the Chinese-funded bio lab in Reedley.

On March 3, an illegal bio lab was discovered in a believed-to-be vacant building in Reedley, California in Fresno County.

City code enforcement stumbled upon the building in December 2022 when they discovered a garden hose running up into the building through a hole in the wall. In March, they obtained a warrant to inspect the property, and in April, the Fresno County Department of Public Health ordered an inspection of the facility.

The company alleged to be running the lab, Prestige BioTech, is based out of Nevada and is the successor to Universal Meditech, Inc (UMI). In Dec. 2022, the FDA announced a recall over 56,000 “Skippack Medical Lab” Rapid Anti-Gen COVID-19 tests distributed by UMI to California and Texas.

The Environmental Health Inspector conducted onsite visits and noted numerous violations, according to Judicial Watch: failing to prepare and implement a hazardous materials business plan (HMBP) for storage of hazmat (ethanol) over state thresholds.

Judicial Watch also uncovered court documents that include graphic photos of dead mice at the Reedley facility.

Daniel Sepulveda, US Congressional staffer to Jim Costa admitted the illegal Chinese biolab posed a grave risk to public health and national security. Asked if his boss thought the lab endangered public safety.

“Yes, he does,” Sepulveda stated into a button cameras:

“I saw they had a secret recording the Lab Owner saying he was doing it to benefit the Chinese government”

“I knew months before anybody else did”

“How many other people are creating labs within the United States?”

”There could be more,” he said.


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]]> 0 UMI Building Fresno Covid lab BREAKING: Henry Kissinger Dead at 100 Thu, 30 Nov 2023 02:20:41 +0000

Former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger has passed away.

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Former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger has passed away.

He was 100 years old.

Excerpt from NBC News:

Henry Kissinger, the toweringly influential former secretary of state who earned a reputation as a sagacious diplomat but drew international condemnation and accusations of war crimes for his key role in widening the American presence in Vietnam and the U.S. bombing of Cambodia, died Wednesday.

He was 100.

Kissinger, a Jewish refugee from Nazi Germany, reached the pinnacle of the American political establishment and in turn became an unlikely household name. He was secretary of state and national security adviser under two Republican presidents, Richard Nixon and Gerald Ford, and advised powerful leaders in both American political parties for decades.

Kissinger’s detractors denounced him for the central part he played in expanding U.S. military involvement in Vietnam, bringing a wide-scale bombing campaign to Cambodia and supporting brutal regimes in Argentina, Chile, Indonesia and Pakistan. Kissinger’s most vociferous opponents labeled him a war criminal, and some called on him to face charges at the Hague.

Henry Kissinger fought to usher in the New World Order right up until his death.

During the Covid pandemic, Kissinger called for a New Post-Covid World Order in an opinion piece at the Wall Street Journal.

Steve Bannon ripped into Henry Kissinger for his ties to the CCP after the former secretary of state published the op-ed.

“We do not need to hear from you about the liberal world order. You’re guilty sir. You think you have blood on your hands for the bombings back in the Vietnam War?” Bannon said on The War Room in April 2020.

Bannon continued, “You have blood on your hands for this. You have been the mouthpiece and the prop for these people from the beginning. You propped up the Chinese Party and not just that you took the blood money from them. You’ve been paid for decades by the Chinese Communist Party. It’s all gonna come out. All the Wall Street guys in business with them, all the corporatists in business with them, all the think tank guys in business with them, taking blood money?”

“It’s all coming out!… The world is going to stand in judgement of you. Because you’re just as bad as the devils, in fact you’re worse. Because you didn’t even believe in the ideology. You believed in the money,” Bannon warned.

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]]> 0 Henry-Kissinger Lawless Letitia James Hits Back After Deutsche Bank Testimony Blows Hole in New York AG’s Case Against Trump Thu, 30 Nov 2023 02:00:31 +0000

New York Attorney General Letitia James’s office responded to testimony by a Deutsche Bank executive that could have torpedoed her civil fraud case against Trump.

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New York Attorney General Letitia James’s office responded to testimony by a Deutsche Bank executive that could have torpedoed her civil fraud case against Trump.

Radical Marxist New York Attorney General Letitia James is seeking $250 million in ‘damages’ when there is no victim in this fraud case and she is also seeking to ban Trump and his sons from operating any businesses in New York. She accused Trump of inflating his assets and defrauding lenders and insurance companies.

A Deutsche Bank executive who worked to approve at least one of Trump’s loans testified on Tuesday that it is “atypical, but not entirely unusual” to reduce a client’s asset values and still approve a loan.

“A Deutsche Bank AG executive gave testimony that could bolster Donald Trump’s defense in his civil fraud trial, telling a New York judge that prospective clients can get loans even after reporting a net worth far higher than the lender’s own calculations.” Bloomberg reported.

“David Williams, who worked on at least one of three loans Deutsche Bank made to Trump in the years before he was elected president, testified Tuesday that it’s “atypical, but not entirely unusual” for the bank to cut a client’s stated asset value by 50% and approve a loan anyway, as it did with Trump,” Bloomberg reported.

Williams testified that Trump’s stated assets are merely an opinion and a difference of opinion in asset values does not disqualify the potential borrower from a loan.

“It’s just a difference of opinion,” Williams said, according to Bloomberg.

Trump’s defense attorney argued that Deutsche Bank conducted its own due diligence and made their own decision to loan Trump money.

“The bank conducted its own due diligence. The bank had no problem with a $2 billion or a $3 billion difference,” Trump’s attorney Christopher Kise said.

Kise also argued that the German bank wasn’t harmed because it “didn’t change what it did based on what President Trump submitted.”

Kevin Wallace, a lawyer from Letitia James’s office hit back at the defense lawyer.

“I think the idea that you can’t lie to a bank is pretty well established,” Wallace said.

Judge Arthur Engoron sided with the attorney in Letitia James’ office and said, “that the mere fact that lenders were happy doesn’t mean that the statute wasn’t violated.”

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]]> 0 Letitia James BREAKING: Arizona Grand Jury Indicts Cochise County Supervisors With Bogus FELONY CHARGES for Alleged Interference with an Election Officer and Conspiracy Thu, 30 Nov 2023 01:40:51 +0000

Arizona Attorney General Kris Mayes (D) announced on Wednesday that a grand jury indicted Republican Cochise County Supervisors Tom Crosby and Peggy Judd on felony charges of Interference with an Election Officer and Conspiracy.

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Arizona AG Kris Mayes

Arizona Attorney General Kris Mayes (D) announced on Wednesday that a grand jury indicted Republican Cochise County Supervisors Tom Crosby and Peggy Judd on felony charges of Interference with an Election Officer and Conspiracy.

Judd and Crosby are accused of a conspiracy to “delay the canvass of votes cast in Cochise County in the November 2022 General Election” by “preventing the canvass of votes from Cochise County from occurring during the time period required by Arizona law.” In a news release from the Arizona Attorney General’s office, Kris Mayes accuses the Supervisors of “attempt[ing] to undermine our democracy.”

This is because they attempted to conduct a hand count audit of the ballots in the rigged 2022 election — after receiving advice from former Arizona Attorney General Mark Brnovich that “The board is permitted to perform an expanded hand count audit of 100% of early ballots cast in Cochise County.” Supervisor Peggy Judd told The Gateway Pundit, “If we still had our old Attorney General, this never would have happened.

This is what you get for attempting to secure elections in Arizona…

The Gateway Pundit reported that Supervisor Crosby was the subject of an October 16 grand jury subpoena over his opposition to stolen elections.

JUST IN: Controversial Arizona Attorney General Convenes Grand Jury to Harass and Subpoena Cochise County Supervisor

Previously, Governor Katie Hobbs sued Cochise County for not certifying her stolen election – where 60% of machines failed Republican Voters on election day in Maricopa County. Republican Cochise County Chairwoman Peggy Judd later voted to certify the election in Cochise under duress with Democrat Ann English. However, Tom Crosby, the third vote, refused to attend the coerced and corrupt certification meeting. Crosby is also the only County Supervisor in Arizona who courageously did not vote to certify the rigged 2020 election.

Hobbs also threatened to jail Mohave County Supervisors if they did not vote to certify the stolen election.

Kris Mayes, who also stole her election by just 280 votes, is now weaponizing her legal authority to “quash any and all opposition,” said attorney Bryan Blehm, who is still fighting to overturn the rigged 2022 election on behalf of Kari Lake. The message is clear: “If you don’t agree with Kris Mayes’ interpretation of the law, then we will send you to jail,” Blehm continued with sarcasm. “She wants to do for Arizona, I think, what Joseph Stalin did for the Soviet Union.”

Via the Arizona Attorney General’s office:

PHOENIX – Attorney General Kris Mayes today announced that the State Grand Jury has returned an indictment charging Peggy Suzanne Judd, age 61, of Willcox, and Terry Thomas “Tom” Crosby, age 64, of Sierra Vista with the felony offenses of Interference with an Election Officer and Conspiracy.

“The repeated attempts to undermine our democracy are unacceptable,” said Attorney General Mayes. “I took an oath to uphold the rule of law, and my office will continue to enforce Arizona’s elections laws and support our election officials as they carry out the duties and responsibilities of their offices.”

The indictment filed November 27, 2023, in Maricopa County Superior Court alleges that on or between October 11, 2022, and December 1, 2022, Judd and Crosby conspired to delay the canvass of votes cast in Cochise County in the November 2022 General Election.

The Indictment further alleges that Judd and Crosby knowingly interfered with the Arizona Secretary of State’s ability to complete the statewide canvass for the 2022 General Election, by preventing the canvass of votes from Cochise County from occurring during the time period required by Arizona law. Defendants Judd and Crosby are currently serving as Cochise County Supervisors.

This Arizona Attorney General’s Office investigated the case. All defendants are presumed innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.

Read the full indictment here.

Arizona State Representative Rachel Jones shared this news on X, denouncing the “fake AG” who stole her election by 280 votes.

This is a travesty! The fake AG is now weaponizing her stolen office against AZ citizens who had good reason and the right to question the results of a very sketchy election. God help us!

The Gateway Pundit will continue to provide updates on this developing story.

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]]> 0 kris Mayes Arizona AG Kris Mayes The Gateway Pundit’s Founder Jim Hoft Joins Honored Guests Congressman Matt Gaetz, Rudy Giuliani, Steve Bannon, and More for the 111th New York Young Republican Club’s Annual Winter Gala Thu, 30 Nov 2023 01:35:51 +0000

The biggest night of the year in the entire conservative movement is upon us.

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The biggest night of the year in the entire conservative movement is upon us. The New York Young Republican Club will hold its 111th Annual Winter Gala next Saturday, December 9th at the elegant Cipriani Wall Street in Lower Manhattan.

Last year’s gala made international headlines as the spiritual zeitgeist of the American Right was fearlessly declared to the world. This year promises to be even more explosive, led by keynote speaker Congressman Matt Gaetz, who is coming in hot fresh off the heels of his history-making year ousting Kevin McCarthy of his speakership. The evening will also feature exclusive speeches from Kansas’s U.S. Senator Roger Marshall, New York Young Republican Club President Gavin Wax, and this year’s gala’s Master of Ceremonies, Alex Stein, the host of PrimeTime with Alex Stein.

Last year’s gala.

The list of honored guests keeps growing each day, as the leaders of the American conservative movement Steve Bannon, Rudy Giuliani, Jim Hoft, Jack Posobiec, Raheem Kassam, Maureen Bannon, Bill Spadea, Congressman Paul Gosar, Danielle D’Souza, Congressman Mike Collins, Alex Bruesewitz, Congressman Cory Mills, Joseph McBride, Esq, Chadwick Moore, Charly Arnolt, Andrew Giuliani, Scott Pressler, Amanda Milius, and Lucian Wintrich, will all be in attendance for the annual black-tie affair.

Donald Trump, Jr. and Jack Posobiec at last year’s gala.

The night will serve as a convention for the most important conservative movers and shakers to meet, mingle, and come together to discuss how they are going to take the country back in 2024. It will also be a fun-filled, magical, and extravagantly romantic black-tie evening with a multi-course French-service dinner and a top-shelf open bar at the New York Young Republican Club’s 111th Annual Winter Gala. Drinks will be served, friendships will be strengthened, and headlines will be made.

Tickets can still be purchased here.

Honored guest Matt Gaetz.

Honored guest Rudy Giuliani.

Honored guest Steve Bannon.

Honored guest Rep. Paul Gosar.

Honored guest Rep. Cory Mills.

Honored guest Mike Collins.

Honored guest Andrew Giuliani.

Honored guest Scott Presler.

Honored guest Raheem Kassam.

Honored guest Captain Maureen Bannon.

Honored guest Joseph McBride.

Honored guest Jack Posobiec.

Honored guest Deroy Murdock.

Honored guest Danielle D’Souza.

Honored guest Chadwick Moore.

Honored guest Bill Spadea.

Honored guest Amanda Milius.

Honored guest Alex Bruesewitz.

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]]> 0 111th annual gala honored guest jim hoft NYYR Donald Trump Jr Donald Trump, Jr. and Jack Posbiec at last year’s gala. Matt Gaetz NYYR Rudy Giuliani NYYR Steve Bannon NYYR Paul Gosar NYYR Cory Mills NYYR Mike Collins NYYR Andrew Giuliani NYYR Scott Presler NYYR Raheen Kassam NYYR Maurenen Bannon NYYR Joseph McBride NYYR Jack Posobiec NYYR Deroy Murdock NYYR Danelle D’Souza NYYR Chadwick Moore NYYR Bill Spadea NYYR Amanda Miius NYYR Alex Bruesewitz NYYR FBI Agent’s Car Stolen at Gunpoint in Brazen Daylight Carjacking in Washington, DC Thu, 30 Nov 2023 01:20:48 +0000

An FBI agent fell victim to a carjacking incident in the eastern end of Capitol Hill on Wednesday afternoon.

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An FBI agent fell victim to a carjacking incident in the eastern end of Capitol Hill on Wednesday afternoon.

The FBI has confirmed the incident, which occurred in broad daylight, and has since launched an investigation in collaboration with the Metropolitan Police Department’s Carjacking Task Force.

In an official statement obtained by NBC Washington, the FBI confirmed the carjacking, stating, “At this time, we can confirm that an FBI employee was carjacked on the afternoon of November 29. The vehicle was recovered, and the FBI Washington Field Office and the Metropolitan Police Department’s Carjacking Task Force are investigating.”

The statement provided no further details about the incident.

According to the D.C. Police, officers responded to a distress call reporting a carjacking in the 100 block of 12th Street NE, near Lincoln Park, at approximately 3:45 p.m.

The victim, a federal agent, reported that two suspects had forcefully taken their vehicle at gunpoint.

The search for the stolen vehicle concluded rapidly, with the car located a short distance away in Southeast D.C. by 4:10 p.m.

As of now, no detailed information regarding the two suspects involved in the incident has been divulged by the D.C. Police or the FBI. The motive behind the carjacking and any potential lead-up to the incident remain undisclosed.

This unfortunate incident shines a spotlight on the growing concern of carjackings in Democrat-controlled Washington, DC.

Earlier this month, The Gateway Pundit reported that a Secret Service agent assigned to protect Biden’s granddaughter opened fire on three suspects attempting to break into an unmarked Secret Service vehicle in Washington DC.

Law enforcement officials reported a Secret Service agent assigned to protect Naomi Biden, the daughter of Hunter Biden, opened fire on three suspects attempting to break into an unmarked Secret Service SUV in a Georgetown neighborhood late Sunday night.

None of the suspects were struck by the agent’s fire, and they were all able to flee the scene of the crime.

The suspects were last seen in a red vehicle, and an investigation is underway.

Last month, Texas Democratic Representative Henry Cuellar was carjacked at gunpoint outside his apartment building in Washington D.C.

Three black men reportedly approached Representative Cuellar while armed and demanded his car. The attackers succeeded in getting away in Cuellar’s white Honda CHR, which is registered in Texas.

Cuellar has a voting record that includes support for measures that could potentially weaken police departments. Among these are votes that make it easier to defund the police and the George Floyd Justice in Policing Act, aimed at holding police accountable and ending racial profiling.

While we wish no harm on anyone, the incident has brought to light the glaring hypocrisy of Cuellar’s political stance, particularly when it comes to law enforcement and public safety.

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]]> 0 Police_Line_Crime_Scene_2498847226 Elon Musks Tells Advertisers Trying to “Blackmail” Him: “Go F***k Yourself” (VIDEO) Thu, 30 Nov 2023 01:00:00 +0000

The owner of X, Elon Musk, had some choice words for advertisers trying to blackmail him.

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The owner of X, Elon Musk, had some choice words for advertisers trying to blackmail him.

Musk, while speaking at the 2023 DealBook Summit in New York, shared, “If somebody’s gonna try to blackmail me with advertising? Blackmail me with money? Go f—yourself.”

Musk continued, “Don’t advertise.”

The founder of Tesla concluded his statement by saying, “Hi, Bob,”  which was a shot at the CEO of Disney, Bob Iger.

Disney previously decided to pull ads off X after hit pieces written by Media Matters, CNN, and CNBC falsely painted Musk as antisemitic.


Per NBC:

Speaking at the 2023 DealBook Summit in New York on Wednesday, Elon Musk, the owner of social media site X (formerly Twitter), scoffed at advertisers boycotting the platform because of because of antisemitic posts he amplified there.

“If somebody’s gonna try to blackmail me with advertising? Blackmail me with money? Go f—yourself.” He added, “Don’t advertise.”

He also implied that fans of his, and of X, would boycott those advertisers in kind. He specifically took aim at Disney.

“The whole world will know that those advertisers killed company and we will document it in great detail,” Musk threatened.

Currently, Elon has filed a massive lawsuit against  Media Matters for allegedly creating “fake accounts that then curated posts and advertising appearing on the account’s timeline to misinform advertisers about the placement of their posts.”


Elon Musk’s X Corp Will File “Thermo-Nuclear” Multi-Million Dollar Lawsuit Against Media Matters on Monday After Catching Them in Major Fraudulent Activity

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]]> 0 musk Victor Reacts: Liberal Media Makes Fools of Themselves! Young Chiefs Fan Accused of Racism is Native American! (VIDEO) Thu, 30 Nov 2023 00:40:38 +0000

In a hilarious development to an outrageous story, the liberal media has once again made complete fools of themselves.

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In a hilarious development to an outrageous story, the liberal media has once again made complete fools of themselves.

As reported by with the Gateway Pundit, “The young Kansas City Chiefs fan falsely accused of wearing blackface by a racist Deadspin writer has been identified and this revelation makes the story worse for the garbage website.”

The Gateway Pundit’s Cristina Laila previously reported that Carron Phillips smeared an innocent child who attended Sunday’s Kansas City vs Las Vegas game by posting a deceptive photo of only one side of his face. The race-baiting scumbag claimed the innocent child was “hating” black people and Native Americans at the same time.

In reality, the boy was wearing the teams’ colors which are black and red.

A popular Chiefs Facebook fan group named Real KC Chiefs Fans revealed Tuesday that the child is Holden A. from California. But the story gets even better.

It turns out that Holden is an authentic Native American. He belongs to the Chumash tribe and his grandfather is on the Tribe board in Santa Ynez.

The young man is a devoted fan of the Kansas City Chiefs, and has been spotted at many games. In fact, he has become something of a fan favorite, even leading the crowd in the “tomahawk chop” which has also been called racist against Native Americans.

How many times will the liberal media go out of their way to attack an innocent child, resulting in costly lawsuits, before their learn their lesson?

Anyone with a brain knew all along that this was just a young man trying to enjoy a football game, but the media has an agenda to push so facts come second.

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]]> 0 Untitled design (71) Ireland’s “Media Minister” Calls on Public to Report any Hate Speech Online Following Stabbing Attack by Algerian Migrant on Children (VIDEO) Thu, 30 Nov 2023 00:20:27 +0000

Ireland’s “Media Minister” Catherine Martin called on the public to report on any hate speech online for potential prosecution under their new speech laws.

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Ireland’s “Media Minister” Catherine Martin announces new regulations on speech.

Ireland’s “Media Minister” Catherine Martin called on the public to report on any hate speech online for potential prosecution under their new speech laws.

Martin spoke to political leaders on Wednesday following a horrific stabbing in Dublin last Thursday. An Algerian migrant stabbed five people including three children in a vicious attack on innocent civilians. The political leaders this week are now targeting the angry rioters and not the untenable migrant situation in the country.

Anyone who speaks poorly about migrants stabbing children will likely face repercussions.

Minister Catherine Martin: The government is addressing the extremist content online like hate speech and incitement to violence and Coimisiún na Meán is Ireland’s new online safety and media regulator and will also be joint regulator along with the European Commission for the EU Digital Services Act.

My department has ongoing engagement with Coimisiún, and I, having met them two weeks ago met with them again yesterday for an update on last week’s events, and they informed me that they had engaged immediately with the large platforms and with the Gardi and the European Commission, and that the platforms had activated their instant response plans and their engagement is continuing. On Coimisiún is calling for those who see hate speech or other illegal content online to report it to the platforms or to unguard the Shia Khana.

This is important, but even more so important next year, because once On Coimisiún is fully operational next year, people will be able to report to them directly if they think a platform has ignored or wrongly rejected their complaint. And these reports can then be used by Coimisiún na Meán to decide where to focus their oversight and investigations and ultimately their enforcement action. Finally, On Coimisiún’s first online safety code, as provided for under the Online Safety and Media Regulation Act, will be adopted in early 2024. A draft code will be published very shortly for stakeholder consultation, and this will hold the video sharing platforms accountable for how they protect their users online and will deal with extremist content like hate speech and incitement to violence.

This is a new era in which the regulators and the people they serve will be empowered to make the online world safer for all.

Of course, Catherine takes herself and her work very seriously. So did Stalin.

This less than exceptional minister is deciding what is misinformation and hate speech in Ireland.

The first rule is – don’t hate on the violent migrants.
Via DiscloseTV.

This is a very unimpressive woman.

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]]> 0 catherine martin ireland Ireland’s “Media Minister” Catherine Martin announces new regulations on speech. 94-Year-Old Veteran Says He Was Kicked Out Of New York City Nursing Home To Make Room For Illegal Migrants Thu, 30 Nov 2023 00:00:20 +0000

A 94-year-old veteran says that he has been kicked out of his New York City nursing home to make room for illegal migrants.

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A 94-year-old veteran says that he has been kicked out of his New York City nursing home to make room for illegal migrants.

The veteran, Frank Tammaro, lived in the Island Shores Senior Residence for five years before being evicted.

In September 2022, notices were placed around the senior center saying that it was being shut down and that all residents needed to leave by March.

“I felt horrible,” Tammaro told Fox News. “It’s no joke getting thrown out of a house.”

Tammaro added, “It was scary. Very scary. Especially when I don’t get around like I used to. I didn’t know where I was going.”

Fox News reports, “Many of the 53 seniors living there, including Tammaro, ignored the letters for months until it was brought to their attention that they only had weeks to find somewhere else to live.”

Tammaro said that staff at the facility told the seniors that the building was being sold to another company that would also run a senior center and that they would be able to return.

“Months later, after two moves and an injury that put him in the hospital, the senior was living with his daughter when he learned migrants were moving into his old residence, free of charge,” the report continued.

Though they had claimed to be selling the building, Homes for the Homeless, the nonprofit that ran the senior center, arranged with the city to move migrants into Island Shores.

“I do get upset when I see them handing out all this money and all these things, and I’m paying taxes and getting kicked out,” Tammaro said. “I’ve never got anything from the city. Or the state.”

In September, 15 families of migrants seeking asylum were moved into Island Shores — which has been renamed “Midland Beach Migrant Center.”

Hundreds of people protested outside as they moved in and tried to block the bus of migrants from reaching the building.

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]]> 0 00 “Congressman Trump,” “Deng Xiaping in the Himalayas” – Joe Biden Goes Completely Off the Rails in Colorado (VIDEO) Wed, 29 Nov 2023 23:40:50 +0000

Joe Biden on Wednesday traveled to Pueblo, Colorado to Pueblo, Colorado to tour CS Wind – the largest wind tower manufacturer in the world.

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Joe Biden on Wednesday traveled to Pueblo, Colorado to Pueblo, Colorado to tour CS Wind – the largest wind tower manufacturer in the world.

Biden delivered remarks on his failed economic agenda ‘Bidenomics’ after he blurted out something about a code to blow up the world.

“Well, I took office. Since then, in the last two years, we created over 14 million brand new jobs,” Biden absurdly claimed.

He also lied about cutting the deficit.

“I cut the federal deficit by over $7 billion!” Biden said.

At one point Joe Biden went completely off the rails as he attacked President Trump and Republican Congresswoman Lauren Boebert (CO).

“Instead of cutting [unintelligible] like Congressman Trump and Boebert want to do,” Biden said.


Joe Biden then botched the name of China’s Xi Jinping.

He repeated the dubious claim that he spent time with Xi Jinping in the Himalayas and traveled 17,000 miles while he was Vice President.

“I’ve said this to Deng Xiaoping in the Himalayas…” Biden said.


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]]> 0 Lee County Republican Assembly Sends Letter to Speaker Mike Johnson Calling for Congressional Hearings on Compromised Election Machines, Urges America Contact Mike Johnson to Demand Election Integrity Wed, 29 Nov 2023 23:20:57 +0000

Florida’s Lee County Republican Assembly sent a letter Friday to newly elected House Speaker Mike Johnson, calling on him to investigate and take action against the use of corruptible voting machines nationwide.

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Florida’s Lee County Republican Assembly sent a letter Friday to newly elected House Speaker Mike Johnson, calling on him to investigate and take action against the use of corruptible voting machines nationwide.

The letter suggests “special hearings to discuss our vulnerable computerized vote counting systems and to propose solutions that produce accurate election results that all American voters can trust.”

The Assembly further calls for secure, transparent, accurate, and fast elections using paper ballots and hand-counting at the precinct level. A resolution, sent with the letter, cites massive evidence that the machines are compromised, including the Halderman Report, illegal internet connection on voting machines, Georgia’s “major cybersecurity deficiencies” recently identified by Obama Judge Amy Totenberg, and other expert or whistleblower testimony regarding voter fraud. 

These same issues were repeatedly admitted by the left and the fake news media until they finally took Trump out of the White House with a fraudulent election.

The Many Times the MSM Warned About Risks with Voting Machines Used in Elections

Read the full letter and resolution sent to Mike Johnson below.

Lee County Republicans shared the following call to action with The Gateway Pundit, exposing the issues with these secret, proprietary machines that only private companies have full access to.

“There is massive evidence of voter fraud in all 50 states, and the ease to manipulate the electronic computerized voting machines has been presented repeatedly across the USA since the advent of electronic voting,” reads the letter to Speaker Mike Johnson. “While the States have the responsibility to hold elections, Congress has the responsibility and authority to protect our Nation’s elections from computer fraud and abuse when counting Presidential and Congressional votes.”

Publicly deposing unscrupulous election officials from across America and questioning them about the last two elections would likely be explosive.

Recall that in an October 7, 2021, House Oversight Committee hearing on Capitol Hill, Arizona election officials admitted to deleting files from the 2020 election voting machine logs.

This was after we learned that the election vendor, Dominion, is the only entity with access to the Admin User passwords, which gives them total control over the election system in Maricopa County. There is no oversight or accountability with these machines.

The same RINO Maricopa County officials, in 2022, supervised an election where 60% of voting machines failed Republican voters on election day after they were programmed to do so! Because of this, Radical Democrats now control Arizona – a red state!

Read the “Call for Hand Counting Paper Ballots for our Presidential & Congressional Elections at the State County Precincts” resolution below:

A Matter of National Security by Lee County Republican Assembly by Jordan Conradson on Scribd

Read the full letter to Mike Johnson below, and contact Speaker Johnson to demand election integrity hearings: call 202-225-4000 or 202-225-2777

Open Letter to Speaker Johnson for a Matter of National Security 11.24.23 by Jordan Conradson on Scribd

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]]> 0 Lee County Republican Assembly Lee County GOP Vivek Ramaswamy’s National Political Director Resigns to Join Trump Campaign Wed, 29 Nov 2023 23:00:02 +0000

Republican presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy’s national political director, Brian Swenson, is leaving the campaign to join former President Donald Trump’s team.

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Republican presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy’s national political director, Brian Swenson, is leaving the campaign to join former President Donald Trump’s team.

Swenson will be working with Trump campaign senior adviser Susie Wiles in the upper ranks of the reelection effort.

The Messenger, which first broke the news of the shakeup, reports:

The move is a blow to Ramaswamy, who soared to prominence over the summer but has struggled to maintain his momentum in the Republican primary. Ramaswamy is polling at around 5% in support in the average of national Republican polling compiled by 538. Trump’s lead in the race has climbed to about 60% nationwide, according to 538.

Swensen is a close ally of Wiles’ dating back to their work together on Florida Sen. Rick Scott’s 2010 run for governor.

Ramaswamy senior advisor Mike Biundo will be assuming Swenson’s former position.

Ramaswamy’s communications director Tricia McLaughlin told the outlet, “We love Brian and wish him all the best.”

McLaughlin told The Hill, “He was primarily based in New Hampshire, and about a month and a half ago Mike Biundo came on as a national senior adviser and has largely been absorbing Brian’s role, so this is not — does not come as a surprise to anyone.”

“I think that this is a positive move for everybody,” she said, also adding that “we love Brian.”

The Trump campaign has not yet commented about the new addition to their team.

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]]> 0 00 “I’d Like to See Them Shot in the Head” – Irish Immigrant Politician Calls for the Execution of Irishmen Who Protested the Stabbing of the Three Children by an Algerian National Wed, 29 Nov 2023 22:40:39 +0000

An immigrant politician from the city of Limerick at a council meeting this week called for the execution of the individuals involved in last week’s Dublin protests.

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Credit: Cian Reinhardt

An immigrant politician from the city of Limerick at a council meeting this week called for the execution of the individuals involved in last week’s Dublin protests.

As the Gateway Pundit previously reported, five people, including children, were stabbed near a school in Dublin, Ireland, last Thursday by an Algerian immigrant. Ordinary Irish citizens who were tired of seeing their elected officials pushing open borders and coddling immigrant criminals responded with mass rioting.

The Limerick Post revealed that Limerick City and County Council (LCCC) member Abu Kalam Azad Talukder, who immigrated from Bangladesh in 2000, responded with genuinely sick comments on Monday. He called the people involved in the protests “criminals” who should be “shot in the head.”

I strongly believe that this is not the face of Ireland. This is just some criminals looting the shops. I don’t think they follow any ideological purpose. They come to the streets and just rob. They should get punishment.

“Not even an animal does these kinds of things. It is very shameful and they should get public punishment.

“I’d like to see them shot in the head or bring the public in and beat them until they die.”

Radical Irish Prime Minister Leo Varadkar and his fellow quislings in government have not responded to Talukder’s evil remarks. He did have plenty to say to the Irish people are fed up with dangerous migrants as the Gateway Pundit’s Cristina Laila previously reported.

“I really would ask people to try and avoid connecting crime with migration. It’s not right,” Varadkar said. He added that “a few” migrants will commit “terrible crimes,” just as some Irish people commit crimes.

Varadkar also vowed to pass new laws against “hatred ” following the riots. The real purpose, of course, is to shut down the type of free speech he despises.

“We will pass new laws in the coming weeks to enable the Gardai (police) to make better use of the CCTV evidence they collected yesterday, and also we will modernize our laws against incitement to hatred and hatred in general,” Varadkar told a news conference on Friday.

They have already begun their crackdown even without new laws. Legendary MMA fighter and Irishman Conor McGregor is under investigation after weighing in on the evil attack on these innocent children and calling out Irish government officials.

It is a safe bet that Talukder will not be subject to the same sort of inquisition because he is part of the protected class and the type of “Irishman” Varadkar wants. He may receive an award from the Irish government at some point as well.

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]]> 0 Irish Politician Credit: Cian Reinhardt Joe Biden on a Hot Mic: “Look, My Marine Has a Code to Blow Up the World” (VIDEO) Wed, 29 Nov 2023 22:20:02 +0000

Joe Biden on Wednesday traveled to Pueblo, Colorado to tour CS Wind – the largest wind tower manufacturer in the world.

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Joe Biden on Wednesday traveled to Pueblo, Colorado to tour CS Wind – the largest wind tower manufacturer in the world.

Biden took no questions as he arrived in Pueblo.

Biden was given a tour of the facility when he blurted out something about a code to blow up the world.

“Look, my Marine has a code to blow up the world…that doesn’t…this is not nuclear weapons, is it?” Biden said on a hot mic as he toured the facility.

The workers giving Biden the tour awkwardly laughed as he told them about the code to blow up the world.


Joe Biden struggled to read his teleprompter during remarks about his failed economic agenda dubbed ‘Bidenomics.’


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]]> 0 Canadian Conservative Leader Poilievre Scorches Trudeau Over His ‘Carbon Tax’ Driving the Financial Crisis – But All the Prime Minister Wants To Talk About Is Ukraine! Wed, 29 Nov 2023 22:00:53 +0000

Globalist poster boy Trudeau wants money for climate alarmism and Ukraine Nazis.

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Globalist poster boy Trudeau wants money for climate alarmism and Ukraine Nazis.

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is faring miserably in the polls, watching the Conservative opposition lead grow wider, and – what’s worse – witnessing the virtual demise of his prized, signature climate alarmist policies, crystallized on the ‘carbon tax’.

Read: Canada’s Provincial Premiers Form a Rare United Front Against Justin Trudeau’s ‘Carbon Tax’

Today, the conservative leader Pierre Poilievre delivered blistering speech against the Prime Ministers misguided ‘Ukrainian’ priorities in the context of an accelerating social crisis.

They stood in the same hallowed hall where Trudeu had them applaud, with pomp and circumstance, a former Nazi fighter.

Read more:

Canadian Province of Alberta Defies Ottawa, Shields Power Companies From Trudeau’s Federal ‘Clean Electricity Regulations’

Pierre Poilievre:

“Mr. Speaker, this Prime Minister, I understand what he’s doing.

He has imposed so much misery here at home, whether by doubling housing costs, forcing people into tent encampments, forcing 2 million people to go to a food bank.

These are problems here at home, at the kitchen table.

He is so desperate to talk about anything else that avoids him talking about what’s happening in our own country.

So will he answer the question?

Will he take his [Carbon] tax off our farmers so our people can afford to eat?

Read: Canada’s Supreme Court Deals Blow to Justin Trudeau’s Liberals, Rules That a Federal Climate Alarmist Law Is Unconstitutional

Trudeau had an evasive answer, said Poilievre wants to ‘score political points’, but the relevant fact, to me, is that, right beside him, while he pleaded for money for Kiev, stood his deputy prime minister Christina Freeland, herself descendent of Ukrainian-Canadians that were reportedly involved in Nazi groups.

This brief exchange summarizes the status quo in Canadian politics: Trudeau has broken the economy, but all he really cares about is money for climate alarmism and for the Ukrainian Nazis.

Read more:

Canadian Province of Alberta Defies Ottawa, Shields Power Companies From Trudeau’s Federal ‘Clean Electricity Regulations’

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]]> 0 Trudeau and Poilievre “Hillary! Hillary! You Can’t Hide!” – Pro-Hamas Activists at Columbia University Heckle Hillary Clinton as She Walks By (VIDEO) Wed, 29 Nov 2023 21:40:54 +0000

Pro-Hamas activists at Columbia University on Wednesday heckled Hillary Clinton over her support for Israel.

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Pro-Hamas activists at Columbia University on Wednesday heckled Hillary Clinton over her support for Israel.

“Hillary! Hillary! You can’t hide! You are supporting genocide!” the protesters shouted as Hillary Clinton walked by.

Clinton teaches a class at Columbia University called “Inside the Situation Room.”

Pro-Hamas protesters have been heckling her and protesting her class for several weeks.


Earlier this month Columbia University students walked out of Hillary Clinton’s lecture on Wednesday evening in protest of the public shaming of the pro-Hamas students showcased on the ‘doxxing truck.’

Pro-Hamas students from Columbia, Harvard and other universities have been identified by non-profit org. “Accuracy In Media” and advertised on ‘doxxing trucks.’

Hillary Clinton was hired as a professor at Columbia University earlier this year. Clinton was hired to teach in their School of International and Public Affairs.

According to the New York Times, 30 of the 300 students attending Hillary Clinton’s lecture walked out.

“The demonstrators, who sat quietly in a common area in the International Affairs Building — many of them in face masks — were protesting what they perceived as the school’s role in publicly shaming students whose photographs appeared last week on the video screen panels on a truck seen near campus. The screens showed the faces of students beneath the words ‘Columbia’s Leading Antisemites.’ The students said the photographs were taken from a ‘private and secure’ online platform for students at the School of International and Public Affairs,” the New York Times wrote.

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]]> 0 SICK: 8 out of 9 Migrant Rapists Will Avoid Jail Time After Gang Raping a 15-Year-Old German Girl Wed, 29 Nov 2023 21:20:15 +0000

A highly contentious ruling emerged from the Hamburg regional court’s youth chamber on Tuesday as eight of nine men accused of a sickening gang rape will avoid jail time.

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A highly contentious ruling emerged from the Hamburg regional court’s youth chamber on Tuesday as eight of nine men accused of a sickening gang rape will avoid jail time.

In a haunting September 2020 incident, a group of young men, aged 19 to 23, violently assaulted a defenseless, intoxicated student in a Hamburg city park. The ordeal involved repeated rape, severe mistreatment, and robbery, with the victim being a 15-year-old girl, according to RMX News.

The suspects are predominantly of migrant backgrounds, including nationalities such as Polish, Egyptian, Libyan, Kuwaiti, Iranian, Armenian, and Afghan. The incident occurred post-midnight, following the victim’s departure from a friend’s birthday party.

The verdict concludes a lengthy trial that began in May 2022. Throughout the extended trial, involving 96 witnesses and several experts over 68 days, compelling evidence emerged, including DNA findings affirming the presence of the suspects’ semen on the victim.

Despite the severity of the charges, including video evidence of the crime that was reported to have been deleted, the court’s application of juvenile justice statutes resulted in suspended sentences for eight of the defendants, according to German media outlet BILD.

The sole perpetrator to receive a custodial sentence, a 19-year-old Iranian national, was sentenced to two years and nine months in juvenile detention. Amidst the trial proceedings, reports highlighted that the convicted displayed a lack of remorse.

His audacious comment to a judge, “What man doesn’t want that?” was met with public horror and judicial rebuke.

As for his co-accused, the court handed down one to two-year youth sentences; these were suspended conditionally, with probation reviews to be conducted in six months’ time. The migrant’s defense claims the young men’s actions were due to heightened testosterone—an argument met with the presiding judge Anne Meier-Göring’s declaration that lawful conduct is mandatory, regardless of hormonal levels.

BILD reported:

Investigators found semen traces from at least nine different perpetrators.

Now the verdict: Only a rapist has to go to jail!

The court sentenced the youngest defendant, a now 19-year-old Iranian, to two years and nine months in a youth prison.

Eight other defendants (20-23) received youth sentences that were suspended on probation or pre-probation. In these cases, a decision will be made in six months as to whether the sentence will remain on probation or whether the convicted person will be imprisoned. One defendant (23) was acquitted.

Incomprehensible: NONE of the defendants showed any remorse during the trial, let alone made a confession!

Presiding judge: “You have come to terms with your truth – who can reconcile themselves to possibly being a rapist?”

In fact, all defense lawyers had pleaded for acquittal. Their argument: It was not obvious to the men that the drunk girl did not want sex. The defendants suffered greatly from the allegations and the long trial.

Award-winning investigative journalist, Lara Logan, weighed in on this horrifying sentencing, “I was gang raped – back then people were invited in condemning the evil of that attack. That was only about a decade ago? What has happened to us?”

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]]> 0 crime scene Restaurant Chain Sued After Woman Claims She Received a Salad With a Human Finger in it — Didn’t Notice Until Chewing it Wed, 29 Nov 2023 21:00:04 +0000

The Chopt Creative Salad Co.

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The Chopt Creative Salad Co. is being sued by a woman who claims that she was given a salad containing a severed human finger.

The Connecticut woman, Allison Cozzi, says that she did not notice the human finger under after she was already chewing on it.

According to the lawsuit filed on Monday, Cozzi had purchased the salad from Chopt’s Mount Kisco, New York, location on April 7.

“Shortly after [the] plaintiff purchased the salad, while she was eating the salad, she realized that she was chewing on a portion of a human finger that had been mixed in, and made a part of, the salad,” the lawsuit claims.

The lawsuit says that the finger belonged to a manager at the restaurant who had cut off part of her pointer finger while cutting arugula.

“The employee went to the hospital and left the contaminated arugula in the service line, the suit alleges,” according to a report from NBC News.

Cozzi claims that the incident caused “serious personal injuries,” including cognitive impairment, traumatic stress, vomiting, and shoulder pain.

The restaurant was given a ticket by the Health Department over the incident, which Chopt did not contest.

Cozzi’s lawyer, Marc Reibman, told NBC News that his client does not want to speak to the media about the incident.

“She does not want to increase the stress and anxiety that this incident has caused her,” Reibman said, adding: “As a matter of common sense and public interest, the failure to supervise the preparation and service of food in a manner that protects the public is a blatant deviation from accepted safe practice and deserves significant compensation.”

The lawsuit does not specify the amount that she is seeking in damages.

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]]> 0 Chopt ‘Global Warming’ Alert: German Authorities Urge Citizens To Stay at Home Amid Brutal Winter Weather and ‘Unseasonable Cold’ Wed, 29 Nov 2023 20:40:04 +0000

The problem, it seems, is not so much ‘global warming’ as it is ‘local freezing.’ Northern Europe was surprised by the ‘sudden onset’ of Winter, causing disruption and dangerous conditions in several countries.

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The problem, it seems, is not so much ‘global warming’ as it is ‘local freezing.’

Northern Europe was surprised by the ‘sudden onset’ of Winter, causing disruption and dangerous conditions in several countries.

Liberal Europeans had barely finished complaining that 2023 was ‘the hottest year on record’ when – wouldn’t you know it – temperatures were freezing cold at the very start of winter.

Authorities in western Germany, for one, urged residents to stay home, warning of ‘life-threatening danger’ after a ‘burst of winter weather’ led to hazardous roads, leading to accidents that left two people dead.

Reuters reported:

“The sudden onset of winter led to several accidents and people being trapped in their vehicles due to slippery roads and fallen branches caused by snowfall in many parts of Germany.

In the Schwaebisch Hall district in Baden-Wuerttemberg, a 71-year-old man died as a result of a collision on a snowy road on Monday evening. According to police in Aalen, the driver lost control of the vehicle and drove into the oncoming lane.”

In Hesse state, 100 people were evacuated from their vehicles near the Rheingau-Taunus district, while 70 people were trapped on the road near Linienbad.

“‘My urgent appeal: Be sure to stay at home on Tuesday. Please do not go for walks in the forest either: there is an acute danger to life from broken branches and falling trees’, said the [Rheingau-Taunus] district’s administrator in a statement.”

The German Meteorological Service (DWD) forecasts snow and sleet again today, adding that the extremely cold weather will persist in the coming days.

Bloomberg reports that temperatures plummeted across much of Europe and are poised to remain very low.

Unseasonably cold conditions will see parts of Scandinavia touch –20C, while Berlin will experience lows of -6C on Thursday.

[…] In the UK, colder air from the north may bring wintry showers to areas along the North Sea coast as well as some inland parts of northern Britain, according to the Met Office. It also forecast some possibility of snow across the south towards the end of the week. Maxar said London and Manchester could see temperatures as low as -1.5C on Thursday and Friday.”

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]]> 0 German winter Dr. Peter McCullough Urges Preparedness on News of Chinese Pneumonia Outbreak Wed, 29 Nov 2023 20:20:07 +0000

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Over the last week or so, many in the medical world have begun to look closely at disturbing developments in China and the relative lack of response from the government.

Writing in Dr. McCullough’s substack, John Leake says:

U.S. government agencies are fond of talking about “Pandemic Preparedness,” passing extravagant legislation such as the PREP ACT, and throwing hundreds of billions at the development of vaccines against viral respiratory illnesses—vaccines that are useless at best. 

And yet, these agencies are, at the moment, strangely silent about a mysterious pneumonia that is affecting large numbers of children in two regions of northern China that are about 500 miles apart—Beijing and Liaoning Province. This situation reminds me of the conspicuous fact that the U.S. Consulate General office in Wuhan—which is presumably full of spooks—apparently reported NOTHING about the mysterious pneumonia that started circulating in that city in the autumn of 2019.

While the American government appears to be doing nothing, Dr. McCullough is urging Americans to be prepared. John Leake says:

We will be monitoring the situation in China closely, try to ascertain as quickly as possible what is causing the pneumonia. 

In his position of Chief Scientific Officer for the Wellness Company, Dr. Peter McCullough is conducting investigative scholarship to ascertain what medications are the most safe and effective for conditions such as the pneumonia now circulating in northern China. Our ultimate objective is to ascertain if already available, FDA-approved medications could be useful in treating this pneumonia in the event it spreads to the United States. 

Given the appalling performance of so many doctors during the COVID-19 pandemic, many of our readers may find themselves in search of a new doctor who has demonstrated greater discernment. Such readers may consider a membership with the Wellness Company, whose Virtual Care program offers prompt access to a trusted medical provider to treat your illnesses and obtain prescriptions. 

The Wellness Company is also offering Home Medical Kits to treat a range of infections, including COVID-19, bronchitis, urinary tract infections, cellulitis, yeast infections, and tick bites. The Kit contains ivermectin, amoxicillin, a Z-pak, and other medications, as well as a guidebook and a doctor visit by telemedicine to aid in the proper use of these medications. Additional or different medications may be added to the Home Medical Kits when appropriate.

The developing situation in China could be the next pandemic or it could be the next psy op or it could be nothing more than a problem for the Chinese.

What we know at this point is that we simply cannot rely on the government to protect us in the event of an emergency, but the truth is that our government has shown time and time again just how incompetent it is. Don’t let your family’s health be reliant on our corrupt and dysfunctional government in times of crisis.

Sadly, we all know the next medical crisis is just around the corner. Whether it comes in the form of a bioweapon or something much more mundane like a tick bite – you and your family need to be prepared. That’s where The Wellness Company comes in.

You know the Wellness Company, their great doctors – like Dr. Peter McCullough and Dr. Jim Thorp – are regularly in the media speaking out against the broken medical establishment.

Dr. Thorp, one of the nation’s leading critics of the corrupting influence of big pharma, believes that now – more than ever – people should be prepared for the next pandemic.

“I’ve strongly recommended “stock piling” critical medications including antibiotics since the turn of the century. This has been an incredible investment as many friends, family and patients have benefited.  Now, in the winter of 2023, this recommendation is even more crucial.” – Dr. Jim Thorp

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Rest assured knowing that you have emergency antibiotics, antivirals and anti-parasitics on hand to help keep you and your family safe from whatever the globalists throw at us next!

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The Wellness Company Medical Emergency Kit can be used to treat:

  • Anthrax

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Order The Wellness Company’s Medical Emergency Kits today.

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]]> 0 china radiation flag Night of the Living Ed: Zombie Public Schools, Drained of Pandemic Lifeblood, Haunt the Land Wed, 29 Nov 2023 20:00:19 +0000

This story originally was published by Real Clear Wire By Vince Bielski Real Clear Wire Call them “zombie” schools.

The post Night of the Living Ed: Zombie Public Schools, Drained of Pandemic Lifeblood, Haunt the Land appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


This story originally was published by Real Clear Wire

By Vince Bielski
Real Clear Wire

Call them “zombie” schools.

A significant but unknown number of public schools across the U.S., particularly in big cities, have lost so many students in the last half-decade that many of their classrooms sit empty. Gone is the loud clatter of students bursting through crowded hallways and slamming lockers.

The harm from these half-empty schools is inflicted directly on all students in a district. Without enough per-pupil state funding to cover their costs, they require financial subsidies to remain open, forcing district-wide cutbacks in academic programs.

“I visited one school that takes up an entire city block but there were only five classrooms used, plus a library, a computer room, and an afterschool room,” said Sam Davis, a member of the Board of Education in Oakland, California. “As our budget officer said, if you don’t have enough students for two teams to play kickball, there are a lot of other academic activities that are not going to be sustainable either.”

But nothing in public education is more controversial and difficult than closing a neighborhood school. The protests that recently flared up in cities like Oakland and Denver over proposals to shut low-enrollment schools, which also tend to be the worst academic performers in districts, are just a prelude of the reckoning to come, according to interviews with school leaders, researchers, educators, and charter officials.

The permanent closure of schools slowed drastically during the pandemic, even though many urban districts suffered a major exodus of students, with double-digit losses in New York City and Los Angeles. Many hollowed-out districts have temporarily sidestepped the tempest of shutting schools because Congress provided them with a historic windfall of pandemic-related funding and wide latitude in spending it, said Georgetown Professor Marguerite Roza, who directs the Edunomics Lab.

But the $190 billion lifeline – called the Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief Fund – ends next September. So school leaders are facing mounting pressure to shrink their oversized districts, setting up the next battleground over public schools.

“Many districts have too many schools, not enough kids, and are propping them up with federal relief funds,” Roza said. “And they haven’t laid the groundwork for closures when the funding goes away. Imagine the anger and protests when families learn suddenly that their schools are on the list to close.”

With aid flowing during the pandemic, districts shut an average of 810 schools a year in 2021 and 2022, according to the National Center for Education Statistics. That’s far less than the 1,350 average from 2011 to 2020, a difference that underscores the magnitude of the problem of zombie schools.

Why Schools Are Hard to Close

In the business and nonprofit sectors, wasteful spending is typically reined in by downsizing operations into fewer buildings and personnel. But public schools often find protection from the calls for efficiency. The first wave of pandemic-era proposals to shut schools in several districts has been countered by a formidable coalition of local advocates, forcing school boards to backpedal on their consolidation plans.

Families are leading the protests at school board meetings. Some have sentimental ties to neighborhood schools that go back generations, and others cite transportation issues in switching to another location that’s further from home. Teachers unions have joined the fight in Oakland and other cities, arguing that closures pose unfair labor practices. And racial justice advocates have succeeded in reframing the issue as a matter of equality rather than wasteful spending since nearly all the schools to be closed serve mostly black and Latino kids.

Districts like Seattle that aim to shutter schools often cite reasons that are out of their control. The birth rate has been dropping since 2007, according to federal data, chipping away at enrollment. Families are also leaving cities like Los Angeles and Chicago because of the rising cost of living and concerns over crime and homelessness. San Francisco, for instance, lost 7.5% of its population between 2020 and 2022, according to the census.

But public schools share in the blame. With test scores on the Nation’s Report Card in decline since 2012, families have been quitting traditional schools in search of a better education and a safer environment at charters, micro, and home schools. Charter enrollment, for instance, grew 7% from 2020 to 2022, while district schools lost 3.5% of students, according to the National Alliance of Public Charter Schools.

School districts can’t do anything about the birth rate. But many of them do control the fate of charters. In Los Angeles and other cities facing closures, school boards that formerly encouraged the expansion of charters have grown hostile toward them and blocked their expansion, in part to preserve their own enrollment.

How Zombie Schools Hurt Education

Some districts are now devising proposals to close under-enrolled facilities because of the financial burden they create.

Even a school at half capacity needs a principal, support and food service staff, custodians, and sometimes a nurse, librarian, and counselor. Education is highly labor-intensive, with compensation comprising at least 85% of a school’s expenses, Georgetown’s Roza says.

Since zombie schools don’t cover their own expenses, superintendents have to pull resources from other schools and programs to subsidize them. Funding for art, music, special education, and advanced placement classes may be cut, affecting students throughout the district.

“In the end, districts have to spread resources too thinly, across too many buildings, and nobody gets served well,” Roza says.

In Denver, Superintendent Alex Marrero detailed the financial benefit of shutting schools in a memoto families last year. In proposing to close 10 out of about 155 traditional and innovation schools – one of which had only 93 students – Marrero said the cost to the district to subsidize them was $5 million annually. That money was pulled from healthier schools and programs.

But if the 10 skeletal schools were closed, the superintendent added, the district could hire an additional 50 full-time employees to benefit students.

The financial logic of school closures has won the day in some districts. Indianapolis announced it was shutting six schools in May to promote the efficient use of taxpayer funding and higher student achievement. St. Louis said it would lock the gates on eight schools, some of them half-empty, two years ago.

The city of Jackson, Miss., may approve a sweeping closure plan in December. The superintendent is calling for the elimination of more than a quarter of its 55 district schools after community outcries scuttled plans over the years to close under-enrolled facilities.

“The closures are long overdue and I think they will happen,” says Rachel Canter, executive director of Mississippi First, a nonpartisan education policy group. “The reality is that the population has declined so much that Jackson cannot support the number of schools it has and provide a quality education.”

Opponents Prevail in Oakland

But in many cities, schools that are almost empty shells are protected from closing. Consider the heated battle in Oakland.

The performance of the Oakland school district, which is two-thirds Latino and black, is among the worst in California: Just 25% of students meet or exceed math standards, and only 33% reach this bar in English.

The poor results have contributed to a steady drop in enrollment to about 34,000 last year from more than 50,000 two decades ago. Many students left for charters, which now educate about a quarter of students in Oakland.

To improve performance, the district had set up a number of small schools with about 400 kids. That provided enough funding for a couple of teachers at each grade, as well as art and music programs, to create a rich learning environment. That’s now mostly gone.

“Several of our campuses have dwindled to what I call micro schools that are each under 250 students, with only one class at every grade level and without much enrichment,” said Davis, the school board member. “We no longer have that robust environment for teachers or students.”

The urgency for Oakland to close schools, in addition to buildings it shut years ago, is underscored by the state takeover of the district in 2003 to prevent bankruptcy. The district is still paying off the bailout loan, so wasting money on under-enrolled schools could prompt another intervention by its Alameda County overseer.

To stave off more financial trouble, the board approved a plan in 2022 to shut or merge 11 schools, beginning with two that year. The savings would give the district a chance to reinvigorate the remaining schools with more teachers and programs.

But weeks of community demonstrations and a hunger strike by a group of protestors culminated in the election of new board members who opposed school closures. Two of the winners were backed by the Oakland Education Association teachers’ union.

In January, the new board hastily overturned the earlier vote on closures, saving five schools from shuttering without considering the financial impact in apparent violation of its own policy.

Sasha Ritzie-Hernandez, who has numerous relatives attending Oakland schools, helped rally thousands of protesters to keep them open. She says the schools targeted by the board were disproportionally black and low-income and questioned whether the savings would actually benefit students or get absorbed in what she considers a bloated district bureaucracy.

“I oppose closing schools,” said Ritzie-Hernandez, who lost a race for an open board seat in November. “Families in Oakland didn’t feel like they were involved in the decision-making process, so we mobilized parents to the board meetings because there was not robust community engagement.”

The decision to keep the schools open adds at least $5 million a year to the district’s budget, forcing the board to consider across-the-board cuts to its 78 schools, which could only add to their struggles.

Up Next: Denver

The Denver school district is now in the throes of a closures fight after enrollment has suffered from a declining birth rate and gentrification.

While Latinos make up the biggest group of students, their families are having fewer children. At the same time, rising housing costs are pushing lower-income families out of the city, and young couples without kids are moving in. The district is becoming whiter and smaller.

Enrollment peaked in 2019 at about 94,000 students and has fallen each year to 89,000 in 2022, according to the district. It projects it will lose thousands more students in the next few years.

When birth rates fall, elementary schools are emptied first. At the beginning of the year, the Board of Education expected that 15 district-run elementary and middle schools would have fewer than 215 students. Two elementary schools would have fewer than 120 students and not enough incoming kindergarteners to form a viable class.

After more than a year of gathering community feedback and analysis by an advisory committee, Superintendent Marrero, in the fall of 2022, recommended closing 10 of the 15 schools with fewer than 215 students. Nine of them were predominately Latino and black.

In the racial politics of Denver, the plan drew swift blowback from families and some members of the school board, which was entirely backed by the influential Denver Classroom Teachers Association. Vice President Auon’tai Anderson declared in the media that the closure plan was a “tactic of white supremacy culture” – despite the fact that it was developed by a Latino superintendent.

Bowing to pressure, several weeks later, Marrero was expected to cut the list in half to five schools, targeting those that required the largest subsidies. Instead, he chopped the list to just two schools.

Still, that wasn’t good enough. The school board rejected the slimmed-down plan, saying more input from the community was needed. A few months later, in early 2023, as the financial burden of zombie schools sank in, the board finally acted, closing just three of them.

What will happen to the rest of the under-enrolled schools is anyone’s guess. This month, Denver voters signaled they wanted a more moderate school board, electing three new members – none of them backed by the teachers union – to the seven-person panel. One new member is the former CEO of a charter network in Colorado who has expressed support for closing under-enrolled schools.

If Denver shutters more schools, it will likely happen slowly over many years, says William Anderson, a former public school teacher in the city who’s now on the faculty at the University of Denver.

“Maybe they close three next year, and see if it’s working the way they expected, and then they tweak the process before closing three more,” he says.

Charters on the Firing Line

As a subplot in the battle over vacated schools, districts in Oakland and Denver have rejected several requests by charters to expand. While that may help protect a district’s funding, it’s not good for families looking for better options for educating their children.

Charters, which are publicly funded but privately managed, have been particularly effective in accelerating the academic growth of low-income students, outperforming traditional schools by a significant margin, according to a 2023 study by the Center for Research on Education Outcomes (CREDO) at Stanford.

This is true in Denver, according to a separate CREDO study of the city, where charters make up about a quarter of all public schools. DSST, a charter network in Denver with waiting lists for many of its schools, stands out. It won national acclaim for the outstanding academic results of its disadvantaged students, 80% of whom are Latino or black. All of its graduates have been admitted to college since 2008, according to its website.

Yet DSST’s expansion in Denver has come to an abrupt halt. It last started a school in 2021, and that required the charter to appeal to the state after the school board sought to delay the opening for years. Since 2020, the Denver board has received three requests for new charter schools and rejected all of them, citing the potential difficulties they would have in recruiting students and other reasons, according to board memos.

“The local school board has been controlled by members who are hostile to authorizing new charter schools,” says Todd Ziebarth, senior vice president for state advocacy at the National Alliance for Public Charter Schools. “While Colorado’s law does create an appeals process, the time-consuming nature of it can serve as a deterrent to growth.”

In Oakland, the school board has rejected two charter proposals it has received since 2020: a new school was denied because it didn’t have a sound educational program, and an expansion was shot down because of the financial impact on the district from losing more students to the charter, said Davis, the board member.

Even Yu Ming, the top performing K-8 public school in Alameda County, which includes Oakland, encountered resistance in its request to grow its enrollment in the city. Students in the Mandarin immersion charter—30% of whom are low-income—performed about three times better than Oakland students on a 2022 state test, an extraordinary margin. Although Yu Ming has a waiting list, the Oakland board passed a resolution to compel the county, which controls the charter, to allow it to expand into a neighboring city.

“The problem is that if we expand enrollment at charter schools, including the highly successful ones, that contributes to the decreasing enrollment in the district and leads to us closing more neighborhood schools, which is very painful,” Davis said.

But the benefit to students who would have enrolled in an expanded charter like Yu Ming could be significant. One of the most effective ways to deal with the chronic academic problems of low-income students is simply to put them in a better school. That alone makes a big difference, according to a CREDO study of school closures in 26 states.

The research showed that students – particularly blacks and Latinos – who transferred to superior schools made greater academic gains than their peers who remained in poorly performing schools. But a little less than half of the displaced students were moved to higher quality schools, which are in short supply in many cities.

Margaret Raymond, the CREDO director, says local boards closing facilities should also focus on finding ways to transfer students to better schools, including charters, even if districts take a financial hit.

“The lesson is that choosing the worst schools to close is probably a good thing, but that’s only half the exercise,” Raymond said. “Districts also have to figure out how to marshal those kids into settings where they have a chance of recovering academically.”

This article was originally published by RealClearInvestigations and made available via RealClearWire.

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]]> 0 classroom-2093744_1280 AWFUL: Group of Deranged Women Brutally Assault Helpless Man in Black Friday Brawl and Try to Strip Off His Pants While Another Fight Breaks Out Nearby (VIDEO) Wed, 29 Nov 2023 19:45:25 +0000

Paradise, Nevada – A group of crazed females beat up a larger male during a Black Friday shopping trip while another fight broke out nearby.

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Credit: Credit: PROLIFICJONNY5

Paradise, Nevada – A group of crazed females beat up a larger male during a Black Friday shopping trip while another fight broke out nearby.

Fox News reported Wednesday that the unidentified male was assaulted at Fashion Show Mall in Paradise, Nevada, near the Las Vegas Strip.

The video, which was recorded by Nevada rapper Johnathan Gray, shows the women punching and slapping the helpless man while he is on the ground. They also yank his hair and try to pull his pants off.


Gray spoke exclusively to Fox News and revealed more details regarding the fight.

I’m continuing to walk up the stairs, I see a whole bunch of ruckus and people are looking over the balcony. I get the look in over the balcony, too. I look down they’re having a full-on hair fight. One of the girls was stabbed in their face. Yeah, it was a big chaos event during the fight.

Fox News notes at the same time these women were beating the tar out of the poor man, another major fight in the mall was happening.

The photos below show a horde of females assaulting another woman. They drag her along the floor and slap her.


Credit: (Instagram/screenshot | PROLIFICJONNY5)

The Fashion Show Mall released a statement to Fox News saying that their security officers and the Las Vegas police responded quickly and removed the perpetrators:

We are aware of the video circulating on social media. We want to be clear that we have zero tolerance for this behavior.

Our security officers and partners at the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department responded quickly to handle the situation and remove the individuals.

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]]> 0 nevada brawl Credit: Credit: PROLIFICJONNY5 nevade brawl-2 Credit: (Instagram/screenshot | PROLIFICJONNY5) Major Democrat Donor, Biden-Appointed Commissioner with Links to Hunter Biden’s Art Sale is Related to the 4-Year-Old First American Hostage Released by Hamas Wed, 29 Nov 2023 19:30:33 +0000

There was good news this week when news broke that 4-year-old Jewish hostage Abigail Mor Idan was released by the Hamas terrorists.

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Elizabeth Hirsh Naftali (L); Abigail Mor Idan (R)

There was good news this week when news broke that 4-year-old Jewish hostage Abigail Mor Idan was released by the Hamas terrorists.

Ben Weingarten of RealClearInvestigations (RCI) has reported a controversial connection in the recent hostage release by Hamas. The American child freed during the ceasefire with Israel is reportedly the great-niece of Elizabeth Hirsh Naftali, a major Democratic party donor with close ties to the Biden regime.

Abigail Mor Idan, a dual U.S.-Israeli citizen, was the only American among 80 hostages, primarily women and children, exchanged for Palestinian Arab prisoners. In return, Israel has freed 180 Palestinian prisoners.

This fragile truce followed a harrowing incident on October 7, where Abigail’s parents were tragically killed by jihadists in southern Israel.

Following the news of her release, Biden went off-script and made a creepy comment about 4-year-old Abigail Edan during his remarks to reporters.

“Thank God she’s home. The little – I just can’t imagine the enjoyment…I just wish I were there to hold her,” Biden said.

“Nothing is guaranteed and nothing is being taken for granted. But the proof that this is working and worth pursuing further is in every smile and every grateful tear we see on the faces of those families who are finally getting back together again. The proof is little Abigail,” Biden added.

RealClearInvestigations correspondent Ben Weingarten exposes a connection that casts a shadow over the joyous liberation: the child is the great-niece of Elizabeth Hirsh Naftali, a Democratic party heavy-hitter and benefactor to Hunter Biden’s controversial art sales who has parlayed her contributions into a high-ranking cultural position from Biden himself.

A senior administration official told RealClearInvestigations that the Biden administration, collaborating with Qatari and Egyptian mediators, ensured Abigail’s inclusion in the early list of hostages to be released. President Biden himself reportedly discussed Abigail’s case with numerous counterparts, including the Amir of Qatar.

“The President raised Abigail in nearly all of his phone calls with counterparts as well as with the Amir of Qatar on Saturday,” a senior administration official disclosed to RealClearInvestigations, hinting at special treatment, adding that “U.S. officials have also remained in close touch with Abigail’s family members including those the President spoke with on Sunday,” the day Abigail was returned from Gaza to Israel.

Following the incident, and Abigail’s subsequent return to Israel on November 26, Hirsh Naftali publicly thanked Joe Biden, yet declined to address the murmurs of her alleged quid pro quo dealings with the Biden regime.

“Today’s release proves that it’s possible. We can get all hostages back home. We have to keep pushing,” said Liz Hirsh Naftali and Noa Naftali, Abigail’s great aunt and cousin.

The Gateway Pundit reported in July that a major Democrat donor and Biden-appointed commissioner was revealed as a buyer of Hunter Biden’s artwork.

Hunter’s artwork (photo below) ranges from $75,000 for works on paper to $500,000+ for large-scale paintings.

A self-portrait by Hunter Biden. Credit…Hunter Biden and Georges Bergés Gallery

According to Business Insider, Hunter Biden learned the identity of at least two of his buyers – and one of the buyers got a favor from the Biden White House!

One buyer, identified as a Los Angeles real estate investor and major Democrat donor, Elizabeth Hirsh Naftali, and was appointed to a prestigious commission by Joe Biden.

Business Insider disclosed that Hirsh Naftali bought at least one artwork created by Hunter Biden, with each piece valued up to $500,000. The sales from these artworks amounted to almost $1.4 million.

According to Insider, in July 2022, 8 months after Hunter Biden’s art debuted in a SoHo gallery, Joe Biden appointed Naftali to the Commission for the Preservation of America’s Heritage Abroad.

Additionally, records indicate that Naftali has visited the White House at least 13 times since December 2021, which was the month after the opening of the art show.

It was unclear if the appointment occurred before or after Naftali purchased Hunter Biden’s art.

Republican legislators have been scrutinizing Hirsh Naftali’s appointment process since July, concerned about the bias that overshadows the Biden regime’s selection procedures. Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer directed skepticism at the legitimacy of her post on the U.S. Commission for the Preservation of America’s Heritage Abroad, questioning the ethical boundaries that appear blurred by Hunter Biden’s past conduct.

Democrat Rep. Dan Goldman criticized the inquiry, labeling it as “soulless.”

Meanwhile, National Security Council Chief Spokesperson John Kirby revealed that the U.S. government has limited information on the condition and whereabouts of American hostages currently held in Gaza by Hamas militants.

Despite the successful release of Abigail Idan, there are concerns for the remaining hostages whose situation remains unclear.

“We don’t have a whole lot of information about them, where they are, what condition they might be in, or what exactly the schedule would be for their release,” said Kirby.

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]]> 0 abigail merlin_192570129_51710482-bd1d-4e98-82fb-d1b843ef4744-superJumbo A self-portrait by Hunter Biden. Credit…Hunter Biden and Georges Bergés Gallery J6 Defendant Sues CREW Leftists for Selectively Editing and Presenting Confirmed Lies as Evidence in the Trump Colorado Election Lawsuit – Seeks $7.2 Million for Defamation Wed, 29 Nov 2023 19:15:21 +0000

Democrats were caught pushing fraudulent evidence at the Trump trial in Colorado earlier this month.

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Democrats were caught pushing fraudulent evidence at the Trump trial in Colorado earlier this month.

The Democrat Party’s far-left attorneys in Colorado attempted to toss President Trump from the ballot in the state by any means necessary.  They’re so confident with their candidate Joe Biden that they want to toss Trump from the ballot – just like any communist regime ever.

During their opening remarks, the Trump-hating attorneys shared two clips of President Trump’s speech at the Ellipse to a million-plus supporters on January 6, 2021.

The Democrats insist that President Trump started a violent riot. But they refused to play video of his statement calling on his supporters to “peacefully march” to the US Capitol.

But that’s not all.

The prosecuting attorneys also lied about the timeline of events they showed the court in their opening remarks.

The attorneys misrepresented the time stamps on the videos they played in court – not by minutes but by hours!

The prosecutors claimed the speech by Treniss Evans on the US Capitol Steps took place at 2:24 PM on Jan. 6.

The speech by J6 defendant Treniss Evans actually took place at 4:22 PM not at 2:24 PM!  — TWO FULL HOURS LATER!

The Democrats were trying everything to get President Trump thrown off of the ballot in Colorado.

They even falsified their video evidence and timestamps!

This is perjury – and it took place in their opening statements!


Now J6 defendant Treniss Evans is suing the prosecutors in the case for $7.2 million in the same Colorado court for defamation!

Here is a copy of the legal filing.

** Please donate to Treniss’s group Condemned USA here.

Treniss Evans wrote us today.

I’ve attached the Amicus Curiae Brief (friend of the court) filed in The Colorado Supreme Court case to keep Donald Trump off the ballot for the 2024 Election filed 11-29-2024.

The brief contains facts discrediting the assertions of CREW (Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington) to assert that Donald J. Trump incited an insurrection on January 6th.  These assertions using a fraudulently altered video of Mr. Evans as the first attack on Donald Trump were incorrect and initially created by The Select Committee.

Opening arguments of Eric Olson as counsel for CREW provided false information to the court by regurgitating the known lies of The January 6th Select Committee to investigate the so-called “attack on the United States Capitol on January 6th.”  Shamefully, these allegations through video with altered time stamps were perpetrated on the American people a second time on the 4th day of court while Amy Kramer was on the witness stand. The attorneys could not locate the person in the video in a timely manner, who they eventually found to be Mr. Evans to testify regarding the absurdity of the allegations.

Treniss Evans responded immediately by filing a 7.2-million-dollar defamation complaint in the same court where the original case aimed to remove Donald Trump from the Colorado ballot.

The original defamation case and the Colorado Supreme Court Brief as Amicus Curiae are attached.

SUMMARY:  The case is built on the LIES and MISINFORMATION provided by THE SELECT COMMITTEE, which Mr. Evans has proven to be a fraud on the people. Could you read the facts of the case and conclude as a reasonable person?

Mr. Evans is also working on a groundbreaking effort for change of venue and is prepared to overturn landmark case law in the process.

As the founder of CondemnedUSA (the leading legal advocacy working on January 6th cases) Mr. Evans has assisted in both the Oath Keepers and Proud Boys trials and dozens of other cases. The cases CondemnedUSA has been a part of have beaten more counts levied against January 6th defendants than any other group.  Mr. Evans is desperately seeking donations for these incredibly expensive efforts poised to save our country and our patriots.

Please use the link below to donate today!

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]]> 0 trump trial colorado treniss evans lies court colorado Dirty Jack Smith and Obama Judge Beryl Howell Attempt to Cover-Up How Both Suggested Trump Was a ‘Flight Risk’ to Justify Secret X/Twitter Search Warrant Wed, 29 Nov 2023 19:00:21 +0000

Jack Smith and Obama-appointed Judge Beryl Howell are now attempting to cover up the fact that they both suggested Trump was a ‘flight risk’ to justify the nondisclosure order on X/Twitter.

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Jack Smith and Obama-appointed Judge Beryl Howell are now attempting to cover up the fact that they both suggested Trump was a ‘flight risk’ to justify the nondisclosure order on X/Twitter.

As previously reported, Special Counsel Jack Smith admitted he included inaccurate information when he asked Judge Beryl Howell, an Obama appointee, for a secret search warrant for Trump’s X/Twitter account @RealDonaldTrump.

X was fined $350,000 because it delayed producing the subpoenaed records.

The search warrant was so secret that Trump didn’t even know Jack Smith issued a subpoena for the records.

Biden’s corrupt Justice Department obtained a nondisclosure order that prohibited X from informing Trump about Jack Smith’s subpoena.

Over the course of the months-long legal battle, X argued that the nondisclosure order violated the First Amendment and Stored Communications Act.

The Justice Department argued Trump would put the so-called ‘ongoing investigation’ in jeopardy.

According to CNN, the DC Circuit Court Appeals said the court found that there were “reasonable grounds to believe” that Trump would ‘jeopardize the ongoing investigation’ if he knew about the search warrant.

“The district court, according to the DC Circuit’s opinion, “found that there were ‘reasonable grounds to believe’ that disclosing the warrant to former President Trump ‘would seriously jeopardize the ongoing investigation’ by giving him “an opportunity to destroy evidence, change patterns of behavior, [or] notify confederates.”” CNN reported.

Jack Smith admitted to Judge Howell he included inaccurate information when he suggested Trump would become a flight risk if he learned about the secret gag order.

Judge Beryl Howell

“The district court also found reason to believe that the former President would ‘flee from prosecution,’” read the decision from DC District Court of Appeals. “The government later acknowledged, however, that it had ‘errantly included flight from prosecution as a predicate’ in its application for the non-disclosure order.”

“U.S. District Judge Beryl Howell granted the warrant and the nondisclosure order. The appeals court ruling upheld his decision. Howell’s original order is not public, though the appellate court indicated he felt there was reason to believe Trump’s awareness of the warrant could undercut the investigation by allowing him to obstruct it.” Just the News reported.

“Howell evidently agreed with the erroneous elements claiming Trump would be a flight risk, though the appeals court determined that consideration was not the definitive reason for his granting the nondisclosure order.” according to Just the News.

Jack Smith has a history of lying and withholding exculpatory evidence.

Now Jack Smith is trying to strike the ‘flight risk’ language from the record.

“The Government now seeks to strike from the NDO language, which can be found at the bottom of page two of the NDO.” they wrote in a later filing.

Jack Smith and the Biden DOJ also demanded information on all Twitter-X users who retweeted President Trump, liked President Trump’s tweets, or mentioned President Trump’s account in their tweets.

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]]> 0 Jack Smith judge howell GAG017NWwAAZiTA Judge Rules on Transgender Lawmaker’s Suit Against State House Wed, 29 Nov 2023 18:40:14 +0000

This article originally appeared on Guest by post by Bob Unruh  Activists had called for representatives to ‘see blood on your hands’ A judge has ruled the Montana state House of Representatives has the right to discipline members as it chooses.

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Rep. Zooey Zephyr
Credit: Montana Freedom Caucus

This article originally appeared on

Guest by post by Bob Unruh 

Activists had called for representatives to ‘see blood on your hands’

A judge has ruled the Montana state House of Representatives has the right to discipline members as it chooses.

And he’s thrown out a lawsuit by Zooey Zephyr, a transgender Democrat who sued over a House decision to punish him.

A report in the Washington Times revealed Montana District Court Judge Mike Menahan has granted the state’s request to dismiss the lawsuit Zephyr filed accusing the House of violating his rights.

Menahan, a Democrat and former member of the House, said in his 10-page order, “Article V, Section 10 of the Montana Constitution provides the Legislature the authority to discipline its members.”

Zephyr was censured last April for violating House rules and decorum “after holding up a disconnected microphone on the House floor in support of gallery protesters,” the report said.

Demonstrators were arrested at the time.

The judge said, “The censure limited Zephyr to voting remotely on pending legislation for the remainder of the legislative session.”

In the House at the time was legislation that would protect children from gender-transition drugs and surgeries that can leave them mutilated, and sterile, for life.

Zephyer, a male who “transitioned” to female in 2018, scolded other representatives with, “If you vote yes on this bill and yes on these amendments, I hope the next time there’s an invocation, when you bow your heads in prayer, you see the blood on your hands.”

The judge also noted that the lawsuit became moot when the legislature adjourned May 2.

“The court cannot grant effective relief in this matter because there is no longer a ‘live’ controversy. Because of the fact specific nature of plaintiffs’ claims, no mootness exception applies. Without a justiciable issue, this court may not hear plaintiffs’ case.”

WND reported when Menahan ruled months ago that the legislature’s decision would stand.

Zephyr, whose original name was Zachary Raasch, had launched a verbal attack against Republican lawmakers as they were voting on one LGBT agenda point.

His privilege to be on the floor of House, and speak, was suspended by a House vote then, and later, after appearing to lead an “insurrection” by his supporters in the House chamber, he sued.

The House censure vote found Zephyr had “violated the rules, collective rights, safety, dignity, integrity, or decorum of the House of Representatives.”

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]]> 0 Screenshot 2023-04-19 at 2.36.26 PM Rep. Zooey Zephyr
Credit: Montana Freedom Caucus
Biden So Disliked Even the Least Popular American Governor Polls Better Than Him Wed, 29 Nov 2023 18:20:04 +0000

President Joe Biden — the establishment’s installed puppet — has presided over a comical, catastrophic and tyrannical administration.

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President Joe Biden — the establishment’s installed puppet — has presided over a comical, catastrophic and tyrannical administration. And people have noticed.

According to The Hill, Monday’s Morning Consult poll showed Biden with approval numbers substantially lower than those of the least popular state governor.

Republican Gov. Tate Reeves of Mississippi earned a 45 percent approval rating. By contrast, Biden checked in at a dismal 38 percent approval.

On the negative side, too, Biden crushed the competition. The president’s 55 percent disapproval rating easily outpaced Republican Gov. Kim Reynolds of Iowa, who scored identical approval and disapproval ratings of 48 percent.

Earlier this month, Reynolds endorsed Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis of Florida for the party’s presidential nomination. As recently as 2022, rumors swirled that perhaps former President Donald Trump would select Reynolds as his 2024 running mate.

In at least one respect, the Morning Consult poll should strike us as depressing. It shows, for instance, that when it comes to evaluating state governors, party affiliation makes a big difference.

How else could we explain the fact that Democratic Gov. Josh Green of deep-blue Hawaii was rated as the nation’s 3rd-most popular governor at 66 percent approval? In the wake of government failures at all levels during and after the Aug. 8 Maui wildfire, that approval rating seems almost impossible.

As for Biden, the Morning Consult poll hardly qualified as an outlier. According to the RealClearPolitics average of polls for the period between Nov. 1 and Nov. 27, the president has earned a 55.3 percent disapproval rating compared to only 40.7 percent approval.

Meanwhile, in the 2024 presidential race, recent polls have shown Biden trailing Trump both nationwide and in presumed battleground states.

On the whole, though Biden’s popularity has clearly diminished over time, one hardly knows what to make of these polls.

After all, the Biden administration has no precedent in U.S. history.

On one hand, no president has ever exhibited such obvious cognitive decline coupled with inability to perform basic tasks. Biden has often struggled, for instance, with climbing stairs, forming coherent sentences and finding his way off stage. In any other role besides that of a corrupt and ineffectual world leader, he would command sympathy rather than mockery.

On the other hand, no president has presided over anything comparable to the disastrous 2021 Afghanistan withdrawal. Nor has any administration orchestrated a more brazen money-laundering operation than the Ukraine War. Even with that operation seemingly winding down for the moment, World War III has never seemed likelier than it does now under Biden.

And, of course, no U.S. president has ever attempted to throw his leading rival in prison. Nor has any administration ever treated its political opponents as domestic terrorists.

Indeed, Biden has managed to combine the seemingly irreconcilable qualities of dictator and buffoon. His approval rating should be near zero.

Alas, 40 percent of poll respondents seem not to have noticed. Or, those respondents have noticed and, in fact, have approved of both the incompetence and the tyranny.

Happily, 55 percent have noticed and do not approve, so hope remains.

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

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]]> 0 What Supreme Court Ruling? Joe Biden Emails 800,000 Borrowers About Student Loan Debt Relief to Buy Their Votes Next Year Wed, 29 Nov 2023 18:00:42 +0000

The Biden regime is not letting the Constitution get in the way of buying off young voters who have soured on him.

The post What Supreme Court Ruling? Joe Biden Emails 800,000 Borrowers About Student Loan Debt Relief to Buy Their Votes Next Year appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


The Biden regime is not letting the Constitution get in the way of buying off young voters who have soured on him.

Axios reported that Joe Biden sent an email Tuesday afternoon informing more than 800,000 student loan borrowers about student loan debt relief. This means the so-called president has forgiven $127 billion in student loan debt for 3.5 million borrowers so far.

As the Gateway Pundit’s Cristina Laila previously reported, Biden had unilaterally canceled over $400 billion in student loans, which turns out to be up to $10,000 in student debt for borrowers who earn $125,000 a year or less and up to $20,000 for recipients of Pell Grants. His scheme was rejected by the Supreme Court.

According to Axios, here is what the email states:

I hope this relief gives you a little more breathing room.

I’ve heard from countless people who have told me that relieving the burden of student loan debt will allow them to support themselves and their families, or move forward with life plans they’ve put on hold.

I’m proud that we were able to give borrowers like you the relief you earned. I promise you that as long as I am President, I will never stop fighting for hardworking American families.”

A White House spokesperson said Tuesday following the announcement: “The president is committed to fighting for hardworking American families, making sure we get them a little more breathing room, and allowing them to support themselves and their families.”

Biden’s email also requests that recipients share how the bailout will impact them. He then blames “errors and administrative failures” for the shortcomings of the student loan forgiveness process.

Axios notes the students who received this email were those who were not credited for student loan payments that should have given them forgiveness or people placed into forbearance by loan servicers who violated Department of Education policies. Laila reported back in October that the Department of Education withheld $7.2 million from the Missouri Higher Education Loan Authority over billing statement errors that affected 800,000 borrowers.

Suppose this action by Biden is not stopped; what will prevent him from pursuing even more damaging political activities, such as declaring a “climate emergency” to shut down oil and gas drilling across America?

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]]> 0 Biden laughs at Covid deaths Dec 15 2021 Just in Time for Election: ‘Charlatan’ Dr. Peter Hotez Now Claims that Experts Are Predicting ‘Disease X’ is Coming Which Will Be ’20 Times’ Worse than COVID-19 Wed, 29 Nov 2023 17:45:28 +0000

Vaccine promoter Dr.

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Dr. Peter Hotez at his Baylor office in Houston on Thursday, Jan. 28, 2021. (Texas Children’s Global Health)

Vaccine promoter Dr. Peter Hotez made headlines last June for refusing to debate author, activist, presidential candidate, and attorney Robert Kennedy, Jr. on the effectiveness of the COVID-19 vaccines.

Rather than accept the challenge, Hotez lashed out at both Robert Kennedy Jr. and Joe Rogan, who invited the two to debate the facts on his show.

Hotez refused and smeared Robert Kennedy, Jr. instead. Hotez actually said, “Science is not something that is typically debated.”  What a fraud.

Now, the ‘charlatan’ doctor claimed that ‘Disease X’ is coming, which will be worse than COVID-19.

“So I am very worried that we as a nation, haven’t made that commitment to really fully protect the American people,” Hotez told FOX 26.

“We have a likelihood that new pandemic threats that people call them disease x are going to be rising on a regular basis.”

“COVID-19 is just the warm-up act. The next pandemic may not be as severe, but it could be much more severe,” he added.


“Disease X” is a placeholder name that was adopted by the World Health Organization (WHO) in February 2018 on their shortlist of blueprint priority diseases to represent a hypothetical, unknown pathogen that could cause a future epidemic. It is a potential disease that could cause a global pandemic, and scientists are working to identify and prepare for it.

The WHO does not know what Disease X is, or what it could look like, but they are concerned that it could arise at any time.

Livemint reported:

Health experts are sounding the alarm about “Disease X,” a term coined by the World Health Organization. They warn that this potential new pandemic has the capacity to result in 20 times more fatalities than the coronavirus. The COVID-19 pandemic began in 2020 and has tragically claimed the lives of over 2.5 million people worldwide.

In an interview with the Daily Mail, Kate Bingham, who served as the chair of the UK’s Vaccine Taskforce from May to December 2020, expressed her belief that Disease X is expected to be considerably more perilous than COVID-19.

up to 50 million fatalities. “Let me put it this way: the 1918-19 flu pandemic killed at least 50 million people worldwide, twice as many as were killed in World War I. Today, we could expect a similar death toll from one of the many viruses that already exist,” she told the Daily Mail.

In response to Disease X, Bingham asserted, “the world will have to prepare for mass vaccination drives and deliver the doses in record time.”

She disclosed that while scientists have identified 25 virus families encompassing thousands of individual viruses, she holds the view that there are millions of viruses yet to be discovered, and these have the potential to evolve into pandemics.

Meanwhile, an unexplained pneumonia-like sickness is reportedly swiftly spreading through schools in China, leading to a surge of hospitalizations of children.

Over the past few weeks, numerous schools in China, predominantly in Beijing and Liaoning province, have reported a rapid increase in children presenting with severe symptoms. These symptoms, including high fever and lung inflammation, are eerily similar to those of pneumonia, Daily Mail reported.

However, what sets this illness apart is the lack of common respiratory symptoms like coughing. This unique symptom profile has led health professionals to label this as an “undiagnosed pneumonia.”

Note that this peculiar symptomatology has reportedly baffled health professionals, who are struggling to categorize and understand this new illness.

The World Health Organization (WHO) announced that it has requested information from China regarding the increase in cases of respiratory diseases and clusters of pneumonia among children.

How convenient. Just in time for the election.

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]]> 0 Q&A Hotez 0129 Dr. Peter Hotez at his Baylor office in Houston on Thursday, Jan. 28, 2021. (Texas Children’s Global Health) Today’s Democrat Party: Watch Numerous Oakland Residents Defend Hamas Jew Killers at This Week’s City Council Meeting – VIDEO Wed, 29 Nov 2023 17:30:40 +0000

Hamas slaughtered 1,400 Israeli civilians, service members and foreigners in an October 7, 2023, surprise attack in southern Israel.

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]]> Hamas slaughtered 1,400 Israeli civilians, service members and foreigners in an October 7, 2023, surprise attack in southern Israel.

The terror group also took at least 240 Jews and foreigners hostage.

Israel released photos of dozens of young beautiful women who went missing following the historic Hamas attack on Israel.

Hamas reportedly launched over 5,000 missiles into southern and central Israel. Over 1,300 Israelis were killed, and over 1,000 were hospitalized following the massive assault inside Israel.

Hundreds of Israelis were attending a dance party, also described as a peace party, in the desert near the border when Hamas launched its attack.

Chaos erupted after Hamas reportedly opened fire on the gathering. Hundreds of Israelis ran into the desert to hide.

Several of the women who attended the party are still missing after they were taken to Gaza.

40 young women are pictured as missing.

page 2

In the past week Hamas has released 59 hostages including 36 Israeli hostages and 12 Thai hostages.

Earlier this week the Oakland City Council voted on a resolution to call for a ceasefire in Gaza.

An Oakland city council member tried to insert language condemning Hamas.

This did not go over well.

Several leftists, one after another, took turns going to the lecturn and defending the Hamas mass murderers.

Via Yashar Ali.

For those of you who missed this earlier – The Gateway Pundit documented the wicked mass murder of the Hamas barbarians.

THIS is what the people of Oakland are defending.

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]]> 0 missing girls israel 1 missing girls israel 2 At Least One Dead After U.S Military Osprey Crashes Off the Coast of Japan Wed, 29 Nov 2023 17:24:12 +0000

At least one person was killed in an Osprey aircraft crash into the sea near Japan on Wednesday morning.

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At least one person was killed in an Osprey aircraft crash into the sea near Japan on Wednesday morning. The crash happened near the island of Yakushima in the southern part of Japan near Kagoshima.

The Coast Guard thought eight people were on the plane but confirmed it was six.

NBC News reported:

TOKYO — At least one person has died after a U.S. military Osprey aircraft with six people on board crashed into the sea near an island off southern Japan on Wednesday morning, officials said.

A regional coast guard spokesperson confirmed to NBC News that the plane crashed into the ocean near Yakushima, an island about 45 miles south of the Kagoshima region on the southern main island of Kyushu.

The coast guard said in an earlier statement that eight people were on board the plane, a figure that was revised downward.

According to the Coast Guard, one man was recovered from the water unconscious. He was given CPR in an attempt to revive him but was unsuccessful. He was pronounced dead and his identity has not been released at this time.

“There were no immediate details available on the status of the aircraft or the rest of those on board.” according to NBC News.

After someone had called Japan’s emergency services number, the Coast Guard acted quickly to get to the scene with aircraft and patrol vessels.

The Osprey was based out of Yokota Air Base and is used by the 353rd Special Operations Wing, according to the Air Force.


The CV-22 Osprey has been around since the early 2000s. It was originally tested around 2000 and was operational in 2007.

“Initial operational capability was achieved in 2009,” according to the U.S. Air Force.

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]]> 0 At Least One Dead After U.S Military Osprey Crashes Off the Coast of Japan | The Gateway Pundit | by David Greyson At least one person was killed in an Osprey aircraft crash into the sea near Japan on Wednesday morning. The crash happened near the island of Yakushima in the southern part of Japan near Kagoshima. The Coast Guard thought eight people were on the plane but confirmed it was six. NBC News reported: T Video thumbnail for youtube video kb3cahpzemu Avdiivka: Russian Forces Are ‘Attacking on Every Side’ – Besiegers Now Fight for Heavily Fortified Coke Plant, Try To Cut Reinforcement Route Wed, 29 Nov 2023 17:15:41 +0000

Slowly but relentlessly, Russian forces surround and try to control the supply lines to the city of Avdiivka.

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Slowly but relentlessly, Russian forces surround and try to control the supply lines to the city of Avdiivka.

Ever since the much-hyped Ukrainian counteroffensive petered out and devolved into meaningless ‘meat assaults’, Russia has seized back the initiative and various pints along the frontline.

Since October, Russian troops have been concentrated land and air-based attacks on the strategic Donbas city of Avdiivka, making it the focal point of their push through eastern Ukraine’s defenses.

A few more kilometers of advance (between 3 and 7km depending on the source) and supplies and reinforcements will be blocked from entering Avdiivka, or anyone from leaving it.

Unlike Bakhmut, where one route remained open the entire duration of the siege, Avdiivka may face complete isolation.

Russia is attacking ‘from all sides’. This map shows advances on the Industrial Zone south of the besieged city.

Russian telegram channel Dvenik Desantnika reported battles on the northern flank, where the Russian Armed Forces are displacing the enemy in forest plantations near Tokmak.

“Also, the control of the territory by our troops around Stepovoye in the direction of Berdychi is gradually increasing.

There are no significant changes in the LOC [line of contact] on the southern flank, but intense fighting continues.

Artillery and all types of drones are actively working together.”

Relentless attacks, day and night.

Now, even Ukrainian sources in the MSM have to report that the Russian Federation forces are advancing in many areas of the long front line – specially on Avdiivka.

The drive to capture Avdiivka sees advance ‘from all sides’, the town’s top official was quoted as saying.

Reuters reported:

“The latest push, reported by Vitaliy Barabash, head of Avdiivka’s military administration, followed reports last week that Ukrainian troops had made some headway in halting and pushing back the Russian advance.

‘Things in the Avdiivka sector have become even tougher. The intensity of clashes has been increasing for some time’, Barabash told the media outlet Espreso TV.

‘The Russians have opened up two more sectors from which they have begun making assaults – in the direction of Donetsk … and in the so-called industrial zone. The enemy is attempting to storm the city from all directions’.”

Watch: FPV drones strike on a building that was used by the enemy to house personnel, in Avdiivka direction. The first drone was used to punch a hole in the roof, while the second with a thermobaric warhead flew through it into the building and exploded inside.

The key position has been fought over for 8-plus years, and not a single building remains intact.

Fewer than 1,500 residents remain, out of 32,000 before the war.

“Ukrainian and Western military analysts say Russia has incurred heavy losses, although the battle for the town is rarely mentioned in official Russian military dispatches.

Russian military bloggers also reported Ukrainian gains near Avdiivka last week. On Monday, Russian reports said Moscow’s troops had secured control of the industrial zone and were attempting to storm the coking plant.”

Much of the fighting has focused on the recently taken industrial zone, and now on the disputed coking plant.

CNN reported:

“Avdiivka has been on the frontlines since pro-Moscow separatists seized large portions of the Donbas region, including the nearby city of Donetsk, in 2014, and has been under fire since Russia launched its full-scale invasion in February 2022.”

The city is a heavily fortified stronghold, with entrenchments built up over the past eight years.

“Analysts say the Russian aim is to encircle the city and take over an area of high ground near an industrial facility which would give Russia effective fire control over Ukrainian supply routes.

Earlier this month, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky called the fighting in Avdiivka an ‘onslaught’ and said the battle will be the one that in many ways will ‘determine the overall course of the war’.”

The Guardian reported:

In an intelligence update, the UK’s Ministry of Defence (MoD) said Russia had made ‘small’ advances on the northern axis of a pincer movement as part of an attempt to surround Avdiivka.

‘Although Avdiivka has become a salient or bulge in the Ukrainian frontline, Ukraine remains in control of a corridor of territory approximately 7km wide, through which it continues to supply the town’.”

Read more:

Siege of Avdiivka: Russian Forces Cut All the Supply and Reinforcement Routes for the Ukrainians, in a Move to Encircle the City

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]]> 0 Avdiivka 33 8ca28f02-1e51-4300-a9ba-9cf00e193833_1277x791 photo_2023-11-25_12-47-47 WATCH: Tucker Carlson Calls Out US Government Over Secrecy About UFOs Wed, 29 Nov 2023 17:00:34 +0000

Tucker Carlson called out the US government for the secrecy surrounding UFOs during his show on Tuesday.

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Tucker Carlson called out the US government for the secrecy surrounding UFOs during his show on Tuesday.

Carlson has been airing his show on X, the platform formerly known as Twitter, after Fox News abruptly fired him.

Just before bringing on his guest, Republican Rep. Tim Burchett, Carlson addressed the “coordinated effort” by the federal government to hide information about UFOs for the last 80 years.

“Federal agencies have been lying about UFOs for more than 80 years, this has been a coordinated effort. It is both highly time-consuming and very expensive. Many Americans have been hurt in the process. But what’s the point of this? Would it be a lot easier just to release the facts?” Carlson said.

Carlson continued, “The conventional explanation for why they haven’t been released is that the U.S. government is lying about UFOs because the truth about UFOs is too scary to reveal — that they’re real. And our leaders wouldn’t want to panic the population. But that’s not true. In fact, it’s ridiculous.”

“Terrifying the population is what our government does best and most avidly. Officials regularly gin up irrational fears about COVID or white supremacy or Vladimir Putin or a dozen other topics as part of a pretty obvious control strategy,” Carlson stated. “So why would they lie about UFOs? Well, because they’re covering up a crime, obviously, and it’s their crime.”

Carlson went on to question whether or not the government has had communication with extraterrestrial life.

“And then this question, the most pressing of all, has the U.S. government communicated directly with the beings that piloted these craft? Have American officials ever entered into any sort of agreement with them? And if so, what are the terms of that agreement? These are not random questions, they are informed questions. And at this point, Americans have a moral right to know the answers,” Carlson asserted.

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]]> 0 00 Florida Principal and Four School Officials Reassigned After Allowing Biological Male to Join Girls’ Volleyball Team Wed, 29 Nov 2023 16:45:16 +0000

A Florida principal and four school officials have been reassigned after reportedly allowing a transgender biological male to join the girls’ volleyball team.

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A Florida principal and four school officials have been reassigned after reportedly allowing a transgender biological male to join the girls’ volleyball team.

The principal, James Cecil, had worked at the Monarch High School in Broward County for 25 years, according to his LinkedIn profile.

Broward County Public Schools said that Cecil and the other staff members were transferred to non-school sites pending an investigation into allegations of improper student participation in sports, according to a report from NBC 6. No further details were offered.

“Although we cannot comment further, we will continue to follow state law and will take appropriate action based on the outcome of the investigation,” the statement said. “We are committed to providing all our students with a safe and inclusive learning environment.”

Under Florida’s “Fairness in Women’s Sports Act,” an “athletic team or sport that is designated for females, women, or girls may not be open to students of the male sex, based on the student’s biological sex listed on the student’s official birth certificate at the time of birth.”

The bill applies to interscholastic, intercollegiate, intramural, or club athletic teams or sports that are sponsored by a public secondary school, high school, public college, or university institution.

The day after the reassignments, some students at the school staged a walkout to protest.

Not all students were on the same page, however.

“He should not be able to play on the team,” a student told NBC6. “If he is a biological boy, I don’t think he should be able to play on a girl’s team.”

According to a press release from Florida Governor Ron DeSantis’ office at the time of the law’s signing, “The designation of separate sex-specific athletic teams or sports is necessary to promote equality of athletic opportunities, and the majority of Americans support this action. Multiple polls have stated more than 60 percent of Americans believe that biological males should not be participating in women’s sports.”

“As a father of two daughters, I want my girls, and every girl in Florida, to compete on an even playing field for the opportunities available to young women in sports,” said Governor DeSantis. “Women have fought for decades to have equal opportunities in athletics, and we have to prevent those opportunities from being eroded as is happening in other states. It’s common sense. Many thanks to Senator Stargel and Representative Tuck for their thoughtful work on this bill to ensure fairness in women’s sports.”

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]]> 0 00 Vast Majority of US Workers Believe Artificial Intelligence Could Do Their Jobs Wed, 29 Nov 2023 16:15:15 +0000

Two-thirds of American workers believe that artificial intelligence could do their jobs, according to a new poll.

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(Image by Alexandra_Koch from Pixabay)

Two-thirds of American workers believe that artificial intelligence could do their jobs, according to a new poll.

The poll, conducted by Spokeo, also found that 74.8 percent of American workers are concerned AI will impact their industry.

Spokeo reports, “Female respondents were slightly less concerned AI would impact their industry negatively compared to male respondents (72.5% compared with 76.6%).”

Concerns varied more by age, with 18-24-year-olds being least concerned about AI’s impact on their industry (66 percent) and those over 65 being most concerned (80.8 percent).

It isn’t all negative, however.

A 78.1 percent majority of workers believe AI could reduce some of the stresses of their jobs. Additionally, 76.7 percent think that AI “will reduce the number of working days in the week for the average American.”

“In early October Jamie Dimon, CEO of JPMorgan, made headlines with his prediction that AI will eventually cut down the work week to three and a half days. The majority of Americans seem to agree,” Spokeo reports. “In fact, three quarters of respondents (76.7%) believed that AI could help them work fewer days in the future.”

Respondents believe that the technology, agriculture, and manufacturing industries will benefit most from AI.

“The industries that Americans felt could be most negatively impacted by AI are Financial activities and insurance (41.4%), Professional and business services (40.2%) and Leisure and hospitality (38.4%),” the pollsters report.

In conclusion, Spokeo reported, “Overall, the study suggests that although Americans are wary of the potential consequences of AI technology, with the right training by employers, most people also see the potential benefits that the technology may reap in the workplace – both professionally and for their own personal well-being.”

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]]> 0 Artificial Intelligence AI (Image by Alexandra_Koch from Pixabay) New Report Reveals Top Election Fraud Officer Lay Dead Outside DeSantis’ Office for 24 Minutes Before Receiving Help Wed, 29 Nov 2023 16:00:00 +0000

New records released by Florida state law enforcement revealed Florida’s director of the election security office, who died last year shortly after attending a meeting inside Governor Ron DeSantis’ office, was not approached for 24 minutes after dying outside the DeSantis office.

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New records released by Florida state law enforcement revealed Florida’s director of the election security office, who died last year shortly after attending a meeting inside Governor Ron DeSantis’ office, was not approached for 24 minutes after dying outside the DeSantis office.

Election security director Pete Antonacci, 74, left a heated meeting in September of last year in a conference room inside the governor’s office.

Investigators revealed that Antonacci “abruptly got up from his seat and walked out” of the meeting after getting agitated.

Surveillance footage shows Antonacci leaving the conference room staggering at 1:46 pm; he soon fell and struck his head on a doorframe.

It wasn’t until 24 minutes later he received any aid.

Some meeting attendees were James C. Byrd, Florida’s secretary of state, Florida Department of Law Enforcement (FDLE) officials, and several attorneys for DeSantis and Byrd.

DeSantis was not reported as an attendee of the meeting.

Per USA Today:

Florida’s director of the controversial elections security office, who died last year right after a meeting in Gov. Ron DeSantis’ office, lay unattended for 24 minutes before being found, new records released by state law enforcement show.

Pete Antonacci, 74, had left abruptly during a contentious meeting on Sept. 23 last year in a conference room in the governor’s office with 11 attendees, including Secretary of State Cord Byrd and Florida Department of Law Enforcement officials and attorneys for Byrd and DeSantis.

Antonacci, a native of Hialeah in Miami-Dade County, was known as a “Mr. Fix-it” for his wide-ranging roles in state government over the years. He had been named by DeSantis to head the recently-created and controversial Office of Elections Crimes and Security.

FDLE Director Scott McInerney, who was in the meeting, said an “agitated” Antonacci “abruptly” rose from his seat and walked out. There was no record of what was discussed during the meeting or what may have prompted Antonacci to exit the gathering alone.

Antonacci’s wife and doctor told authorities that Pete had a history of cardiac issues and heart disease.

There is no suspected foul play.

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]]> 0 atonacci WATCH: Texas Gov. Greg Abbott Skydives with 106-Year-Old World War II Veteran Wed, 29 Nov 2023 15:45:04 +0000

Texas Governor Greg Abbott went skydiving with a 106-year-old World War II veteran on Monday morning.

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Texas Governor Greg Abbott went skydiving with a 106-year-old World War II veteran on Monday morning.

Abbott and the veteran, Al Blaschke, did the jump from about 8,000 feet at Skydive Spaceland in Fentress.

It was the governor’s first time skydiving.

“We did some hard turns,” Abbott told reporters once the daredevil duo made it back to land. “It’s an upside-down ride a couple of times, but it’s a lot of fun.”

“The most shocking sensation is when you immediately exit the plane, and you’re just in freefall,” Abbott said.

Abbott, who is paralyzed from the waist down and uses a wheelchair, joked that his biggest fear was that he “would land, and I would not be able to walk away.”

The local NBC affiliate reports, “Blaschke is a previous Guinness World Records title holder for the oldest tandem skydive. Last month, a 104-year-old Chicago woman skydived in an effort to become the new record holder. She died a week after her jump.”

Abbott tweeted a video of the dive, writing that it was an “unbelievable day.”

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]]> 0 WATCH: Texas Gov. Greg Abbott Skydives with 106-Year-Old World War II Veteran | The Gateway Pundit | by Cassandra MacDonald Texas Governor Greg Abbott went skydiving with a 106-year-old World War II veteran on Monday morning. Abbott and the veteran, Al Blaschke, did the jump from about 8,000 feet at Skydive Spaceland in Fentress. It was the governor’s first time skydiving. “We did some hard turns,” Abbott told reporters 00 BIG NEWS: Federal Judge Orders FBI to Hand Over Evidence in Former DNC Employee Seth Rich’s Murder Case within 14 Days Wed, 29 Nov 2023 15:30:46 +0000

Attorney Ty Clevenger is the bulldog attorney who has been after the DOJ and FBI for years to get to the bottom of who supplied the DNC and Podesta’s emails to WikiLeaks during the 2016 election.  Clevenger has been attempting to get to the bottom of who supplied the DNC and Podesta emails to the DNC for several years now.  This was always the key to the Russia collusion nightmare.  If Russia didn’t supply emails to WikiLeaks (the FBI has never asked WikiLeaks who supplied the emails by the way) then the Russia collusion story was built on a lie.

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Attorney Ty Clevenger is the bulldog attorney who has been after the DOJ and FBI for years to get to the bottom of who supplied the DNC and Podesta’s emails to WikiLeaks during the 2016 election. 

Clevenger has been attempting to get to the bottom of who supplied the DNC and Podesta emails to the DNC for several years now.  This was always the key to the Russia collusion nightmare.  If Russia didn’t supply emails to WikiLeaks (the FBI has never asked WikiLeaks who supplied the emails by the way) then the Russia collusion story was built on a lie.

After years of denying they had anything related to Seth Rich, the FBI and DOJ were caught lying over and over again.  In September, a judge finally demanded the FBI and DOJ provide all they had in regard to Seth Rich and the FBI responded requesting another 66 years before releasing the information.

Now, a Federal Judge has just ruled the FBI must hand over evidence regarding former DNC employee Seth Rich’s murder.

This is big news since only one year ago, in October 2022, the FBI was attempting to bury the information on Seth Rich for 66 years.

No media outlet has covered the Seth Rich story as extensively as The Gateway Pundit.

Judge Amos L. Mazzant ruled the FBI must hand over Rich’s personal laptop, work laptop, a DVD, and thumb drive within 14 days.

Here is a copy of the court ruling sent to The Gateway Pundit by Attorney Ty Clevenger.

According to court documents, Mazzant ruled, “A timeline for the disclosure of information on Seth Rich’s personal laptop, Seth Rich’s work laptop, the DVD and tape drive within 14 days following the issuance of this Memorandum of Opinion and Order.”


Per Newsweek:

A judge has ordered the FBI to turn over the laptop of murdered Democrat staffer Seth Rich.

Judge Amos L. Mazzant ordered “a timeline for the disclosure of information on Seth Rich’s personal laptop, Seth Rich’s work laptop, the DVD and tape drive within 14 days following issuance of this Memorandum of Opinion and Order” on Wednesday morning.

Rich, who worked for the Democratic National Committee, was killed on July 10, 2016, while making his way home from a night out in Washington, D.C. He was speaking to his girlfriend on the phone when shots were heard.

Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene confirmed the Judge’s ruling.

The lack of details regarding Rich’s death has left many people puzzled.

According to authorities, Rich died from a “botched” robbery attempt, and his murderer has never been found.

In recent years, it has been reported by outlets that Rich made himself a target after he allegedly leaked DNC emails to WikiLeaks before his sudden death.

Previously, the FBI prevented a FOIA request relating to Rich’s death.


EXCLUSIVE: FBI Is Preventing the Release of FOIA Requests Related to Seth Rich – Again!

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]]> 0 Screenshot 2023-11-29 at 9.55.57 AM PLOT TWIST: Young Chiefs Fan Falsely Accused of Wearing Blackface by Deadspin Writer Has Been Revealed and There’s a Huge Twist to the Story Wed, 29 Nov 2023 15:15:23 +0000

The young Kansas City Chiefs fan falsely accused of wearing blackface by a racist Deadspin writer has been identified and this revelation makes the story worse for the garbage website.

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The young Kansas City Chiefs fan falsely accused of wearing blackface by a racist Deadspin writer has been identified and this revelation makes the story worse for the garbage website.

The Gateway Pundit’s Cristina Laila previously reported that Carron Phillips smeared an innocent child who attended Sunday’s Kansas City vs Las Vegas game by posting a deceptive photo of only one side of his face. The race-baiting scumbag claimed the innocent child was “hating” black people and Native Americans at the same time.

In reality, the boy was wearing the teams’ colors which are black and red.

A popular Chiefs Facebook fan group named Real KC Chiefs Fans revealed Tuesday that the child is Holden A. from California. But the story gets even better.

It turns out that Holden is an authentic Native American. He belongs to the Chumash tribe and his grandfather is on the Tribe board in Santa Ynez.

During Sunday’s broadcast Holden A. from California, a Native of the Chumash Tribe. His Grandfather is on the Chumash Tribe board up in Santa Ynez. This is his family at Super Bowl LVII. Everyone is making a massive deal out of this, only trying to show one side of his face to push their narrative. Real Kansas City Chiefs Fans Salute You Holden And Your Family.

Shannon Armeta came forward on Facebook and confirmed that Holden is her son and is Native American. Moreover, he is a popular figure at the Chiefs’ games.

Everyone asked to take a photo with him. He’s Native American – people are ridiculous.

The Chiefs players also appear to like Holden. Watch him help lead the fans in doing the tomahawk chop while players on the sidelines follow his lead.

Holden appears to be a rising star on the football field as well. Kyle Becker captured footage showing the little guy making a series of solid plays for his team at the defensive back position.

The ladies also love Holden. Here is a photo of the beaming child posing with four gorgeous Las Vegas cheerleaders. It’s a safe bet this will drive the left bananas because they hate real women and will also make his classmates a bit jealous.

credit: End Wokeness

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]]> 0 Chiefs blackface holden armenta credit: End Wokeness Democrat Denver Mayor Mike Johnston’s Car Stolen Just Before Joe Biden’s Arrival for Campaign Event Wed, 29 Nov 2023 14:45:15 +0000

Democrat Denver Mayor Mike Johnston’s car was stolen on Tuesday, just before Joe Biden arrived in the blue city.

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Democrat Denver Mayor Mike Johnston’s car was stolen on Tuesday, just before Joe Biden arrived in the blue city.

Denver has been plagued with crime and rising auto thefts in recent years.

Biden landed in Denver Tuesday afternoon for a campaign event and was greeted by Johnston at Air Force One.

A spokesperson for Johnston’s office confirmed that his car was stolen but declined to offer additional details about what had happened — or where.

“The spokesperson declined to share more details about where it happened or what the vehicle looks like ‘to protect the safety of Mayor Johnston and his family.’ So it’s unclear whether the theft happened in Denver or elsewhere,” Fox31 reports.

According to the report, “Colorado’s auto theft rate climbed by the fastest rate in the nation from 2011 to 2020, jumping 144% during those years.”

“In Denver, the picture is no better, where rising auto theft makes up a large chunk of overall crime. That includes thefts at Denver International Airport, where police saw more theft than ever this year.”

Johnston himself had campaigned on addressing the issue of car theft.

Denverite reported in February:

Johnston wants to expand the use of surveillance technology on the roads to give cops the tools to reduce crime — license plate readers, halo cameras, and Shot Spotter — things Denver officers already employ far more than other cities.

And Johnston would push to change state law to make car theft a felony again, the legislature made certain auto theft crimes a misdemeanor. Gov. Jared Polis and state lawmakers are currently working on that this session.

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]]> 0 00 U.S. Supreme Court Blocks Florida Law that Protects Children from Sexually Explicit Drag Shows Wed, 29 Nov 2023 14:30:09 +0000

The U.S.

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The U.S. Supreme Court recently halted Florida’s “Protection of Children Act,” a law designed to prevent children from attending sexually explicit live performances, including drag shows.

This ruling, coming after a federal district court sided with an Orlando drag bar, Hamburger Mary’s, marks a significant setback in efforts to safeguard minors from potentially harmful content.

SB 1438, signed by Governor Ron DeSantis, criminalizes allowing children to witness sexually explicit live performances.

The state’s Protection of Children Act will fine or revoke the licenses of venues that “knowingly” admit children to “adult live performances.”

The law defines “adult live performances” as “any show, exhibition, or other presentation in front of a live audience which, in whole or in part, depicts or simulates nudity, sexual conduct, sexual excitement, or specific sexual activities … lewd conduct, or the lewd exposure of prosthetic or imitation genitals or breasts.”

Orlando drag eatery Hamburger Mary’s immediately challenge the law after it was passed. The establishment argued that the measure infringed upon First Amendment rights, a contention that was initially upheld by a federal district court which ruled that the law likely violated constitutional protections of free speech.

The restaurant holds drag brunches and claims that the law is hurting their business. They argue that the decision on whether a performance is fitting for the underage audience should reside with the parents or guardians, not the state.

In October, the state asked the Supreme Court that the injunction only apply to Hamburger Mary’s while the case continues.

According to a report from Tampa Free Press, Florida Department of Business and Professional Regulation Secretary Melanie Griffin has sent an emergency application to Justice Clarence Thomas requesting that the law be reinstated while the lawsuit in the state plays out.

“Florida is now unable to enforce its statue at all, to the detriment of Florida’s children and the State’s sovereign prerogative to protect them from harm,” Moody argued.

“Hamburger Mary’s has not alleged, much less proven, that application of the Protection of Children Act to others in the State of Florida will cause actual or imminent injury to Hamburger Mary’s itself. It was a serious error for the district court nonetheless to enjoin the statute as it may apply to the rest of the world,” the state’s court filings say.

Justice Thomas could act on the request alone or refer it to the full court for consideration, according to a report from The Hill.

On Thursday, Florida’s request to the Supreme Court to limit the lower court’s injunction solely to Hamburger Mary’s was rejected in a 6-to-3 vote, with Justices Thomas, Alito, and Gorsuch dissenting. Justices Kavanaugh and Barrett clarified that Florida’s failure to raise the First Amendment issue in the case means the court’s decision does not reflect a stance on whether the law breaches First Amendment rights.

According to NPR, “until the Eleventh Circuit hears the case fully, the law will not be enforced in the state.”

WUSF reported:

Attorneys for Gov. Ron DeSantis’ administration told a federal appeals court that a law aimed at preventing children from attending drag shows is tailored to the state’s “unquestioned interest in protecting children from exposure to obscenity.”
After suffering a setback at the U.S. Supreme Court, attorneys for Gov. Ron DeSantis’ administration on Friday told a federal appeals court that a law aimed at preventing children from attending drag shows is tailored to the state’s “unquestioned interest in protecting children from exposure to obscenity.”

The state, in a 73-page brief, argued that the 11th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals should overturn a June ruling by U.S. District Judge Gregory Presnell that blocked enforcement of the law statewide. Presnell said the law, approved this spring by the Republican-led Legislature and DeSantis, violated First Amendment rights.

Attorneys representing Department of Business and Professional Regulation Secretary Melanie Griffin, the named defendant in the case, disputed in the brief that the law violates the First Amendment and said it is narrowly focused on the ages of children.

“Because of this feature, the act does not unnecessarily deny or impede access of adults to communications that are constitutionally protected for them,” said the brief, filed by lawyers in Attorney General Ashley Moody’s office. “The act proscribes only the knowing exposure of a child to unprotected speech — speech that is obscene for children of that age. It is therefore entirely consistent with the First Amendment.”

Last July 2022, the Florida Department of Business and Professional Regulation served a lawsuit to the owners of a bar in Miami that hosts drag shows for children.

The footage of a drag queen attempting to entertain a toddler while parading around topless in the R House bar in Wynwood, Florida began circulating across the internet prompting the state to launch an investigation.

The video featuring the bare-chested transgender performer and child was shared on TikTok by a user named “nononie” who gleamed over the lewd performance.

“Children belong at drag shows!!!! Children deserve to see fun & expression & freedom.”

The bar’s menu is laced with promotion of its drag show and offers a $30 “kids brunch” that includes a meal, a soft drink “and of course our fabulous show.”

R House bar has 21 days to respond to the state’s complaint. If the bar’s activity is determined to violate state and local statutes, it will be revoked of its liquor license, a penalty that would put it out of business.

“The sexualized nature of the Brunch performances is pervasive,’” DBPR’s states in the complaint while citing multiple instances in which children were present to observe the performances of nude drag queens. “Florida Statutes, prohibits unlawful exposure of sexual organs. Specifically, it provides that ‘exposing or exhibiting … sexual organs in public or on private premises of another… in a vulgar or indecent manner’ is unlawful.’”

Also in December 2022, the Florida Department of Business and Professional Regulation announced that they are investigating the “Drag Queen Christmas” all-ages drag show.

“Exposing children to sexually explicit activity is a crime in Florida, and such action violates the Department’s licensing standards for operating a business and holding a liquor license,” the department said.

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]]> 0 Screenshot 2023-11-28 at 11.00.17 PM_16x9 Time to Drawdown From Syria Wed, 29 Nov 2023 14:15:29 +0000

This article was published by C.

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US troops continue to be attacked in Syria and Iraq since the Oct. 7 massacre in southern Israel.

This article was published by C. William Walldorf, Jr. at Real Clear Wire and we are republishing here at The Gateway Pundit with permission.

As part of the fallout from the war in Gaza, U.S. forces in Syria and Iraq have come under attack more than fifty times from Iranian-backed militias since early October.  At least fifty-six military personnel have been injured. In response, the U.S. launched retaliatory air strikes and has sent about 900 more troops to the region.

This bolstering of forces is the wrong move. In fact, the U.S. is overdue to drawdown its forces from Syria.

Why drawdown completely?  The answer is simple.  The small contingent of U.S. forces in Syria, especially, are sitting ducks for further attacks in support of missions where the costs of continuing those missions now far outstrip their strategic benefits.  Recent attacks bring this mismatch between costs and benefits into sharp relief.  These incidents should also serve as a warning for potential dangers if U.S. policy fails to change course.

U.S. forces were deployed to Syria in 2015 to fight the ISIS caliphate.  Today, fighting ISIS remains the official mission even though the territorial caliphate has long been eliminated.  Two additional unofficial missions for these troops include deterring Iranian mischief/influence and preventing Assad from ending the war on his own terms.

None of these missions are worth the potential risks they carry today.  In fact, the outsized burden of their real and potential costs helps explain why forces should be drawn down.

First, ISIS has been largely wiped out.  The caliphate was defeated in March 2019, nearly five years ago.  While preventing a resurgence of the group is important, U.S. forces do not need to be on the ground to achieve this objective.  A combination of local actors (among them, Kurds and Turks) and U.S. forces operating from over the horizon should be sufficient to get the job done.

Some may counter that U.S. forces in Iraq and Syria today are coming under attack from other Islamist terrorists beside ISIS, thus giving a reason for U.S. forces to stay.  True, these attacks come from Islamist groups, but those groups lack the capability of global reach and lack the intent of attacking the U.S. homeland or our European allies.  If there is anything 9/11 taught us, it is that we need to avoid overreach when we go after groups that can only harm us if we station troops and bases within their range. If our troops weren’t in Syria and Iraq, in short, they wouldn’t be coming under attack there right now. Given the lack of vital U.S. interests in a permanent on-the-ground presence in Syria, that’s a reason to drawdown, not stay.

Second, the Syrian civil war is all but over. Assad won. A U.S.-backed peace deal is not going to happen without a massive invasion of Damascus to overturn the regime, which isn’t going to happen either.

Third, any apparent deterrent impact of U.S. forces in Syria is questionable at best.  That means U.S. forces are in harm’s way for no good or obvious reason.  For starters, it’s not clear why the Assad regime reclaiming northeast Syria where U.S. forces are based (mainly at al-Tanf) will be some kind of boon to Iran.  The Assad regime is pro-Iranian.  But Assad controlled this territory before the 2011 start of the Syrian civil war.  The loss of control hurt Assad, somewhat, but did it hurt Iran?  Not really – at least not to a degree that justifies the risk to U.S. lives today.  Assad’s regaining control over this region won’t impact the regional power balance.

Even more worrisome, the recent attacks on U.S. forces indicate that any deterrent effect of those forces is likely waning.  This is no surprise.  Deterrence on the cheap using small contingents of forces (the United States has about 900 troops in Syria)  to produce big outcomes often doesn’t work over the long haul.  Eventually foes come to see the forces as paper tigers making them juicy targets for foes to hit as a way to expand their political ambitions.  This can have tragic consequences like the deaths of 241 Marines in Lebanon resulting from the 1983 Marine Barracks bombing.

The same could happen in Syria today.  Because of their small size, the security of U.S. troops depends almost entirely on Turkey, Iraq, and local Kurdish forces, who protect the supply lines to U.S. forces.  That dependence along with U.S. reticence (which is judicious by the way) to forcefully impose a political solution in Syria sends a signal of weakness – not deterrent strength – to Iran and its proxies.  Like Lebanon in 1983, that puts U.S. troops today in an especially dangerous position.

Considering the limited benefits they bring to U.S. security, a withdrawal of troops from Iraq and Syria now, before calamity strikes, makes the most sense.  When U.S. forces were struck in Lebanon, Reagan made the wise decision to not go to war, but withdraw troops instead. Biden should take this lesson to heart and withdraw forces from Syria.  At the very least, pull the troops back to U.S. bases in Iraq.  Doing so isn’t a retreat.  Instead, like Reagan’s decision, it’s a strategically smart repositioning of forces that protects both U.S. national interests and our troops at the same time.

C. William Walldorf, Jr. is Professor of Politics and International Affairs at Wake Forest and a Visting Fellow at Defense Priorities. He is currently writing a book, “America’s Forever Wars:  Why So Long, Why End Now, What Comes Next,” focused on Syria, Iraq, and Afghanistan.

This article was originally published by RealClearDefense and made available via RealClearWire.

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]]> 0 US Troops Attacked Syria Iraq Screen Image Fox News 10252023 US troops continue to be attacked in Syria and Iraq since the Oct. 7 massacre in southern Israel. Transgender Influencer Dylan Mulvaney, Whose Partnership Tanked Bud Light, Named in Forbes’ ’30 Under 30’ List Wed, 29 Nov 2023 14:00:02 +0000

Forbes Magazine has named transgender influencer Dylan Mulvaney on its “30 Under 30 Social Media” list — despite the TikTok star famously tanking the Bud Light brand earlier this year.

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Forbes Magazine has named transgender influencer Dylan Mulvaney on its “30 Under 30 Social Media” list — despite the TikTok star famously tanking the Bud Light brand earlier this year.

Mulvaney was listed at the top of the section celebrating “people, forces and companies shaping the creator economy.”

“The actress and LGBTQ+ activist gained viral fame with her ‘Days of Girlhood’ TikTok series, which documented her gender transition and drew more than 1 billion views,” Mulvaney’s profile on the list began.

“Whether somebody’s trans or not, I just hope they can watch my videos and feel inspired to unlock a new part of themselves,” Mulvaney told the magazine.

The profile continued, “Mulvaney, who was named a 2023 Forbes Top Creator and raked in an estimated $2 million in earnings last year, found herself at the center of an unexpected political crossfire after Bud Light paid her to post a video featuring a custom beer with her face on the can, sparking a widespread boycott of the brand. Nevertheless, she’s landed partnerships with companies like Nike and MAC, and she has urged brands to go beyond ‘just inclusive marketing’ to stand up for what’s right.”

Forbes noted that last year Mulvaney sat down with Joe Biden to discuss transgender issues. The activist-influencer said at the time, “I’m ready to step up and show that trans people are not going anywhere and that trans kids deserve a fighting chance to be their true selves.”

“I always want my followers to know it’s because of them that I’m in those rooms,” said Mulvaney, according to Forbes.

After Bud Light provided Mulvaney with a commemorative can to celebrate one year of “girlhood” in March, conservatives immediately began a boycott — one of the most influential political boycotts of all time.

Anheuser-Bush has lost over $27 billion in market value after partnering with Mulvaney.

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]]> 0 Dylan Mulvaney Bud Light THEY’RE COMING AFTER YOU: Biden’s DOJ Targets Trump Supporters on Twitter – Demands List of All Users Who Retweeted, Liked, or Mentioned President Trump’s Twitter Account Wed, 29 Nov 2023 13:45:06 +0000

Political hitman Jack Smith ordered Twitter-X to turn over information on President Trump’s popular Twitter account during his continued fishing expedition into President Trump.

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Jack Smith returning to Washington DC after a hard week of work manufacturing charges against President Trump in Florida. (GP photo)

Political hitman Jack Smith ordered Twitter-X to turn over information on President Trump’s popular Twitter account during his continued fishing expedition into President Trump.

Jack Smith and the Biden DOJ also demanded information on all Twitter-X users who retweeted President Trump, liked President Trump’s tweets, or mentioned President Trump’s account in their tweets.

Merrick Garland is going to target all of the Trump supporters in their continued witch hunt against President Donald Trump.

This is what tyranny looks like.

The lawless DOJ released the highly redacted order to Twitter earlier this week.

Chuck Callesto has more.

The New York Post reported:

In the pages that aren’t obscured, there are demands by Smith for information on virtually every conceivable aspect of the 77-year-old former president’s Twitter account, including “all advertising information … and ad topic preferences,” all IP addresses associated with the account, Trump’s privacy and account settings, records of the account’s communications with Twitter support and all direct messages sent and received by the account from October 2020 to January 2021.

The government also sought information on users who interacted with Trump leading up to the riot.

“All information from the ‘Connect’ or ‘Notifications’ tab for the account, including all lists of Twitter users who have favorited or retweeted tweets posted by the account, as well as all tweets that include the username associated with the account (i.e. “mentions” or “replies”),” the warrant states.

The warrant was issued to the social media giant along with a nondisclosure order, instructing the company not to notify Trump about the search.

Twitter balked at the nondisclosure order, arguing in a failed court challenge that it was a violation of the First Amendment and the Stored Communications Act.

The DOJ’s opposition to the company’s attempt to notify Trump about the warrant was also released Monday.

“For what appears to be the first time in its history, Twitter Inc. (‘Twitter’) has filed a motion to vacate or modify an order that it not disclose the existence of a search warrant,” Smith argued, insisting that “there is reason to believe notification to the former president, a sophisticated actor with an expansive platform, would result in a statutorily cognizable harm.”

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]]> 0 IMG_1651 Jack Smith returning to Washington DC after a hard week of work manufacturing charges against President Trump in Florida. (GP photo) This Will Go Nowhere: FBI Launches Investigation into Jailhouse Stabbing of Ex-Minneapolis Officer Derek Chauvin in Arizona Prison (VIDEO) Wed, 29 Nov 2023 13:30:25 +0000

The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) has initiated a thorough investigation into the stabbing of Derek Chauvin, a former Minneapolis police officer, at an Arizona state prison, authorities confirmed Tuesday.

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The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) has initiated a thorough investigation into the stabbing of Derek Chauvin, a former Minneapolis police officer, at an Arizona state prison, authorities confirmed Tuesday.

Former Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin, who pled guilty to federal charges in the 2020 death while in custody of 46-year-old George Floyd, was stabbed and seriously injured in prison on Friday by a fellow inmate.

Chauvin, 47, was also convicted on state charges in Minnesota and is serving concurrent sentences of over 20 years on the federal and state charges.

Chauvin sustained “serious injuries” after being stabbed in a federal prison in Tucson, Arizona, on Friday.

According to the Federal Bureau of Prisons, the incident took place at about 12:30 p.m., and “responding employees initiated life-saving measures for one incarcerated individual.”

The exact reasons behind the attack remain unclear, and the FBI might be ‘probing all potential motives.’

The press secretary for the Office of Minnesota Attorney General told NBC News on Saturday, “I can confirm that, as of last night, Chauvin was expected to survive.”

No additional details about his condition were provided.

Attorney Gregory Erickson, who represented Chauvin in a civil case, said that his family has not been updated on Chauvin’s condition, according to a report from The Hill.

His mother, Carolyn Pawlenty, says she had to find out about the stabbing and her son’s condition through the media because prison officials never contacted her.

“I can’t even think what to say. I haven’t been to bed and made a path in my kitchen and living room floor by pacing. I am worried and scared,” Pawlenty told Alpha News.

“How the hell do these news agencies know and his own mother doesn’t even know? And that [prison] has an emergency contact number [for me],” Pawlenty added. “I have to stay strong for Derek as he does for me. There is no stronger love than a mother’s love.”

Erickson said, “As an outsider, I view this lack of communication with his attorneys and family members as completely outrageous. It appears to be indicative of a poorly run facility and indicates how Derek’s assault was allowed to happen.”

“Although Derek’s family assumes he is stable because of a third-party report (not direct contact), they are understandably doubtful because of the lack of transparency that has permeated this ordeal,” he added.

Minnesota Attorney General Keith Ellison, a supporter of Antifa, said that he was “saddened” to hear about the attack on Chauvin.

“He was in a medium security facility. At this point, I just have to say that we need to dig into what happened here. Why, why was he put in a position where this could happen? Derek Chauvin has a right as a human being and as a confined person to do his time and safely. And we all have got to stand with that,” Ellison told WCCO Tuesday morning.

“I think that the people who somehow were in charge of his safety, and yet this tragedy still happened, I think they’re taking a renewed look at the measures they were taking, and better ones now. I have been assured of that.”

On Tuesday, Jesse Watters reported during his show that the FBI has launched an investigation into the jailhouse stabbing of Derek Chauvin.

“The FBI is now investigating the jailhouse stabbing of former Minneapolis cop, Derek Chauvin, at an Arizona prison. How does the most famous convict in America almost get stabbed to death at a federal prison? How does America’s most infamous cop get put in general pop? An Arizona prison insider spills,” said Watters.


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]]> 0 george floyd derek chauvin Former Acting US Attorney General Matt Whitaker: “Hunter Biden Should Be Prosecuted by DOJ If He Skips Subpoenaed Deposition” (VIDEO) Wed, 29 Nov 2023 13:15:18 +0000

Earlier on Tuesday Hunter Biden’s attorneys agreed to sit before Chairman James Comer’s House Oversight and Reform Committee, but only if it was in public.

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Former Acting AG Matt Whitaker argues Hunter Biden should be arrested if he blows off the congressional subpoena like the DOJ did to top Republicans.

Earlier on Tuesday Hunter Biden’s attorneys agreed to sit before Chairman James Comer’s House Oversight and Reform Committee, but only if it was in public.

This was after Hunter Biden was subpoenaed by the committee earlier this month.

Later today former acting Attorney General Matt Whitaker and FOX News legal expert Gregg Jarrett reminded the FOX News audience that Hunter and his attorney do not get to set the rules and guidelines for his subpoena.

Matt Whittaker went further and said if Hunter Biden does not sit for a subpoenaed deposition then he should be held in contempt of Congress like Steve Bannon and Peter Navarro were when they refused to sit for the sham January 6 Select Committee’s inquisition.

Steve Bannon was later sentenced to four months in prison and ordered to pay a $6,500 fine after being found guilty on two counts of contempt of Congress last month. Steve Bannon is currently appealing this ruling.

Peter Navarro was charged with two counts of contempt of Congress for failing to comply with the subpoena from the January 6 Select Committee.

Will criminal and drug addict Hunter Biden be next?

Former US Attorney General Matt Whitaker told Sean Hannity on Tuesday, “It’s going to be very interesting as I look at this whole thing. Chairman Comer mentioned Steve Bannon. And that reminds me of Peter Navarro, as well, who were held in contempt, who were prosecuted by the DOJ. And so this is a high stakes game where if they can’t come to some agreement and he doesn’t show up for that subpoenaed deposition then he should be held in contempt and prosecuted by DOJ like everybody else has been.”

Via Midnight Rider Channel:

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]]> 0 hunter matt whittaker doj Former Acting AG Matt Whittaker argues Hunter Biden should be arrested if he blows off the congressional subpoena like the DOJ did to top Republicans. Ukraine Retreats From Key Areas In Donetsk While Kiev Is Wracked With Growing Turmoil Wed, 29 Nov 2023 13:00:42 +0000

The map above shows two key areas — Avdiivka (which is about the red dot titled “winter storm) and Kleshcheyevka (which is on the western outskirts of Bakhmut that sits just below the tag “Museum”) — that Ukraine has been clinging to tenaciously for more than 9 years.

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The map above shows two key areas — Avdiivka (which is about the red dot titled “winter storm) and Kleshcheyevka (which is on the western outskirts of Bakhmut that sits just below the tag “Museum”) — that Ukraine has been clinging to tenaciously for more than 9 years. The news is not good for Ukraine. Its troops retreated from these areas today under heavy pressure from Russian forces. This should dispel the nonsense that there is some sort of stalemate. Nope. Russia is moving forward and Ukraine is falling back.

The following video provides dramatic footage of Russian soldiers attacking entrenched Ukrainians and rooting them out — i.e., killing, capturing and forcing a retreat.

In addition to the fighting on the frontlines, there are reports of escalating political intrigue, mayhem and attempted “murder” back in Kiev. We have been monitoring the power struggle between President Zelensky and General Zaluzhny, with rumors swirling that one or the other will be forced out before the end of the year. Today we have a confirmed report that someone poisoned the wife of Ukraine’s Intelligence Chief, Budanov.

“The information about the poisoning spread by the Ukrainian media “corresponds to reality”, he said in response to an enquiry from the Ukrainian branch of Radio Liberty. The wife of the Ukrainian intelligence chief “is now undergoing treatment, which is being completed,” Yusov added, promising to release more information later. Later, the former head of Ukraine’s foreign intelligence service, Valeriy Kondratyuk, told Ukrainian Radio NV that Budanova’s poisoning was “caused by arsenic and mercury”.

The cast of suspects is reminiscent of the movie, The Usual Suspects.

Plenty of people and organizations with motives. A true “who done it.” Naturally, the Ukrainian media immediately accused the Russians of this dastardly deed, positing that it was revenge for Budanov’s role in assassinating Russians, which included a journalist and Daria Dugina. Alternatively, some point the finger at General Zaluzhy’s crew because Budanov is suspected of being behind the recent birthday grenade death of Zaluzhny’s Chief of Staff. Then there is the Russian Nesting Doll explanation — i.e., this was staged to implicate Zaluzhny in order to add fuel to the movement to oust him. If you are watching from afar this is great entertainment, unless you’re Joe Biden or the members of NATO. If you are part of the Ukrainian hierarchy this is more than worrisome. Nothing distracts from the business of fighting a war like sowing fear and paranoia among the political and military leaders.

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]]> 0 Chicago Mayor Brandon Johnson Blames City’s Illegal Immigrant Crisis on ‘Right Wing Extremism’ (VIDEO) Wed, 29 Nov 2023 04:45:15 +0000

Chicago’s useless left wing mayor Brandon Johnson is trying to blame the city’s illegal immigrant problem on right wing extremism.

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Chicago’s useless left wing mayor Brandon Johnson is trying to blame the city’s illegal immigrant problem on right wing extremism.

Of course, the last time we checked, Joe Biden is in charge of the border, but Johnson can’t blame the leader of his party for the city’s problems.

He is taking a page right out of the same playbook that Ireland’s leaders are using right now. Everything is the fault of the evil right wing.

Transcript via Real Clear Politics:

CHICAGO MAYOR BRANDON JOHNSON: It has to be better coordination. What we have seen is a raggedy form instituted by right-wing extremism. Everyone knows that the right-wing extremism in this country has targetted Democratically-ran cities and quite frankly, they’ve been very intentional about going after Democratically-ran cities that are led by people of color.

Their whole motivation is to create disruption and chaos because that’s what this particular party has been about. This is the same political party that did not want to accept that President Obama was actually an American. It’s the same Republican right-wing extremism that stormed the Capitol. It’s the same right-wing extremism that refuses to accept the results of the Civil War. It’s raggedy. It’s disrespectful it’s mean-spirited. It’s an unclean spirit, quite frankly.

So I got you. I got you. I just want to make sure that people understand what we’re facing. That’s why it’s so important that the faith community is leaning in at this moment. And so what what I’ve said, there has to be better coordination.

See the video below:

Chicago is in serious trouble. How long are voters going to put up with Jonson’s ridiculous excuses for what’s happening to their city?

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]]> 0 BRANDON JOHNSON Top Journalism School Wants Taxpayers to Fund Reporters and Dying Media Outlets Wed, 29 Nov 2023 04:10:08 +0000

It’s hard to imagine how American media could get any worse.

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It’s hard to imagine how American media could get any worse.

One surefire way to do it would be to make journalists and media outlets wards of the state. Can you imagine a media that relies on government to get funded and paid? They already act like activists and this would only encourage them to do so.

This would basically make all of the media like PBS and NPR.

The Washington Examiner reports:

Top journalism school pushes taxpayer funding of reporters and media outlets

As the death spiral ravaging local news picks up speed, eliminating one-third of all newspapers since 2005, calls are growing for taxpayers and corporations to cover the costs of reporters and media outlets.

Arguing that the Founding Fathers treasured a free press and protected it in the First Amendment, those urging federal and Wall Street action said it is the only way to preserve democracy.

“The founders of our country believed a free press was vitally important to our democracy,” said a new report on the dying industry from the Medill School of Journalism, Media, Integrated Marketing Communications at Northwestern University.

The just-issued State of Local News report charts the decline of local media and predicted it will get worse without an infusion of cash.

“There was both good news and bad news for local journalism this past year. The good news raised the possibility that a range of proposals and programs could begin to arrest the steep loss of local news over the past two decades and, perhaps, revive journalism in some places that have lost their news. The headlines on the bad news resoundingly conveyed the message that urgent action is needed in many venues — from boardrooms to the halls of Congress — and by many, including civic-minded organizations and entrepreneurs,” the report said.

If you think you hate the media now, wait until your funding their paychecks. This is an absolutely horrible idea.

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]]> 0 US dollar bills, illustration Hundreds of Illegal Immigrants Now Living at San Diego Airport as California Runs Out of Places to Put People (VIDEO) Wed, 29 Nov 2023 03:40:00 +0000

California is already dealing with a massive homeless problem.

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California is already dealing with a massive homeless problem. That has now been made worse by a massive influx of illegal border crossers.

Hundreds of people are now living at San Diego airport because the state has no place left to put people.

All of this is just being allowed to happen and Biden is nowhere in sight.

FOX News reports:

Hundreds of migrants living in San Diego airport as California battles ‘unimaginable’ homeless crisis

Hundreds of migrants have taken up residence in the San Diego International Airport with “no place to go” as California shelters are filled to capacity with the state’s homeless population.

The mayor of El Cajon, California, called out state and federal government officials Tuesday for policies burdening his community.

“California has basically made it completely un-criminal to be homeless in California. And because of that, there’s no places in the shelters. There’s no places in the hospitals. There’s no place for them to go at all. And then you add to this new migrant crisis and things get out of control and people have nowhere to go,” Mayor Bill Wells told “FOX & Friends First.”

Over 300 migrants have been hunkering down at the airport in recent days waiting for flights out of the Golden State, which has a homeless population of approximately 172,000.

Wells said the San Diego area has been inundated with 42,000 migrants over the past two-and-a-half months, leading to “street releases” in his community.

“This is exacerbating our already unimaginable homeless crisis, which California has created,” Wells said.

In the video below, Mayor Wells says that they are getting no help from Governor Newsom or the federal government.

This is a disaster waiting to happen.

This situation just gets worse and worse.

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]]> 0 Hundreds of Illegal Immigrants Now Living at San Diego Airport as California Runs Out of Places to Put People (VIDEO) | The Gateway Pundit | by Mike LaChance California is already dealing with a massive homeless problem. That has now been made worse by a massive influx of illegal border crossers. Hundreds of people are now living at San Diego airport because the state has no place left to put people. All of this is just being allowed to happen and Biden San Diego airport Socialist Actress Cynthia Nixon Joins Hunger Strike Outside the White House Demanding Ceasefire in Gaza (VIDEO) Wed, 29 Nov 2023 03:20:44 +0000

Remember Cynthia Nixon?

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Remember Cynthia Nixon? She is the socialist ‘Sex and the City’ actress who ran for governor of New York a few years ago.

Now she is trying to remain relevant by joining a hunger strike outside the White House where activists are demanding a ceasefire in Gaza.

Nixon says that her children are Jewish and that one of them asked her to get involved in this issue.

Breitbart News reports:

‘Sex and the City’ Star Cynthia Nixon Joins Hunger Strike Outside White House Demanding Permanent Gaza Ceasefire

Sex and the City star Cynthia Nixon is on hunger strike in Washington, DC, standing with pro-Palestinian activists calling on President Joe Biden to order an immediate ceasefire in Gaza.

Her “personal plea” to the president to intervene was among several others delivered by community leaders and state legislators on Monday who announced the strike outside the White House before she took to the podium to deliver a few words in favor of world peace and harmony.

Nixon says the protest is against the high death toll in Gaza from Israeli strikes — which she says exceeds the civilian toll during the U.S. war in Afghanistan — and claims Gaza is on the verge of starvation.

As part of her comments, Nixon said her children are Jewish and her grandparents are Holocaust survivors, the Evening Standard reports.

The 57-year-old shares two sons with her ex-husband, Danny Mozes, who is Jewish.

See the video below:

She sure seems convinced of her importance.

The term ‘useful idiot’ comes to mind.

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]]> 0 Cynthia Nixon After Defaming Child with Deceptive ‘Blackface’ Photo, Deadspin Writer Deletes Deranged Tweet Doubling Down Wed, 29 Nov 2023 03:00:38 +0000

*Paging Nick Sandmann’s lawyers* Deadspin writer Carron Phillips smeared an innocent child who attended Sunday’s Kansas City vs Las Vegas game by posting a deceptive photo of only one side of his face.

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*Paging Nick Sandmann’s lawyers*

Deadspin writer Carron Phillips smeared an innocent child who attended Sunday’s Kansas City vs Las Vegas game by posting a deceptive photo of only one side of his face.

deceptive photo used by Carron Phillips

The little boy, who looks to be only 8 to 10 years old, attended a Kansas City Chiefs game with the team’s colors – black and red – painted on his face.

Deadspin writer Carron Phillips went after the innocent child and accused him of ‘hating’ black people and Native Americans at the same time.

“It takes a lot to disrespect two groups of people at once. But on Sunday afternoon in Las Vegas, a Kansas City Chiefs fan found a way to hate Black people and the Native Americans at the same time.” Carron Phillips wrote.

Phillips also asked who ‘taught’ the child what they were wearing was appropriate (as if it’s any of his business what another person’s child wears).

How does Carron Phillips know what the child is wearing is inappropriate? It’s a costume. Furthermore, what if the child is Native American?

“The NFL needs to speak out against the Kansas City Chiefs fan in Black face, Native headdress,” Deadspin writer Carron Phillips wrote.

“They’re doubling up on the racism. Are you going to say anything, Roger Goodell?” he said.

Carron Phillips actually tried to defend his article attacking an innocent child and accused his critics of ‘hating Mexicans.’

“For the idiots in my mentions who are treating this as some harmless act because the other side of his face was painted red, I could make the argument that it makes it even worse,” Carron Phillips said on X in a since-deleted post.

Carron Phillips deleted the tweet.

Did he lawyer up?

This 2016 tweet from Carron Phillips is very telling…

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]]> 0 Chiefs blackface Kansas City Chiefs blackface innocent child Deadspin NFSC Movement Speaks Out Despite Xi Jinping’s Efforts to Muzzle Dissent Wed, 29 Nov 2023 02:40:38 +0000

(Note: This is a sponsored post from NewNoah.

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]]> (Note: This is a sponsored post from NewNoah. The opinions expressed are those of the author and not necessarily those of Gateway Pundit)

by Matt Palumbo

Ahead of Xi Jinping’s visit to San Francisco, his cronies were already plotting to shut down protests from his critics in the New Federal State of China (NFSC) protest, and even preventing it from being covered in the press.

Xi, was determined to suppress any dissenting voices, especially those associated with the NFSC movement. The NFSC, a group advocating for democratic reforms and independence for various regions within China, had gained international attention for its bold stance against the Chinese Communist Party, and is the largest organization opposing Xi’s dictatorship.

During a real America’s Voice interview, NFSC member Roy Guo revealed that Xi sent diplomats to pressure certain media organizations against covering the NFSC protests – which was largely successful, resulting in a virtual blackout of coverage from the mainstream press. Only a local ABC affiliate mentioned the NFSC protest in their coverage of the Xi-Biden meeting, in a brief segment that lasted just over a minute. They interviewed Ava Chen, who told them “We are here to send a message to Xi this is not a place for him to be. He is a dictator. He is a totalitarian dictatorship, and democracy and freedom don’t have any room for him. We are here to send him a message that we absolutely want to take him down.”

The NFSC, which has long called for the destruction of the CCP has recently started using the term XiCP instead of CCP to reflect Xi’s total solidification of power over the Party. As is standard in Communist regimes, a handful of potential threats to Xi within the party have mysteriously disappeared, such as China’s former top foreign affairs diplomat Qin Gang, and Defense Minister Li Shangfu. Just last month, Li Keqiang, the 7th Premier of the People’s Republic of China (the nation’s no. 2), died of a heart attack under mysterious circumstances in October after being dropped in a leadership shuffle last year.

This is just the latest case of the “XiCP’s” infiltration of America, including our media. In addition to TikTok, which has been the XiCP’s most successful asset in brainwashing young minds, radio stations across 15 U.S. cities already broadcast China state-run media, and dissident groups like the Epoch Times and NFSC themselves are often victims of attempted cyberattacks.

As the nonprofit Freedom House documented, for over the past decade, communist authorities have carried out reprisals and obstructions against American news outlets “for investigative reports detailing the assets of party leaders’ relatives, critical coverage of the Chinese economy, or unfavorable reporting about Xi Jinping.”

One of the most notable cases of this was back in 2017 when Miles Guo (also known as Guo Wengui) was set to give an interview on Voice of America to expose communist leadership, only for the interview to be mysteriously shut down. Five VOA journalists were put on leave following the incident due to serious concerns they were influenced by Xi and his other leadership. Not coincidentally, Guo is the founder of the NFSC – and the XiCP hasn’t given up on trying to censor him and his movement since.

About the author: Matt Palumbo is the author of The Man Behind the Curtain: Inside the Secret Network of George Soros (2021), Dumb and Dumber: How Cuomo and de Blasio Ruined New York (2020), Debunk This!: Shattering Liberal Lies (2019), and Spygate (2018).

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]]> 0 newnoah crowd on street Bidenomics: Granite City Steel Shuts Down Plant in Illinois After it Was Reopened Under Donald Trump Wed, 29 Nov 2023 02:00:14 +0000

In March 2018 US Steel announced will restart two blast furnaces and recall 500 employees in Granite City, Illinois following President Trump’s decision to tax steel and aluminum imports.

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]]> In March 2018 US Steel announced will restart two blast furnaces and recall 500 employees in Granite City, Illinois following President Trump’s decision to tax steel and aluminum imports.
A total of 800 new US steel and aluminum jobs were announced in two days.

In July 2018 President Trump traveled to Granite City, Illinois to speak to steelworkers at the US Steel plant that reopened earlier in the year.

Trump supporters lined the street to greet US President Donald Trump to the city.

After President Trump enacted tariffs on foreign steel imports U.S. Steel has decided to restart both furnaces, meaning the return of 800 jobs.

During Trump’s visit a local KSDK reporter spoke with one of the steelworkers at the Granite City plant.

The man said he is a third-generation steelworker and was out of work for two-and-a-half years.

He then cried as he spoke about President Trump and the life he has brought back to the western Illinois community.

US Steel Worker: It’s nice to know we got someone is fighting for us, to keep our jobs. It was rough for a lot of us.

KSDK reporter: If you had one thing to say to the people watching about President Trump what would you want them to know?

US Steel Worker: We’re back.

For the record, globalist Paul Ryan was against the Trump policy that brought back these jobs.

But in June 2022 US Steel announced they will likely cut 1,000 jobs at the Granite City plant.

And on Tuesday Granite Steel announced the facility would “indefinitely” idle primary operations at its Granite City facility.

Up to 1,000 employees will likely be laid off.

The difference between President Trump and Joe Biden could not be greater.

Trump reopened the plant. Joe Biden shut it down.

What a difference

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]]> 0 steel worker cries trump Michigan’s Democrat Governor Whitmer Signs Legislation That Sets 100% ‘Clean Energy’ Standard for State by 2040 Wed, 29 Nov 2023 01:40:23 +0000

Michigan’s wicked and evil Democrat Governor Gretchen Whitmer on Tuesday signed legislation that will eliminate the state’s fossil fuel industry by 2040.

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Michigan’s wicked and evil Democrat Governor Gretchen Whitmer on Tuesday signed legislation that will eliminate the state’s fossil fuel industry by 2040.

Whitmer also signed legislation that will give the state the authority to override local decisions to block imposing and unsightly wind and solar projects by giving the Michigan Public Service Commission the power to approve zoning applications, the Detroit Free Press reported.

“Together, we are protecting our air, our water and our land by focusing on taking climate change head-on,” Whitmer said on Tuesday at the bill signing ceremony. “Today is a huge win for Michigan families, for Michigan businesses, and for future generations of Michiganders.”


Excerpt from Detroit Free Press:

By 2040, 100% of Michigan’s energy is set to come from clean sources under a new law approved by Gov. Gretchen Whitmer on Tuesday. The state now has one of the most ambitious clean energy goals in the U.S., after Whitmer approved heavily debated bills that passed both chambers of the Legislature along party lines.

Advocates for the package say it will make Michigan a leader in clean energy generation and reduce emissions while creating new jobs in the process. But opponents, including Republicans and some business associations, have lambasted the bills, with Senate Minority Leader Aric Nesbitt, R-Porter Township, issuing a statement saying the new law creates “far-left, unworkable energy mandates that will further increase energy costs and make Michigan energy less reliable.”

“Clean” energy doesn’t necessarily have to come from renewable sources, hence the different targets outlined in the legislation. Senate Bill 271 states that clean energy sources generate electricity without emitting greenhouse gases. This includes nuclear generation and natural gas generation that can capture 90% of carbon emissions.

A renewable energy source “minimizes the output of toxic material in the conversion of energy,” according to the bill, and includes electricity generated by wind, solar and hydroelectric facilities, as well as certain biomass and methane gas products, depending on how they are generated. Energy sources like petroleum, nuclear, coal and industrial waste are not considered renewable.

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]]> 0 Whitmer Michigan law green energy Globalist Pope Targets Another American Conservative Prelate – Cardinal Burke Is the Highest-Ranking Francis Critic in the Church Wed, 29 Nov 2023 01:20:54 +0000

Globalist Pope Francis continues on his quest to redo the Catholic Church in his image.

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Cardinal Raymond Burke.

Globalist Pope Francis continues on his quest to redo the Catholic Church in his image.

The Pope has fallen ill with lung inflammation and could not go to his cherished Environment Summit in Dubai, but he has already done his bad deed of the week, as it arises that he decided to punish one of his highest-ranking critics, Cardinal Raymond Burke.

Francis revoked Burke’s right to a subsidized Vatican apartment and salary in the second such radical action against a conservative American prelate this month, after he sacked Bishop Strickland.

In a meeting of Vatican heads, Francis stated the move against Burke was because he was a source of ‘disunity’ in the church.

In 2014 The Gateway Pundit reported that Cardinal Raymond Burke, the then head of the highest court in the Vatican, says Barack Obama’s policies “have become progressively more hostile toward Christian civilization.” At the time, the Obama Administration was suing the Little Sisters of the Poor, a Catholic order who cares for poor elderly Americans. The Obama administration does not believe the Little Sisters of the Poor aren’t religious enough for a religious exemption from the HHS mandate.

Read: Pope Francis’ Synod Sees Deep Division, as Globalist Pontiff Hints Possibility of Blessing Gay Couples and Ordering Women as Priests

Associated Press reported:

“Francis said he was removing Burke’s privileges of having a subsidized Vatican apartment and salary as a retired cardinal because he was using the privileges against the church, said another person who was subsequently briefed on the pope’s measures. That person also spoke on condition of anonymity because he wasn’t authorized to reveal the details.”

Burke had not even received any notification of the measures being taken, before the news hit.

“Burke, a 75-year-old canon lawyer whom Francis had fired as the Vatican’s high court justice in 2014, has become one of the most outspoken critics of the pope, his outreach to LGBTQ+ Catholics and his reform project to make the church more responsive to the needs of ordinary faithful.

Twice, Burke has joined other conservative cardinals in issuing formal questions to the pontiff, known as “dubia,” asking him to clarify questions of doctrine that upset conservatives and traditionalists. In the first, they asked Francis to clarify his outreach to divorced and civilly remarried Catholics, and Francis never replied. In the second, they asked whether same-sex couples could receive church blessings — and received a conditional maybe in response.”

On the eve of Francis’ divisive synod, Burke presided over a ‘counter-synod’ of sorts just steps away from St. Peter’s Square.

Burke fiercely rebuked Francis’ vision of ‘synodality’ as well as his overall reform project for the church.

“’It’s unfortunately very clear that the invocation of the Holy Spirit by some has the aim of bringing forward an agenda that is more political and human than ecclesial and divine’, Burke told the conference titled ‘The Synodal Babel’.”

Burke says he is in of service to the church and the papacy. It was his obligation as a cardinal and bishop, he felt, to uphold church teaching and correct errors.

“’The sheep depend on the courage of pastors who must protect them from the poison of confusion, error and division’, he told the Oct. 3 conference, prompting applause from the crowd.”

Burke spends much of his time in the U.S. at the Our Lady of Guadalupe shrine he founded in his native Wisconsin.

Read: Principalities of Evil: Bishop Strickland Says ‘Forces’ Influence Globalist Pope Francis Into Making His Decisions

Earlier this month, Francis exceptionally removed the bishop of Tyler, Texas, Joseph Strickland.

Strickland is another conservative and Francis critic. He was removed after a Vatican investigation into ‘governance’ of his diocese.

In a tweet Tuesday, Strickland expressed shock at reports that Francis had taken action taken against his fellow American.

“’If this is accurate it is an atrocity that must be opposed. If it is false information it needs to be corrected immediately’, Strickland said.”

Read more:

Pope Francis Invites 44 Transgenders Who Work as “Prostitutes” to Vatican for Lunch (VIDEO)

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]]> 0 Cardinal Raymond Burke Wild Ride: 12-Year-Old in Michigan Leads Hour-Long Low-Speed Police Chase in Stolen Forklift — Hits 10 Parked Cars and Knocks Down Signs (VIDEO) Wed, 29 Nov 2023 01:00:17 +0000

A 12-year-old boy led law enforcement on a unique and slow-speed chase in Ann Arbor, Michigan, after stealing a heavy construction forklift and accidentally hitting around ten parked cars during the prolonged pursuit.

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A 12-year-old boy led law enforcement on a unique and slow-speed chase in Ann Arbor, Michigan, after stealing a heavy construction forklift and accidentally hitting around ten parked cars during the prolonged pursuit.

The chase, which hardly exceeded 20 miles per hour, created an unusual spectacle that resulted in substantial property damage but, fortunately, no physical injuries.

The Ann Arbor Police Department disclosed details of the bizarre incident that unfolded last Saturday.

At approximately 6:45 pm on November 25, 2023, the Ann Arbor Police Department was alerted to an attempted theft of a construction vehicle at Forsythe Middle School.

Within minutes, officers located the stolen Genie GTH-636 Telehandler—a heavy forklift weighing up to 35,000 pounds—being recklessly driven by the young boy without any lights.

Dashcam footage circulating on the Internet illustrates the boy zigzagging erratically on the streets and colliding with multiple parked vehicles, and even toppling street signs along the way.

Law enforcement’s pursuit was deliberate and careful, at speeds of 15 to 20 mph, as they kept their distance while following the oversized forklift with emergency lights and sirens blaring.

The pursuit continued until 7:18 pm when the juvenile crossed the M-14 bridge, exiting city limits.

Subsequently, the Washtenaw County Sheriff’s Office took over the chase, which lasted until approximately 7:53 pm near M-14 and Gotfredson, where the young driver finally stopped.

The 12-year-old, whose identity remains confidential due to his age, was taken into custody and placed in a juvenile detention center. Remarkably, no one was injured during this unusual incident.

The preliminary investigation revealed that the juvenile had accessed the unlocked construction vehicle, with the key hidden inside the cab, at Forsyth Middle School.

“This was a very dangerous situation that could’ve easily ended with serious injuries. The incident remains an active and ongoing criminal investigation.”

Below is the full 30-minute police chase footage of the 12-year-old boy stealing a 35,000-pound forklift:

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]]> 0 Wild Ride: 12-Year-Old in Michigan Leads Hour-Long Low-Speed Police Chase in Stolen Forklift — Hits 10 Parked Cars and Knocks Down Signs (VIDEO) | The Gateway Pundit | by Jim Hᴏft A 12-year-old boy led law enforcement on a unique and slow-speed chase in Ann Arbor, Michigan, after stealing a heavy construction forklift and accidentally hitting around ten parked cars during the prolonged pursuit. The chase, which hardly exceeded 20 miles per hour, created an unusual spectacle t Screenshot 2023-11-28 at 6.38.58 PM Deutsche Bank May Have Just Destroyed Letitia James’ Civil Fraud Case Against Trump Wed, 29 Nov 2023 00:40:54 +0000

Deutsche Bank might have just blown up Letitia James’s civil fraud case against President Trump.

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Deutsche Bank might have just blown up Letitia James’s civil fraud case against President Trump.

Radical Marxist New York Attorney General Letitia James is seeking $250 million in ‘damages’ when there is no victim in this fraud case and she is also seeking to ban Trump and his sons from operating any businesses in New York. She accused Trump of inflating his assets and defrauding lenders and insurance companies.

A Deutsche Bank executive who worked to approve at least one of Trump’s loans testified on Tuesday that it is “atypical, but not entirely unusual” to reduce a client’s asset values and still approve a loan.

This type of lending is typical in high net-worth, high-profile clients like Donald Trump. Anyone with basic knowledge of banking, lending, portfolio and credit risk management knows this.

“A Deutsche Bank AG executive gave testimony that could bolster Donald Trump’s defense in his civil fraud trial, telling a New York judge that prospective clients can get loans even after reporting a net worth far higher than the lender’s own calculations.” Bloomberg reported.

“David Williams, who worked on at least one of three loans Deutsche Bank made to Trump in the years before he was elected president, testified Tuesday that it’s “atypical, but not entirely unusual” for the bank to cut a client’s stated asset value by 50% and approve a loan anyway, as it did with Trump,” Bloomberg reported.

Williams testified that Trump’s stated assets are merely an opinion and a difference of opinion in asset values does not disqualify the potential borrower from a loan.

“It’s just a difference of opinion,” Williams said, according to Bloomberg.

Late last month far-left New York Judge Arthur Engoron blasted Trump’s lawyers and said fining Trump for ‘illegal profits’ is an ‘available remedy’ – in a fraud case with zero victims.

Engoron said fining Trump for ‘illegal profits’ is an available remedy…even though there are no victims and a Deutsche Bank executive testified that loaning Trump was a “good credit decision.”

Trump’s former lawyer Michael Cohen, a convicted felon, testified last month.

Last month, Michael Cohen, a known liar, told the court that Trump inflated his assets. He continued his testimony later that week where he admitted in court that Trump never ordered him to inflate his financials.

“So Mr. Trump never asked you to inflate the numbers on his financial statement,” Trump attorney Cliff Robert asked Michael Cohen, according to CNN.

“Correct,” Michael Cohen said.

Trump’s lawyer Cliff Robert immediately asked the judge to dismiss the trial because Cohen, the key witness, just told the court that Trump never instructed him to inflate his assets.

Judge Engoron denied the motion to dismiss and it was at this point that Trump got up and abruptly walked out of the courtroom.

“The witness just admitted that we won the trial and the judge should end this trial immediately,” Trump said after he stormed out of the courtroom last month.

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]]> 0 letitia james_donald trump Explosive Report: US and UK Military Contractors Launched Initial Censorship Group that Later Morphed into the Censorship Industrial Complex After 2016 Trump Election Wed, 29 Nov 2023 00:20:26 +0000

Recently, a whistleblower stepped forward with documented evidence revealing the origins of the Censorship Industrial Complex following the election of President Donald Trump and the passage of Brexit in the UK.

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President Trump speaks to an endless crowd at his 2016 Inauguration. Little did he know foreign and domestic government officials were already plotting against him.

Recently, a whistleblower stepped forward with documented evidence revealing the origins of the Censorship Industrial Complex following the election of President Donald Trump and the passage of Brexit in the UK.

The report was written by Michael Shellenberger, Matt Taibbi, and Alex Gutentag.

Michael Shellenberger posted the report on Twitter-X on Tuesday.

Shellenberger also posted this on Twitter X on the US and UK military origins of the Censorship Industrial Complex.

This was also posted at his Substack page.

A whistleblower has come forward with an explosive new trove of documents, rivaling or exceeding the Twitter Files and Facebook Files in scale and importance. They describe the activities of an “anti-disinformation” group called the Cyber Threat Intelligence League, or CTIL, that officially began as the volunteer project of data scientists and defense and intelligence veterans but whose tactics over time appear to have been absorbed into multiple official projects, including those of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS).

The CTI League documents offer the missing link answers to key questions not addressed in the Twitter Files and Facebook Files. Combined, they offer a comprehensive picture of the birth of the “anti-disinformation” sector, or what we have called the Censorship Industrial Complex.

The whistleblower’s documents describe everything from the genesis of modern digital censorship programs to the role of the military and intelligence agencies, partnerships with civil society organizations and commercial media, and the use of sock puppet accounts and other offensive techniques.

“Lock your shit down,” explains one document about creating “your spy disguise.”

Another explains that while such activities overseas are “typically” done by “the CIA and NSA and the Department of Defense,” censorship efforts “against Americans” have to be done using private partners because the government doesn’t have the “legal authority.”

The whistleblower alleges that a leader of CTI League, a “former” British intelligence analyst, was “in the room” at the Obama White House in 2017 when she received the instructions to create a counter-disinformation project to stop a “repeat of 2016.”

Over the last year, Public, Racket, congressional investigators, and others have documented the rise of the Censorship Industrial Complex, a network of over 100 government agencies and nongovernmental organizations that work together to urge censorship by social media platforms and spread propaganda about disfavored individuals, topics, and whole narratives.

The US Department of Homeland Security’s Cybersecurity and Information Security Agency (CISA) has been the center of gravity for much of the censorship, with the National Science Foundation financing the development of censorship and disinformation tools and other federal government agencies playing a supportive role.

Emails from CISA’s NGO and social media partners show that CISA created the Election Integrity Partnership (EIP) in 2020, which involved the Stanford Internet Observatory (SIO) and other US government contractors. EIP and its successor, the Virality Project (VP), urged Twitter, Facebook and other platforms to censor social media posts by ordinary citizens and elected officials alike.

Despite the overwhelming evidence of government-sponsored censorship, it had yet to be determined where the idea for such mass censorship came from. In 2018, an SIO official and former CIA fellow, Renee DiResta, generated national headlines before and after testifying to the US Senate about Russian government interference in the 2016 election.

But what happened between 2018 and Spring 2020? The year 2019 has been a black hole in the research of the Censorship Industrial Complex to date. When one of us, Michael, testified to the U.S. House of Representatives about the Censorship Industrial Complex in March of this year, the entire year was missing from his timeline.

An Earlier Start Date for the Censorship Industrial Complex

Now, a large trove of new documents, including strategy documents, training videos, presentations, and internal messages, reveal that, in 2019, US and UK military and intelligence contractors led by a former UK defense researcher, Sara-Jayne “SJ” Terp, developed the sweeping censorship framework. These contractors co-led CTIL, which partnered with CISA in the spring of 2020.

In truth, the building of the Censorship Industrial Complex began even earlier — in 2018.

Internal CTIL Slack messages show Terp, her colleagues, and officials from DHS and Facebook all working closely together in the censorship process.

The CTIL framework and the public-private model are the seeds of what both the US and UK would put into place in 2020 and 2021, including masking censorship within cybersecurity institutions and counter-disinformation agendas; a heavy focus on stopping disfavored narratives, not just wrong facts; and pressuring social media platforms to take down information or take other actions to prevent content from going viral.

In the spring of 2020, CTIL began tracking and reporting disfavored content on social media, such as anti-lockdown narratives like “all jobs are essential,” “we won’t stay home,” and “open America now.” CTIL created a law enforcement channel for reporting content as part of these efforts. The organization also did research on individuals posting anti-lockdown hashtags like #freeCA and kept a spreadsheet with details from their Twitter bios. The group also discussed requesting “takedowns” and reporting website domains to registrars.

CTIL’s approach to “disinformation” went far beyond censorship. The documents show that the group engaged in offensive operations to influence public opinion, discussing ways to promote “counter-messaging,” co-opt hashtags, dilute disfavored messaging, create sock puppet accounts, and infiltrate private invite-only groups.

In one suggested list of survey questions, CTIL proposed asking members or potential members, “Have you worked with influence operations (e.g. disinformation, hate speech, other digital harms etc) previously?” The survey then asked whether these influence operations included “active measures” and “psyops.”

These documents came to us via a highly credible whistleblower. We were able to independently verify their legitimacy through extensive cross-checking of information to publicly available sources. The whistleblower said they were recruited to participate in CTIL through monthly cybersecurity meetings hosted by DHS.

The FBI declined to comment. CISA did not respond to our request for comment. And Terp and the other key CTIL leaders also did not respond to our requests for comment.

But one person involved, Bonnie Smalley, replied over Linked in, saying, “all i can comment on is that i joined cti league which is unaffiliated with any govt orgs because i wanted to combat the inject bleach nonsense online during covid…. i can assure you that we had nothing to do with the govt though.”

Read the rest here.

Yet the documents suggest that government employees were engaged members of CTIL. One individual who worked for DHS, Justin Frappier, was extremely active in CTIL, participating in regular meetings and leading trainings.

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]]> 0 trump inauguration crowd President Trump speaks to an endless crowd at his 2016 Inauguration. Little did he know foreign and domestic government leaders were already plotting against him. National Christmas Tree Falls Over Near White House Two Days Before Biden is Set to Light Wed, 29 Nov 2023 00:00:56 +0000

High winds knocked down the National Christmas Tree outside the White House on Tuesday.

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High winds knocked down the National Christmas Tree outside the White House on Tuesday.

The tree was toppled just two days before Biden was set to light it for the annual Christmas lighting ceremony.

As of right now, the National Park Service is still determining if the tree is still salvageable.

This isn’t the first time this year the National Christmas Tree has faced trouble.

The first Christmas tree that was set up had to be replaced after it developed fungus.


Additional footage:

Per WUSA9:

Organizers are scrambling after powerful winds toppled the National Christmas Tree on Tuesday. According to the National Park Service, the tree already had to be replaced once this year after it was discovered the original tree planted for the ceremony developed a fungus.

At 2 p.m., NPS says the fully decorated tree fell after a large gust of wind came through the area. WUSA9 is being told the contractor is willing to come back and redecorate, but it is uncertain at this time if the tree is salvageable.

However, officials say the show will go on. With just two days away from the ceremony, the lighting is expected to bring entertainers and guests from all over–including WUSA9’s very own Annie Yu and Wisdom Martin.

After the tree was toppled, a crane had to be used to lift it back up.

See here:

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]]> 0 cjristmas_16x9 JUST IN: Democrat Rep. Robert Garcia Introduces Resolution to Expel George Santos From Congress – Santos Responds with Fire! (VIDEO) Tue, 28 Nov 2023 23:40:41 +0000

Democrat Rep.

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Democrat Rep. Robert Garcia (CA) on Tuesday introduced a resolution to expel indicted Republican Rep. George Santos from Congress.

This will be Santos’s third time facing an expulsion vote.

The House earlier this month voted overwhelmingly to reject a resolution to expel George Santos so the House Ethics Committee released a scathing report on the lawmaker in an effort to get him expelled.

Expelling Santos from Congress requires a two-thirds vote of the full House.

“We’re calling on Mike Johnson, the speaker, to come out and tell his members that he’s going to support the expulsion,” Garcia said.


House Speaker Mike Johnson spoke to Santos on Tuesday and told him resigning would be a way to avoid a vote on expulsion.

Also according to PunchBowl News, House Republicans may wait until Thursday to ask for a vote on Ethics Committee Chairman Michael Guest’s resolution to expel Santos.

Santos responded with fire and blasted the DC political class for letting the country burn while they hunt him down.

“Ya’ll want a sound bite. This is the third time we’re going through this. I don’t care,” Santos told reporters on Tuesday. “If this city put the effort into fixing our country the same way they put on expelling me, we’d be in a better place!”


Santos burned it down in an epic rant on X Spaces Friday night and said he expects to be booted from Congress following a report from the House Ethics Committee.

“I know I’m going to get expelled when this expulsion resolution goes to the floor,” Santos said on Friday on X Spaces. “I’ve done the math over and over, and it doesn’t look really good.”

Santos ripped his fellow lawmakers as lazy drunks too hungover to vote who “screw” lobbyists.

“I have colleagues who are more worried about getting drunk every night with the next lobbyist that they’re gonna screw and pretend like none of us know what’s going on, and sell off the American people, not show up to vote because they’re too hungover or whatever the reason is, or not show up to vote at all and just give their card out like f–king candy for someone else to vote for them,” Santos said.

Santos continued, “I don’t care. You want to expel me? I’ll wear it like a badge of honor.”

Earlier this month the House Ethics Committee released their report on their investigation of freshman New York Representative George Santos.

The committee led by Republicans found that Santos “violated criminal laws” and “sought to fraudulently exploit every aspect of his House candidacy for his own personal financial profit. He blatantly stole from his campaign. He deceived donors into providing what they thought were contributions to his campaign but were in fact payments for his personal benefit.”

Santos told Semafor he wouldn’t seek reelection.

The House earlier this month voted overwhelmingly to reject a resolution to expel George Santos so the House Ethics Committee released a scathing report on the lawmaker in an effort to get him expelled.

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]]> 0 santos protester awesome WATCH: Black Lives Matter Leader Sees the Light and Reveals Why He is Backing Donald Trump for President Next Year Tue, 28 Nov 2023 23:20:03 +0000

Joe Biden’s problems with minority voters continue to worsen as they realize how much they lost while Donald Trump was President.

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Credit: Fox News/@CollinRugg

Joe Biden’s problems with minority voters continue to worsen as they realize how much they lost while Donald Trump was President. Now, a leader from far-left Black Lives Matter is seeing the light.

Mark Fisher is the co-founder of the organization’s Rhode Island chapter. He was a lifelong Democrat but became disgruntled and ditched the party recently.

The Gateway Pundit’s Alicia Powe previously reported that Fisher had been a staunch supporter of the J6 Prisoners persecuted by the Biden regime. He even helped lead a national prayer outside the E. Barret Prettyman courthouse in DC on Aug. 30 to protest the sentencing of Proud Boys Enrique Tarrio and Ethan Nordean.

Now, he has decided the best way to send a message is to support Trump, the man responsible for creating the most prosperity for minority voters in American history.

Fisher went on Fox and Friends Tuesday morning to explain why he is backing Trump. His take on the Democrats was absolutely scathing, while his words toward Trump could not have been warmer.


Relevant transcript:

Fox and Friends co-host Lawrence Jones: This is my favorite story of the day because it identifies what I have seen in the barbershop…all the brothers are turning tides right now (against the Democrats and toward Trump). What is the big reason?

Fisher: I think personally it is the duplicity of the Democrats. We’re not stupid. The brothers are not stupid. We understand when someone’s for us and when someone is not and it’s obvious that the Democratic party is not for us.

Their policies actually strike at the heart of the black community and the nuclear family.

Jones: You were part of Black Lives Matter and you founded it there (Rhode Island)…What is it about Donald Trump, what is it going to take for him to shore up this support amongst black voters?

Fisher: It’s just going to take information. A lot of people are misinformed. They don’t really understand because they don’t educate themselves on Donald Trump as a person and his history.

If they do that, I think it will happen on its own. Personally I love the man. I mean, how could you not like a real man? How could you not relate to someone like that?

Jones: If you had the opportunity to talk to the former president, I’m sure he’s watching right now, what would you tell him?

Fisher(chuckling): I stump for Trump!

Fisher then affirmed to Jones that he is still a member of Black Lives Matter but that he preaches a message of unity rather than division. “I want to bring all the marginalized groups to the center because we’re stronger together as one nation under God,” he said.

One hopes that he will have success both in his mission to re-elect Trump and in knocking some sense into BLM. The latter will likely prove more difficult.

In August, The Gateway Pundit’s Alicia Powe had an exclusive interview with Fisher in front of the federal courthouse in Washington, DC.

The January 6 political prisoners “are going through the justice system, the court system, just like a lot of my brothers and sisters had to go through when I was coming up and as a youngster, and to this day,” Fisher told The Gateway Pundit.

“Just because something is legal doesn’t make it right. Just because something is legal doesn’t make it moral. But it is a nation of laws that we live in, as opposed to a nation of people. So we have to deal with them,” he said. “I believe solidarity and brotherhood is the way to combat governmental overreach and legislative abuse.”

“I stand in solidarity with the January 6 political prisoners” and “there are hundreds of men that stand with me,” the community organizer told TGP the night before meeting this reporter at the Capitol building.

Walking the halls of the Capitol with TGP as Congress left for August recess, Fisher commended Rep. Marjorie Taylor Green for exposing the decrepit conditions of the DC Central Detention Facility and visiting the notorious “DC Gulag.’

“I just spoke with Marjorie Taylor Greene and I just let her know that she should continue to fight the good fight. People don’t like people who are outspoken, who are supposed to be quiet and remain timid,” he said.

Fisher then visited the federal courthouse, where every January 6er is tried with a 99.8 percent conviction rate.

“We came today to inquire about the January 6 prisoners and what the situation is, what their punishments will be and what the recourse is going to be for everybody who was involved in it,” he said. “I am going to some of their leaders and see what direction they want to go in.

“We have to just see eye to eye, and I’m going to, because the future is collaboration. It’s us understanding each other — understanding that it’s not the government that’s going to rescue us and save us and solve our problems. It’s going to be us, helping us and understanding one another and having empathy. And that’s what’s going to save America.”

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]]> 0 BLM Leader Credit: Fox News/@CollinRugg Police Beat The Hell Out Of Innocent J6 Protesters And They Face Years In Prison. The Left Riots, Sues Police For ‘Excessive Force’ And Wins Millions. Tue, 28 Nov 2023 23:00:21 +0000

A new video from the January 6 protests was released this past weekend from inside the entrance to the US Capitol.

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A new video from the January 6 protests was released this past weekend from inside the entrance to the US Capitol.

Capitol Hill police officers are seen ruthlessly beating an elderly man in footage from the Capitol riot on January 6 that was widely circulated across social media.

“The Capitol cops beat the hell out of innocent J6 protesters, and the videos are finally coming out. The cops should be charged and the protesters should be freed. This is why the uniparty didn’t want the videos released,” states the caption attached to a video of cops repeatedly striking and spraying a gray-haired man who appears trapped in a doorway between police and protesters.

The video of the cops beating the elderly man has been viewed 1.2 million times on Twitter at the time of this publication.


A screenshot of a cop spraying an older man with a red hat directly in the face while standing a few feet away from the protester has also gone viral.

Footage of Capitol Police shoving an elderly woman down a set of stairs outside the US Capitol on January 6 is also making the rounds.

The police actually pushed this woman down a flight of stairs twice and according to our sources, this brutal display of police abuse ignited the crowd that day.


As TGP has reported, when the police started shooting people in the face and throwing flash grenades at the unarmed crowd, everything changed on January 6.

“Anyone who wants to get to the bottom of January 6 must focus on the key moment: The precise time the typical protest escalated into “the most investigated demonstration in FBI history,” defense attorney Steven Metcalf told TGP days after the Proud Boys were found guilty of seditious conspiracy.
“This is crucial —  this is crucial — because this is where what everybody is saying about J6 being a ‘set-up’ and a ‘fedsurrection’ actually matters. But nobody is pinpointing the precise time,” he said. “Everyone is saying, ‘There’s FBI agents in the crowd,’ ‘There’s CHSs in the crowd.’ There’s blah blah blah — I’ll tell you exactly where shit went crazy.
“It went crazy at that precise time when the protesters were all standing in the west side terrace and then shots start going off and people started getting hit in the faces… There were a couple of agitators in the crowd don’t get me wrong, but what took it to a whole different level is people being shot in the face with rubber bullets.
“That’s where people who were angry got even angrier and rightfully so.”

Defense Attorney Exposes THE EXACT MOMENT the Government Waged J6 Attack: ‘I’ll Tell You Exactly Where Sh*t Went Crazy’

Nearly 1200 Americans who protested on January 6 are being prosecuted by the Justice Department and the Biden regime and Chris Wray’s FBI continues to expand its J6 probe.  Over 150 J6 defendants have been held in pre-trial detention.

Demonstrators who walked through the Capitol Building would face misdemeaning trespassing charges punishable by up to a year in prison before and after January 6. But J6ers who peacefully strolled through the building are resoundingly charged with 1512 Obstruction of an Official Proceeding, punishable by a 20-year prison sentence, and designated as terrorists within the Bureau of Prisons system.  

To increase prison sentences for wrongthink, the government made examples of the leaders of the Proud Boys and the Oath Keepers with charges of seditious conspiracy. Former Proud Boys leader Enrique Tarrio is serving a 22-year prison sentence after the government persuaded an Antifa-supporting jury he conspired to overthrow the US government, even though Tarrio was not in Washington DC on January 6. His co-defendants were also handed the highest sentences to date for merely trespassing in the building and committing no violent crimes during the protest — 18 years for Ethan Nordean, 17 years for Joe Biggs, 15 years for Zachary Rehl and 10 years for Dominic Pezzola.

Murderers are being handed lighter sentences than J6 political hostages.

Meanwhile, so-called racial justice demonstrators are being awarded millions of dollars after getting arrested during their protests where they destroyed property, torched historic buildings, and attempted to storm the White House.


In September, New York City agreed to pay at least $35 million to settle allegations of police misconduct and civil rights violations by police against people protesting the 2020 death of George Floyd, including $10 million for protesters who were kettled during a demonstration in the South Bronx. More than 600 people have reportedly brought individual claims against the city, many of which are still pending.

In April 2022, a federal jury awarded $14 million to 12 Denver racial justice activists who sued police for hitting them with pepper balls and a bag filled with lead during the 2020 Floyd demonstrations. The jury found police used excessive force against protesters, violating their constitutional rights.

In April 2021, the city of Washington reached a $1.6 million settlement in two lawsuits that included excessive force on protesters and allegations of arrests without cause during the inauguration of former President Donald Trump in January 2017. The American Civil Liberties Union of the District of Columbia, representing the plaintiffs warned in a statement about the settlement that the police “engaged in or supervised constitutional violations including mass arrests of demonstrators without probable cause, unlawful conditions of confinement for detainees, and/or use of excessive force.”

The ACLU said that even though just a few protesters caused damage and engaged in violence, police rounded up more than 200 protestors and “detained them without access to food, water, or restrooms for up to 16 hours.”The conduct of Metropolitan Police Department officers was investigated by the city’s Police Complaints Board.

In May 2020, Secret Service agents rushed President Donald Trump to a White House bunker as hundreds of Democrat-sanctioned “social justice warriors” gathered outside the executive mansion throwing rocks and tugging at police barricades. Despite sparking one of the highest alerts on the White House, the worldwide headquarters of the US military and the nation, since the Sept. 11 attacks in 2001, none of the left-wing rioters were sentenced to decades in prison for endangering the sitting president.

Where are the lawsuits filed on behalf of all the January 6 protesters who were injured by rubber bullets, flashbang grenades, shrapnel, and teargas on January 6 and were mercilessly beaten by police? How many protesters had to make their way from the protest to the emergency room? 

The Gateway Pundit spoke with former J6 defense attorney-turned-paralegal Jonathon Moseley, who is currently in the midst of J6 litigation, about the prospects of filing a lawsuit against the District of Columbia, DC Mayor Muriel Bowser, the Metropolitan Police Department and the Capitol Police Department for civil rights abuses and police brutality on behalf of January 6 protesters.

Moseley cautioned, “There are way too many J6 defendants and not nearly enough lawyers.”

“In any other area, you’d expect lawyers to be lining up and wanting to take the case. But here there’s a there’s a chronic shortage of lawyers willing to do the work on January 6,” he told TGP in an exclusive interview. “It’s a matter it’s a matter of time, money and effort. When lawyers are defending these people who were injured by police during the protest, they are faced with the urgent problem of the defendant being sentenced to jail or prison.

“There are lots of lawsuits that people want to file over the use of the misuse of tear gas, but the civil lawsuits are being completely ignored because the criminal cases are too important,” he continued. “It’s just a matter of too much work and not enough time.

“What’s the legality of police beating unarmed protesters? It is illegal. Liberals have won lawsuits on that. They’ve won millions of dollars for groups of people. So, there’s your legality. The left files lawsuits against police brutality and unconstitutional detention all the time. The first thing you need is a plaintiff. The second thing you need is a lawyer who’s not afraid of his own shadow. ”

Mosely is calling on attorneys around the country to represent J6 defendants amid a judicial crisis that perils the First Amendment.

“Lawyers from any jurisdiction can practice law in DC federal court if a local lawyer waves them in — about half of the lawyers who are currently working for January 6, defendants are not local DC lawyers.”

Asked what it would cost to wage a legal battle against the District of Columbia over police brutality on January 6, akin to the lawsuits filed by the ACLU, Moseley cautioned “A lawyer has to be financially successful enough to have money available to litigate the case for years before they get a payday.”

“And they might never get paid,” he added. “They have to have enough money origin the bank to afford to gamble and lose.

“If your lawyer is not willing to do it on contingency, has enough money in the bank to risk losing, you would probably need at least $50,000 raised for this sort of lawsuit. And the other issue is, no matter how good the lawyer is, the factual research is a ton of work. There’s a lot of details that lawyers don’t know. We need people that want to just do research and volunteer to pull things together.”

The most seasoned attorneys with the most compelling presentations, exposing all the crimes committed by police on January 6, will still be confronted with the same biased federal judges who preside over the nearly 100 percent conviction rate of J6 defendants.

“Research is crucial, but the judges will ignore it. I’ve had judges practically scoff at the Constitution,” Mosely said. “We try to argue from the Constitution, they’ll kind of like throw their hands in the air and look disgusting. They pretend they pretend to listen to defense motions, and then always, you know, barely turn every issue in favor of the prosecution.”


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]]> 0 BeFunky-design (1) Image Police in riot gear keep protesters at bay in Lafayette Park near the White House in Washington Police in riot gear keep protesters at bay in Lafayette Park near the White House in Washington, U.S. May 31, 2020. Picture taken May 31, 2020. REUTERS/Jonathan Ernst “Try and Avoid Connecting Crime with Migration. It’s Not Right” – Irish Prime Minister Leo Varadkar Scolds Irishmen After Algerian Stabs Children in Dublin (VIDEO) Tue, 28 Nov 2023 22:40:43 +0000

Irish Prime Minister Varadkar, whose father is from Bombay, India, scolded Irishmen after an Algerian migrant stabbed 3 Irish children at a school in Dublin last week.

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Irish Prime Minister Varadkar, whose father is from Bombay, India, scolded Irishmen after an Algerian migrant stabbed 3 Irish children at a school in Dublin last week.

The left-wing media immediately covered for the attacker and hesitated to mention he was of Algerian descent.

500 people rioted in Dublin after the stabbing. 34 of the protestors were arrested.

The Irish people are fed up with dangerous migrants brought in by left-wing politicians.

Following the attack, five-time world champion MMA fighter and Irishman Conor McGregor weighed in on the stabbing of the innocent children, saying, “Ireland, we are at war.”

Conor McGregor is now under investigation for ‘online hate speech’ following his comments on the Algerian stabber.

Now the Irish Prime Minister is lecturing Irishmen for speaking out against the dangers of bringing sub-Saharan Africans and Middle Easterners (Muslims) to Ireland.

“I really would ask people to try and avoid connecting crime with migration. It’s not right,” Irish Taoiseach Leo Varadkar said after the stabbing.

Varadkar also said a “few” migrants will commit “terrible crimes” just like some Irish people.

Some Irish people just have to die in the name of open borders Marxism, so says Varadkar.


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]]> 0 President Trump’s Latest “Motion to Compel Discovery” Exposes Foreign Interference in 2020 Election in “One of the Worst Cybersecurity Incidents in History” Tue, 28 Nov 2023 22:20:17 +0000

Yesterday, President Trump’s legal team submitted a motion to compel discovery in the Washington DC case in which he is charged with conspiring to overturn the 2020 Presidential Election.  Trump’s attorneys state that the case in Washington DC “reflects little more than partisan advocacy designed to sabotage President Trump’s leading campaign for the 2024 Presidential Election.” On October 26th, 2023, Trump’s legal team submitted a Classified Information Procedures Act (CIPA) Notice and Objection to Unauthorized Deletions of Classified Information objecting to certain redactions in certain classified discovery items: “…the Special Counsel’s Office argued that “the classified discovery issues” in this case are “limited,” “tangential,” “narrow,” and “incidental” because the charges…do not rely on classified materials.” To which Trump’s counsel responded: “…the government appears to have looked with tunnel vision at limited issues it believed were relevant.” and that “The Indictment in this case adopts classified assessments by the Intelligence Community and

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]]> Yesterday, President Trump’s legal team submitted a motion to compel discovery in the Washington DC case in which he is charged with conspiring to overturn the 2020 Presidential Election.  Trump’s attorneys state that the case in Washington DC “reflects little more than partisan advocacy designed to sabotage President Trump’s leading campaign for the 2024 Presidential Election.”

On October 26th, 2023, Trump’s legal team submitted a Classified Information Procedures Act (CIPA) Notice and Objection to Unauthorized Deletions of Classified Information objecting to certain redactions in certain classified discovery items:

“…the Special Counsel’s Office argued that “the classified discovery issues” in this case are “limited,” “tangential,” “narrow,” and “incidental” because the charges…do not rely on classified materials.”

To which Trump’s counsel responded:

“…the government appears to have looked with tunnel vision at limited issues it believed were relevant.”

and that

The Indictment in this case adopts classified assessments by the Intelligence Community and others that minimized, and at times ignored, efforts by foreign actors to influence and interfere with the 2020 election.  President Trump will offer classified information at trial relating to foreign influence activities that impacted the 2016 and 2020 elections, as well as efforts by his administration to combat those activities.  President Trump will also present classified information relating to the biased and politicized nature of the intelligence assessments that he and others rejected during the events in question.”

With yesterday’s filing, we got quite a bit of clarification as to what “foreign interference” is being alleged.

Most notably: the infamous SolarWinds Orion hack.

The Gateway Pundit has previously reported on the hack itself, as well as SolarWinds ties to Dominion Voting Systems, the CEO selling off $45M worth of the stock just a week before the hack story broke, as well as the company’s ties to Obama, Hillary Clinton, China, Hong Kong, and the US elections process.

On November 17th, 2020, President Trump fired Chris Krebs, the director of the Cybersecurity Infrastructure and Security Administration, regarding his “most secure election in American history,”  claiming the statement was “highly inaccurate.”

In the Motion to Compel filing, regarding the “SolarWinds “SUNBURST” Attack, Trump’s counsel alleges that:

“…between January 2019 and at least December 2020, parties reportedly linked to Russia’s Foreign Intelligence Services…perpetrated what the SEC recently described as “one of the worst cybersecurity incidents in history.”  In connection with what is now known as the “SUNBURST attack,”

[T]he threat actors inserted malicious code into three software builds [bold added] for SolarWinds’ Orion products. SolarWinds then delivered these compromised products to more than 18,000 customers across the globe. The malicious code provided the threat actors with the ability to access the systems of these compromised customers [bold added], provided certain other conditions were met, and became known as the SUNBURST attack.

During the attack:

[T]hreat actors conducted reconnaissance, exfiltration, and data collection; identified product and network vulnerabilities; harvested credentials of SolarWinds employees and customers; and planned additional attacks against SolarWinds’ products that would be deployed during later stages of the campaign.

They claim the malicious code provides a “backdoor” into the network’s of SolarWinds customers who were using the infected versions of the software.  Once SolarWinds was made aware of the vulnerabilities and the ensuing “SUNBURST” attack, the SEC claimed “[SolarWinds] did not fully disclose its known impact.”

Following the discovery of the attack, the New York Times reported that it impacted the DOJ, DHS, State, Treasury, and Commerce Departments, the National Security Agency, and parts of the Pentagon, among others.

Ironically,Chris Krebs, after being fired, would go on to form the Krebs Stamos Group with Stanford Internet Observatory founder Alex Stamos.  Stamos’s Stanford Internet Observatory, along with The University of Washington’s Center for an Informed Public, Graphika, and The Atlantic Council’s Digital Forensic Research Lab were members of the Election Integrity Partnership.  They infamously published “The Long Fuse” report, which explicitly admits to “engag[ing] with government stakeholders primarily to provide analytical capability and context around election-related misinformation.”

The Long Fuse Report also admits to a corroboration with the EI-ISAC, which was a “singular conduit for election officials to report false or misleading information to platforms.”

When Stamos and Krebs formed the Krebs Stamos Group, their first customer was…you guessed it…SolarWinds.

Fiona Hill to Moderate “Cyber Disruption and Disinformation” Discussion at Naval Institute

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]]> 0 trump classified 1 trump classified 2 National Legal and Policy Center Attorney Paul Kamenar Discusses Trump’s DC Gag Order Appeal Hearing and Persecution of J6 Prisoners in Lawless DC Courts Tue, 28 Nov 2023 22:00:33 +0000

DC attorney and lead counsel to the National Legal and Policy Center Paul Kamenar spoke with The Gateway Pundit last week to discuss the recent appeals court hearing over District Court Judge Tanya Chutkan’s unconstitutional gag order.

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National Legal and Policy Center lead counsel Paul Kamenar

DC attorney and lead counsel to the National Legal and Policy Center Paul Kamenar spoke with The Gateway Pundit last week to discuss the recent appeals court hearing over District Court Judge Tanya Chutkan’s unconstitutional gag order.

Kamenar further shared his thoughts on J6 Defendant Victoria White’s sentencing hearing, held just hours after Trump’s gag order hearing.

As The Gateway Pundit reported last week, the Circuit Court signaled it would partially grant President Trump’s request to remove his gag order in Jack Smith’s bogus election interference case. This order bars Trump from criticizing Special Counsel Jack Smith or any of his prosecutors – even if Trump is telling the truth!

Federal Appeals Court Panel Blasts Judge Chutkan, Signals it will Narrow Trump’s Unconstitutional Gag Order

Attorneys for the government argued that Trump even calling Jack Smith a “liar” falls under the “inflammatory language” that would violate his gag order. Even the two Obama appointees and the single Biden appointee on the bench appeared to think this is ridiculous and will interfere with the political arena.

It is unclear when the appeals court will make a decision. Kamenar told The Gateway Pundit that while the court should narrow the scope of Trump’s gag order to comply with the First Amendment, he does not believe it will be overturned entirely.

Since the latest hearing in DC, Judge Chutkan has refused the Trump defense team’s efforts to subpoena members of the House January 6 Committee for testimony and missing documents, which are essential to proving his innocence. This completely lawless court seeks to silence Trump and cover up the truth about January 6 – all to interfere with the 2024 election.

In the case of Victoria White, she was sentenced last Monday to ten days of incarceration, three months of house arrest, two years of probation, and ordered to pay $2,000 in restitution. This is what she gets after peacefully attending the January 6 protest and nearly being killed by Capitol police who beat the hell out of her and paraded her body around the Capitol.

Kamenar shared his opinion on this “miscarriage of justice,” further calling it “a case of police brutality and excessive enforcement.” He also highlighted the dual system of justice in the treatment of January 6 protesters versus the Black Lives Matter radicals who killed numerous law enforcement officers and caused billions of dollars in damage rioting in American cities.

Paul Kamenar has been an outspoken opponent of the deep state and its illegitimate tactics for persecuting innocent Americans. He previously led a lawsuit challenging the legal authority of Special Counsel Robert Mueller, who was targeting Roger Stone.

Like Mueller, Jack Smith, who is now charging President Trump in Florida and DC, was not confirmed by the Senate, and both of their prosecutorial authority is likely unconstitutional.

Read Kamenar’s Town Hall op-ed titled “Why Special Counsel Jack Smith Is Unlawful” here.

Listen to the full interview below:

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]]> 0 Paul Kamenar Leftist Ghouls Attack Melania Trump For Wearing Dark Grey Tweed Coat to Rosalynn Carter’s Funeral Tue, 28 Nov 2023 21:40:35 +0000

Leftist ghouls attacked former First Lady Melania Trump for not wearing all black at Rosalynn Carter’s funeral.

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Leftist ghouls attacked former First Lady Melania Trump for not wearing all black at Rosalynn Carter’s funeral.

Former First Lady Rosalynn Carter passed away earlier this month at the age of 96 after it was revealed she had dementia.

Jimmy Carter, the Bidens, Clintons, Michelle Obama and Melania Trump all sat in the front row of the church in Marietta, Georgia on Tuesday.

Melania Trump looked classy and beautiful in a dark grey (or black and white?) tweed coat she wore over a black dress.

Wearing dark grey or even navy blue at a funeral is perfectly appropriate and acceptable.

Melania Trump wore a black dress underneath her coat, but Trump-hating leftists still bullied her.

One leftist called Melania “disrespectful and rude” for wearing a dark grey coat.

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]]> 0 Melania Trump Rosalynn Carter funeral SHOCK REPORT: Biden Admin Is Spending $451 BILLION a Year to Pay for Illegal Alien and Asylum Seeker Benefits (VIDEO) Tue, 28 Nov 2023 21:20:18 +0000

FOX business network reporter Madison Alworth released a shocking figure this week on the cost of illegal aliens on an annual basis.

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Illegal migrants caravan to the open US border.

FOX business network reporter Madison Alworth released a shocking figure this week on the cost of illegal aliens on an annual basis.

According to the House Committee on Homeland Security, the massive cost to house and take care of illegal aliens and so-called asylum seekers inside the US is $451 billion.

FBN reporter Madison Alworth: “Stuart we have new numbers, a new report from the US House Committee on Homeland Security. They say the price tag per year is $451 billion dollars. That is for both the housing and care of the asylum seekers as well as those known got-aways.”

The House Committee on Homeland Security reported:

Representative Mike Ezell (R-MS) recently authored an op-edfor Townhall on the financial costs affecting law enforcement and first responders as a direct result of the unprecedented border crisis.

This op-ed follows the release of the House Committee on Homeland Security’s Phase Four interim report pursuant to the Committee’s oversight investigation into how the policies of Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas and President Joe Biden have created and maintained the worst border crisis in American history. The report documents how the skyrocketing dollar costs of the border crisis could exceed $451 billion per year, with law enforcement shouldering a major new financial burden. Read the full report here, and Ezell’s op-ed here.

Read highlights from the op-ed:

“The crisis caused by the Biden administration’s reckless, open-border policies has burdened Americans across this country, no matter how far from the border they live. Every state has now become a border state. From Yuma County, Arizona to Jackson County, Mississippi and all the way to New York City, the costs of this disaster come in many forms. 

“With more than 40 years of law enforcement experience under my belt, I know this crisis does not just affect a community—it affects the dedicated men and women tasked with defending it. 

The unprecedented flood of more than six million illegal aliens across the Southwest border since Joe Biden and Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas took office has stretched many law enforcement agencies to their breaking points. The never-ending chaos makes it harder for them to successfully protect and serve at a time when many police and sheriffs’ departments are already facing a retention crisis. 

“During my eight years as sheriff of Jackson County, I saw the physical, emotional, and psychological toll that this career can take on individual officers. Those difficulties are magnified when local law enforcement is forced to bear the costs of a national crisis. Instead of focusing on their communities, officers find themselves forced to spend valuable time and resources dealing with the ripple effects of the open border.

“The Biden-Mayorkas strategy isn’t working, and it’s undermining the morale and the homeland security mission of law enforcement across the country.”

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]]> 0 illegal migrants caravan border Illegal migrants caravan to the open US border. Pro-Palestine Protesters Stage Rally Outside Rosalynn Carter’s Memorial Service (VIDEO) Tue, 28 Nov 2023 21:00:21 +0000

In a classless act, Pro-Palestine protesters flocked to former First Lady Rosalynn Carter’s memorial service in Atlanta, Georgia.

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In a classless act, Pro-Palestine protesters flocked to former First Lady Rosalynn Carter’s memorial service in Atlanta, Georgia.

The protesters were seen chanting and holding signs outside the Glenn Memorial United Methodist Church in Atlanta, where Rosalynn’s tribute service was taking place.

The demonstrators could be heard screaming, “Biden, Biden, you can’t hide. We charge you with genocide!”

As The Gateway Pundit reported earlier, the Bidens, the Clintons, and Michelle Obama all flew on Air Force One to attend the event.


Per The Washington Examiner:

Pro-Palestinian protesters did not pass up the opportunity to be seen by President Joe Biden, even at a memorial service.

Several chanting, sign-wielding demonstrators set up outside Glenn Memorial United Methodist Church in Atlanta, where former first lady Rosalynn Carter is being memorialized in a tribute service. Biden is attending, and his motorcade traveled by the scene.

The crowd engaged in chants of “Biden, Biden, you can’t hide. We charge you with genocide!” as the motorcade approached.

Signs included “End all U.S. aid to Israel” and “Ceasefire now! Stop Israel and Biden’s genocide.”

Watch the tribute service below:

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]]> 0 palestine pro 20-Year-Old Fan Hospitalized with Severe Injuries and Brain Hemorrhage After Unprovoked Attack by American Rapper’s Entourage Over Photo Request (VIDEO) Tue, 28 Nov 2023 20:40:34 +0000

A young fan’s request for a photograph with American rapper Nardo Wick turned into a nightmare when he was viciously attacked by members of the rapper’s entourage, according to video evidence and sources familiar with the incident.

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Right: Nardo Wick

A young fan’s request for a photograph with American rapper Nardo Wick turned into a nightmare when he was viciously attacked by members of the rapper’s entourage, according to video evidence and sources familiar with the incident.

The 20-year-old fan was admitted to the hospital with grave injuries, including a brain hemorrhage, which prompted a police investigation into the rapper’s entourage, responsible for the brutal attack.

The incident occurred late Sunday night following Nardo Wick’s performance at Club Skye in Tampa, Florida.

Sources have told TMZ that the fan recognized Nardo—real name Horace Bernard Walls III—as he exited the venue around 1:15 AM and approached for a photo.

Video footage obtained by TMZ shows the grim moment of the unprovoked attack wherein the fan was sucker-punched by one of Nardo’s crew members, causing the victim’s head to smash against a concrete wall.

Reeling from the initial blow, the fan was hit yet again by another individual from the group, driving him to the ground where his head struck the pavement, as per TMZ’s report. While Nardo Wick, identifiable in a white shirt in the video, appeared to attempt to de-escalate the situation, the violence had already taken its toll.


The young fan was rushed to a local hospital for treatment and is reportedly suffering from a grave concussion and brain hemorrhaging. Sources close to the situation have expressed concern about potential long-term consequences, though his current condition is listed as critical but stable.

In response to the incident, Tampa Police have reached out to the public seeking assistance in identifying the assailants. A police spokesperson has confirmed the severity of the situation and the active search for individuals involved in the attack.

In the wake of the incident, backlash against Nardo Wick has been erupting on social media.

A user on platform X decried the incident with the comment, “Homie don’t want no White fans!”

On Tuesday, the rapper released a statement on X:

“I don’t condone what happened to my fan George after my show in any type of way, I expressed to him and his mama how sorry and concerned I was that it happened to him, multiple times before anything was even posted or on the internet. I sent his mama my number instantly the night it happened. I was even gone make a post to try to find out who he was before his mama text me. I cant control another grown man actions, I ain’t know that was gone happen, and I was mad when it happened. I tried to stop it as u can see in the video, and if somebody got the longer video you can see how mad I was, love and appreciate all my fans and don’t condone in what happened at all dat shit ain’t gangsta or cool in no type of way.”

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]]> 0 wick A “Gold Rush” Hits Costco With Demand For Gold Bars – Here’s One Way To Own Gold if Your Money Is In a Retirement Account Tue, 28 Nov 2023 20:20:00 +0000

Note: The information provided here or in any related communications is for informational purposes only and should not be considered as financial advice.

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]]> Note: The information provided here or in any related communications is for informational purposes only and should not be considered as financial advice. We do not provide personalized investment, financial, or legal advice. Gateway Pundit benefits from purchases made through our sponsors.

The demand for physical precious metals has been rising since before the pandemic.  Central banks have been buying ton after ton for two years. Even some U.S. states — like Tennessee — are filling their coffers with physical precious metals.

Now, Costco is offering gold bars to their members — and some observers are saying there is a “gold rush” on Costco’s gold:

Mike Cernovich reported: “People buying them but bars sold out fast. One disappointed customer had paid but the membership pick-up said it was out.”

Others had no idea Costco sold gold:

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]]> 0 genesis gold bars pyramid gold rush at costco costco sells gold French Teen Is Stabbed by Arab Migrants – So Police Vow To Crack Down – On the French Citizens Protesting It! Tue, 28 Nov 2023 20:00:40 +0000

By now, all well-informed patriots have grasped the playbook: Police are negligent on migrant crime; Migrant stabs children or teens; Patriots react in fury; Police finally cracks down — on the patriots!

The post French Teen Is Stabbed by Arab Migrants – So Police Vow To Crack Down – On the French Citizens Protesting It! appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


By now, all well-informed patriots have grasped the playbook: Police are negligent on migrant crime; Migrant stabs children or teens; Patriots react in fury; Police finally cracks down — on the patriots!

This unacceptable state of affairs played out in the exact same way in Ireland as now in France.

There has been no shortage of protests and riots in France, from the yellow vest marches to the revolt over tyrannical pension reform to minority riots over police brutality – you name it, France has got it.

But now the ailing Macron administration has found its bogeyman: the far right. Yes – lame!

Reuters reported, with an even much greater bias than usual:

“Night-time protests across France over the past few days by ultra-right militants [sic] chanting ‘Islam out of Europe’ have been fanned by last week’s rioting in Dublin, a French intelligence source and far-right Telegram communications indicate.”

Let’s unpack the story.

A teenager, named Thomas, from the southeastern village of Crepol, was murdered by what witnesses allege were assailants of Arab origin.

In a normal world the police cracks down on Arab radicals, gets them, game over. We are NOT in a normal world.

Protesters marched in Lyon, Rennes, Grenoble and also in Romans-sur-Isere – in the neighborhood of one of the alleged killers.

The Dublin riots were an inspiration for rioters, according to the authorities.

Read: CHANGE: President Emmanuel Macron Calls for ‘Ruthless’ Deportation of All Migrants With Ties to Islamic Extremism From France

A government spokesperson delivered the usual platitudes: ‘we don’t respond to violence with violence, we respond with justice. We don’t respond to violence with division.’

That would be nice, if it wasn’t for the fact that citizens know France responds to violence with surrender.

“French authorities have arrested more than a dozen march participants over the last few days and interior minister Gerald Darmanin said on Tuesday that he intended to shut down three ultra-right and neo-Nazi groups, including one based in Paris known as the Martel Division.”

So police snatched nine Arab stabbers but DOZENS of protesters! And more, they don’t intend to shut the Mosque that radicalized them – oh no!

They want to shut down right wing groups.

Read: Global Day of Jihad: Man Shouts “Allahu Akbar” Before Killing Teacher and Injuring Others in a Knife Attack in France (VIDEO)

“‘France has avoided an Ireland-like scenario, because it was firm, France has avoided a mini-civil war’, Darmanin told France Inter radio.

[…] There are about 3,000 violent ultra-right militants identified by the French intelligence services. That number has been stable for the last few years but the national coordination by demonstrators as seen on Saturday is a new phenomenon, the intelligence source said.”

Just note how Reuters’ reporting treats the stabbers as an afterthought. How many radicalized Muslim migrants are in France? What’s been done about them?

Read more:

France Votes on Bill to Tighten Migration Control as Europe Is Overrun With Illegals

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]]> 0 France riot stabbing U.S. Navy Medical Officer Exposes Defense Department Data Showing Alarming Increase in Heart-Related Issues Among Pilots Following COVID-19 Vaccination: Myocarditis Up by 151%, Heart Failure by 973% (VIDEO) Tue, 28 Nov 2023 19:40:15 +0000

Since the introduction of the experimental COVID-19 vaccines, The Gateway Pundit has been covering numerous studies from health professionals, revealing startling findings that mRNA COVID-19 vaccines are linked to the rapid onset of heart-related problems in individuals across all age groups.

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Lt. Ted Macie

Since the introduction of the experimental COVID-19 vaccines, The Gateway Pundit has been covering numerous studies from health professionals, revealing startling findings that mRNA COVID-19 vaccines are linked to the rapid onset of heart-related problems in individuals across all age groups.

On Monday, Lieutenant Ted Macie, an active-duty officer in the Navy Medical Service Corps and a whistleblower, revealed Department of Defense data indicating a significant rise in heart-related issues among military pilots following COVID-19 vaccination.

Lt. Macie, who also serves as a Navy Health Administrator and Medical Recruiter, shared these findings in a recent video, elaborating on concerns initially raised by his wife, Mara Macie, a candidate for Florida’s 5th Congressional District in the U.S. House.

Mara Macie’s social media post criticized the treatment of thousands of service members during the vaccine rollout, highlighting a deep mistrust in military leadership and calling for accountability and justice.

“So you may have seen my wife’s recent post, and I want to elaborate on that and give you an example as to why reinstatement, back pay, and apologies isn’t enough,” said Macie in a video posted on X.

In a staunch reply to Missouri Senator Eric Schmitt’s call for rehiring previously discharged service members with “full back pay, rank and an apology,” Mara Macie emphasized the deep lack of trust in military leadership among those affected by “illegal mandates.”


Thousands of servicemembers were treated with “disrespect” and fired because of “tyranny,” yet citing recruitment challenges as a reason this should be a priority diminishes the sentiment.

There is a complete lack of trust in the military “leadership” among those who were not only involuntarily separated, but also those who walked away (including just shy of retirement), those who fought from within but were flagged for promotion, those who didn’t want to take the shot but were coerced, and us family members who have been told that our community’s mental and physical health is important to that alleged leadership.

Accountability is the only answer. Every single voice of servicemembers who suffered because of these ILLEGAL mandates should be heard before Congress. Every single military “leader” who was informed by servicemembers presenting them with the law and still did nothing should be investigated until we remove all those who put their careers above the mental and physical safety of our servicemembers and their families.

When I am elected to Congress, I will lead the charge for accountability, and the investigation into those who violated their oath of office, therefore forfeiting their honorable status, in exchange for personal advancement. Justice must prevail.”

According to the data presented by Lt. Macie, there has been a dramatic increase in various heart-related ailments among fixed-wing and helicopter pilots. The figures show surges in conditions like hypertensive disease (36%), ischemic heart disease (69%), pulmonary heart disease (62%), heart failure (973%), other forms of heart disease (63%), and cardiomyopathy (152%) compared to the five-year average prior to 2022.

These revelations follow a report by The Gateway Pundit in July, which cited a leaked military study admitting a spike in myocarditis cases by at least 151% post-vaccination in the US Military.

Gilbert Cisneros Jr., the Undersecretary of Defense for Personnel and Readiness, confirmed the increase, noting 275 cases of myocarditis in 2021, a significant rise from the annual average observed from 2016 to 2020.

In an X post, Lt. Macie wrote, “Thank you to the Congressman and woman raising concerns over the injustice of the illegal shot mandate. With that said, my wife Mara Macie and thousands of us will stop until there’s accountability, it’s the ONLY way to right the ship. The effects from this are just beginning, and to simply overlook them is a disservice to us and the country. In the video I’m covering active duty fixed wing and helo pilot heart issues from the DoD’s own numbers.”


Speaking to The Gateway Pundit, Lt. Macie said:

The responses to our concerns from the DoD have been memorandums, letters. As in a letter displaying how they confirmed the data but said it was due to the covid virus, even though all the issues start in 2021.

I met with the Chief of Naval Operations and her aide. So far the only response to that is that the DMED data has been sent to the Navy IG from the CNO’s office. Slow rolling everything has been the norm as well as denying anything is happening. “We’ll take a look.”

Congress’ response has been abysmal. They’re more interested in going after woke things in the DoD, which as we all know is low hanging fruit that’s of relatively low consequence compared to the death and injury over the illegal shot mandate. I have so much to say, so I’ll leave it at that unless you need clarification. Also, my wife has been extremely active with our fight and in exposing the Florida establishment that I’m certain they won’t even acknowledged our existence. They don’t want us to have any credibility.

According to the most recent data from the U.S. Army, as of 13 October 2022, 97% of active-duty soldiers are fully vaccinated against COVID-19. The vaccination rate for the Army National Guard and U.S. Army Reserve is slightly lower, with 90% and 91% of soldiers fully vaccinated, respectively.

Source: US Army

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]]> 0 ted macie size0-full Source: US Army Waste of the Day: NYC Service Cuts Due To $7 Billion Budget Gap, Migrants Tue, 28 Nov 2023 19:20:15 +0000

This story originally was published by Real Clear Wire By Adam Andrzejewski Real Clear Wire New York City taxpayers will see their own services cut — police, schools, sanitation, libraries — in lieu of paying the massive bill of caring for an estimated 143,000 migrants.

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This story originally was published by Real Clear Wire

By Adam Andrzejewski
Real Clear Wire

New York City taxpayers will see their own services cut — police, schools, sanitation, libraries — in lieu of paying the massive bill of caring for an estimated 143,000 migrants.

City officials predict it will spend $11 billion on housing migrants over the next two years.

Mayor Eric Adams announced that the city’s $7 billion budget gap — due in large part to the cost of housing and feeding migrants and the reduction in federal aid for COVID — will mean 5% cuts across the board at city agencies.

Most importantly, a freeze in hiring at the NYPD will drop the number of police officers to its lowest since the 1990s, CBS News reported.

Thirty years of progress in public safety could be gone in a flash, as the next five classes at the police academy will be canceled, without information on when they would resume. There are typically four classes each calendar year.

That will drop the number of officers from 33,541 to about 29,000 in the fiscal year starting next July. That’s the lowest number of cops since the 1990s.

Mid-year budget cuts to schools will result in cuts to the universal pre-K and 3-K programs, with an undetermined number of the 37,000 vacant slots left unfilled.

Residents can expect to see dirtier streets, as there will be fewer litter baskets, mostly in the outer boroughs and residential areas, while there will be cuts to sanitation programs to clean pedestrian areas, greenways, empty lots and other areas, CBS News reported.

Hours will be reduced at libraries throughout the city, including ending all Sunday services, news outlet The City reported.

Members of the NYC Council Common Sense Caucus have pushed back against Adam’s statements that the city is obligated to provide shelter to the migrants, calling the crisis “self-created, the result of decades of terrible policies and irresponsible decisions.”

They have challenged Adam’s claim that the city’s right-to-shelter law requires the city to “house, feed and provide every service imaginable to foreign nationals at our taxpayers’ expense.”

The city is in court after Adams tried to limit the law in certain circumstances, but was sued by homeless rights advocates. Gov. Kathy Hochul has backed Adams’ effort to limit the law, saying the rule was never meant to “house literally the entire world.”

The #WasteOfTheDay is brought to you by the forensic auditors at

This article was originally published by RealClearInvestigations and made available via RealClearWire.

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]]> 0 Screen Shot 2023-11-28 at 12.45.01 PM Waste of the Day Joe Biden Grips Jill’s Hand for Dear Life, Uses Shorter Staircase as He Heads to Georgia with Clintons, Michelle Obama (VIDEO) Tue, 28 Nov 2023 19:00:16 +0000

Joe and Jill Biden departed the White House on Tuesday morning en route to Marietta, Georgia to attend a tribute service for former First Lady Rosalynn Carter.

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Joe and Jill Biden departed the White House on Tuesday morning en route to Marietta, Georgia to attend a tribute service for former First Lady Rosalynn Carter.

The Clintons, Bidens and Michelle Obama all flew on Air Force One together on Tuesday.

81-year-old Joe Biden held onto Dr. Jill’s hand for dear life as he walked across the tarmac at Joint Base Andrews to Air Force One.

Feeble Biden used the shorter staircase again.


A recent report revealed there is a secret mission to prevent Joe Biden from falling down.

According to a new report by Axios, White House insiders are secretly working to prevent feeble Joe Biden from falling down.

Via Axios:

Biden’s balance difficulties are likely the result of what his physician has diagnosed as “a combination of significant spinal arthritis” and “mild post-fracture foot arthritis.”

  • Biden works out many mornings with physical therapist Drew Contreras, who also worked with former President Obama.
  • Biden’s doctor has recommended exercises for balance, which he called “proprioceptive maintenance maneuvers.”
  • What the maneuvers entail is unclear.
  • “I have never heard the term ‘proprioceptive maintenance maneuvers.’ It is not a clinical term in standard use,” said Professor James Gordon, associate dean and chair of the Division of Biokinesiology and Physical Therapy at the University of Southern California.

Joe Biden, Michelle Obama, Melania Trump and the Clintons joined Jimmy Carter at a tribute service in honor of former first lady Rosalynn Carter.


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]]> 0 Jill Joe Biden joint base andrews Report: Hamas Barbarians Offer to Release ALL HOSTAGES in Exchange for a Full Ceasefire Tue, 28 Nov 2023 18:40:13 +0000

Hamas slaughtered 1,400 Israelis and foreigners in an October 7, 2023, attack on civilians in southern Israel.

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Israeli hostages held by Hamas terrorists.

Hamas slaughtered 1,400 Israelis and foreigners in an October 7, 2023, attack on civilians in southern Israel.

The terror group also took at least 240 Jews and foreigners hostage.

Israel released photos of dozens of young beautiful women who went missing following the historic Hamas attack on Israel.

Hamas reportedly launched over 5,000 missiles into southern and central Israel. Over 1,300 Israelis were killed, and over 1,000 were hospitalized following the massive assault inside Israel.

Hundreds of Israelis were attending a dance party, also described as a peace party, in the desert near the border when Hamas launched its attack.

Chaos erupted after Hamas reportedly opened fire on the gathering. Hundreds of Israelis ran into the desert to hide.

Several of the women who attended the party are still missing after they were taken to Gaza.

40 young women are pictured as missing.

page 2

In the past week Hamas has released 59 hostages including 36 Israeli hostages and 12 Thai hostages.

None of the missing women pictured above have been released.

Now there are reports that Hamas has offered to released ALL ISRAELI HOSTAGES in exchange for a full ceasefire in Gaza.

Via Caroline Glick.

Hamas wants to extend the cease-fire.

CBS News reported:

The temporary cease-fire between Israel and Hamas in the Gaza Strip continued Tuesday after being extended for two additional days to allow for the release of more hostages by the militant group and more Palestinian prisoners to be freed by Israel. Israeli officials said they had approved a new list of Palestinian prisoners to be freed if Hamas makes good on its promise to release more hostages, and Israel had a list of names from Hamas of the hostages it planned to free later Tuesday.

Around 170 people remain captive in Gaza, according to Israel, but not all are held by Hamas. U.S. officials have said they’re continuing to work for further extensions in the truce, and that they’ll keep pushing the negotiations until everybody is released.

A Hamas official told CBS News on Tuesday that the group — long designated a terrorist organization by the U.S., Israel and many other nations — was looking to negotiate another extension of the pause in fighting during which it would release not just women and children, as it has done daily since Friday, but also male hostages and abducted Israeli soldiers. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s office declined to comment Tuesday on any negotiations for a new deal with Hamas.

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]]> 0 kidnapped jews israeli hostages hamas Israeli hostages held by Hamas terrorists. missing girls israel 1 missing girls israel 2 Irish Socialist Councillor Lillian Seenoi-Barr Says Irishmen “Terrorists” are the Problem – NOT the Migrants Stabbing Children (VIDEO) Tue, 28 Nov 2023 18:20:20 +0000

Five people, including children, were stabbed near a school in Dublin, Ireland, on Thursday by a suspect whose identity has not yet been released.

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Irish Socialist Councillor Lillian Seenoi-Barr says the Irish in Ireland are the problem.

Five people, including children, were stabbed near a school in Dublin, Ireland, on Thursday by a suspect whose identity has not yet been released.

Three children and two adults were taken to a nearby hospital with stab wounds. One child was severely injured.

It was later discovered a migrant from Algeria was behind the vicious knife attack on children.

Irish citizens rioted in the streets after this latest horrific attack by an immigrant.

Irish Socialist Councillor Lillian Seenoi-Barr spoke to the BBC since the brutal stabbing attack.

Seenoi-Barr says the Irish in Ireland are the problem. Everyone is scared of them.

Councillor Lillian Seenoi-Barr: I’ve been speaking to so many leaders since Friday. In fact, I haven’t had good sleep because we’ve just been discussing the same issues. People are very fearful. They are terrified of even thinking they will walk on the street. Not just in Dublin, across Ireland right now. They know that there’s a voice note circulating on social media calling for people to harm them, killing every immigrant in this country. It is very unsettling. Everyone is living on edge right now and we need to do something about it. We cannot continue ignoring that this is a small minority of far right. It is an organized terrorist group of people who want to harm immigrants in this country and we have to take action now! We can’t keep on calling them a small, dangerous group of people because it is an organized group of people who are radicalizing young people and encouraging them to go and harm others who are just living peacefully, who wants to live a peaceful life in this country.

She said nothing about the children being stabbed. Not one word.

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]]> 0 lillian seenoi barr Irish Socialist Councillor Lillian Seenoi-Barr says the Irish in Ireland are the problem. ANOTHER LEAK: Mike Pence Trashes Trump as “Reckless” to Special Counsel Jack Smith in Closed-Door Testimony Tue, 28 Nov 2023 18:00:55 +0000

Another day, another leak.

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Another day, another leak.

Former Vice President Mike Pence trashed President Trump to Special Counsel Jack Smith earlier this year in a closed-door testimony.

Chief Judge James Boasberg, an Obama appointee ordered former Vice President Mike Pence to testify before a grand jury about his conversations with President Trump related to January 6.

This was an unprecedented attack on Trump’s authority and executive privilege which is derived from the constitutional separation of powers.

Jack Smith was present at the grand jury proceeding during Pence’s 5-hour testimony in April.

According to a leak to ABC News, Mike Pence told Jack Smith that Trump hired a bunch of “crank” lawyers who espoused “un-American” legal theories, and almost pushed the country toward a “constitutional crisis,”

Pence also told federal prosecutors that Trump was acting “recklessly” on January 6, 2021.

“In the first few days after the election, Pence never saw any “significant allegations of fraud,” according to what he told Smith’s team, sources said. But Trump still declared victory — and claimed there was “a major fraud in our nation” — within hours of polls closing, though Pence allegedly told investigators he believes Trump was speaking “in very general terms,” not about specific instances of fraud.” ABC reported.

ABC News reported:

Speaking with special counsel Jack Smith’s team earlier this year, former Vice President Mike Pence offered harrowing details about how, in the wake of the 2020 presidential election, then-President Donald Trump surrounded himself with “crank” attorneys, espoused “un-American” legal theories, and almost pushed the country toward a “constitutional crisis,” according to sources familiar with what Pence told investigators.

The sources said Pence also told investigators he’s “sure” that — in the days before Jan. 6, 2021, when a violent mob tried to stop Congress from certifying the election — he informed Trump he still hadn’t seen evidence of significant election fraud, but Trump was unmoved, continuing to claim the election was “stolen” and acting “recklessly” on that “tragic day.”

Pence is the highest-ranking current or former government official known to have spoken with the special counsel team investigating efforts to overturn the 2020 election. What he allegedly told investigators, described exclusively to ABC News, sheds further light on the evidence Smith’s team has amassed as it prosecutes Trump for allegedly trying to unlawfully “remain in power” and “erode public faith” in democratic institutions.

Mike Pence dropped out of the 2024 presidential race last month to the surprise of no one.

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]]> 0 Faithof-Mike-Pence Ukrainian Spy Chief Budanov’s Wife, Marianne, Reportedly Hospitalized for Heavy Metal Poisoning Tue, 28 Nov 2023 17:45:12 +0000

In the ‘day after’ the failed Ukrainian counteroffensive, and also within the context of the open struggle between President Zelensky and Commander in Chief General Zaluzhny, it now surfaces that spymaster Budanov’s wife, Marianna, is reported to be hospitalized due to heavy metal poisoning.

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In the ‘day after’ the failed Ukrainian counteroffensive, and also within the context of the open struggle between President Zelensky and Commander in Chief General Zaluzhny, it now surfaces that spymaster Budanov’s wife, Marianna, is reported to be hospitalized due to heavy metal poisoning.

Budanov is a high-profile character in this war.

Read: Ukrainian Head of Intelligence Is Missing – General Budanov Hasn’t Been Seen in 17 Days – Russian Media Says He Was Wounded, Evacuated to Germany – Kiev Denies, Putin Confirms Attack on GRU Headquarters

He was thought to be dead during a missile attack in June and disappeared for 2 weeks, and has repeatedly bragged about assassinating enemies.

Read More:

Russian Media: Chastyakov, Assistant and Friend to Kiev’s Military Leader Zaluzhny, Was Killed in a ‘Gift Bomb’ Terrorist Attack by Their Countrymen of the Ukrainian GRU

Newsweek reported:

“Marianna Budanova, the wife of influential Ukrainian commander Lieutenant General Kyrylo Budanov, who heads up Ukraine’s Main Directorate of Intelligence, or the HUR, within the country’s defense ministry, was ‘poisoned with heavy metals’. She is now receiving treatment in a medical facility, Ukrainian outlet Babel reported on Tuesday, citing unnamed intelligence sources. A spokesperson for the HUR confirmed the report to The Kyiv Independent and several other domestic outlets.”

Ukraine’s military intelligence agency hasn’t made any official statements.

“The substances reportedly used against Budanova are ‘in no way used in everyday life and military affairs’, an anonymous source from Ukraine’s Main Directorate of Intelligence told Babel. ‘Their presence may indicate a deliberate attempt to poison a particular person’.”

Ukrainian media is also reporting that ‘several other intelligence officers’ had been poisoned.

“Ukraine’s intelligence community has previously named Budanov as the target of several failed assassination attempts. In early June 2023, a HUR spokesperson told Ukrainska Pravda that there had been at least 10 attempts on Budanov’s life.”

Russian media reported of Budanov’s possible death in a missile attack earlier this year. Today, in retrospect, Budanov laughs off the reports. But back then, he released this creepy silent video, remember?

“‘It’s like a compliment for me’, Budanov told London’s The Times in July 2023 about Moscow’s repeated reported attempts to assassinate him.”

After the war started, in late February 2022, Budanov moved his wife into his office.

In a great way to bury the lead, Newsweek has to admit:

“Budanov also admitted in an interview aired in May 2023 that Kyiv had assassinated several prominent Russian propagandists, saying Ukraine had ‘successfully targeted quite a few people’ associated with Kremlin-backed media.”

When Budanov says propagandists, read ‘a.k.a. journalists and intellectuals’, like Alexander Dugin’s daughter.

Read: Another Political Assassination Attempt – Pro-Russia Politician Oleg Tsaryov Is Shot Twice in Crimea

RT reported:

“The outlet reported that Marianna Budanova was hospitalized after a ‘prolonged deterioration’ in her health, and that she has already undergone a course of treatment. Babel’s sources reportedly said doctors believe the 30-year-old to have suffered heavy metal poisoning, but noted that she is now in stable condition.”

Ukrainian outlets claim that the poisoning was mostly caused by contaminated food she ate.

“Ukrainskaya Pravda claims that a number of other GUR employees have also been diagnosed with heavy metal poisoning, noting that Budanova was the first to manifest symptoms since she is ‘small and light in weight’.”

Read more:

Russian Media: Chastyakov, Assistant and Friend to Kiev’s Military Leader Zaluzhny, Was Killed in a ‘Gift Bomb’ Terrorist Attack by Their Countrymen of the Ukrainian GRU

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]]> 0 Ukrainian Spy Chief Budanov’s Wife, Marianne, Reportedly Hospitalized for Heavy Metal Poisoning | The Gateway Pundit | by Paul Serran In the ‘day after’ the failed Ukrainian counteroffensive, and also within the context of the open struggle between President Zelensky and Commander in Chief General Zaluzhny, it now surfaces that spymaster Budanov’s wife, Marianna, is reported to be hospitalized due to heavy metal poisoning. Budanov Budanova poisoned Dugina Dugin Darya Russia ‘I Am Hopeful – that Congress Will Do It” – DHS Secretary Mayorkas Lays Out Amnesty Plan for 12-30 Million Illegal Aliens Here in the US Tue, 28 Nov 2023 17:30:54 +0000

Approximately 10 million illegal aliens have walked across the open southern US border in the first three years of Joe Biden’s administration.

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Approximately 10 million illegal aliens have walked across the open southern US border in the first three years of Joe Biden’s administration. Millions more are on their way.

DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas repeatedly lied and told Congress that the border is secure for three years.

Don’t forget – Republican lawmakers refused to impeach Mayorkas earlier this month.

Now Mayorkas is pushing amnesty for the approximately 40 million illegals in the country today.

HOST: “What should we do with the 12 million illegals aliens already here in America?”

DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas: “The answer is quite clear and quite straightforward, and we’ve been waiting for for about 30 years, and that is to fix a system that everyone agrees is fundamentally broken, and we need congressional action both for the lawful pathways that really need to be more robust in statute and for the 12 million people who are here in the United States, who have been contributing so fundamentally to our country’s well-being. They’re our neighbors, our friends, our fellow congregants, they provide our front line workers. We need to do something, and I am hopeful and remain hopeful that Congress will do it. The president, on his first day in office, presented Congress with a proposal.”

We’re talking about 40 million illegals.

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]]> 0 mayorkas amnesty Maine Governor Stalls Mass Murder Case – Will Connection Between Killer and Big Pharma Ever Be Addressed? Tue, 28 Nov 2023 17:30:17 +0000

This article originally appeared on and was republished with permission. Information in this article was provided by AbleChild.

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]]> This article originally appeared on and was republished with permission. Information in this article was provided by AbleChild.

Maine Governor Janet Mills

Maine Lawyers Up, Victims Lawyer Up, Mass Murders Continue to Thrive in America

Maine is the latest State to experience a mass shooting. The Governor of Maine, Janet Mills, set up a commission that will engulf our country in a stalemate to obtain needed mental health records that may reveal the psychiatric drugs and devices the shooter, Robert Card, was prescribed prior to the mass murder.

Robert Card, who was treated by the United State Military through Keller Army Community Hospital and a private psychiatric treatment center, Four Winds in Katonah, New York, killed 18 people and left another 13 injured in Lewiston, Maine. He had a history of psychiatric “treatments.”

The current situation has now twisted the three branches of government into figuring out what happened in Lewiston, Maine.  The executive, the legislative, and the judiciary branches have all followed the commands of an executive order issued by Governor Mills to establish a commission to determine the facts in the case.  This causes a severe problem relating to due process.

This process deflects from any real legislative efforts to require the mental health/behavioral health industry from being held responsible for its dangerous mind-altering “treatments” associated with its subjective psychiatric diagnosis practices.

The psychiatric industry is often referred to as the behavioral health and mental health industry.   These diagnoses are laid out in a billing bible called the DSM (Diagnosis and Statistical Manual of the American Psychiatric Association). The DSM currently is in its 5th reincarnation.  This is due to the subjective nature of the reported disorders and unfolding public questions relating to the ever changing “symptoms” that make up just one of the reported “disorders.”

The government funds these disorders through drug research and the DSM sets a billing code for each of the disorders to bill the government through various programs within public education, the military, even the prison system, basically every state and federal institution.  Taxpayers foot the bill and this has been fast-tracked without public hearings in the aftermath of each mass killing.

The police have been left without power to pursue the evidence, wherever it might lead, to protect the public. Instead, it appears the Governor’s commission has received the power of all three branches of government.  This leaves one to question, what are the police and FBI doing?  Where is their report?  When will that report be released?

The Maine public health department has taken a stand on behalf of the behavioral health industry; we saw this in the press conference where Commissioner Sauschuck declared he was more afraid of anyone misunderstanding “mental illness” than calling out the psychiatric industry to disclose the mental health treatment records and psychiatric cocktail of mind-altering drugs that Robert Card may have been prescribed.

The victims have lawyered up and sent a (retain your records letter) to multiple agencies within the State of Maine.  While this might give one hope that this action might get some due process for the American people and bring to the forefront how psychiatric drugs play a part in these mass killings, the chances are slim at best.  We have seen a law firm use an active FBI agent (FBI has a code of ethics that agents may not benefit from crime scenes and must obtain a waiver for any such actions to benefit financially) to sue a media personality for billions of dollars in the Sandy Hook shooting.  The FBI has failed to produce any meaningful connections to mass killings and psychiatric drugs.  The FBI did little to speak out after Sandy Hook on the massive corruption that existed in the Newtown Police Department prior to the killings, where several officers were selling long guns and drugs imported from China (operation juice box).  In addition, Homeland Security could have provided insight into the arrest of the treating psychiatrist of Adam Lanza, Paul Fox.  Instead there was radio silence and the gun manufacturer, Remington was sued out of business.  Losing a gun manufacturer is not good for the National security of the United States.

It’s simple. The public must be made aware of the alleged shooters’ mental health records and psychiatric drug use. Creating another commission sounds good, but rarely is the public given any real detail. Without it, the shootings will continue, and the psychiatric and mental health industry will reap a financial windfall and the deadly cycle continues.

Justice delayed (and covered up) is justice denied.

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]]> 0 janet mills Maine Governor Janet Mills ‘Worse Than a Hollywood Horror Movie’: Hamas War Crimes Being Documented for Possible Trials Tue, 28 Nov 2023 17:15:37 +0000

This article originally appeared on Guest by post by Bob Unruh  ‘They’re not being furtive or in any way bashful.

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This article originally appeared on

Guest by post by Bob Unruh 

‘They’re not being furtive or in any way bashful. They’re proud of it’

Editor’s Note: Be forewarned this report describes horrors of Hamas’ brutality against civilians.

A non-governmental organization already is working to assemble the evidence of atrocities committed by Hamas terrorists against Israeli civilians in the organization’s brutal assault on innocent bystanders on Oct. 7, with a trial for crimes against humanity – and probable executions – the expected outcome.

The Jerusalem Post reports ELNET, the European Leadership Network NGO set up to emphasize shared democratic values and interests to strengthen links between Europe and Israel, is creating an initiative to document Hamas’ atrocities.

News reports about witnesses to atrocities already have confirmed the beheading of babies, the violent rape of victims, sometimes even after they are dead, and worse.

The report said Article 7 of the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court determines “murder, imprisonment, torture, rape and other forms of sexual violence, persecution against an identifiable group, enforced disappearance of persons, and other inhumane acts intentionally causing great suffering” are “crimes against humanity.”

To start, team led by ELNET-Israeli board member Sarah Feinberg has been joined by dozens of leading French intellectuals calling for the massacre of some 1,200-1,400 Israelis to be recognized as crimes against humanity.

They are asking for groups such as the Human Rights Council, the U.N., and others, to pass resolutions regarding Hamas’ war crimes.

A report from Just the News outlined the evidence that already is being documented for what could end up being a Nuremberg trials-like prosecution of those who inflicted horrors on men, women and children.

“Live-streamed decapitation attempts. Bodies of murder victims paraded like hunting trophies through Gaza. Rapes of children so violent it broke their pelvises. Sadistic torture worse than a Hollywood horror movie,” the report explained.

“Maybe the most jarring thing,” former Deputy National Security Advisor Victoria Coates told the “Just the News, No Noise” television show, “is that Hamas is not in any way trying to hide this. You know, they’re not being furtive or in any way bashful about what they’ve done. They’re proud of it.”

Testimony and evidence is being assembled, from captured terrorists, eyewitnesses and the video footage that Hamas terrorists themselves recorded, the report said.

At Nuremberg, after World War II, Nazi leaders were put on trial for their horrific crimes against people, and nearly all were convicted, with the worst offenders being executed by hanging.

One of the new horrors during Hamas’ terror is that terrorists were using rape as a weapon of war.

Multiple testimonies have been documented of the terrorists mutilating and raping women before – or even after – they were murdered.

One witness told CNN, “She was alive, she stood on her feet and she was bleeding from her back. I saw that he was pulling her hair. She had long brown hair. I saw him chop off her breast and then he was throwing it toward the road, tossed it to someone else and they started playing with it. I remember seeing another person raping her.”

During the rape, the terrorist shot the victim in the head, the witness said.

Multiple videos show women with their hands zip-tied while being assaulted.

The report said Shari, a volunteer military morgue worker, confirmed the violence.

“We saw many women with bloody underwear, with broken bones, broken legs, broken pelvises,” she told The Washington Post.

Hamas, which formally has been recognized as a terrorist organization, claims its militants did not rape women, but “multiple terrorists captured by Israel Defense Forces have confessed to witnessing and being ordered to participate in sex crimes, including the rape of a young woman’s corpse, the ‘whoring of children’ and the rapes of children and babies,” Just the News reported.

The report explained, as media reports already have documented, the violence also included beheadings, dead victims being paraded like trophies, a kidnapped Israeli child being bullied by Gazan children, and worse.

“Another video shows a terrorist yelling ‘Allahu Akbar,’ Arabic for ‘God is the greatest’ as he brings down a garden hoe on the neck of a dying foreign laborer in a decapitation attempt,” the report said.

Antony Blinken, Joe Biden’s secretary of state, confirmed evidence shows, “A young boy and girl, 6 and 8 years old, and their parents around the breakfast table. The father’s eye gouged out in front of his kids. The mother’s breast cut off, the girl’s foot amputated, the boy’s fingers cut off before they were executed. And then their executioners sat down and had a meal. That is what this society is dealing with, and no nation could tolerate that.”

Michael Oren, the former Israeli ambassador to the U.S., recently told “Just the News, No Noise” that there is a call for a “state commission and Nuremberg-type trial.”

He said captured terrorists have talked about “what they did and what they were told to do … they should be put on trial.”

Copyright 2023 WND News Center

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]]> 0 hamas jewish captives party FRAUD ALERT: Democrat “Wins” Louisiana Election by ONE VOTE After Dead People Somehow Cast Ballots – But There’s No Verifiable Paper Trail Thanks to State Using Faulty Voting Machines Tue, 28 Nov 2023 17:00:39 +0000

Caddo Parish, Louisiana – It turns out that voting can make a difference even when you are dead.

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Credit: KTAL News

Caddo Parish, Louisiana – It turns out that voting can make a difference even when you are dead. This is especially the case if there is no paper trail ensuring election results are accurate.

Democrat Henry Whitehorn and Republican John Nickelson faced off in a November 18 election to determine who would become the next Caddo Parish sheriff. The final results showed the candidates separated by just a single vote out of more than 43,000 cast and Whitehorn was declared the winner.

Nicholson rightfully requested a recount to respect the “will of the people.”

This extraordinarily narrow margin absolutely requires a hand recount to protect the integrity of our democratic process, and to ensure we respect the will of the people.

Nicholson noted there were multiple irregularities that accounted for the final result, including dead voters being counted and people who voted twice:

We know that at least two voters voted twice, and that the votes of at least five people who were deceased as of Election Day were counted

But as the Associated Press notes, Louisiana law only permits absentee ballots to be tallied again and checked for errors. Absentee ballots are the only auditable paper trail under Louisiana’s current voting system and represented only 17% of the total vote in the runoff race.

Yes, the Pelican State has NO WAY of ensuring an accurate vote count for in-person ballots. They instead blindly rely on faulty electronic voting machines bought back in 2005 which do not produce a paper trail.

The AP reported:

The tight race shines a spotlight on Louisiana’s recount process and its outdated voting machines, which do not produce an auditable paper trail that experts say is critical to ensuring election results are accurate.

Louisiana uses paperless touch screen voting machines bought in 2005. Once the most modern voting technology, today Louisiana is the only place where they are still used statewide.

The Gateway Pundit has extensively reported on how faulty voting machines can alter election results. The most glaring example of this is Georgia during the 2020 Presidential election.

Earlier this month, votes were flipped in Pennsylvania in the Democrats’ favor across several counties thanks to a supposed “coding error” in the voting machines there.

A recount of mail-in ballots Monday affirmed Whitehorn’s “victory” by the exact same one-vote margin. According to the Louisiana Illuminator, Whitehorn and Nickelson both picked up three votes each in the recount.

Nicholson responded by filing a lawsuit later that day demanding Caddo District Court to declare a winner or order a new runoff election. KSLA reports the petition is set to be heard at 9:30 a.m. Thursday (Nov. 30) by Caddo District Judge Ramon Lafitte. A ruling could come as soon as that day or the next.

KSLA notes if the district court’s ruling is appealed, the case will be then be heard by the 2nd Circuit Court of Appeal. If the appellate court’s opinion is appealed, the case would advance to the Louisiana Supreme Court but no further.

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]]> 0 Louisiana election Credit: KTAL News Creator of COVID 19 Vaccine was Reportedly Thrown from a Roof in China Three Months After Filing Patent for Vaccine Tue, 28 Nov 2023 16:45:32 +0000

A new report today in the Daily Mail suggests that Dr.

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China’s military-linked COVID scientist Dr. Yusen Zhou.

A new report today in the Daily Mail suggests that Dr. Yusen Zhou, the scientist who filed the patent on the COVID 19 vaccine in only three months, died when he was thrown from a roof in 2021.

The Gateway Pundit has reported extensively on Zhou Yusen (or Dr. Yusen Zhou) since the outbreak of the COVID pandemic.

As reported earlier, Yusen Zhou was from the People’s Liberation Army’s State Key Laboratory of Pathogen and Biosecurity in Beijing and a key link to the People’s Liberation Army’s research on coronaviruses.

Zhou Yusen is listed as a co-inventor on at least eight U.S. patents, the references supporting those patents, for example, 9889194, was research funded by NIAID.  Lawrence Sellin reported that Yusen Zhou’s collaboration with Shibo Jiang continued into the COVID-19 pandemic, publishing a July 30, 2020 Science article together with institutions associated with China’s military.

In another report by Lawrence Sellin – Dr. Yusen Zhou was one of the Chinese military scientists, who collaborated with Major General Wei Chen in the response to the COVID-19 outbreak. He received his training as a military medical doctor and also studied the spike protein of the first SARS coronavirus in 2004, while working in the same research center as Major General Wei, the Institute of Microbiology and Epidemiology, Academy of Military Medical Sciences.

The Daily Mail reported:

A retired high-ranking health official revealed a Wuhan scientist secretly working on a Covid vaccine months before the pandemic broke out could have caused the global crisis and then been murdered for it.

Dr Robert Kadlec, who served in the Trump administration as an official in biodefense and epidemic response departments during the Covid-19 pandemic, revealed the coronavirus could have escaped a Wuhan lab at the hands of Chinese military scientist, Zhou Yusen, who was conducting risky research on live animals.

Dr Yusen was believed to be involved in SARS-related coronavirus animal vaccine research at the Wuhan Institute of Virology in the Summer or Fall of 2019, Kadlec claims in a government report he co-authored.

During his research, Dr Yusen filed a patent in February 2020 for a Covid vaccine that he was suspected of secretly having worked on for months, just three months after the first case of the virus was reported in China – a time far faster than typical vaccine development.

Three months after filing his patent, the scientist mysteriously died when he ‘fell from the roof of the institute.’

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]]> 0 zhou yusen zhou China’s military trained COVID scientist Dr. Yusen Zhou. Confused Leftist Actor Robert De Niro Botches Unhinged Rant Against President Trump and John Wayne During Awards Ceremony – Then He Blames Apple for Editing His Stupid Remarks (VIDEO) Tue, 28 Nov 2023 16:30:37 +0000

Actor Robert De Niro “pulled a Biden” during an unhinged rant against President Donald Trump and the great John Wayne Monday night.

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Credit: Gotham Awards/YouTube

Actor Robert De Niro “pulled a Biden” during an unhinged rant against President Donald Trump and the great John Wayne Monday night. Like a typical leftist, he then proceeded to blame others for his screw-up.

As the Daily Mail reported, De Niro was on hand to deliver a speech honoring his latest film, “Killers Of The Flower Moon,” at the Gotham Independent Film Awards in New York City. The film, a Western crime epic, was directed by the legendary filmmaker Martin Scorsese and produced by Apple.

During his speech, the paper revealed TDS sufferer De Niro tried to take cheap shots against the 45th President and Wayne, only to get confused and freeze up for a moment.

But as Variety notes, he refused to accept responsibility and instead blamed others for his screw-up.

I’m going to go back. I’m sorry. Okay there was a mistake in this. I’ll keep going. Just keep scrolling.

Filmmakers on the other hand strive — this is where I came in and I saw that they edited all that.

De Niro then read the “edited” remarks on his phone and closed by blaming Apple and the Awards show for messing him up.

WATCH (tune to 1:24 to hear his unhinged rant and excuses):

De Niro: I just want to say one thing. The beginning of my speech was edited cut out, and I didn’t know about it. And I want to read it.

History isn’t history anymore. Truth isn’t truth, and even facts are being replaced by alternative facts and driven by conspiracy theories and ugliness.

In Florida, young students are taught that slaves developed skills which could be applied for their personal benefit. The entertainment industry isn’t immune to this festering disease.

The Duke, John Wayne, famously said of Native Americans, “I don’t feel we did wrong in taking this great country away from them. There were great numbers of people who needed new land, and the Indians were selfishly trying to keep it for themselves.

Lying has become just another tool in the charlatan’s arsenal. The former president lied to us more than 30,000 times during his four years in office, and he’s keeping up the pace in his current campaign of retribution,” said De Niro.

But with all of his lies, he can’t hide his soul. He attacks the weak, destroys the gifts of nature and shows his disrespect for example, by using “Pocahontas” as a slur.

This is where I came in, and I saw that they edited all that, So, I’m gonna say these things but to Apple and thank them and all that, Gotham, blah, blah, blah, Apple. But I don’t feel like thanking them at all for what they did. How dare they do that, actually?

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]]> 0 robert de niro Credit: Gotham Awards/YouTube Leading Gold Company Fires Christian for Refusing COVID Shot, Now Faces the Music Tue, 28 Nov 2023 16:15:38 +0000

This article originally appeared on Guest by post by Bob Unruh  ‘My body does not belong to me’ Newmont Mining Corp., which says it is the world’s leading gold company with additional production of copper, silver, zinc and lead, is being sued for religious discrimination.

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This article originally appeared on

Guest by post by Bob Unruh 

‘My body does not belong to me’

Newmont Mining Corp., which says it is the world’s leading gold company with additional production of copper, silver, zinc and lead, is being sued for religious discrimination.

It claims it was just following various mandates for employees having the experimental, and now known as dangerous, COVID-19 shots.

A report from a local CBS affiliate explains that Tavis Rogers, 56, had been employed by the company for seven months when managers imposed the COVID-19 shot mandate on him.

The lawsuit he filed documents how he notified the company immediately of the order’s conflict with his deeply held religious beliefs.

He responded, “”I am a Christian. Complying with this mandate would definitely burden my religious exercise because in my faith, my body does not belong to me. I do not make the choices for my body; my Heavenly Father made those choices for me through His Word. … If you are mandating to me what to place into His Temple, then you are burdening my religious freedom by taking the choice of what goes into my body away from God.”

He asked to be allowed to work remotely, as many thousands of Americans did during the pandemic that came out of Wuhan, China, and circled the globe, killing millions.

He had been hired to be a water treatment plant project director at a base salary of $155,000 base salary, and was assigned to work at the company’s Yanacocha Mine in Peru.

The company’s deadline for taking the potentially injurious shot was Jan. 1, 2022, and the company’s demanded answers to a variety of questions, including about Rogers’ health history.

“The Lord Jesus Christ has been extremely clear and consistent in all of His responses to me that He has provided me with an immune system that He Himself designed. He does not want my body, His Temple, to be injected with any medical substances that potentially modify His design. Further, the substances in these vaccines are possibly harmful to the body and the extent of that harm is unknown,” Rogers warned.

He volunteered to provide the company with a Bible, “to have a better understanding of my faith.”

The report said Newmont discounted Rogers’ objections, choice and “concerns” about injury from the shots.

“Your position requires travel to Peru, and vaccination is required for travel and to travel to the work locations in Peru,” the company said. It claimed, “As you know, we are in the midst of a global pandemic, and vaccination is a critical health and safety tool to protect the health of Newmont’s workforce and the communities in which we work and live.”

A lawyer for Rogers, Steven Murray of Denver, filed the lawsuit in Denver this month.

It accuses the company of violating the Civil Rights Act, and seeks an award of all monetary losses as well as other compensatory damages.

Newmont told the CBS affiliate it doesn’t comment on such issues, but claimed the “vaccine requirement” was “critical to protecting the health and safety of our workforce.”

Copyright 2023 WND News Center

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]]> 0 gold Political Prisoner Podcast: Mike Lindell Says Thanksgiving Prayer For Jan 6ers Tue, 28 Nov 2023 16:00:27 +0000

Support for January 6 political prisoners continues to grow with the release of the J6 tapes by Speaker Mike Johnson.

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Support for January 6 political prisoners continues to grow with the release of the J6 tapes by Speaker Mike Johnson.

America’s favorite entrepreneur, Mike Lindell, joins Jake Lang on this week’s moving, informative, and spiritual episode of the Prisoner Podcast, recorded LIVE from the Washington DC Gulag.

The podcast begins with a spiritual conversation about God’s goodness. Mike then speaks about the rarely publicized beginnings of the 2020 election integrity movement. This chronological walkthrough, explaining how the Democrats stole the election in 2020, is eye-opening and serves us with the wisdom we need to prevent it from happening again.

Next, the discussion turns to Mike’s substantial plans to save 2024 – the push for all 3000 counties in the USA to switch to paper ballots. Read more about his plan here.

We urge all our readers to head to and get integrally involved. On the website, you can learn exactly what you can do in your local county to ensure the fraudulent machines are gone for good, and sign up to become an official volunteer!

Also, consider donating to the Lindell Legal Fund to help Mike’s major offense against the deep state.

Let’s support Mike Lindell and this holiday season.

You can also hear more of Jake Lang’s Political Prisoner Podcast episodes at 8 pm ET, on weekends at


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]]> 0 Jake Mike Lindell Target Learned Nothing From Their Pride Fiasco — Hires ‘Gay Cruella’ for LGBTQ Marketing Tue, 28 Nov 2023 15:45:06 +0000

Less than a year after watching their sales and stocks drop, Target has reportedly hired a man who goes by “Gay Cruella” as their “Senior LGBTQIA+ Segmentation Strategist and Pride Lead.” “Gay Cruella,” whose real name is Erik Thompson, announced that he will be leading “Target’s LGBTQIA+ multicultural merchandising strategy and Pride businesses” in a post on Instagram.

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Less than a year after watching their sales and stocks drop, Target has reportedly hired a man who goes by “Gay Cruella” as their “Senior LGBTQIA+ Segmentation Strategist and Pride Lead.”

“Gay Cruella,” whose real name is Erik Thompson, announced that he will be leading “Target’s LGBTQIA+ multicultural merchandising strategy and Pride businesses” in a post on Instagram.

Thompson’s social media says he uses “he/him/his/her” pronouns.

The hire was flagged by the popular Libs of TikTok account on X, the platform formerly known as Twitter.

“Remember when @Target sold tucking swimwear for kids and their sales dropped, stock plunged, and they were sued by shareholders?” LoTT wrote. “Apparently they didn’t learn their lesson cuz they just hired an LGBTQ activist to lead their ‘LGBTQIA+ multicultural merchandising strategy and pride businesses’ who’s already threatening to ‘make trouble’ after laughing about the backlash Target received.”

In the post announcing his new position, Thompson wrote, “I want to make art, Artie. And I want to make trouble,” a line from Disney’s 2021 live-action Cruella.

Breitbart News reports:

Libs of TikTok also pointed out another social media post by Thompson, in which he tagged “Target Corporate Headquarters,” and wrote, “I want to make trouble.”

“Time to whip out the Glitter & Hellfire flamethrowers and rip that old world to shreds darlings,” the self-proclaimed Target corporate employee said, according to multiple reports.

One commentor on social media reportedly asked, “lol you gonna make Targets sales tank too?” to which Thompson responded, “Yes. Yes I will make sales tank,” with heart and kissing emojis.

According to his LinkedIn account, Thompson has worked for Target since 2014, previously as a business analyst and buyer. His new position was listed as of November 2023.

In July, seven Republican Attorney Generals have sent a letter to Target warning that their Pride month displays may have violated state laws that “protect children from harmful content meant to sexualize them and prohibit gender transitions of children.”

“This year, Target reportedly promoted and sold products in our states that included, among other products, LGBT-themed onesies, bibs, and overalls, t-shirts labeled ‘Girls Gays Theys;’ ‘Pride Adult Drag Queen Katya’ (which depicts a male dressed in female ‘drag’); and girls’ swimsuits with ‘tuck-friendly construction’ and ‘extra crotch coverage’ for male genitalia,” the letter said. “Target also included merchandise by the self-declared ‘Satanist-Inspired’ brand Abprallen, which is known for designs that glorify violence. These designs include the phrases ‘We Bash Back’ with a heart-shaped mace in the trans-flag colors, ‘Transphobe Collector’ with a skull, and ‘Homophobe Headrest’ with skulls beside a pastel guillotine. Target also sold products with antiChristian designs, such as pentagrams, horned skulls, and other Satanic products. One such design included the phrase ‘Satan Respects Pronouns’ with a horned ram representing Baphomet—a half-human, half-animal, hermaphrodite worshiped by the occult.”

After news of Target’s Pride campaign went viral, a conservative boycott caused the company’s stock prices to plummet by 16 percent.

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]]> 0 00 Canadian Province of Alberta Defies Ottawa, Shields Power Companies From Trudeau’s Federal ‘Clean Electricity Regulations’ Tue, 28 Nov 2023 15:30:06 +0000

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s Climate Alarmist policies have been causing a series of political and legal struggles of late.

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Alberta’s Premiere Danielle Smith.

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s Climate Alarmist policies have been causing a series of political and legal struggles of late.

Read: Canada’s Trudeau the Latest Leader to Backtrack and Delay on Climate Alarmist Policies – Rolls Back Home Heating Oil Carbon Tax for 3 Years

From facing a united front of Provincial Premiers aligned against it, to seeing part of the legislation associated with it struck down by a court decision, it hasn’t been easy for Trudeau to impose his climate lunacy to the whole of Canada.

Read: Canada’s Provincial Premiers Form a Rare United Front Against Justin Trudeau’s ‘Carbon Tax’

Now it surfaces that the premier of Alberta, Canada’s main oil-producing province, has said her government intends to move an act ‘to shield provincial power companies from proposed federal clean electricity regulations’.

Reuters reported:

“Speaking at a morning radio program on Saturday, Premier Danielle Smith, who says the plans of the federal government to cut greenhouse gas emissions will wreck the energy industry, said she was driven to act by frustration with the federal government.”

The province of Alberta has long been at odds with Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s Liberal government over its energy policy.

“Last month, in a victory for Alberta, Canada’s Supreme Court dealt a blow to Trudeau’s government by ruling that federal law assessing how major projects such as coal mines and oil sands plants impact the environment is largely unconstitutional.

‘We have been trying to work collaboratively with them on aligning their targets with our targets’, Smith said on Saturday said on the radio program ‘Your Province. Your Premier’.

‘We will not put our operators at risk of going to jail if they do not achieve the targets that have been set, which we believe are unachievable’, Smith said. ‘We have to have a reliable grid. We have to have an affordable grid, and we’re going to make sure that we defend our constitutional jurisdiction to do that’.”

The resolution will now be brought forward for debate and approval in the provincial legislature.

Trudeau’s ‘clean electricity regulations’ are ‘designed’ to create a net-zero emissions power grid by 2035 by limiting emitting power sources such as Alberta’s natural gas-burning plants, from being used.

The ‘Alberta Sovereignty Within a United Canada Act’ gives the province a ‘legislative framework’ to defend its jurisdiction in areas such as natural resources, gun control, and health and education.

CBC reported:

“The province will use the controversial law to introduce a resolution in the legislature that declares Ottawa’s plan to slash grid emissions an unconstitutional federal measure, and spell out ways the regulations would not be enforced in Alberta, according to sources familiar with the matter.”

This is the first time Smith’s government actually puts into place the law it passed last December.

I was devised as a way to enable the province to ‘push back against federal interference and encroachment’ on provincial jurisdiction.

“One of her consistent threats has been to use the act in hopes of thwarting Clean Electricity Regulations (CER), the suite of rules designed to implement the Trudeau government’s plan for a net-zero power grid by 2035. The regulations would put clear limits on when and how emitting power sources — like Alberta’s natural gas-burning plants — can be used starting in 2035, though it does not ban their use.”

The vast majority of Alberta’s electricity comes from natural gas. Premier Smith vowed to fight Ottawa’s plans, even putting out an $8-million national advertising campaign urging other Canadians to fight against it, too.

“Smith was emboldened to amp up her language about Ottawa’s ‘lawlessness’ after the recent Supreme Court ruling that much of the federal Impact Assessment Act was intruding on provincial jurisdiction. However, legal experts have said that ruling would have no effect on the grid regulations, which rely on a different sort of federal powers.”

Read more:

Canada’s Supreme Court Deals Blow to Justin Trudeau’s Liberals, Rules That a Federal Climate Alarmist Law Is Unconstitutional

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]]> 0 Daniella Smith UK and Greece Quarrel Over Marble Statues From the Parthenon – Sunak Cancelled Meeting With PM Mitsotakis Over Interview Demanding Their Return Tue, 28 Nov 2023 15:15:34 +0000

Some people in the UK sure do miss the British Empire.

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Some people in the UK sure do miss the British Empire.

On those glory days, sons of Albion roved unchecked through the seven seas, raping and pillaging for Queen and Country.

Now that those days are gone, the British try to, at least, hold on to its stolen wonders of the past.

Case in point, a diplomatic row has arisen over the status of the Parthenon Sculptures.

Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis bitterly bemoaned his British counterpart Rishi Sunak’ insensitivity for cancelling a scheduled meeting in London Today (28).

Athens has repeatedly asked the British Museum to permanently return the 2,500-year-old sculptures, to no effect.

British diplomat Lord Elgin was the responsible for ‘removing’ the marbles from the Parthenon temple, when he was ambassador to the Ottoman Empire.

Reuters reported:

“‘I express my annoyance that the British Prime Minister cancelled our planned meeting just hours before it was due to take place’, Mitsotakis said in a statement.

‘Greece’s positions on the issue of the Parthenon Sculptures are well known. I had hoped to have the opportunity to discuss them with my British counterpart. Anyone who believes in the rightness and justice of his positions is never afraid of confronting arguments’, he said.”

The talks concerning a possible return of the Parthenon Sculptures – known in Britain as the Elgin Marbles – have not advanced to content, Mitsotakis told the BBC on Sunday.

“The British Museum has always rejected returning the parts in its collection, which include about half of the 160 metre (525 ft) frieze that adorned the Parthenon. The museum maintains they were acquired legally, citing British laws which prevent removing objects from the collection apart from in certain circumstances.

Mitsotakis said at the weekend that the continued presence of the sculptures in the British Museum was like cutting the ‘Mona Lisa in half’.”

A spokesman for PM Sunak, on Monday, said there were no plans to return them. Sunak’s office declined to comment on why the meeting was cancelled.

BBC reported:

“The meeting had been due to happen at lunchtime on Tuesday and, the BBC understands, was due to last 45 minutes. But Mr. Mitsotakis’s appearance on the the BBC’s Sunday with Laura Kuenssberg program had irritated Mr. Sunak.

The British government confirmed the cancellation and offered the Greek PM a meeting with Deputy Prime Minister Oliver Dowden instead.

A senior Conservative source said: ‘It became impossible for this meeting to go ahead following commentary regarding the Elgin Marbles prior to it’.

‘Our position is clear – the Elgin Marbles are part of the permanent collection of the British Museum and belong here. It is reckless for any British politician to suggest that this is subject to negotiation.”

The Greek PM will now return to Greece, after his scheduled meetings in the morning – declining the meeting with Mr. Dowden.

Read more:

Looted Treasure? Headless Statue Depicting Emperor-Philosopher Marcus Aurelius is Pitting Cleveland Museum of Art against Manhattan DA

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]]> 0 Parthenon statues WTF: Jill Biden DECORATES White House W/ COVID-19 Molecules | Elijah Schaffer’s Top 5 (VIDEO) Tue, 28 Nov 2023 15:00:49 +0000

Welcome to The Gateway Pundit’s Week-in-Review with Elijah Schaffer, where he covers the top 5 stories throughout the week in under 10 minutes.

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]]> Welcome to The Gateway Pundit’s Week-in-Review with Elijah Schaffer, where he covers the top 5 stories throughout the week in under 10 minutes.

STORY 1: Jill Biden Unveils This Year’s TACKY White House Christmas Decorations with Flying Reindeer, Floating Ice Cream Cones and Cupcakes

STORY 2: Conservative Lawyer DC Draino Clashes with Republican Presidential Candidate Vivek Ramaswamy in Heated Debate Over Vivek’s Controversial Background

STORY 3: Comedian Jim Breuer Roasts Woke Liberal with Severe Trump Derangement Syndrome (VIDEO)

STORY 4: BREAKING: Arrest Made After Three Palestinian Students Shot in Vermont – Suspect Identified

STORY 5: Elon Musk Lands in Israel – Meets with Netanyahu and Tours Southern Israel Where Hamas Slaughtered 1,400 Innocents and Points Out the Obvious

Please leave your opinions / comments on these stories below as Elijah reads every single one and appreciates your perspective.

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]]> 0 Elijah Schaffer Shocking Incident on Frontier Flight: Woman Drops Pants and Threatens to Pee in the Aisle After Being Denied Lavatory Access by Flight Attendant (VIDEO) Tue, 28 Nov 2023 14:45:32 +0000

A Spanish-speaking woman aboard a Frontier Airlines flight from Florida to Philadelphia on November 20, 2023, caused an uproar among passengers when she pulled down her pants and squatted to urinate in the aisle after being denied access to the lavatory by a flight attendant.

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A Spanish-speaking woman aboard a Frontier Airlines flight from Florida to Philadelphia on November 20, 2023, caused an uproar among passengers when she pulled down her pants and squatted to urinate in the aisle after being denied access to the lavatory by a flight attendant.

The woman, whose identity remains undisclosed, shocked everyone on board by stripping naked from the waist down in the plane’s aisle.

The incident began when the woman, apparently in urgent need of using the bathroom, was informed by the flight attendant that she couldn’t access the lavatory at that time.

In response, she proceeded to pull down her pants and underwear, preparing to urinate right there in the middle of the packed aisle. This shocking act elicited roars of disgust and shock from fellow passengers.

Yet, as the uproar from other passengers grew, she desisted, pulling her trousers back up before she could follow through on her threat.

 This led to an outburst from the distressed woman, who defiantly declared, “I don’t give a f*ck,” amidst a flurry of expletives directed at those nearby.

Julie Hartman shared details of the incident on Facebook, expressing her horror at the event which unfolded as they were flying home from Florida. Hartman recounted how the woman made threats against another passenger’s life and even became confrontational after being urged to sit down.

“Matthew Hartman and I had the most awful experience flying home from Florida this afternoon. A passenger was upset that she was required to sit in her assigned seat and decided to pull her pants down on the plane right in front of two children. I literally had a front-row seat to the spectacle. She threatened to kill another passenger. She threatened me after I told her to sit down. I hope she was arrested and banned from flying again. Videos in the comments. Beware its VERY graphic and vulgar,” Hartman wrote.

“She was just throwing and temper tantrum. She got embarrassed because she was asked to move to her correct seat and decided to try and push the flight attendant around,” Hartman responded to one of the comments. She said the incident happened during the landing.

When asked if the lady was arrested or detained, Hartman wrote, “We booked it out of there so I don’t know. There was security all around waiting though.”


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]]> 0 woman pee Breaking: Hunter Biden Is Willing to Testify in Public Hearing Before House Oversight Panel Tue, 28 Nov 2023 14:30:12 +0000

The attorneys for Joe Biden’s son Hunter Biden says he is willing to testify in a public hearing before the House Oversight Panel.

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President Joe Biden and his son Hunter Biden on the South Lawn of the White House on April 10. Drew Angerer / Getty Images file

The attorneys for Joe Biden’s son Hunter Biden says he is willing to testify in a public hearing before the House Oversight Panel.

This could spell disaster for the Biden Crime Family.

The House Oversight Committee hearing is scheduled for December 13th.

NBC News reported:

Hunter Biden is open to testifying publicly before the Republican-led House Oversight Committee on Dec. 13 in a letter his lawyer sent to the panel Tuesday.

The president’s son was subpoenaed by House Republicans in early November and summoned to appear for a closed-door transcribed interview as part of an escalation of Republicans’ impeachment inquiry into the president.

“We have seen you use closed-door sessions to manipulate, even distort the facts and misinform the public. We therefore propose opening the door,” his lawyer Abbe Lowell said.

A spokesperson for House Oversight Committee Chair James Comer did not immediately respond to a request to comment by NBC News.

This could be a very dangerous move by the Biden Crime family and the lawless Democrat Party.

For years now, The Gateway Pundit has reported on numerous criminal acts conducted by reprobate Hunter Biden.

Joe Hoft reported in February.

For several decades, the Biden crime family made millions off the family name in pay-for-play schemes.  The Bidens did this by illegally handling classified documents, sharing related information overseas (espionage), committing FARA violations, and even participating in the development of Biolabs in Ukraine.

1. The Gateway Pundit reported in February that the Bidens were using classified information to the benefit of the Hunter Biden family business.  This was in response to Miranda Devine’s report at the New York Post where she identified an email with 22 points that was not written by Hunter Biden.

HERE IT IS – THE SMOKING GUN: The 20 Point Email of Classified Information from His Father that Hunter Biden Sent to Burisma Board Member in April 2014

2. Also in February TGP reported a second email that showed Hunter Biden was sharing classified information with individuals at Burisma in Ukraine, which is the definition of espionage.

MORE: Hunter Biden’s Biolab Firm Metabiota Linked to EcoHealth, World Economic Forum – Russia Claims it has 20.000 Biolab Documents

3. Later that month TGP uncovered a third email showing more Biden family crimes related to classified information and espionage. 

The email discovered on Hunter Biden’s laptop was sent from Blue Star Strategies, a firm that has reportedly been under investigation by the DOJ since 2021.  The email that was sent in December 2015 had an attachment that included classified information from a White House conference call on Joe Biden’s upcoming trip to Ukraine.  This email was also sent to Burisma and it implicates Joe Biden.

MORE: Hunter Biden’s Biolab Firm Metabiota Linked to EcoHealth, World Economic Forum – Russia Claims it has 20.000 Biolab Documents

4. And TGP uncovered that Hunter had never registered as a foreign agent for years.  His work appears to be mostly acting as an agent for foreign entities.

MORE: Hunter Biden’s Biolab Firm Metabiota Linked to EcoHealth, World Economic Forum – Russia Claims it has 20.000 Biolab Documents

5. TGP also reported that the Biden family is a crime family.  The whole world knew that when they wanted something illegal or under the table taken care of, they needed to pay the Biden crime family to get it fixed. 

MORE: Hunter Biden’s Biolab Firm Metabiota Linked to EcoHealth, World Economic Forum – Russia Claims it has 20.000 Biolab Documents

6. TGP has reported on Hunter Biden’s activities in Ukraine and his involvement with Biolabs that were put in place there. 

When the war broke out with Russia, Ukraine’s President Zelensky sent out a decree to destroy all information on the company Hunter Biden invested in, Metabiota.

MORE: Hunter Biden’s Biolab Firm Metabiota Linked to EcoHealth, World Economic Forum – Russia Claims it has 20.000 Biolab Documents

7. TGP reported that Metabiota experimented with bat viruses.  

Back in March 2022, TGP reported on Metabiota’s CEO Tom Wolf who had connections to the NIH and the DOD.  This week we reported that after Hunter invested in Metabiota, the company was awarded tens of millions of DOD contracts.  Metabiota experimented with bat viruses in at least one of these labs.

MORE: Hunter Biden’s Biolab Firm Metabiota Linked to EcoHealth, World Economic Forum – Russia Claims it has 20.000 Biolab Documents

8. TGP also tied Metabiota to the World Economic Forum.  

MORE: Hunter Biden’s Biolab Firm Metabiota Linked to EcoHealth, World Economic Forum – Russia Claims it has 20.000 Biolab Documents

This is a never-ending rabbit hole that has no end.  What a mess and nightmare.  

Please Note: The Hunter Biden emails we include that are not included in tweets are original source data taken directly from the Hunter Biden laptop computer by the investigator working with John Paul Mac Isaac.  The chain of custody is known and complete.  This is the only source that has chain of custody verification, has been authenticated and came from the original image from the Hunter Biden laptop.

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]]> 0 joe hunter biden President Joe Biden and his son Hunter Biden on the South Lawn of the White House on April 10. Drew Angerer / Getty Images file Elon Musk Gets Brutally Honest on Dealing with Hamas Mass Murderers: “There’s No Choice But to Kill Those Who Insist on Murdering Civilians” (VIDEO) Tue, 28 Nov 2023 14:15:18 +0000

In a historic visit to Israel, technology mogul and visionary Elon Musk, emphasized the need for decisive action against individuals perpetrating violence whilst calling for education reform and economic development to foster peace.

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Elon Musk with Israel’s President Isaac Herzog

In a historic visit to Israel, technology mogul and visionary Elon Musk, emphasized the need for decisive action against individuals perpetrating violence whilst calling for education reform and economic development to foster peace.

Musk’s visit comes in the aftermath of a horrific attack in southern Israel, a stark reminder of the region’s volatility. On October 7, Hamas militants orchestrated a brutal attack that resulted in the tragic loss of 1,400 lives and the subsequent hostage-taking of over 240 individuals, an act of violence unparalleled in recent history.

The Twitter-X and Tesla owner provided his perspective on the complexities of Israel’s ongoing struggle with the terrorist group Hamas.

Following his firsthand observation of the region’s anguish, Musk engaged in candid talks with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu before meeting with President Isaac Herzog, alongside representatives of families affected by the violence exerted by Hamas in Gaza.

President Herzog expressed deep gratitude for Musk’s visit, highlighting the contrast between Musk’s role in tech innovation and the stark reality of entrenched historical hatred.

“Your visit means a lot to us because the world is ever-changing and you are at the forefront of so many technologies and developments which look forward for humanity,” said Herzog.

“On the other hand, you’ve seen how evil can supersede everything. You’ve seen it this morning, you’ve seen what hate can bring about, you’ve seen how thought turns into evil, into hate, and into bloodshed. It is so close. And whilst you look forward with the most advanced technologies on Earth, it is clear that the oldest disease in humanity, antisemitism, lurks underneath and impacts so many societies.”

Musk reflected on the harrowing scenes he witnessed, condemning the celebrations of violence as “extremely disturbing.” He asserted, “We have to do whatever is necessary to stop the hate.”

In a tough stance, he stated that those determined to kill civilians in their pursuit of terror leave no option but to be met with lethal force. However, Musk didn’t stop there; he pointed to the root causes, including indoctrination from a young age.

“It’s remarkable what humans are capable of if they’re fed falsehoods, from when they are children,” Musk said, suggesting how propaganda can affect children’s minds.

Musk proposed three critical steps to President Herzog for addressing the Gaza situation:

  1. Neutralizing Threats
  2. Educational Reform
  3. Economic Prosperity

“It was certainly an emotionally difficult day, to see the places where people were murdered. And also to watch the video where the murderers are rejoicing. Celebrating the murder of innocent people is extremely disturbing. So we have to do whatever we whatever is necessary to stop the hate. Essentially these people have been fed propaganda since they were children. And it’s remarkable what humans are capable of if they’re fed falsehoods, from when they are children, they will think that the murder of innocent people is a good thing. That is how much propaganda can affect people’s minds,” said Musk.

Musk continued, “So you know, I actually did talk with the Prime Minister. And I think there’s three things that need to happen in the Gaza situation, there’s no choice but to kill those who insist on murdering civilians. You are notgoing to change their mind. But the second thing is to change the education so the new generation of murderers is not trained to be murderers. And the third thing, which also very important is to try to build prosperity.”


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]]> 0 Elon Musk Gets Brutally Honest on Dealing with Hamas Mass Murderers: “There’s No Choice But to Kill Those Who Insist on Murdering Civilians” (VIDEO) | The Gateway Pundit | by Jim Hᴏft In a historic visit to Israel, technology mogul and visionary Elon Musk, emphasized the need for decisive action against individuals perpetrating violence whilst calling for education reform and economic development to foster peace. Musk’s visit comes in the aftermath of a horrific attack in souther elon musk with herzog Former WWE Wrestling Hall of Famer Sentenced to 17 Years in Prison Tue, 28 Nov 2023 14:00:29 +0000

Former WWE star Tammy “Sunny” Sytch has been sentenced to 17 years in prison for a fatal 2022 car crash while driving under the influence.

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Former WWE star Tammy “Sunny” Sytch has been sentenced to 17 years in prison for a fatal 2022 car crash while driving under the influence.

Sytch, 50, pleaded no contests in August to charges related to the crash and death of 77-year-old Julian LaFrancis Lasseter.

Sytch broke down in tears in the courtroom and apologized for what she had done.

“I know my words are not enough. But please know I think about you every day,” Sytch told the victim’s family from the stand, according to a report from Fox35. “Every second of every day, and I will do whatever I can to make the changes I need to make sure this never happens again. No one should have to go through this and please know that every single second of every day since the crash, I wish I could change places with him.”

At the time of the crash, Sytch had a blood alcohol content three and a half times the legal limit.

According to a report from WKMG, Sytch had been charged with DUI causing death, causing death while operating a motor vehicle with a suspended or revoked driver’s license, four counts of DUI causing injury to a person and three counts of DUI causing damage to property.

Stych, who performed under the name Sunny, was inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame in 2011.

In addition to the 17 years, Stych will have to serve eight years of probation after her release, do 50 hours of community service, and pay a $10,000 fine.

Her driver’s license has also been permanently revoked.

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]]> 0 00 Pennsylvania Water System Hacked By Iranian-Backed Hackers, Who Leave Message, “Down with Israel” Tue, 28 Nov 2023 13:45:20 +0000

The Municipal Water Authority in Aliquippa, Pennsylvania, has reported their water system was hacked by an Iranian-backed cyber group on Saturday.

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The Municipal Water Authority in Aliquippa, Pennsylvania, has reported their water system was hacked by an Iranian-backed cyber group on Saturday.

Mathew Mottes, the chairman of the Municipal Water Authority of Aliquippa, stated that the cyber group called Cyber Av3ngers hacked one of their booster stations.

Penn Live reported the cyber hackers were able to “shut down a pump on a supply line that provides drinking water from the Aliquippa Municipal Water Authority’s treatment plant to Raccoon and Potter townships in Beaver County.”

One of the hacked monitors displayed a message which read,  “You have been hacked. Down with Israel. Every equipment ‘made with Israel’ is Cyber Av3ngers legal target.”

Authorities in Pennsylvania have told residents that the water is safe to drink and reassured the hackers could not get access to anything in the water treatment plant.

Per CBS:

The Municipal Water Authority of Aliquippa said on Saturday that one of their booster stations had been hacked by an Iranian-backed cyber group.

Matthew Mottes, the chairman of the board of directors for the Municipal Water Authority of Aliquippa, confirmed to KDKA-TV that the cyber group, known as Cyber Av3ngers, took control of one of the stations. An alarm went off as soon as the hack had occurred.

Mottes added that the station, located on the outskirts of town, monitors and regulates pressure for Raccoon and Potter Townships and stressed that there is no known risk to the drinking water or water supply.

The machine that was hacked uses a system called Unitronics, which Mottes says is software or has components that are Israeli-owned.

U.S. Representative Chris Deluzio (D-PA), in a post on Facebook, said, “I am closely monitoring this cyberattack on the Municipal Water Authority of Aliquippa. My office is in touch with leadership, which reports that there has been no loss of water service for folks.”

He continued, “Federal officials are assisting the investigation, and I remain ready to help with federal agencies.
Attacks on our critical infrastructure like water are unacceptable.”

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]]> 0 iranhacked Full-Time Nurse and Mother Breaks Down as She Discusses Tough Financial Struggles Under Bidenomics — Family Living ‘Paycheck-to-Paycheck’ Despite Decent Income (VIDEO) Tue, 28 Nov 2023 13:30:30 +0000

In a heartfelt and heartbreaking TikTok video, Mackenzie Moan, a full-time critical care nurse and Ph.D.

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Screenshot: @mackmoan1988/TikTok

In a heartfelt and heartbreaking TikTok video, Mackenzie Moan, a full-time critical care nurse and Ph.D. student from Pennsylvania, has brought to light the grim reality of financial struggles many American families face under the Biden regime.

Despite holding a stable job and earning what she describes as ‘good money,’ Moan and her husband Steve find themselves living ‘paycheck-to-paycheck,’ a situation that is becoming increasingly common in today’s Bidenomics.

The video, which has since gone viral with over 1 million views, captures Moan breaking down as she details the financial woes that plague her family. She reveals that after paying for essentials like their mortgage, groceries, and gas, they are left with a mere few hundred dollars to sustain them for the next two weeks. This stark revelation comes despite both she and her husband working full-time jobs, with Steve often working overtime.

“I feel like my husband and I are doing everything right. We both have good jobs. I’m a nurse. I’m a registered nurse who works full time. He works full time. We just got paid this past Friday, right? We paid the mortgage, bought some groceries, put some gas in the car. Guys, it is Tuesday, and we have two or $300 to last us until next Friday. We don’t live in a big house. We live in a little ranch. It’s 1100 sq ft., three bedrooms, one bath, us and our two kids,” said Moan in a video post last November 14th.

“I don’t know what to do. I’m in school full time. I work full time. He works more than full time. He works overtime every week. I don’t know what to do. I’m so stressed out. This isn’t how it’s supposed to be. Growing up, we were told to go to college, get a degree, work to support your family. Here we are. Did that. Now what?”

“I’m not into politics. I don’t follow it. Frankly, that stresses me out, too. But somebody has to do something to change this because I make good money; he makes good money. We don’t live above our means. I don’t know what less than paycheck to paycheck is. What is that? Poverty? As a registered nurse with a husband with a second income, he doesn’t make as much as I do, but he still works and brings home good money. So I don’t know,” Moan said.

According to the Daily Mail, Mackenzie revealed her past struggles as a homeless drug addict. She shared how she transformed her life by pursuing higher education, focusing on medicine. Throughout her academic journey, Mackenzie remained motivated by the belief that her situation would improve after graduation and once she began her professional career.

“While I was in school, all I could think about was, it’ll get better. It’ll get better after I graduate and I start working and we’ll be able to pay our bills. We’ll be able to not check the bank account. If our kids say, mom, can we go to the movies this weekend? Just be comfortable. And we’re not at all. I don’t know what else to say. I don’t know.”


Moan is not alone in her fight. Her story has struck a chord with many Americans who agree with her sentiments and are facing similar financial challenges.

One user commented, “I promise it’s not just you. It’s all of America.”

Another wrote, “Our country has failed us /divided us.”

“My husband always says “we work too hard to be this broke,” one said.

Another wrote, “And the worst part is our government gaslights us and claims the economy is “roaring back.””

California Governor Gavin Newsom wants the public to believe that inflation isn’t that bad, and that the only reason people believe that it is, is because of conservatives. Also, on Monday, White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre absurdly claimed Americans overwhelmingly disapprove of Joe Biden’s economy because of Trump.

Recent polls reveal Americans say they were better off financially under Trump.

2024 GE: Bloomberg/MC – Swing States poll: Would you say the Economy is/was…?

53% – Better off under Trump
33% – Better off under Biden
Your personal financial situation…

52% – Better off under Trump
30% – Better off under Biden
What is single most important issue to you when deciding who to vote for in 2024 Presidential Election?

1. The Economy: 41%
2. Immigration: 9%
3. Democracy: 8%
4. SSA and Medicare: 7%
5. Healthcare: 6%
6. Abortion: 5%
7. Climate change: 4%
8. Guns: 4%
9. Crime 3%
10. Israel/Hamas war 3%

Fox News reporter Peter Doocy repeatedly grilled KJP on Biden’s failed economic agenda that has led to persistent inflation.

“On lowering prices, you said earlier that the actions the President has taken have worked. So, is it your sense that, when people were home for Thanksgiving, catching up with their family members they were saying to each other. Can you believe how much more affordable things have gotten?” Peter Doocy asked KJP.

Karine Jean-Pierre responded with a word salad.

“So honestly, I wouldn’t — I — I hear the question, but I want to make sure this is very clear. We take that very seriously. We take what families — families the decisions that they make at their kitchen table….very seriously. It’s not a joke to us is important to us. This is the president who talks about it in a very personal way…The data shows that the economy is improving. The data shows that households remain in a strong financial position…That’s why the President. at 2:00. is going to talk about — what — the actions that he’s taking to continue to lower costs,” KJP said.

The current state of the U.S. economy under Joe Biden’s regime is disastrous, to say the least.

Inflation reached a 40-year high of 9.1% in June 2022, driven by a surge in energy prices and supply chain disruptions. Inflation has eased since then, but it remains elevated at 6.1% as of October 2023. This has made it more expensive for Americans to buy everyday goods and services.

Gasoline prices hit a high of $5.01/gallon in June 2022. The national average for gasoline is currently $3.77 per gallon, up from $2.11 per gallon in January 2021.

The median home price in the United States is now $431,000, up from $258,000 in 2019. This has made it more difficult for Americans to afford to buy homes, and has also driven up rental prices.

The Federal Reserve has been raising interest rates to the highest level in 22 years in an effort to combat inflation. This has made it more expensive for Americans to borrow money, which could slow down economic growth.

Grocery prices have also been rising, with the Consumer Price Index for food at home increasing by 12.8% year-over-year in October 2023.

Air travel ticket prices have gone up by as much as 34.1% at their peak.

Used car prices: Despite a decrease from their peak, used cars remain more expensive than pre-pandemic levels.

These are just a few of the things that are high in Biden’s disastrous economy. These high costs have made it difficult for many Americans to make ends meet. This mess is a nightmare and will only get worse as the Biden regime works daily to take down America.

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]]> 0 mackenzie moan Victor Davis Hanson Warns America: ‘Brace Yourself for What’s Coming in 2024’ (VIDEO) Tue, 28 Nov 2023 13:15:08 +0000

Conservative historian and professor Victor Davis Hanson has released a new video and it is basically a warning for America.

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Conservative historian and professor Victor Davis Hanson has released a new video and it is basically a warning for America.

The essence of Hanson’s message is a reminder of how far the left went to stop Trump last time and that people should be prepared for them to do anything this time.

It’s an ominous warning but it’s important to think ahead and be mentally prepared for anything, because that’s what is on the table.

Real Clear Politics provides a transcript:

VICTOR DAVIS HANSON: They look at Trump as a vampire and they put a stake in his heart but they’re afraid that that stake could come out any time. That he’s undying and they’re afraid of him. They are terrified of him.

They are terrified of him because they think he’s smarter this time and he has just cause to really get angry because of what they did to him. They can write all of The Atlantic Monthly and New Yorker clever, glib little essays about “Donald Trump is a threat to democracy,” and their little Molly Ball in Time Magazine essays how clever and brilliant they were with their cabals and conspiracies to get rid of him.

But deep down inside they know that if the right ever did that to Barack Obama or Joe Biden, they could have really made something out of the fact that Barack Obama had a hot mic expose where he told the president of Russia, “You tell Vladimir that I will be flexible on missile defense.” That’s the security of the United States of America. “If he gives me space in my last election.” Putin did do that. That’s an impeachable offense if a phone call to Ukraine is. So they understand that, the right could have done that to them, and they understand now the right probably will do that to them for their own survival, and they are scared.

They’re saying that if a MAGA candidate wins, and they win the House and Senate, they’re cooked because they’re going to get special prosecutors and go after the Biden family like they’ve never gone after anybody.

Watch the whole thing below:

The left is terrified of another Trump victory. What wouldn’t they do to prevent it?

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]]> 0 Victor Davis Hanson Warns America: ‘Brace Yourself for What’s Coming in 2024’ (VIDEO) | The Gateway Pundit | by Mike LaChance Conservative historian and professor Victor Davis Hanson has released a new video and it is basically a warning for America. The essence of Hanson’s message is a reminder of how far the left went to stop Trump last time and that people should be prepared for them to do anything this time. It’s an om victor davis hanson One Student Fatally Stabbed, Another Injured in Deadly Mass Brawl at North Carolina High School (VIDEO) Tue, 28 Nov 2023 13:00:15 +0000

Southeast Raleigh Magnet High School is reeling from a violent encounter that took place on its campus Monday, resulting in one student’s death and another hospitalized with injuries.

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Southeast Raleigh Magnet High School is reeling from a violent encounter that took place on its campus Monday, resulting in one student’s death and another hospitalized with injuries.

The chaos unfolded at about 11 a.m. on Monday when a fight escalated to a deadly stabbing in the school’s gymnasium, News 13 reported.

The Raleigh Police Department, led by Chief Estella Patterson, swiftly responded to the scene after a school resource officer urgently called for EMS support due to a student being stabbed.

Upon arrival, authorities found two victims of the stabbing. Both were swiftly transported to a nearby hospital. Tragically, the 16-year-old victim succumbed to their injuries, while the second victim, a 15-year-old student, is currently receiving care for non-life-threatening wounds.

Chief Patterson indicated that the stabbing was the result of a large altercation, though the specifics of what led to the fight remain unclear.

The school immediately enacted a Code Red Lockdown, barring entry and exit to ensure the safety of all students and staff. The lockdown was a precautionary measure while police worked to secure the scene and apprehend the suspect.

In response to the crisis, school officials have declared that Tuesday classes will be canceled in the wake of the incident.

“Shortly after 11 a.m., our School Resource Officer reported that two students were stabbed during an altercation in the gymnasium.  We went into a Code Red lockdown while law enforcement and school security quickly secured the scene and provided first-aid to the victims. Both victims were transported to the hospital. One of the students passed away. The second victim remains hospitalized with non-life-threatening injuries,” according to the school’s principal.

It continued, “Our hearts go out to the victim’s loved ones. Please keep them and all of those that have been impacted by this loss in your thoughts. While student privacy laws prevent me from sharing specific information about the victim, please know that the student who passed away was a valued member of our school community, and we grieve this loss alongside his loved ones.”

According to the Raleigh Police Department, police officers have secured a custody order for a 14-year-old suspect, who has been charged with murder as a juvenile as a result of the deadly altercation.

More from WRAL:

Cherelle McLaughlin is the mother of one of the students involved in the fight. She told WRAL News her son was acting in self-defense and claimed he was concerned for his safety at the school.

“I don’t believe he took the knife into school,” McLaughlin said. “I believe he got the knife from somebody in the school because he did not go to school with a knife. I dropped him off at school, he did not go to school with it.”

Her son is seen wearing a red hoodie at the beginning of a video capturing the fight. WRAL News made numerous attempts to reach the victim’s family, but could not reach them.

Patterson said detectives are working to identify everyone involved in the altercation, and that it’s an ongoing investigation.

WATCH (Warning: Violent Content)

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]]> 0 stabbing at high school Cruella De Biden: After Snubbing Hunter’s Love Child Two Christmases in a Row, Jill Biden Hangs No Stockings for Any Grandchildren at White House Tue, 28 Nov 2023 04:40:41 +0000


The post Cruella De Biden: After Snubbing Hunter’s Love Child Two Christmases in a Row, Jill Biden Hangs No Stockings for Any Grandchildren at White House appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

]]> Dr. Jill Biden, Ed. D., revealed the 2023 White House Christmas decorations on Monday with a cruel surprise twist. Months after Joe and Jill finally acknowledged Hunter Biden’s five-year-old love child Navy Joan Roberts this past summer, Jill broke with her tradition of the previous two years of hanging Christmas stockings for each of the Biden’s then six acknowledged grandchildren over a White House fireplace in the State Dining Room by hanging no stockings at all.

White House photos of Christmas stockings hung in 2021 and 2022 (below) by Jill Biden:

The bare fireplace mantle this year prompted inquiries by reporters, prompting a Biden spokesperson to say the Bidens would be hanging stockings at the family Christmas gathering at Camp Davis next month, reported the Daily Mail: “‘The family will be spending Christmas at Camp David and their family stockings will be there,’ a White House spokesperson told”

The New York Post reported the White House did not respond to a question asking whether a stocking for Navy Joan would be hung at the Biden family Christmas at Camp David: “A White House spokesperson explained the change by saying that the Bidens plan to spend the holiday at Camp David and will hang the stockings by the chimney with care there instead. The White House did not immediately respond to an inquiry from The Post about whether Navy would receive a stocking at Camp David.”

Last July after being called out by Maureen Dowd in the New York Times, Joe and Jill Biden arranged a People magazine feature where they finally acknowledged Navy Joan as their grandchild (excerpt):

“Our son Hunter and Navy’s mother, Lunden, are working together to foster a relationship that is in the best interests of their daughter, preserving her privacy as much as possible going forward,” President Biden said in a statement provided exclusively to PEOPLE.

Navy, one of the president’s seven grandchildren, has recently been the subject of headlines as Republicans have criticized the president for previously touting his “six grandchildren.”

“This is not a political issue, it’s a family matter,” President Biden’s statement continues. “Jill and I only want what is best for all of our grandchildren, including Navy.”

There are no reports on whether Joe and Jill have met with Navy Joan since their People magazine spread. Navy Joan apparently was not invited to the Biden family Thanksgiving in Nantucket this past week.

White House video of Jill Biden revealing the White House Christmas theme on Monday:

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]]> 0 Cruella De Biden: After Snubbing Hunter’s Love Child Two Christmases in a Row, Jill Biden Hangs No Stockings for Any Grandchildren at White House | The Gateway Pundit | by Kristinn Taylor Dr. Jill Biden, Ed. D., revealed the 2023 White House Christmas decorations on Monday with a cruel surprise twist. Months after Joe and Jill finally acknowledged Hunter Biden’s five-year-old love child Navy Joan Roberts this past summer, Jill broke with her tradition of the previous two years of han Jill Biden Christmas Theme Reveal Screen Image White House Video 11272023 Biden Six of Seven Grandchildren Christmas Stockings White House Photo 11292021 Biden Whitse House Christmas Stockings Official Photo 11282022 Have the Biden Campaign and Democrats Already Given up on the State of Georgia for 2024? Tue, 28 Nov 2023 04:20:39 +0000

For a few months after the 2020 election, Democrats and the media tried to tell the country that they had flipped Georgia from red to blue.

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For a few months after the 2020 election, Democrats and the media tried to tell the country that they had flipped Georgia from red to blue.

Most of that chatter died down when Stacey Abrams lost the race for governor there. Again.

Now it looks like the Biden campaign and Democrats may have given up on Georgia for 2024 already.

PJ Media reports:

Biden Camp and Dem Donors Appear to Give Up on Key 2024 Swing State

The signs are all pointing to real problems for Joe Biden in 2024. Of course, you may not trust the polls, which is understandable, but if you need some convincing that alarm bells are going off at Biden HQ, here it is: the Biden campaign and Democratic donors don’t seem to be willing to invest much money or resources to win Georgia anymore.

“Since 2020, Democratic strategists and activists have fixated on how to expand their gains in Georgia, once a Republican stronghold and now a true battleground,” reports the New York Times. “But some of the state’s most prominent grass-roots organizers — those responsible for engineering President Biden’s victory in 2020 and that of two Democratic U.S. senators in 2021 — are growing concerned that efforts and attention are waning four years later.”

The national money that once flowed freely from Democratic groups to help win pivotal Senate contests in Georgia has been slow in coming. Leading organizers, just over a month from the anticipated start of their initiatives to mobilize voters for the presidential election, say they are confronting a deep sense of apathy among key constituencies that will take even more resources to contend with.

And small but potentially pivotal shifts in strategy — cost-conscious measures like delaying large-scale voter engagement programs to later in the cycle or relying more on volunteers than paid canvassers — have privately stoked fears among some organizers about their ability to replicate their successes. More, it has led them to question how seriously Democratic donors and party leaders will take the state in 2024, even as Mr. Biden’s campaign has indicated that a repeat victory in Georgia is part of his strategy.

Of course, if we had honest and fair elections, Georgia probably wouldn’t even be a question. It’s still a red state.

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]]> 0 Biden Georgia Jan 11 2022 DELUSIONAL: Joe Scarborough Says the World Could ‘Spiral into World War III’ if Joe Biden Wasn’t President (VIDEO) Tue, 28 Nov 2023 04:00:38 +0000 This YouTube screen shot shows Joe Scarbarough and Mika Brzezinski reacting to recent presidential polling data.

Joe Scarborough of MSNBC’s Morning Joe program, recently said that the world could ‘spiral into World War III’ if Joe Biden wasn’t president.

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]]> This YouTube screen shot shows Joe Scarbarough and Mika Brzezinski reacting to recent presidential polling data.

Joe Scarborough of MSNBC’s Morning Joe program, recently said that the world could ‘spiral into World War III’ if Joe Biden wasn’t president.

Has Scarborough not noticed that this already seems to be happening on Joe Biden’s watch? Scarborough may be an idiot, but even he knows what he is saying here is pure gaslighting.

The world was a far more peaceful place on Trump’s watch and it’s all flying apart at record speed under Biden. Scarborough knows this, so the only conclusion one could reach is that he is lying and he knows it.

Breitbart News reports:

Scarborough: World Would ‘Spiral into World War III’ if Joe Biden Wasn’t President

MSNBC host Joe Scarborough said Monday on his show “Morning Joe” that if Joe Biden were not president, the world would “spiral into World War III.”

Scarborough said, “Claire, I’m so glad you talked about marketing because the crisis we’re going through right now where the world could really spiral into World War III, but it’s not because a guy who’s actually had 50 years of experience. It shows the contrast between a guy obsessed with marketing his brand, a guy obsessed with gestures, a guy who governed by gesture, versus, well, Joe Biden, who has 50 years of experience. And when a deal goes sideways on the hostages, he can pick up the phone, he can call, he can get it done.”

He continued, “When he meets with President Xi at a critical meeting, he can actually, they have experience. You know, they’ve got over a decade of experience working with each other when both of them were number two in their countries. Experience matters.

Watch the video below:

This is further proof that Trump Derangement Syndrome is real and that it makes people irrational.

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]]> 0 joe and mika This YouTube screen shot shows Joe Scarbarough and Mika Brzezinski reacting to recent presidential polling data. (MSNBC / YouTube Screen Shot) ‘Deadspin’ Writer Smears Innocent Child, Accuses Him of Wearing ‘Blackface’ with Deceptive Photo – Then a Different Picture Emerges Tue, 28 Nov 2023 03:40:08 +0000

*Paging Nick Sandmann’s lawyers* Sports news site Deadspin smeared an innocent child who attended Sunday’s Kansas City vs Las Vegas game by posting a deceptive photo of only one side of his face.

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*Paging Nick Sandmann’s lawyers*

Sports news site Deadspin smeared an innocent child who attended Sunday’s Kansas City vs Las Vegas game by posting a deceptive photo of only one side of his face.

The little boy, who looks to be only 10 years old, attended a Kansas City Chiefs game with the team’s colors – black and red – painted on his face.

Deadspin writer Carron Phillips went after the innocent child and accused him of ‘hating’ black people and Native Americans at the same time.

“It takes a lot to disrespect two groups of people at once. But on Sunday afternoon in Las Vegas, a Kansas City Chiefs fan found a way to hate Black people and the Native Americans at the same time.” Carron Phillips wrote.

Phillips also asked who ‘taught’ the child what they were wearing was appropriate (as if it’s any of his business what another person’s child wears).

The image of a Chiefs fan in Black face wearing a Native headdress during a road game leads to so many unanswered questions.

Why did the camera person give this fan the attention?

Why did the producer allow that camera angle to be aired at all?

Is that fan a kid/teenager or a young adult?

Despite their age, who taught that person that what they were wearing was appropriate?

“The NFL needs to speak out against the Kansas City Chiefs fan in Black face, Native headdress,” Deadspin writer Carron Phillips wrote.

“They’re doubling up on the racism. Are you going to say anything, Roger Goodell?” he said.

Carron Phillips actually tried to defend his article attacking an innocent child and accused his critics of ‘hating Mexicans.’

“For the idiots in my mentions who are treating this as some harmless act because the other side of his face was painted red, I could make the argument that it makes it even worse,” Carron Phillips said on X.

Carron Phillips is not only a coward for bullying a child, he disabled the comments to his tweet. Stunning and brave.

This previous tweet from Carron Phillips is very telling…

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]]> 0 Kansas City Chiefs blackface innocent child Deadspin New Book by Former CNN Host Brian Stelter is a BIG FAT FLOP Tue, 28 Nov 2023 03:20:08 +0000

Former CNN host Brian Stelter has just released a new book that’s all about how much he hates FOX News and so far, it is a tremendous failure.

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Former CNN host Brian Stelter has just released a new book that’s all about how much he hates FOX News and so far, it is a tremendous failure.

Despite the fact that Stelter has gone on pretty much any news show that would have him on to promote the book, initial sales are terrible.

When Stelter was still on CNN, his whole routine was basically just talking about what was happening on FOX News, so his new book is just an extension of that. This is all he knows how to do, apparently.

Mediaite reports:

Brian Stelter’s Fox News Book ‘Network of Lies’ Has Lackluster Sales in First Week

In the weeks leading up to Thanksgiving weekend, former CNN anchor and media reporter Brian Stelter was nearly ubiquitous in the political media world, promoting his new book Network of Lies on various outlets and even hosting a tony and star-studded book party at the legendary Michael’s in New York.

Unfortunately for Stelter and his publisher, Simon & Schuster, the promotion and strong reviews have not yet turned into book sales: less than 4,000 copies were sold in its first week.

Network of Lies provides a detailed tick-tock of what went on inside Fox News as it dealt with the defamation suit brought against them by Dominion Voting Systems, which concluded with a whopping $787,500,000 settlement last Spring.

Published on November 14, Stelter’s book sold 3,807 copies in its first week, according to Nielsen BookScan. Those numbers are down 82% from his previous book about Fox (Hoax), which saw first-week sales of 20,832 in August 2020, according to BookScan.

The report goes on to say that Stelter’s book is not going to make it onto the NY Times best seller list. What a shame.

If people wanted to read Stelter’s new book, he’d probably still have a job at CNN.

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]]> 0 Brian Stelter 2023 Roseanne Barr Lambasted Joe Biden with Scathing Response on His Latest Tweet: “Close the F*cking Border Then, Dipsh*t” Tue, 28 Nov 2023 03:00:20 +0000

As the United States grapples with the deepening crisis of fentanyl-related deaths, Joe Biden recently claimed the need for a collaborative international effort to stem the tide of this devastating epidemic, which has worsened under his regime.

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As the United States grapples with the deepening crisis of fentanyl-related deaths, Joe Biden recently claimed the need for a collaborative international effort to stem the tide of this devastating epidemic, which has worsened under his regime.

“Deaths from fentanyl are an American tragedy that requires global action. I’m committed to doing everything I can to control this crisis – from expanding prevention, harm reduction, treatment, and recovery, to working with Chinese, Mexican, and Canadian partners to tackle this,” said Biden.

However, Biden’s lies quickly drew a sharp and candid response from actress and comedian Roseanne Barr. Known for her unfiltered remarks, Barr wasted no time in attacking Joe Biden and calling him a dipsh*t for being complicit in thousands of deaths related to fentanyl.

“Close the f*cking border then, dipsh*t,” said Barr.

Barr has been a staunch critic of Joe Biden. Last week, Barr said, “A vote for Biden is a vote for Iran. A vote for Biden is a vote for a China. A vote for Biden is a vote for war. The only vote for America is a vote for a Donald Trump.”

The context of Barr’s response to Biden’s tweet is underscored by startling statistics: in 2022, the U.S. witnessed 73,654 fentanyl overdose deaths, a figure that has more than doubled since 2019, according to USA Facts.

Biden’s claims of working with Mexico to “disrupt the flow of fentanyl” into the U.S. are juxtaposed against reports of over 10 million illegal immigrants crossing the border under his regime.

In one week’s time, border patrol seized about 300 pounds of fentanyl in Tucson alone earlier this month. The southern border has nine sectors, which means a lot more fentanyl is getting through the border.

The fentanyl crisis has gotten so bad that New York City is now calling on its citizens to carry NARCAN with them at all times to help save people whose lives are threatened by drug overdose.

“This morning our city put out an advisory that the people of the City of New York should carry around NARCAN with them – that’s how bad the fentanyl crisis has gotten,” Rep. Nicole Malliotakis, R-N.Y., said at a press event with House Speaker Kevin McCarthy Wednesday – “recommending the citizens of New York walk around with NARCAN.”

The Mecklenburg County Sheriff’s Office in North Carolina has also installed a Narcan vending machine inside its Detention Center’s lobby.

The new Narcan vending machine is currently sitting next to a Coca-Cola machine and will be available to the general public 24/7.

County Sheriff Garry McFadden doesn’t just want Narcan vending machines inside the Sheriff’s Office, but he is also advocating for them to be placed in schools.

The U.S. has the ability to stop a major portion of drug smuggling coming into the U.S. Our Border Patrol has agents that would do their job if the Biden regime would actually let them.

Instead, old Joe and his thugs use the Border Patrol as a processing center to allow illegals to flow into the U.S freely.

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]]> 0 roseanne barr Victor Reacts: Jimmy Fallon Canceled? Mob Targets Fallon for Calling Transgender “Bud” (VIDEO) Tue, 28 Nov 2023 02:40:57 +0000

No matter how hard you try, you can never keep up with insanity.

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No matter how hard you try, you can never keep up with insanity.

As reported by the Gateway Pundit, Jimmy Fallon is being targeted by the woke mob for calling a transgender guest “bud.”

Late-night host Jimmy Fallon is under fire from the woke mob for calling a transgender guest on his show “bud.”
The guest was actor Hunter Schafer, a biological male who identifies as a woman.

Schafer is in the new Hunger Games prequel, The Hunger Games: The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes, and was discussing how he has long been a franchise fan.

“For Halloween, I was obsessed with how the capitol people were in costume and made my own costume,” Schafer said.

“Congratulations, bud,” Fallon said, showing a photo of Schafer as a little boy wearing a homemade Hunger Games costume. “This is really cool, now you’re in Hunger Games — as a capitol person!”

The innocent and friendly exchange did not sit well with Schafer’s fans, however.

Breitbart News noted that Fallon has previously addressed singer Ariana Grande as “pal” and original star of The Hunger Games, Jennifer Lawrence as both “dude” and “man.”

Will the woke mob ever be satisfied? It seems not. Eventually, reasonable people will no longer go along with the increasingly bizarre demands of the radical left.


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]]> 0 Untitled design (70) BREAKING: Lawless Obama Judge Chatkin Denies Trump Request to Subpoena Jan 6 Committee Material That WENT MISSING – Chutkan Will Not Allow Access to These Lost Documents! Tue, 28 Nov 2023 02:20:27 +0000

This is what tyranny looks like.

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This is what tyranny looks like.

On Monday night lawless Obama Judge Tanya Chutkan refused the Trump defense team’s efforts to subpoena members of the House January 6 Committee for testimony.

Why? Why would she possibly do this?

Obviously, the far left judge does not want the truth to be revealed about January 6 and she will not allow the Trump team to prove their case. This is a completely lawless court.

The Trump defense team alleges that documents, including transcripts of testimonies, are missing from the Jan. 6 Subcommittee.

Judge Chutkan WILL NOT allow Trump access to these lost documents. Why not?

CBS News reported:

Judge Tanya Chutkan on Monday denied Trump’s request, after his lawyers had asked the court in October to approve subpoenas for records from the National Archives and Records Administration, the House Administration Committee, Rep. Bennie Thompson, the Democratic chair of the House Jan. 6 panel, and others. Attorneys for Trump allege there are missing records from the now-disbanded committee that they would like for pretrial preparation. But members of the committee say there is no missing material.

Trump’s attorneys have not yet said whether they’ll appeal Chutkan’s decision.

The former president has pleaded not guilty to four felony charges accusing him of trying to overturn the 2020 presidential election results.

Trump’s attorneys had asked Chutkan to recuse herself from the case, but she said she would not.

CNN added this:

Trump’s attorneys had claimed in their motion to subpoena records from the committee, its Chairman Bennie Thompson, and others that the committee and federal officials withheld some materials related to the investigation. His defense lawyers also argued that special counsel Jack Smith’s investigation into Trump had “significant overlap” with the House select committee’s investigation.

With the case slated to go to trial in March, Judge Tanya Chutkan is still considering several pretrial motions from Trump’s team, including long-shot motions to dismiss the entire case. Trump has pleaded not guilty to the criminal charges stemming from efforts to overturn the 2020 election.

Thompson has defended his panel’s archival process. He said this summer that the committee wasn’t required to keep all of the records it amassed during the monthslong investigation, in response to accusations from Rep. Barry Loudermilk, currently overseeing a House Republican probe into the committee’s work, that certain records were missing.

Chutkan, in her ruling Monday, said Trump had not sufficiently justified his subpoena requests and did not establish relevance between the case and certain items he wanted to subpoena, including recorded interviews. The order also says that some of the requested material has already been provided to Trump’s team through discovery.

The judge is lawless. Cristina Laila posted on how important it is for the Trump team to obtain this crucial information.

Last week Trump’s team requested several documents related to Jan. 6. The documents provided to the Trump team were redacted. What lawlessness!

They’re going after the US president and these communists won’t even let him defend himself!

Where is the outrage?

From last week’s request.

Trump’s attorneys filed a motion for discovery in Special Counsel Jack Smith’s case demanding documents regarding informants and undercover agents related to January 6.

“Please provide all documents regarding informants, cooperators, undercover agents, representatives, or anyone acting in a similar capacity on behalf of or at the behest of the Department of Justice or any law enforcement agency…who was present at or within five miles of the United States Capitol on January 6, 2021,” Trump’s lawyers wrote in the 9-page discovery letter.

Trump’s trial date for Jack Smith’s January 6 case is currently scheduled for March 4, 2024 (election interference).

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]]> 0 Tanya_Chutkan,_U.S._District_Court_Judge_16x9 SHOCK VIDEO: Mexican Officials Provide GPS Coordinates to Illegal Alien Caravans For Mass Crossings Into US (VIDEO) Tue, 28 Nov 2023 02:00:50 +0000

Mexican officials are now providing GPS coordinates to illegal alien caravans marching to the US border.

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Mexican officials are now providing GPS coordinates to illegal alien caravans marching to the US border.

Border Hawk correspondent Efraín González is embedded with a massive caravan of illegals making their way through Piedras Negras, Mexico, to the Rio Grande and he learned Mexican authorities are giving the illegals GPS coordinates for mass crossings into the United States.

“We accompanied this caravan that walked for an hour in the darkest to reach the crossing point. The migrant said they were angry Mexican authorities sent them to cross into this dangerous area of the river at night,” González said.

“Most of these people do not know how to get to the river. However, through GPS they obtain the exact location where forklift tractors raised the razor wire last October,” he said.

It is unclear exactly who is providing the GPS coordinates to the illegals.

“We have GPS and it guides us,” one illegal told Gonzalez in Spanish.

“These GPS-guided mass crossings into Eagle Pass have become much more frequent this November,” Gonzalez said.

“Just this afternoon, when the closure of the Eagle Pass-PN bridge 1 was just announced, this large group of hundreds of migrants is heading to cross the river thanks to GPS coordinates obtained from the same authorities,” Gonzalez said.


Earlier this month, citizen journalist Auden Cabello posted pictures of pamphlets and maps littered at a major crossing point:

One is from Amigos del Tren, whose purpose is to “support migrants on their brave journey through Mexico on the La Bestia train”.

Another one is from the Red Cross with train routes.

The third one is from ACNUR, a UN Agency for Refugees.

You can support Border Hawk News by clicking here.

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]]> 0 Hamas Barbarians Release 11 More Jewish Hostages Including a Girl in a Wheelchair and Mothers Holding Terrified Children Tue, 28 Nov 2023 01:40:58 +0000

Hamas barbarians released 11 more Jewish hostages from 52 days of captivity on Monday night.

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]]> Hamas barbarians released 11 more Jewish hostages from 52 days of captivity on Monday night.

Palestinians jumped on their van, terrorizing the Israelis during their final ride from Gaza.

This was the fourth group of Israeli hostages released by Hamas.

Hamas also released 14 Thai hostages over the weekend.

The Wolfson Hospital in Israel said the hostages were malnourished and went days without food.

One little girl released on Monday was in a wheelchair. She left Gaza with her mother. Her father is still held captive by the barbarians.

11-year-old Yuval Engel was healthy on October 7th. Today she cannot walk.

Here are the 11 who were released today.

12-year-old Yagel Yaacov was released today. He was used in Hamas propaganda video during his captivity.

The Hamas-Israel ceasefire will continue for 48 more hours. Hamas has agreed to release more hostages.
There are still nearly 200 Isreali hostages still being held by Hamas barbarians.

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]]> 0 yagel yaacov Boston Man Arrested for Vandalizing Paul Revere’s Tombstone and Holocaust Memorial Tue, 28 Nov 2023 01:20:19 +0000

A Boston man was arrested on Sunday night for vandalizing Revolutionary War hero Paul Revere’s tombstone along with 19 other graves.

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A Boston man was arrested on Sunday night for vandalizing Revolutionary War hero Paul Revere’s tombstone along with 19 other graves.

Lawrence Hawkins, 46, was charged with multiple counts of destruction of property, defacing a grave site, and destruction of a place of worship.

Besides damaging Paul Revere’s burial site, Hawkins is also accused of damaging two Steak House windows, the New England Holocaust Memorial, a police cruiser, and several Federal buildings.


Per NBC Boston:

A Boston man was arrested Sunday after a string of vandalism was reported across the city overnight that included damaging the Holocaust Memorial and the graves of Paul Revere and 19 others.

Boston police say 46-year-old Lawrence Hawkins has been charged with multiple counts of destruction of property, destruction of a place of worship and defacing a burial site. He is expected to be arraigned in Boston Municipal Court on Monday; attorney information wasn’t immediately available.

According to police, officers first responded to the area of 125 Charles Street South around 11:31 p.m. Saturday for a report of breaking and entering. Upon arrival, officers saw the front door of the business had been smashed and there was a brick inside the building. After checking surveillance video, police broadcast a description of the suspect, who was later identified as Hawkins.

During his hearing on Monday, a Boston Municipal Court judge ordered Hawkins to be held for a mental health evaluation.

He is also being held on a $7,500 bail for his three charges.

NBC Boston was in the courtroom on Monday; watch below:

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]]> 0 Boston Man Arrested for Vandalizing Paul Revere’s Tombstone and Holocaust Memorial | The Gateway Pundit | by Anthony Scott A Boston man was arrested on Sunday night for vandalizing Revolutionary War hero Paul Revere’s tombstone along with 19 other graves. Lawrence Hawkins, 46, was charged with multiple counts of destruction of property, defacing a grave site, and destruction of a place of worship. Besides damaging Paul boston man “The Goal of Every Maoist Revolution Is the Destruction of the Nuclear Family” – MUST SEE – Tucker Carlson with Steve Bannon on the Migration Crisis in the West (VIDEO) Tue, 28 Nov 2023 01:00:35 +0000

Five people, including three children, were stabbed near a school in Dublin, Ireland, on Thursday by a suspect whose identity has not yet been released.

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Emergency workers are called after an Algerian migrant stabbed five people including three children in Dublin, Ireland on Thursday, Nov. 23, ’23.

Five people, including three children, were stabbed near a school in Dublin, Ireland, on Thursday by a suspect whose identity has not yet been released.

Three children and two adults were taken to a nearby hospital with stab wounds. One child was in critical condition.

The perpetrator is an Algerian immigrant who has lived in the country for several years.

Following the stabbing, Dubliners rioted in the downtown and set the Holiday Inn Express on fire in Dublin where migrants were being held.

On Monday night Tucker Carlson released Episode 41 of his Tucker on X series.

Tucker Carlson and Steve Bannon discuss the immigration crisis in Ireland, the EU, and the United States in Episode 41 of Tucker on X.

Tucker invited Steve Bannon on to discuss the situation in Dublin, Ireland and the migrant invasion in Europe and the United States.

On the rioting in Ireland last wekend.

Steve Bannon: Viktor Orban has led this fight for years and has tried to get his country, the sovereignty of it, to stay away from what’s happening in Germany and places like Ireland. Ireland’s probably one of the worst, if not the worst, because the political class has totally sold out the people. They’ve had, I think, 125,000 immigrants in the last year. That is the same equivalent if all of Joe Biden’s 9 million illegal alien invaders here in our country all came within one year. That’s the impact it’s had on Ireland. And they’re all on the public dole. There’s been 100,000 Ukrainians in, what, 18 months or 20 months since the war started. 100,000 Ukrainians, all on the public dole, all paid for out of the Irish budget. Now, some of that money is given by the EU, but the Irish politicians are by far the worst that are bought off by the EU. They’re the biggest globalists. They’ve sold out the sovereignty of the Irish. And you’re seeing a natural blowback and you’re really seeing it among working class people in the cities, irish nationals, Irish citizens whose family have been there for generations and generations and generations and have nothing to show for it and also in the rural communities.

On the goals of the race-hating globalists.

Tucker Carlson: It does seem like there’s race hate at the bottom of it. I can’t think of a better explanation. I mean, there have been wars in know, sort of every week for my entire life, and no one’s saying, we’ve got too many Africans in Nigeria. Let’s replace them with Indians or something. No one would even think to say that. But poor Ireland, which didn’t really do anything wrong on the world stage that I’m aware of, is, I mean, in 100 years, there’ll be a minority of Irish people in Ireland. That’s a big change and it’s on purpose.

On dealing with the illegal aliens in the country.

Steve Bannon: My belief is those people have to go home. They have to be returned, they have to leave our country, or we’re not going to have a country… It’s happening every day in the country is bad enough. And if you stand up to it, you’re called a nativist, a xenophobe, a racist, a domestic terrorist, violent extremist. But if you even start to bring up what’s going to happen for a solution like in midtown Manhattan where you have to empty out the Roosevelt Hotel and those folks have to go home, it’s going to get ten times worse. And so I hope people that watch your show appreciate the fact, particularly maybe people that are not that political, that we’re going to have not just turbulence, we’re going to have a firestorm in this country that is going to pale in comparison, I think, to what you saw in Ireland last week.

On the purposeful destruction of America.

Tucker Carlson: I mean, if you’re born in a country where your ancestors were also born and you’ve paid your taxes and obeyed the laws and participated in civic life, voted, volunteered, sent your kids to school, supported the schools, I think it’s fair to call it your country, right? And if your government, which hates you, lets in tens of millions of people illegally and then pays for their lives, it’s fair to say your country is being stolen from you, is it not? Or am I missing something?

On the scale of the invasion.

Steve Bannon: On D-Day in 1944, there was 150,000 men that hit the beach that day, right. And that’s looked at as the biggest military maneuver, military movement in American history. 150,000 men. We have almost two times that every month coming across the border. We have equivalent of 35 combat divisions, combat division being about 10,000 men. The scale of this is incredible, and there’s no discussion about it. And obviously they make everything just like every Maoist revolution or every Marxist revolution, focus on breaking the nuclear family and to make sure in this country, quite frankly, that people can’t reproduce with anything like the replacement population, the number 2.1% or 2.1 children per family. And they not just welcome in. They have created a system and they gamed an entire asylum system which was set up to prevent this, that you, just because of economic necessity, are wanting a better life, which are wonderful things. And I don’t blame the people coming up. If I was now in that situation, I would, too. But that’s not what our asylum system and immigration system was supposed to do.

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]]> 0 Screenshot_20231123-092541_X Emergency workers are called after an Algerian migrant stabbed five people including three children in Dublin, Ireland on Thursday, Nov. 23, ’23. bannon tucker Tucker Carlson and Steve Bannon discuss the immigration crisis in Ireland, the EU, and the United States in Episode 41 of Tucker on X. Eat Bugs and Live in a Pod: United Nations to Tell First-World Countries to Limit Meat Consumption in Food’s First ‘Net Zero Plan’ Tue, 28 Nov 2023 00:20:50 +0000

Eat bugs and live in a pod.

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Eat bugs and live in a pod.

The climate change zealots (Communists) are not only coming for your gas-powered vehicles, they want to destroy the cattle and farming industry under the guise of reducing carbon emissions with a ‘net zero plan.’

The United Nations’ Food & Agriculture Organization (FAO) is expected to roll out its food guidance for first-world countries in an effort to reduce carbon emissions.

The message to ‘rich’ countries? Consume less meat.

The new food system is expected to be unveiled at the COP28 summit next month in Dubai.

“Nations that over-consume meat will be advised to limit their intake, while developing countries — where under-consumption of meat adds to a prevalent nutrition challenge — will need to improve their livestock farming, according to the FAO.” Bloomberg reported.

Excerpt from Bloomberg:

The world’s most-developed nations will be told to curb their excessive appetite for meat as part of the first comprehensive plan to bring the global agrifood industry into line with the Paris climate agreement.

The global food systems’ road map to 1.5C is expected to be published by the United Nations’ Food & Agriculture Organization during the COP28 summit next month. Nations that over-consume meat will be advised to limit their intake, while developing countries — where under-consumption of meat adds to a prevalent nutrition challenge — will need to improve their livestock farming, according to the FAO.

The average American consumes about 127 kilograms of meat a year compared with 7 kilograms in Nigeria and just 3 kilograms in the Democratic Republic of Congo, according to the FAO data. The Eat-Lancet Commission recommends people consume no more than 15.7 kilograms of meat a year.

The Rome-based UN agency, tasked with improving the agricultural sector and nutrition, is seeking to strike a balance between the climate transition and ensuring food security for the growing global population. So as well as calling for less meat consumption for the world’s well fed, the plan would also encourage farmers in developing countries to bolster productivity of their livestock and supply more sustainably.

The globalists and freaks in the left-wing media are trying to convince people to eat bugs.

Eating bugs is degrading and that’s why the elitists are pushing them as a “sustainable” source of protein for the peasants.

The globalists are pushing for commoners to eat bugs, weeds and synthetic ‘meat’ because bugs “consume fewer resources than traditional livestock.”

The World Economic Forum recently promoted the EU’s new plan to use mealworms in food in their bid to reduce meat consumption.

“Livestock around the world is responsible for around 14.5% of all greenhouse gas emissions relating to human activity. The need for land – whether for grazing animals or growing crops to feed animals – is “the single greatest driver of deforestation, with major consequences for biodiversity loss,” the paper says.

synthetic meat

A WEF article from 2016 says it all: “Welcome To 2030: I Own Nothing, Have No Privacy And Life Has Never Been Better”

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]]> 0 fake meat plant base Redefine Meat is 3D printing plant-based meat for distribution in Europe. The Numbers are MASSIVE! Illegal Aliens Spotted Leaving Central Mexico Making Their Way to US Border (VIDEO) Tue, 28 Nov 2023 00:00:15 +0000

Biden’s border crisis continues with no end in sight.

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Biden’s border crisis continues with no end in sight.

A video posted to X on Monday shows a massive group of military-aged illegal aliens on open train cars heading to the U.S./Mexican border. The train originated in central Mexico, according to citizen journalist Auden Cabello who documents illegal migrant journeys through Coahuila and Texas.

According to Auden Cabello, the train full of illegals is heading to Eagle Pass, Texas.


The Gateway Pundit reported in September of open train cars filled with illegal aliens heading to the southern border.

“FOX News sources capture a FerroMex train bursting with migrants out of Zacatecas heading to our southern border right now… cheering and clearly not heeding the message: “do not come”” Fox News reporter Griff Jenkins said in September.

Eagle Pass, Texas has been a trouble spot for illegal border crossing for some time. The Gateway Pundit reported earlier in November of illegals with sick children crossing into the U.S.

On Monday afternoon, another large group of illegals arrived in Eagle Pass, Texas.

According to The Highland County Press, more than 10 million illegal aliens have entered the US since Joe Biden was installed in January 2021.

Also according to the CBP, fiscal year 2023 finished with 2.47 million encounters. The highest annual total ever recorded in a single year.

Real America’s Voice reporter Ben Bergquam told The Gateway Pundit that what’s unusual about these trains full of illegals is that the numbers are massive.

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]]> 0 Screenshot_20231127-133046_X RNC Sees Donations Hit 8-Year Low Under Feckless Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel Mon, 27 Nov 2023 23:40:41 +0000

Donations to the feckless Republican Party reached an 8-year low under Ronna McDaniel according to the Washington Post.

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Donations to the feckless Republican Party reached an 8-year low under Ronna McDaniel according to the Washington Post.

The GOP raised its lowest amount since President Trump arose as leader of the party.

it could be that McDaniel has shown a complete lack of concern in confronting the widespread voter fraud by the left and has spent more time attacking popular Republican candidates.

Under Ronna McDaniel – A dollar to the RNC is a dollar wasted. reported:

Donations to the Republican National Committee (RNC) have hit an eight-year low, sources told the Washington Post on Monday.

The diminished donations raise concerns about whether or not RNC leadership is properly aligned with the party’s grassroots to counter an unpopular Democrat president seeking reelection.

Ten people familiar with the matter told the Post that big donors and small donors are not giving as much money to the RNC as they have in the past.

The RNC raised the lowest amount of money since former President Trump arose as the leader of the GOP, the Post reported:

  • The Republican National Committee disclosed that it had $9.1 million in cash on hand as of Oct. 30, the lowest amount for the RNC in any Federal Election Commission report since February 2015.
  • That compares with about $20 million at the same point in the 2016 election cycle and about $61 million four years ago, when Trump was in the White House.
  • The Democratic National Committee reported having $17.7 million as of Oct. 30, almost twice as much as the Republican Party, with one year before the election.

“I think there’s more donors just fully committed to their candidate right now, saying I am all in, and once the nominee is set, I’ll be there. That’s what I hear more than anything. And they’re really solidly in the camps of their candidate, which is normal,” RNC Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel told the Post. “There’s nothing unusual about this, because they know that once their candidate gets in that we will merge and that we’ll be working together to win the White House.”

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]]> 0 ronna mcdaniels milwaukee WATCH: Biden Education Secretary Butchers Iconic Ronald Reagan Quote While Pushing the Regime’s Radical Agenda Mon, 27 Nov 2023 23:20:38 +0000

Former President George W.

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Former President George W. Bush was lampooned for this classic gaffe while speaking about America’s education system: “Rarely, is the question asked, is our children learning?” It’s safe to say Secretary of Education Miguel Cardona failed to learn some basic history at school after he made an epic gaffe on camera while speaking about the great Ronald Reagan.

Townhall reported Monday that Secretary of Education Miguel Cardona botched an iconic Reagan quote while giving a speech at the Western Governors’ Association’s winter meeting earlier this month in Jackson Hole, Wyoming. During his address, Cardona vowed to “follow-up” with governors to ensure the DOE provides guidance and “a playbook” to support state educational efforts.

Cardona next falsely quoted the great Reagan, an avowed opponent of big government’s evils, to push the Biden regime’s failing education agenda.

Cardona: You know, we’re going to set up follow up calls with every governor we meet with to make sure we’re available.

I think it was President Reagan who said, We’re from the government. We’re here to help.


Those with a rudimentary understanding of Reagan know the 40th president actually issued a dire warning to America not to start worrying when the federal government offered “help.”

Here is the full quote from Reagan along with video.

The nine most terrifying words in the English language are: “I’m from the government, and I’m here to help.”

With clowns like Cardona “leading” the way, it is little wonder why our K-12 education system is in the toilet despite all levels of government spending more money than ever.

The only way to fix this is to ensure schools are actually teaching our children instead of brainwashing them and pocketing taxpayer money increase administrative bloat. But this will not happen until the American people actually vote out not only the Biden regime but also Democrats coast-to-coast.

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]]> 0 Screenshot 2023-11-27 at 5.02.24 PM Credit:@greg_price11
Jill Biden Unveils This Year’s TACKY White House Christmas Decorations with Flying Reindeer, Floating Ice Cream Cones and Cupcakes Mon, 27 Nov 2023 23:00:36 +0000


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Dr. Jill on Monday unveiled this year’s tacky White House Christmas decorations.

“Nearly 15,000 feet of ribbon, more than 350 candles and over 22,000 bells were used for the decorations, the White House said. More than 142,425 lights twinkle on trees, garlands, wreaths and other displays.” CBS News reported.

“Seventy-two wreaths sporting red ribbons adorn the north and south exteriors of the White House.” the outlet said.

“For this year’s holidays at the White House, our theme is inspired by how children experience this festive season: completely present in the beauty and bounty around them, their senses alight, with hearts open to the “Magic, Wonder, and Joy” of the season,” Jill Biden said.

“We have Santa’s magical sleigh suspended in the air in the Grand Foyer, a working train running around the Official White House Christmas Tree, and a Gingerbread White House that celebrates the 200th Anniversary of a childhood favorite, ‘Twas the Night Before Christmas!” Jill Biden said.

“In this season of reflection and goodwill, we hope you will embrace your inner child and delight in simply being present with those you love,” Joe and Jill Biden wrote in a welcome letter. “It is a time for our senses to awaken — for each of us to smell the aroma of favorite family recipes, to hear the warmth of a dear friend’s voice, to see the glow of lights and decorations, to taste the sweetness of candies and treats, and to feel the quiet stillness and strength of faith.”

Jill Biden did not even mention Jesus Christ in her message to Americans.

This year’s decorations include flying reindeer, floating ice cream cones and cupcakes.

The floating candy and ice cream cones…

There is also a chaotic scene at the base of one of the Christmas trees…

Nice pink flamingo wearing a scarf next to a tree with balls glued to it…

Some of Jill Biden’s decorations looked like Covid…

Getty Images

Jill Biden has THE WORST taste. Last year her team glued gold balls to the doorway.

In 2021, Jill Biden thought it would be a great idea to use primary colors for Christmas decorations and her team glued hideous gift boxes to the doorway.

We sure do miss First Lady Melania Trump.

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]]> 0 Jill Biden Christmas 2023 Jill Biden reindeer Christmas Reindeer Jill Biden Christmas Jill Biden Christmas ice cream candy Jill Biden Christmas Jill Biden Christmas 2023 Jill Biden Christmas 2023 getty images covid balls christmas jill biden Jill Biden White House Christmas 2022 Jill Biden Christmas 2021 melania christmas Melania Christmas 2018 Melania Christmas 2019 Police Arrest Man for Wandering Around Disneyland’s ‘It’s a Small World’ Ride FULLY NAKED (VIDEOS) Mon, 27 Nov 2023 22:40:11 +0000

The Anaheim Police Department has arrested a 26-year-old man for wandering around Disneyland’s “It’s a Small World” ride fully nude.

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The Anaheim Police Department has arrested a 26-year-old man for wandering around Disneyland’s “It’s a Small World” ride fully nude.

The man, whose name has not been released, was first captured on film in his underwear as the children’s ride was running, filled with families enjoying their vacations.

The streaker waded through decorative pools as Christmas music played in the background, and the shocked guests urged the park to stop the music and get him out.

“From what we can gather from reports/accounts, the attraction was shut down for a bit Sunday — and, apparently, during that pause … this fella hopped out of his boat, undressed and started monkeying around near the actual robots and all the elaborate set pieces,” TMZ reports. “In one video, you can hear somebody yelling at him to stop and get down … warning him of the danger he was dabbling in. Of course, he didn’t listen … and kept on scurrying about.”

The man later took off the last remaining piece of clothing and continued wandering around.

“I am on Small World and there was a streaker, I cannot believe this happening,” Ashley Esqueda wrote in a post on X, the platform formerly known as Twitter.

The man was quickly removed from the theme park and arrested. Police took him to the hospital to get checked out.

He has now been charged with indecent exposure and being under the influence of a controlled substance, both misdemeanors.

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]]> 0 00 Revealed: Thompson’s Newly Uncovered Letter May Be Behind TSA Wrongfully Adding Americans to Terror Watchlist Mon, 27 Nov 2023 22:20:24 +0000

A former FBI agent assigned to the Washington Field Office, Kyle Seraphin, has raised concerns about the expansion of the Transportation Security Administration’s (TSA) surveillance activities following the January 6th attack on the United States Capitol.

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Rep. Bennie G. Thompson

A former FBI agent assigned to the Washington Field Office, Kyle Seraphin, has raised concerns about the expansion of the Transportation Security Administration’s (TSA) surveillance activities following the January 6th attack on the United States Capitol.

In an article published on UncoverDC, Seraphin highlights a previously undisclosed letter written by then-Chairman of the House Committee on Homeland Security, Rep. Bennie G. Thompson (D-MS), to TSA Administrator David Pekoske.

Thompson’s letter, dated January 11, 2021, describes the Capitol incident as an “insurrection” aimed at “preventing the certification of a democratic election and, apparently, inflicting violence upon elected officials.” The representative noted the unpreparedness of federal agencies despite “evidence the attack was planned largely in open internet forums.”

The letter details ongoing threats and the failure to arrest or restrict the movement of many involved, highlighting concerns about further violence, including at Joe Biden’s inauguration. It calls for urgent briefings on efforts to disrupt potentially threatening travel, deny air service to identified threats, protect transportation, and safeguard members of Congress and the public.

The letter also questions the TSA’s efforts to identify and add the “perpetrators” of the January 6th protest to watchlists, as well as the agency’s plans to protect surface transportation and ensure the safety of Members of Congress, flight crewmembers, and the public from domestic terror groups while traveling.

Below is part of the letter from Thompson to Pekoske:

Please provide a briefing not later than the end of this week on the following topics:

  • Current efforts to disrupt the travel of white supremacist and other domestic terrorist groups who may be planning further attacks against the U.S. Government and may be targeting the inauguration of President-elect Joe Biden;
  • Options available for quickly denying air carrier service to individuals identified as posing a potential threat, including TSA’s authorities to prevent individuals from flying on a temporary or flight-by-flight basis;
  • The current status of efforts to identify and add to watchlists the perpetrators of Wednesday’s attack and the standards being used to determine their vetting status for future travel;
  • Plans to protect surface transportation from potential threats; and
  • Efforts to protect Members of Congress, flight crewmembers, and the public from domestic terror groups and sympathizers while traveling.
You can read the full letter here.

Seraphin’s article then focuses on the Quiet Skies program, revealing its expansion to include Americans who were in the National Capitol Region around January 6th.

Quiet Skies is a program by the TSA that uses air marshals to track and observe suspicious passengers. The program’s goal is to identify travelers who may pose a risk to aviation security, in short, a terrorist.

Initially aimed at identifying international travelers for enhanced screening, whistleblowers and retired FAM Sonya Labosco have exposed abuses of this program, which has led to invasive screenings and a “Secondary Security Screening Selection” (SSSS) designation on boarding passes, often for individuals involved in First Amendment activities or simply present in the area at the time.

Labosco, Director of the Air Marshal National Council (AMNC), highlights a shift in the Federal Air Marshal Service (FAMS) post-January 2021, from focusing on international counterterrorism to surveilling domestic travelers not on any other federal watch list.

The AMNC’s investigations suggest this shift was a response to a political narrative, with the TSA’s role allegedly influenced by Congressman Thompson’s request to disrupt and deny services to individuals based on their political affiliations.

The Gateway Pundit previously reported that the air marshals have been reassigned for the past two years under the Biden regime. They’re either stationed at the border dealing with illegal immigration or tracking individuals linked to the January 6, 2021 events, irrespective of their involvement in any criminal activities.

LaBosco indicated that the decision to relieve air marshals from their standard duty of protecting flights was due to the order of DHS Secretary Mayorkas and TSA Administrator David Pekoske.

“Our primary mission is a little group called Quiet Skies. It’s a mission called Quiet Skies that we’re following people that flew into the National Capitol region in January 2021. You did not have to go to the Capitol or the rally, and you’d been put on a specific list that TSA now has assigned Air Marshals to follow these people who have not had any type of criminal investigation. They haven’t committed a crime, but yet, three years later, we’re following the same individuals day in and day out,” LaBosco said.

“They didn’t even have to be at the Capitol. They could have just flown into the National Capitol region. So if anybody was there for a job interview to visit family, we even had a gentleman that was there for a funeral. They put on this domestic terrorist list just because of their geographic location to Washington, DC. So, these people did not even commit a crime. They weren’t even at the Capitol,” she added.

According to Seraphin, “What Americans should know after reading this letter is that the Democrat narrative regarding what they would set out to show in their highly curated, nominally bipartisan Committee on January 6th was already sent out as marching orders to one of the federal government’s most inefficient and theatrical entities: the TSA.”

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]]> 0 1280px-Bennie_Thompson Rep. Bennie G. Thompson Jimmy Fallon Targeted By Woke Mob for Calling Transgender Hunger Games Star ‘Bud’ Mon, 27 Nov 2023 22:00:35 +0000

Late-night host Jimmy Fallon is under fire from the woke mob for calling a transgender guest on his show “bud.” The guest was actor Hunter Schafer, a biological male who identifies as a woman.

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Late-night host Jimmy Fallon is under fire from the woke mob for calling a transgender guest on his show “bud.”

The guest was actor Hunter Schafer, a biological male who identifies as a woman.

Schafer is in the new Hunger Games prequel, The Hunger Games: The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes, and was discussing how he has long been a franchise fan.

“For Halloween, I was obsessed with how the capitol people were in costume and made my own costume,” Schafer said.

“Congratulations, bud,” Fallon said, showing a photo of Schafer as a little boy wearing a homemade Hunger Games costume. “This is really cool, now you’re in Hunger Games — as a capitol person!”

The innocent and friendly exchange did not sit well with Schafer’s fans, however.

Another person posted on X about the remark, writing, “as if i didn’t have reason enough to hate Fallon, he takes this opportunity to show that he doesn’t see Hunter as the beautiful, immaculate queen sitting before him to my cis readers, i hope you don’t see this as an overreaction—bud/buddy is unquestionably male-coded.”

Breitbart News noted that Fallon has previously addressed singer Ariana Grande as “pal” and original star of The Hunger Games, Jennifer Lawrence as both “dude” and “man.”

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]]> 0 Jimmy Fallon Targeted By Woke Mob for Calling Transgender Hunger Games Star ‘Bud’ | The Gateway Pundit | by Cassandra MacDonald Late-night host Jimmy Fallon is under fire from the woke mob for calling a transgender guest on his show “bud.” The guest was actor Hunter Schafer, a biological male who identifies as a woman. Schafer is in the new Hunger Games prequel, The Hunger Games: The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes, and was d 00 Joe Biden Claims “MAGA Republicans” Are Proposing Cuts to the Internet (VIDEO) Mon, 27 Nov 2023 21:40:46 +0000

Joe Biden on Monday delivered remarks on his administration’s so-called actions to strengthen the supply chains and lower costs for families from the Treaty Room at the White House.

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Joe Biden on Monday delivered remarks on his administration’s so-called actions to strengthen the supply chains and lower costs for families from the Treaty Room at the White House.

Recent polls reveal Americans say they were better off financially under Trump.

No matter what Joe Biden and his stenographers in the media say, Americans are not happy with ‘Bidenomics.’

Yet Joe Biden was out flapping his gums again on Monday claiming he brought the economy back from the brink after Democrats forcefully shut down businesses during Covid.

“From turkey to air travel to tank of gas, costs went down. They went down!” Biden said.

This is, of course, a lie. Airfare is up more than 20%, Thanksgiving dinner is up more than 25% and gas prices are still higher now than when Biden took office in January 2021.

“Wages for working families have gone up while inflation has come down 65%!” Biden said.

Another lie. Real wages are down over 3% and prices are up more than 17% since January 2021.

Joe Biden then bizarrely claimed, without offering any proof whatsoever that “MAGA Republicans” are “proposing cuts” to “the internet.”

“[MAGA Republicans] still want to undo this progress we’re making. They’re proposing cuts in investments and roads and bridges, the internet, the high-speed internet, the very things that…anyway,” Biden said.


Joe Biden shuffled away without answering any questions.

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]]> 0 Joe Biden Claims “MAGA Republicans” Are Proposing Cuts to the Internet (VIDEO) | The Gateway Pundit | by Cristina Laila Joe Biden on Monday delivered remarks on his administration’s so-called actions to strengthen the supply chains and lower costs for families from the Treaty Room at the White House. Recent polls reveal Americans say they were better off financially under Trump. No matter what Joe Biden and his steno Poll: 56 Percent Of Voters Believe Cheating Is Likely To Happen In 2024 Election Mon, 27 Nov 2023 21:20:35 +0000

More than half of American voters expect the highly consequential 2024 presidential election to be marred with cheating and fraud and believe mail-in voting impedes election integrity, according to a recently conducted survey.

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More than half of American voters expect the highly consequential 2024 presidential election to be marred with cheating and fraud and believe mail-in voting impedes election integrity, according to a recently conducted survey.

“How likely is it that the outcome of the 2024 presidential election will be affected by cheating?” Rasmussen Reports asked 1,029 voters on Nov. 13 to Nov. 15.

Fifty-six percent of respondents believe cheating is likely to affect the election results while 31 percent anticipate election fraud is “very likely” to skew the outcome.

Additionally, the survey found a majority of voters believe mail-in ballots facilitate voter fraud.

Fifty-one percent believe efforts by Biden and congressional Democrats to expand COVID-era voting will “lead to more cheating elections.”

Thirty-seven percent say election cheating is unlikely to affect the 2024 outcome while 16 percent consider it “Not At All Likely.”

The survey confirms partisans remain divided on the 2020 election results, however, 95 percent agree with the vague goal of ending election cheating.

Rasmussen found similar results in a survey conducted about election integrity over the summer.

In June, 54 percent of voters believed it was likely cheating would affect the election in 2024.

Across the nation, Republicans are urging state Legislatures to eliminate drop boxes and bar third parties from ballot harvesting, collecting huge numbers of completed ballots.

While Democrats claim election fraud is a myth, earlier this month a Connecticut Judge overturned the results of the Bridgeport mayoral primary and presented what he called “shocking” footage evidence of fraud.

Republicans also want to use software to match the signature on the mail-in ballot to the signature on the voter registration form.

Democrats claim election fraud is a myth and almost universally oppose these safeguards, calling them “voter suppression.

Yet, an illegal voting scheme in Bridgeport, Connecticut confirms the vulnerabilities with mail-in voting.

Earlier this month, Judge William Clark overturned the Bridgeport mayoral Democratic primary election, warning the video evidence of fraud is “shocking.”

Mayoral candidate John Gomes sued incumbent Mayor Joe Ganim over claims of absentee ballot fraud.

Ganim appeared to win the primary by 250 votes after a count of absentee ballots.

An 18-minute video exhibited in court showed 12 instances of the Democratic Town Committee and a former City Council member stuffing handfuls of ballots into a drop box outside City Hall.

On Nov. 2, in Springfield, Mass., city election officials busted mayoral candidate Justin Hurst for allegedly buying votes during early voting.

“Videotape shows individuals being dropped off in black Suburbans and Expeditions and entering City Hall to vote,” the New York Post reports. “When they exited, a man ‘takes out what appears to be a large bundle of cash’ and peels off a bill for each individual, Springfield Elections Commissioner Gladys Oyola-Lopez said in an affidavit.

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]]> 0 00 Palestinian Prisoner Released in Hostage Deal Already Under Investigation for Inciting More Terror Mon, 27 Nov 2023 21:00:26 +0000

Israeli lawmaker Zvi Sukkot filed a complaint last week against Roda Abu Agamiya, one of the Palestinian terrorists released from prison as part of the hostage deal with Hamas.

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Roda Abu Agamiya Courtsey @JNS_org/X

Israeli lawmaker Zvi Sukkot filed a complaint last week against Roda Abu Agamiya, one of the Palestinian terrorists released from prison as part of the hostage deal with Hamas.

According to Sukkot, Israeli Police have opened an investigation into Agamiya.

Agamiya was in prison for recruiting terrorists for the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, along with additional charges.

She was captured on video after her release leading a crowd with chants of “Allah Akbar” and urging support for Hamas.

Jewish News Syndicate reports:

Abu Agamiya, from the Dheisheh camp near Bethlehem, was set free on Friday along with 38 other terrorists. In footage shared on Arab social media, she was seen celebrating her release and urging Palestinians to support Hamas.

“We are the sword of Mohammed Deif,” exclaimed Abu Agamiya, in reference to the head of Hamas’s Al-Qassam Brigades “military” wing.

Prior to their release, prisoners were asked to sign a document pledging not to engage in terrorism.

Sukkot shared his concerns to X.

“The Israel Police opened an investigation following a complaint I filed yesterday against Ruda Abu Ajamia, one of the terrorists released as part of the kidnapping deal. Immediately upon her release, the terrorist called for support for Hamas, terrorism and Muhammad Daf – which of course constitutes the offense of incitement and support for a terrorist organization.”

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]]> 0 Roda Abu Agamiya Roda Abu Agamiya Chaos on Southwest Airlines: Passenger Opens Emergency Exit, Jumps Out, and Tries to Hijack Airport Vehicle (VIDEO) Mon, 27 Nov 2023 20:40:36 +0000

On Sunday evening, a passenger on Southwest Airlines flight 3172 from New Orleans to Atlanta opened the emergency exit door while the plane was still at the gate.

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On Sunday evening, a passenger on Southwest Airlines flight 3172 from New Orleans to Atlanta opened the emergency exit door while the plane was still at the gate. The passenger jumped off the plane onto the tarmac and tried to drive away in a service truck.

Eyewitnesses recounted the shocking moments when the man opened the over-wing emergency exit door while aboard the Southwest Airlines flight. He was seen walking on the aircraft’s wing before jumping down to the tarmac.

He then attempted to hijack a service truck, running across the tarmac in a bid to drive away. However, his attempt was thwarted as authorities intervened promptly.


Following the incident, the JPSO took the man into custody, and he was later escorted to a hospital for evaluation. The man’s identity remains undisclosed as of now.

Southwest Airlines officials issued a statement to WWL Louisiana, acknowledging the incident. They commended the quick response of their flight and ground crews, expressing their apologies to customers for the inconvenience caused.

As of the latest reports, no criminal charges have been filed against the man. However, the JPSO has referred the case to federal authorities for further investigation.

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]]> 0 tarmac UPDATE: Suspect Jason Eaton Pleads Not Guilty in Shooting Three Palestinian Students in Burlington, VT – City Leaders Hold a Press Conference (VIDEO) Mon, 27 Nov 2023 20:10:49 +0000

As reported earlier – Three top Palestinian college students were shot in what is being characterized as a “bias attack.”  The victims, who were attending woke institutions such as Harvard, Brown University, and Trinity University, were targeted while on their way to a family dinner in Vermont’s bustling city of Burlington, the New York Post reported.

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Suspect Jason Eaton was arrested Sunday in connection to the shootings of three Palestinian students in Burlington, VT.

As reported earlier – Three top Palestinian college students were shot in what is being characterized as a “bias attack.”  The victims, who were attending woke institutions such as Harvard, Brown University, and Trinity University, were targeted while on their way to a family dinner in Vermont’s bustling city of Burlington, the New York Post reported.

Details of the encounter are still sketchy.

The Arab American Anti-Discrimination Committee (ADC) named the individuals involved as Hiham Awartani, Tahseen Ali, and Kenan Abdulhamid, who had gathered to celebrate the Thanksgiving holiday break.

According to WCAX: “The suspect was on foot in the area when investigators say he discharged at least four rounds from his pistol without speaking. Two of the victims were wearing keffiyehs at the time of the assault, according to Chief Murad.”

Authorities transported the victims to the University of Vermont Medical Center. The Arab American Anti-Discrimination Committee (ADC) reported that two of the individuals were in intensive care, with one suffering from extremely critical and severe injuries.

On Sunday, Burlington police detained Jason Eaton, 48, near where the shooting occurred.

Eaton lived in the building near where the shooting occurred.

Burlington Mayor Miro Weinberger and the Burlington Police Chief held a press conference on Monday afternoon after Eaton was arraigned in court.

Mayor Weinberger called the incident an “unprovoked attack” that shocked the community. Weinberger says he has been in contact with Muslim leaders in how Burlington can support their communities.

The police of chief told reporters the shooting was unprovoked and that Eaton shot the men without any warning or words exchanged.

Police said when they knocked on one apartment a man stepped and and said, “I’ve been waiting for you. I would like a lawyer.”

Eaton bought a 380 firearm recently.

Eaton was charged with three charges of attempted murder.

He pleaded not guilty earlier this morning.

Newsweek reported:

He was detained at around midday on Sunday near where the shooting occurred. Police searched his home in the apartment building in front of where the shooting took place and arrested him on Sunday evening.

Eaton faces three counts of aggravated assault, police said. He is expected to be arraigned on Monday. Newsweek has contacted the Burlington Police Department for further comment via email.

Hisham Awartani, Kinnan Abdalhamid and Tahseen Ali Ahmad were identified by their families as the victims, according to a post on X, formerly Twitter, from the Institute for Middle East Understanding. Awartani is a student at Brown University, Abdalhamid is a student at Haverford College and Ahmed is a student at Trinity College.
“We are extremely concerned about the safety and well-being of our children,” the statement said. “We call on law enforcement to conduct a thorough investigation, including treating this as a hate crime. We will not be comfortable until the shooter is brought to justice.”

Police released a statement on Jason Eaton’s arrest:

Throughout the day on Sunday, November 26, 2023, investigators led by Lieutenant Michael Beliveau of the Burlington Police Department’s Detectives Services Bureau conducted a series of canvasses, interviews, and other investigatory procedures in an effort to identify, locate, and apprehend the suspect believed to have shot three 20-year-old men the previous evening. The BPD’s detectives were augmented by a contingent of personnel from long-term partners in the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF), with whom the BPD regularly works through the Chittenden County Gun Violence Task Force (CCGVTF). The BPD also received outstanding assistance from agents with the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), including victim services and computer and cellphone analysis.

On Sunday afternoon, at approximately 1538 hours, ATF agents who were conducting a canvass at the location of the shooting encountered and detained Jason J. Eaton, 48. Detectives worked with the office of the United States Attorney for the District of Vermont, and with the Chittenden County State’s Attorney, Sarah George, to complete a search warrant for Mr. Eaton’s residence in the apartment building in front of which the shooting took place. A judge granted the search warrant and officers executed it at 2153 hours. Evidence collected during that search warrant, and additional evidence developed during the course of this investigation, gave investigators and prosecutors probable cause to believe that Mr. Eaton perpetrated the shooting. He has been arrested and is expected to be arraigned on Monday, November 27, 2023.

Mayor Miro Weinberger will be joined by Chief of Police Jon Murad and other partners at a press conference on Monday, November 27, 2023. The time, location, and other details will be provided later this morning.

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]]> 0 UPDATE: Suspect Jason Eaton Pleads Not Guilty in Shooting Three Palestinian Students in Burlington, VT – City Leaders Hold a Press Conference (VIDEO) | The Gateway Pundit | by Jim Hoft As reported earlier – Three top Palestinian college students were shot in what is being characterized as a “bias attack.”  The victims, who were attending woke institutions such as Harvard, Brown University, and Trinity University, were targeted while on their way to a family dinner in Vermont’s bus jason eaton arrested Suspect Jason Eaton was arrested Sunday in connection to the shootings of three Palestinian students in Burlington, VT. Karine Jean-Pierre Blames Trump After Peter Doocy Repeatedly Asks Her Why Americans Disapprove of Biden Economy (VIDEO) Mon, 27 Nov 2023 20:00:50 +0000

White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre on Monday absurdly claimed Americans overwhelmingly disapprove of Joe Biden’s economy because of Trump.

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White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre on Monday absurdly claimed Americans overwhelmingly disapprove of Joe Biden’s economy because of Trump.

Recent polls reveal Americans say they were better off financially under Trump.

Fox News reporter Peter Doocy repeatedly grilled KJP on Biden’s failed economic agenda that has led to persistent inflation.

“On lowering prices, you said earlier that the actions the President has taken have worked. So, is it your sense that, when people were home for Thanksgiving, catching up with their family members they were saying to each other. Can you believe how much more affordable things have gotten?” Peter Doocy asked KJP.

Karine Jean-Pierre responded with a word salad.

“So honestly, I wouldn’t — I — I hear the question, but I want to make sure this is very clear. We take that very seriously. We take what families — families the decisions that they make at their kitchen table….very seriously. It’s not a joke to us is important to us. This is the president who talks about it in a very personal way…The data shows that the economy is improving. The data shows that households remain in a strong financial position…That’s why the President. at 2:00. is going to talk about — what — the actions that he’s taking to continue to lower costs,” KJP said.


Peter Doocy pushed back on Karine Jean-Pierre.

“But why do you think it is that when you say the economy is improving, and President Biden says the economy is improving that a majority of Americans outside of this building are not buying it?” Doocy asked KJP.

Karine Jean-Pierre blamed Trump: “So here’s the thing. When we walked into this administration, the economy was on a tail — a tailspin. That is the fact because…the Trump administration, because of how they dealt with — dealt with COVID and the pandemic…The President came in. He passed the American Rescue Plan, which was able to get the economy back on its feet, which is able to open up small business…We actually had to fix the problem that we saw that the last administration left us.”


Doocy pushed back again: “But almost three years in office, inflation is up over 17% since President Biden came here. And you’re saying that it’s still Trump’s fault?”

A very irritated Karine Jean-Pierre insisted prices are going down because of Joe Biden.


Peter Doocy is right. No matter what Joe Biden and his stenographers in the media say, Americans are not happy with ‘Bidenomics.’

Not only are Americans feeling strapped financially because of Joe Biden’s failed economic agenda, Moody’s earlier this month cut the outlook on the US government to negative.

Moody’s Investors Service lowered its ratings outlook on the US government citing high interest rates, government spending and deficits.

Earlier this year Moody’s cut its outlook for the entire US banking sector to negative and put six banks on ‘downgrade’ watch.

The credit rating service’s move to downgrade the entire banking sector from ‘stable’ to ‘negative’ will impact borrowing costs.

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]]> 0 Video thumbnail for youtube video gftdforvdc4 Bidenomics Biden whiteboard UK Detects First Human Case of H1N2, Scrambles to Find Contacts of Person Infected Mon, 27 Nov 2023 19:40:23 +0000

Health officials in the U.K.

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Health officials in the U.K. have confirmed the U.K.’s first-ever human case of a new strain of swine flu.

In an announcement, the UK Health Security Agency revealed it detected a confirmed human case of influenza A(H1N2)v.

UKHSA reported, “The individual was tested by their GP after experiencing respiratory symptoms.”

The agency continued, “Influenza A(H1N2)v virus was detected by UKHSA using polymerase chain reaction (PCR) testing and characterized using genome sequencing.”

Currently, the UK government is scrambling to find out how many people the infected person had contact with over the last several days.

Per The Guardian:

Health officials are scrambling to trace contacts of a person infected with a new form of swine flu, after the UK detected its first human case of H1N2.

Fifty human cases of the strain have been reported globally since 2005. The new case is the first to be detected in the UK and is unrelated genetically to the previous cases.

Influenza A(H1N2)v is similar to flu viruses circulating in pigs in the UK. The UK Health Security Agency has formally notified the World Health Organization (WHO) about the discovery.

Based on early information, the infection detected in the UK is a distinct clade or form – 1b.1.1 – which is different from recent human cases of H1N2 elsewhere in the world.

Within the last 20 years, there have been 50 cases of A(H1N2)v among humans.

According to the WHO, back in August, a case of A(H1N2)v was reported in Michigan.

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]]> 0 swine flu Spending Spree: German Coalition Led by Scholz Proposes New Budget Suspending ‘Debt Brake’ AGAIN Mon, 27 Nov 2023 19:20:26 +0000

Leave it to the Germans to turn a good thing into a bad one.

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Leave it to the Germans to turn a good thing into a bad one.

While there’s no denying that fiscal balance is a key component of a working state structure, the Germanic obsession with the theme – and with imposing it on Europe as a whole – is nothing short of legendary.

They went so far as to enshrine the ‘debt brake’ into their constitution – only to bypass it again, now to pay for Chancellor Scholz’s Climate Alarmist policies.

The Germans have a peculiar expression called schadenfreude: it means ‘the pleasure derived by someone from another person’s misfortune.’

That the Germans even need a word for this is a cultural data point that extrapolates the objective of this post, but suffice it to say this ‘misfortune-derived pleasure’ is many times now directed at Berlin.

As a commenter in X appropriately put it:

“For countries that spent years on the receiving end of Europe’s German-inspired fiscal Inquisition, there’s no sweeter sight than to see Germany splayed on the high altar of Teutonic parsimony.”

Bloomberg reported:

“German Chancellor Olaf Scholz’s government approved a supplementary 2023 budget that includes the suspension of rules limiting net new borrowing for a fourth consecutive year.”

Read: ‘No, Scholz, You Can’t Use Leftover Pandemic Money in Your Climate Alarmist Policies’: German Constitutional Court

The new budget lifts the figure for net borrowing for this year by €25 billion ($27.4 billion) to €70.6 billion:

“[Finance Minister] Lindner initially insisted on restoring the borrowing mechanism this year after it was suspended to help deal with the fallout from the Covid-19 pandemic and the energy crisis. The rules, enshrined in Germany’s constitution, can be temporarily set aside in the case of natural disasters or emergencies beyond the control of the government.”

What it means, as we learned, is that once you bend the rules for emergencies, there’ll be emergencies forever.

Read: British Conservatives Lowered Inflation Ahead of Goals, so They Are Giving Tax Cuts to Citizens – German Liberals Dug a Hole in the Budget, so They Are Ditching the ‘Debt Brake’ in a Panic

Lindner’s revised 2023 budget will now be sent to parliament for approval.

“Rolf Muetzenich, the head of the SPD caucus in the lower house of parliament, said Monday that such a move is justified as Germany is facing multiple challenges, not only the fallout from Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

‘We are not living in normal times,’ Muetzenich told reporters, urging opposition parties to help the government with a ‘constructive’ policy contribution.”

Read more:

German Priorities: Berlin Imposes a Spending Freeze Over Budget Crisis – AND ON THE SAME DAY, Releases a New 1.4B Military Aid Package to Ukraine

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]]> 0 Olaf Scholz Free Speech Group Sends Letter to GOP Senators to Prevent Government Funding for Newsguard Group that Blacklists and Smears Conservative Media Outlets Mon, 27 Nov 2023 19:00:54 +0000

Newsguard claims to be a non-partisan fact-checking organization.

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Newsguard claims to be a non-partisan fact-checking organization.
But a quick glance at its operations and related social media accounts shows the group is an unhinged group of committed Trump-haters.

Newsguard is a media “fact-checking” company that was started in 2018.  They claim to rate websites for reliability.  Basically, they’re in the business of deciding who is fake news and who is not.  And they HATE pro-Trump publishers and citizen journalists.  They also hate the truth. The company is supported by Trump-haters, elites and media giants – AND earlier this year we discovered the US government was also financially supporting this far-left blacklisting group.

There is ample proof the activists behind Newsguard are unhinged leftists and anti-Trumpers.

Our friends at the conservative website 100percentfedup previously shared information with The Gateway Pundit that exposes the Newsguard liberal activists.

As we reported earlier — ALL of the top activists at the Newsguard organization are virulent Trump-haters.

And their mission is to DESTROY pro-Trump and conservative websites. reported on this organization and their goal to demonetize opposing voices online.

Financial Blacklisting: NewsGuard Advises Advertisers to Avoid Pro-Trump Media

NewsGuard, the news-filtering browser extension recently partnered with Microsoft and run by neoconservatives, Obama-Clinton alumni, and other assorted Trump haters, has advised advertisers to withdraw their business from websites on its blacklist of “unreliable” news websites — a list that includes Breitbart News, The Drudge Report, and the Daily Mail…

…The effect isn’t merely to silence pro-Trump media. It also ensures advertisers don’t market their products to Trump voters, causing them to rely less and less on consumers in the heartland, and more on progressive consumers who read establishment news sources.

In 2019 there was a report by La Corte News that revealed conservative sites are twice as likely to be rated unreliable as liberal publishers.

In March we found out the United States Department of Defense was using taxpayer dollars to censor conservatives and independent media online.

The DOD awarded $749,387 to Newsguard in September 2021.

From Matt Taibbi: “Some NGOs, like the GEC-funded Global Disinformation Index or the DOD-funded Newsguard, not only seek content moderation but apply subjective “risk” or “reliability” scores to media outlets, which can result in reduction in revenue. Do we want government in this role?”

Newsguard has consistently attacked The Gateway Pundit on COVID, the Hunter Biden laptop, and vaccines that have all been proven to be accurate.

Newsquard has NEVER criticized the mainstream media for lying about Trump-Russia collusion, the Hunter Biden laptop, COVID and vaccines.

So why is the federal government funding this radical censorship outfit?

Last week the Free Speech Alliance sent a letter to Senator Mitch McConnell and Republican senators to include language in the National Defense Authorization Act that prohibits funding for blacklisting news sources based on political views. This is also a right guaranteed by the US Constitution.

Here is the letter.

It should be noted that The Gateway Pundit is currently the lead plaintiff in the Missouri-Louisian v. Biden Administration lawsuit on their illegal censorship of American voices.

That case is expected to reach the US Supreme Court in the months ahead.


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]]> 0 NewsGuard fake Trump Lawyers File Motion for Discovery in Jack Smith Case Demanding Documents Regarding Informants and Undercover Agents Related to Jan 6 Mon, 27 Nov 2023 18:40:32 +0000

Trump’s attorneys filed a motion for discovery in Special Counsel Jack Smith’s case demanding documents regarding informants and undercover agents related to January 6.

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Trump’s attorneys filed a motion for discovery in Special Counsel Jack Smith’s case demanding documents regarding informants and undercover agents related to January 6.

“Please provide all documents regarding informants, cooperators, undercover agents, representatives, or anyone acting in a similar capacity on behalf of or at the behest of the Department of Justice or any law enforcement agency…who was present at or within five miles of the United States Capitol on January 6, 2021,” Trump’s lawyers wrote in the 9-page discovery letter.

Trump’s trial date for Jack Smith’s January 6 case is currently scheduled for March 4, 2024 (election interference).

Jack Smith’s indictment of Trump could backfire if Trump’s team gets some of the documents in its discovery request.

Trump’s attorneys said in last week’s motion: “We have found many redacted documents in the discovery production.”

The Gateway Pundit has reported numerous times on suspected federal agents (Ray Epps?) who infiltrated the January 6 crowd.

Michael Waller, a senior analyst for strategy at the Center for Security Policy specializing in propaganda, political warfare, psychological warfare, and subversion, said he was at the Capitol on January 6 and witnessed:

  • Plainclothes militants. Militant, aggressive men in Donald Trump and MAGA gear at a front police line at the base of the temporary presidential inaugural platform;
  • Agents-provocateurs. Scattered groups of men exhorting the marchers to gather closely and tightly toward the center of the outside of the Capitol building and prevent them from leaving;
  • Fake Trump protesters. A few young men wearing Trump or MAGA hats backward and who did not fit in with the rest of the crowd in terms of their actions and demeanor, whom I presumed to be Antifa or other leftist agitators; and
  • Disciplined, uniformed column of attackers. A column of organized, disciplined men, wearing similar but not identical camouflage uniforms and black gear, some with helmets and GoPro cameras or wearing subdued Punisher skull patches.

Antifa terrorists also infiltrated the Capitol protest.

Trump supporters were blamed for all of the violence and chaos at the Capitol on January 6, but according to a former FBI agent, Antifa terrorists infiltrated the Trump rally.

Via investigative reporter Paul Sperry: Former FBI agent on the ground at the U.S. Capitol just texted me and confirmed that at least 1 “busload” of Antifa thugs infiltrated peaceful Trump demonstrators as part of a false Trump flag ops

Over the summer Tucker Carlson said he interviewed the Chief of Police who was at the Capitol on January 6 and in charge of security that day.

“I interviewed the Chief of the Capitol Police, Steven Sund, in an interview that was never aired on FOX by the way, I was fired before it could air. I’m gonna interview him again,” Tucker said. “But Steven Sund was the totally non-political, worked for Nancy Pelosi.”

“I mean this was not some right-wing activist – he was the Chief of the Capitol Police on January 6, and he said, ‘Oh yeah, yeah, yeah, that crowd was filled with federal agents…’”

Tucker continued, “As time passed, it became more and more obvious that the core claims they made about January 6 were lies.”


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]]> 0 Jack Smith President Donald Trump Eric Swalwell Blabbering on Alternate Reality with Trump in Office: “Can You Imagine What the Scenario Would be in the Middle East?!” (VIDEO) Mon, 27 Nov 2023 18:20:43 +0000

Representative Eric Swalwell has once again sparked conversations following his recent remarks about the alternate reality of Trump being in office and its potential impact on the Middle East conflict.

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Representative Eric Swalwell has once again sparked conversations following his recent remarks about the alternate reality of Trump being in office and its potential impact on the Middle East conflict.

During an MSNBC interview, Swalwell was asked if the United States should be doing more to pressure Prime Minister Netanyahu to take steps to reduce civilian casualties amid the ongoing tensions. Swalwell affirmed Joe Biden’s efforts before steering the conversation towards a hypothetical scenario where Donald Trump was still president.

“Yes. Well, First President Biden has done that. And I also like to step back when I see some of the heat President Biden is taking and think, what would the alternative be if Donald Trump was reelected or if Donald Trump was president at this time? Can you imagine what the scenario would be in the Middle East?” Swalwell hypothesized a drastic scene, implying a “World War II-like scenario” involving the US, Israel, Iran, Hezbollah, and Hamas.

Swalwell commended Biden for not sending “a single American into the conflict.” Yet, the Biden regime deployed over 17,200 military personnel to the Middle East amid rising tensions.

Biden Regime Deploys Over 17,200 Military Personnel to Middle East Amid Rising Tensions

Swalwell also highlights the extraction of American hostages from the region, albeit with only one confirmed success. The only case disclosed was the release of one American with dual citizenship by Hamas. Pentagon Press Secretary John Kirby revealed the unclear situation of the American hostages.

John Kirby Admits Biden Regime Has Limited Information on the Condition of American Hostages Held by Hamas Terrorists: “We Don’t Have a Whole Lot of Information About Them” (VIDEO)


Such speculations from Swalwell overlook the significant accomplishments of President Trump’s foreign policy, which arguably brought stability and new dynamics to the Middle East. Under Trump’s leadership, the United States witnessed several foreign policy milestones:

  • Withdrawal from the TPP: President Trump’s decision to pull out of the Trans-Pacific Partnership was framed as a move to protect American jobs and manufacturing, shifting away from agreements perceived as unfavorable to U.S. interests.
  • NAFTA to USMCA: Trump successfully renegotiated the North American Free Trade Agreement into the USMCA, aiming to create a more balanced trade situation favorable to American workers and businesses.
  • NATO Contributions: His administration was notable for pressuring NATO allies to increase their defense spending, ensuring a more equitable cost distribution within the alliance.
  • Middle East Peace Agreements: Perhaps the most significant achievement was brokering peace agreements between Israel and Arab states, such as the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain. These were the first such agreements in over two decades, representing a major stride towards peace and stability in the region.

In contrast to Swalwell’s apprehensions, Trump’s foreign policy, particularly in the Middle East, was characterized by decisive actions that sought to strengthen American interests and promote peace.

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]]> 0 Screenshot 2023-11-27 at 12.25.38 PM Going Viral: Ivanka Trump Looks Flawless as She Shows Off Her Surfing Skills in the Bahamas (VIDEO) Mon, 27 Nov 2023 18:00:25 +0000

Former First Daughter Ivanka Trump and husband Jared Kushner spent Thanksgiving with their family in Bahamas this year.

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Flawless: Ivanka Trump surfing in Bahamas over the Thanksgiving holiday. (Instagram)

Former First Daughter Ivanka Trump and husband Jared Kushner spent Thanksgiving with their family in Bahamas this year.

During their vacation Ivanka Trump and her kids worked on their surfing skills.

Video of Ivanka was later posted on The Daily Mail.

This was not Ivanka’s first time surfing. Ivanka posted photos of herself surfing recently in Florida and carrying her surf board on the beach.

Here’s another shot of Ivanka on the beach with her surf board.

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]]> 0 ivanka surfing bahamas Flawless: Ivanka Trump surfing in Bahamas over the Thanksgiving holiday. (Instagram) John Kirby Admits Biden Regime Has Limited Information on the Condition of American Hostages Held by Hamas Terrorists: “We Don’t Have a Whole Lot of Information About Them” (VIDEO) Mon, 27 Nov 2023 17:40:44 +0000

National Security Council Chief Spokesperson John Kirby revealed that the U.S.

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National Security Council Chief Spokesperson John Kirby revealed that the U.S. government has limited information on the condition and whereabouts of American hostages currently held in Gaza by Hamas militants. Despite the successful release of a young American girl, Abigail Idan, who was orphaned when Hamas killed her parents and took her hostage, there are concerns for the remaining hostages whose situation remains unclear.

On Friday, Hamas terrorists released 13 Israeli hostages, including women and children. In a separate deal, Hamas released 12 Thai workers they captured on October 7, 2023, in southern Israel during their attack and massacre of 1,400 innocent civilians. There were no Americans.

On Saturday, the Israeli Defense Forces, IDF, announced that Hamas released a second set of Israeli and Thai hostages.

According to the IDF, 13 Israeli and 4 Thai hostages were released. This was after Hamas delayed their release earlier Saturday. Again, no Americans were released.

On Sunday, the International Red Cross announced the latest release of Israeli hostages by Hamas. Hamas released 14 Israeli captives and 3 foreign nationals, including a 4-year-old American girl.

A 4-year-old Israeli-American girl with dual citizenship whose parents were killed was one of the hostages released on Sunday.

Joe Biden on Sunday delivered remarks on the release of Israeli and American hostages by Hamas terrorists. He went off-script and made a creepy comment about 4-year-old Abigail Edan during his remarks to reporters.

“Thank God she’s home. The little – I just can’t imagine the enjoyment…I just wish I were there to hold her,” Biden said.

“Do you have an update on the other Americans who are being held and any sense as to when they would be released?” a reporter asked after Biden gushed over the 4-year-old child.

“Uhh, we are hopeful, but I don’t have anything firmly to tell you at this moment,” Biden said.

“Have you extracted any guarantees about proof of life for other hostages or do you have an expectation how much longer you can push this pause?” a reporter asked Biden.

Biden said he doesn’t know: “I’m hopeful this is not the end, that it’s gonna continue, but we don’t know.”

It can be recalled that Joe Biden took a victory lap Friday, holding a press conference to boast about leading ceasefire negotiations that saw Hamas release 24 hostages (13 Israelis as well as 10 Thais and one Filipinos in a side deal) earlier Friday in exchange for Israel releasing 39 convicted Palestinian terrorists and the delivery to Hamas-controlled Gaza of hundreds of trucks carrying food, fuel and humanitarian aid. (Two Israelis and two Americans were previously released by Hamas a month ago.)

Biden admitted in response to a reporter’s questions that he has no idea if the ten Americans unaccounted for in the aftermath of the October 7 terror attack by Hamas on Israel and presumed held hostage by Hamas are alive or dead or whether they will be released.

National Security Council spokesperson and retired Rear Admiral John Kirby admitted to limited insight on the plight of American hostages held by Hamas terrorists during a CBS interview. As eight American citizens and one permanent U.S. resident remain captive, the United States grapples with growing concern for their safety and well-being.

Abigail, who turned four during her 50-day captivity and whose parents were tragically killed, is receiving necessary medical care, officials say. The focus remains on the child’s recovery as she begins to reunite with family amidst this traumatic period.

While discussing the broader context of the hostage crisis, Kirby admitted they have limited information on the hostages.

“We don’t have a whole lot of information about them, where they are, what condition they might be in, or what exactly the schedule would be for their release,” said Kirby.


A contributing factor to the U.S. government’s lack of information on the hostages’ condition is, reportedly, the absence of the International Red Cross’s presence in response to repeated appeals to verify the well-being of the captives.

The email sent to The Gateway Pundit read as follows:

Rabbi Pesach Wolicki called me from Israel 3 times today. For the first time in his life, he broke Shabbat, because he said it is urgent that people know it’s been a week and the international Red Cross has been AWOL on the Israeli hostages (this includes Americans).

The question is, does the International Red Cross support Hamas?

Now, any elected official who condemned Hamas needs to issue a second statement calling on the international Red Cross to do their job and call for immediate knowledge of the hostages and for their immediate release. We did a pro Israel conference at Regent with Rabbi Wolicki last year and we’re holding another this year at Regent. He is very smart, lived in the US, speaks with a full American accent, and speaks very well on media. I urge you to have him on your platforms ASAP.

I think all pressure should be on these two points:

  1. “Where’s the Red Cross?” exactly as Nitsana presents it. The beauty of this is that while Hamas can ignore US calls for release, the Red Cross can’t ignore public pressure from heads of state and media.
  2. Every country that condemned the Hamas atrocities must now be called upon to issue a statement demanding Hamas release all civilian hostages and bodies.

“The Red Cross is tasked with tracking those being held captive in times of war and ensuring they are being treated humanly and provided appropriate medical care. The Red Cross is obligated to make every effort to visit the captives and directly ensure their safe treatment and rights. They have a responsibility to report to the families, but the Red Cross is refusing to carry out its duties on behalf of the Israeli Hamas hostages. When we approached them, they said, “they weren’t active in Gaza,” said Nitsana Darshan-Leitner, President of Shurat Hadin.

“But look what they tweeted just an hour later: “During the darkest hours of our presence in Gaza, we never envisaged a scenario where 2 million civilians could possibly live through heavy bombing, deprived of water, food, electricity, and medicine,” she added.

“So the Red Cross is actually there. They are in Gaza. They’re just turning a blind eye to the plight and conditions of the Israeli hostages. We all know they are already intervening on behalf of the captured Hamas terrorists being held by Israel, and we urge the Israeli authorities not to allow this bias agency any access unless they intervene on behalf of the Israeli hostages held by Hamas. But the Red Cross has to raise its voice,” she added.

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]]> 0 John Kirby Admits Biden Regime Has Limited Information on the Condition of American Hostages Held by Hamas Terrorists: “We Don’t Have a Whole Lot of Information About Them” (VIDEO) | The Gateway Pundit | by Jim Hᴏft National Security Council Chief Spokesperson John Kirby revealed that the U.S. government has limited information on the condition and whereabouts of American hostages currently held in Gaza by Hamas militants. Despite the successful release of a young American girl, Abigail Idan, who was orphaned w John kirby Pfizer Files Lawsuit Against Poland for Declining COVID-19 Vaccines Mon, 27 Nov 2023 17:20:46 +0000

Pfizer has filed a lawsuit against the Polish government for missing payments for over 60 million doses of the COVID-19 vaccine.

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Pfizer has filed a lawsuit against the Polish government for missing payments for over 60 million doses of the COVID-19 vaccine.

The pharmaceutical giant filed the lawsuit after Poland allegedly could not fulfill its contract for COVID-19 vaccines.

Poland was locked into buying excess vaccines after the European Commission had Poland sign a controversial contract in 2021.

In total, Pfizer is seeking $1.5 billion in compensation for 60 million doses of the Covid-19 vaccine Poland declined.

In 2022, the Polish Health Minister at the time, Adam Niedzielski, declared the country had stopped taking vaccine deliveries from Pfizer.

He said Poland initiated a force majeure clause in the contract, claiming Poland was not financially capable of honoring the contract due to an increase of refugees from the Ukraine war.

Per Politico:

U.S. pharmaceutical giant Pfizer is taking the Polish government to court over missing payments for 60 million doses of the COVID-19 vaccine it developed with BioNTech.

The lawsuit, which comes as Poland prepares for a change in government following its October election, marks the culmination of a 19-month struggle between Warsaw and Pfizer over a glut of vaccine doses.

But the roots of the clash can be traced back further: to the enormous 1.1 billion-dose contract the European Commission signed with Pfizer in 2021, which has become controversial for the reported exchange of text messages between Commission President Ursula von der Leyen and Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla in the run-up to negotiations.

“Pfizer and BioNTech are seeking to hold Poland to its commitments for COVID-19 vaccine orders placed by the Polish Government, as part of their contract to supply the European Union signed in May 2021,” a spokesperson for Pfizer told POLITICO, adding that BioNTech is also joining the proceedings.

As Pfizer is suing Poland for compensation, those injured by mRNA in vaccines are now fighting back.


“Litigation Floodgates are Now Open” for mRNA Vaccine Injured: Comprehensive List of 90 Attorneys Around the World Available for Lawsuits Against Vaccine Manufacturers

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]]> 0 pfizer poland Mega-Jolt: The Costs and Logistics of Plugging in EVs Are About to Become Supercharged Mon, 27 Nov 2023 17:00:37 +0000

This story originally was published by Real Clear Wire By John Murawski Real Clear Wire U.S.

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This story originally was published by Real Clear Wire

By John Murawski
Real Clear Wire

U.S. Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm gave Americans an unintended glimpse of the future during her road trip this summer touting the wonders of electric vehicles. Her public relations misadventure in Georgia involved one of her staff in a gasoline-powered vehicle blocking off a coveted charger in advance of her arrival, leading to frayed tempers and a local EV owner calling the cops. It was an illustration of the challenges drivers could face as governments push the public to embrace plug-in vehicles.

Hyped as technological marvels, EVs are boobytrapped with a host of inconveniences and tradeoffs. By now many people have heard about range anxiety, exploding lithium-ion batteries, and the environmental destruction caused by global mining for battery minerals.

But more challenges are in the offing as the federal government and the states pump in billions of dollars to build a massive national infrastructure of charging stations to power the EVs.

EV sales are creeping up, but nowhere near the ambitious targets set by the policy experts, accounting for under 8% of new car sales in the third quarter, and rising to nearly 10% in September. California stands at the vanguard of the nation’s EV transition, with more than 1 million electric vehicles among the state’s 31-million-plus registered vehicles, and EVs accounting for about 25% of new car sales in the second quarter.

At some point, EV experts promise, the kinks will get worked out, and EVs will become as convenient as smartphones. But at present, the EV industry has a classic chicken-and-egg problem on its hands. The current demand for EV charging does not economically justify rapidly expanding the nation’s charging infrastructure, but without an expanded charging infrastructure in place, most people won’t buy EVs for fear of being stranded.

Despite California’s massive infrastructure investment, now totaling nearly 94,000 public chargers, the state has fallen behind its goal of 250,000 public chargers by 2025 – and potentially 10 times that number by 2035, when the ban on new gasoline-powered cars takes effect.

There’s no consensus on the amount of public chargers that will be needed. According to a California Energy Commission assessment, California will need more than 2.4 million public chargers to accommodate about 15.5 million electric cars, trucks, and buses by 2035. That breaks down to 2.11 million chargers (including 83,000 fast chargers) to support 15.2 million electric cars, as well as 256,000 depot chargers and 8,500 public chargers for 377,000 trucks and buses.

The 2.4 million chargers would serve only half the registered vehicles in the state. Many more will be necessary to complete the second half of the transition, from 15.5 million EVs to more than 31 million EVs by mid-century. Those chargers will have to be installed at curbsides, parking lots, parking decks, grocery stores, restaurants, convenience stores, big box stores, office buildings, strip malls, shopping centers, movie theaters, and other locations so that drivers always have ready access to plug-in.

By comparison, California now has about 11,000 gas stations, convenience stores, and other businesses that sell gasoline, which translates to about 110,000 individual gas nozzles, according to an estimate by Jeff Lenard, vice president of Strategic Industry Initiatives at the National Association of Convenience Stores. That means the transition from fossil fuels to electrons will require California to install at least 20 EV charging ports for every gas nozzle by 2035.

Not all chargers are equal, so the new EV infrastructure will require significant changes in driving habits. While so-called fast chargers can bring a battery to 80% of capacity in under an hour, most of the new public chargers will be cheaper, Level 2 technology, which provides between 5 miles and 60 miles of range for each hour of charging and isn’t practical for charging up quickly on a road trip.

Chargers are expected to lose money until there are enough EVs on the road to justify the investment. The cost of building a fast-charging station with four or more charging ports can range from several hundred thousand dollars to more than $1 million. Reliability remains a persistent problem, one that will shadow the industry as chargers are built out in remote areas, low-income areas, and other out-of-the-way places.

In the meantime, Analytics firm J.D. Power says that 20% of all EV drivers reported visiting a charger that did not or could not charge because it wasn’t working or there were long lines. The dissatisfaction rates ranged from 12% in the Cleveland-Akron-Canton area to 35% in South Florida. The firm said the trend is moving in the wrong direction: as more people buy EVs, “overall satisfaction continues to decline.”

This year, a Los Angeles Times columnist declared she’s ready to trade in her EV because charging is such a hassle. She wrote that chargers are sometimes blocked by cars that aren’t charging, exposed to blistering sunlight, charging at lower levels than advertised, or “it may shut off mid-charge with no warning or reason.”

The frustration seems to have no expiration date. And it includes a problem not caused to technology or economics but by human nature: vandalism. As Jonathan Levy, EVgo chief commercial officer, told the New York Times last year: “Where there’s a screen, there’s a baseball bat.”

This article was adapted from a RealClearInvestigations article published October 24.

This article was originally published by RealClearPolicy and made available via RealClearWire.

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]]> 0 EV Charging Station Featured Image Format A New, Pragmatic Javier Milei Invites Socialist Lula to His Inauguration – Brazil Is Argentina’s Biggest Trade Partner – The Catch: Bolsonaro Is Also Invited! Mon, 27 Nov 2023 16:45:34 +0000

Argentine President-elect Javier Milei keeps surprising his critics, having adopted a very pragmatic modus operandi in his first movements.

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Argentine President-elect Javier Milei keeps surprising his critics, having adopted a very pragmatic modus operandi in his first movements.

Milei seems to have left his campaign histrionics behind like old clothes, and while he remains unwavering in his most revolutionary promises – such as the dismantling of the Argentine Central Bank – he seems to have decided to do so without needlessly antagonizing foreign leaders.

Read: BREAKING! Conservative Javier Milei Is Elected the New President of Argentina in a Landslide Victory!

A good example is Brazil.

Brazil is Argentina’s biggest trade partner. However, President Lula da Silva and his socialist party were all-in for Sergio Massa and the Peronists, with Lula even sending a team of election marketing and operations experts to help.

While during the campaign Milei had the toughest words to say about Lula, now he has started acting like a head of state putting his national interests ahead of ideological beefs.

So Javier Milei on Sunday invited Brazil’s leader Lula da Silva to his Dec. 10 inauguration while praising their countries’ ties.

Reuters reported:

“Milei said in a letter to Lula, which he reposted on social media X, that he wishes to keep sharing ‘complementary areas’ with the neighboring country so both can achieve ‘growth and prosperity’, citing their trade and global footprints.

The letter marks yet another shift from the radical libertarian, who during his campaign dubbed Lula an ‘angry communist’ and suggested he would balk at doing business with Brazil, Argentina’s top trade partner.

[…] ‘I hope that our mutual time as presidents will be a stage for fruitful work and the construction of ties that consolidate the role Argentina and Brazil can and must fulfill in the concert of nations’, Milei told Lula.”

Read: The Day After: Anti-Socialist Javier Milei Vows That ‘The Rebuilding of Argentina Begins Today’, Calls for ‘Trump 2024′

Milei’s top foreign policy adviser, Diana Mondino, handed the letter to Brazil’s Foreign Relations Minister Mauro Vieira at a meeting in Brazil’s capital, Brasilia.

There is only one problem in all that: Milei is closer politically and personally to former Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro, and has invited him to his inauguration.

FM Vieira will brief Lula on Milei’s invitation.

“I have no doubts that our relationship, which is very important, will remain that way … Mondino showed us Argentina wants to continue having a high-level dialogue with Brazil.”

Read More:

The MSM Smear Machine Turns on Conservative Javier Milei, Most Voted Presidential Candidate in Argentina’s Primary Elections

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]]> 0 Javier Milei President Elect “America’s Top Ten Countdown” with Wayne Allyn Root on Real America’s Voice TV Network (VIDEO) Mon, 27 Nov 2023 16:30:56 +0000

Barak Lurie joins Wayne Allyn Root.

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Barak Lurie joins Wayne Allyn Root.

Plus, Wayne reveals the 10 Most Important Stories in America This Week for Conservatives!


Wayne Allyn Root is known as “the Conservative Warrior.” Watch Wayne’s TV shows- “America’s Top Ten Countdown” on Real America’s Voice TV Network on Saturdays at Noon ET…and Wayne’s daily TV show on Lindell TV 2 at 7 pm ET at He is also host of the nationally-syndicated “Wayne Allyn Root: Raw & Unfiltered” on USA Audio Network, daily at 6 pm ET. Wayne’s latest book is a #1 bestseller, “The Great Patriot BUY-cott Book.” You can order here:

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]]> 0 Wayne Root America’s to ten Ex-Disney Actress Arrested for Allegedly Vandalizing Israeli Company Office in Anti-Israel Protest Mon, 27 Nov 2023 16:15:08 +0000 Former Disney actress Bridget Shergalis was arrested on charges related to vandalism.

Police in Merrimack, New Hampshire, arrested a former Disney actress and two others Monday on charges related to the vandalism of an office belonging to the U.S.

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]]> Former Disney actress Bridget Shergalis was arrested on charges related to vandalism.

Police in Merrimack, New Hampshire, arrested a former Disney actress and two others Monday on charges related to the vandalism of an office belonging to the U.S. branch of Israeli defense company Elbit Systems.

The former actress, 27-year-old Connecticut resident Bridget Irene Shergalis, along with co-defendants, Massachusetts residents 22-year-old Sophie Marika Ross and 19-year-old Calla Mairead Walsh, faces charges of riot, sabotage, criminal mischief, criminal trespass, and disorderly conduct, WTNH-TV reported.

The trio were among a group of demonstrators protesting against Elbit as part of a demonstration organized by anti-Israel activist group Palestine Action US, the New York Post reported.

The protesters blocked the building’s driveway, all while shouting pro-Palestinian slogans, and splashed the structure with red paint, The Daily Mail reported.

Smoke reportedly rose from the building’s roof, prompting emergency personnel from the Merrimack Fire Department to respond to the incident, WBTS-TV reported.

When police arrived at the scene, they found the building’s front side sprayed with red paint, while windows were smashed and one of the doors to the structure’s main lobby locked with a bicycle lock, officers said, according to WBTS.

Police took Shergalis, Ross, and Walsh into custody after finding them on the roof. Officers on the roof discovered signs of further damage to the building, such as spraypainting, destroyed skylights, and damaged HVAC equipment, the news station reported.

The trio were reportedly arraigned Tuesday at the Hillsborough County Superior Court.

“This is outright violence. It’s criminality. It is malicious targeting of property and of people,” Anti-Defamation League New England regional director Jonah Steinberg told the Post.

“In this time of Hamas terrorism against Israel, it is extremely concerning if Hamas is setting the example for people who consider themselves activists on this side of the sea,” Steinberg added, according to the outlet.

A former actress and comedian, Shergalis starred as Bridget Cook in the Disney TV series “So Random” and Stains in the show “Liv and Maddie.”

Shergalis also made guest appearances in the shows “Dog With A Blog” and “Shake it Up.”

In a Thursday X post, Walsh, one of the co-defendants in the incident, complained of having to pay $20,000 in bail.

Walsh also claimed to face “an extreme level of political repression from the state” and requested for “all the support I can get.”

“History will absolve us,” Walsh wrote.

“This is what happens when limousine liberals who grow up with a silver spoon in their mouth are beholden to TikTok trends rather than having facts on situations,” Republican strategist Garrett Ventry said, according to The Post.

“The continuation of the false equivalence between Israel and Palestine shows just a lack of understanding of history and morals,” Ventry added, The Post reported.

“Elbit America employs thousands of Americans who are dedicated to the mission of creating innovative solutions that protect and save lives,” Elbit Systems said in a Monday news statement shared with WBTS.

“We support the rights of protesters to peacefully express their views. However, what we experienced today was violent criminal behavior as evidenced by the arrests made by local law enforcement,” the company said, according to the news station.

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

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]]> 0 U.S. Justice Dept. Takes Surprising Action with Church Plan to Feed the Hungry Mon, 27 Nov 2023 16:00:03 +0000

This article originally appeared on Guest by post by Bob Unruh  American city looking to put kibosh on program The Department of Justice has issued a statement of interest in a fight going on in Oregon between a church whose members want to give food to their community members and a city that wants to restrict that activity.

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(Photo by Derek Owens on Unsplash)

This article originally appeared on

Guest by post by Bob Unruh 

American city looking to put kibosh on program

The Department of Justice has issued a statement of interest in a fight going on in Oregon between a church whose members want to give food to their community members and a city that wants to restrict that activity.

“Many churches and faith-based organizations across the country are on the front lines serving the critical needs of people experiencing hunger and homelessness,” explained Kristen Clarke of the Justice Department’s Civil Rights Division. “Discriminatory zoning restrictions that burden and limit religious organizations’ use of their land violate federal antidiscrimination laws. The Justice Department is committed to enforcing federal civil rights laws to ensure that all religious groups can freely exercise their religious beliefs.”

The fight is raging in U.S. District Court over the decision by the city of Brookings to restrict the activities of St. Timothy’s church.

The church has sued, claiming the city imposed a substantial burden on its religious service with an ordinance that bans the church from serving free meals to people in need more than two days per week.

At issue appear to be violations of the federal Religious Land Use and Institutionalized Persons Act.

The DOJ reported for more than a decade before the new city limit, the church provided meal service up to six days per week, even during the COVID pandemic, based on the needs in the community.

The church confirms it has a religious duty to provide help.

The DOJ noted the city claimed RLUIPA did not apply to the city’s actions against St. Timothy’s and that the ordinance did not substantially burden St. Timothy’s religious exercise.

The church’s arguments are the opposite, that RLUIPA does apply and serving meals to the need is a protected religious exercise.

RLUIPA is a federal law that protects religious institutions from unduly burdensome or discriminatory land use regulations.

WND previously reported the Episcopal Diocese in Oregon is joining St. Timothy’s in the dispute.

Church sues when town says it can give away free meals only twice per week

“We’ve been serving our community here for decades and picking up the slack where the need exists and no one else is stepping in,” the Rev. Bernie Lindley said in a statement at the time the dispute developed.

Copyright 2023 WND News Center

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]]> 0 Food (Photo by Derek Owens on Unsplash) Canadian PM Trudeau Getting Destroyed in the Polls, Is Worried About… Ukraine! Says Opposition Leader Poilievre Influenced by ‘Right-Wing, American MAGA’ Mon, 27 Nov 2023 15:45:17 +0000

For a failing Canadian Liberal PM who is being destroyed by the opposition in the opinion polls, there’s nothing as lame as to blame the common-sense conservative policies gaining traction with voters as ‘far-right-MAGA-Trump influence.’ It is a disingenuous way of portraying your rivals as controlled by foreign forces right at the moment when your entire government is being wrecked by the investigation into Chinese influence in Canada.

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For a failing Canadian Liberal PM who is being destroyed by the opposition in the opinion polls, there’s nothing as lame as to blame the common-sense conservative policies gaining traction with voters as ‘far-right-MAGA-Trump influence.’

It is a disingenuous way of portraying your rivals as controlled by foreign forces right at the moment when your entire government is being wrecked by the investigation into Chinese influence in Canada.

Read: ‘Spamouflage’: Canada Says CCP Bots Targeted Lawmakers’ Social Media With Mass Disinformation Campaign – Spy Agency Blocks Chinese Acquisitions of Property Close to Strategic Assets

But, of course, that’s precisely what Globalist poster boy Justin Trudeau chose to do.

Trudeau accused his main political rival of abandoning Ukraine under the influence of Donald Trump, the Republican frontrunner in next year’s U.S. election.

Reuters reported:

“In a preliminary vote on Tuesday, all 109 Conservative lawmakers in the House of Commons opposed updated legislation for the free trade agreement between Canada and Ukraine, which received the unanimous support of all the other parties.”

Conservative leader Pierre Poilievre is leading in all polls. He stated that his party did not support forcing Ukraine to adopt a carbon tax.

The trade bill would include language that says the two countries will ‘promote’ carbon pricing and mitigation.

Read more:

Trudeau Classifies SS Fighter Parliamentary Ovation Scandal as ‘Russian Disinformation’ – Ridiculous Reaction as it Surfaces that He and Zelensky Met Nazi Personally

“‘To see the Conservative Party of Canada decide not to support Ukraine with something they need with the absurd excuse that it’s because Ukraine is going to put a price on pollution, is ridiculous’, Trudeau told reporters in French at a news conference in Newfoundland.

‘The real story is the rise of a right-wing, American MAGA influence thinking that has made Canadian Conservatives, who used to be among the strongest defenders of Ukraine… turn their backs on something Ukraine needs in its hour of need’, Trudeau said in English a little later, speaking after a meeting with top officials from the European Union.”

Read: Canada’s Trudeau the Latest Leader to Backtrack and Delay on Climate Alarmist Policies – Rolls Back Home Heating Oil Carbon Tax for 3 Years

Trump, the leading candidate for president, is a sharp critic of U.S. support for Kyiv and says he could end the war in 24 hours if re-elected.

Canada has the second-largest Ukrainian expatriate community, after Russia.

“On Thursday Poilievre insisted that he supported Ukraine and a free-trade deal, but ‘voted against Justin Trudeau forcing a carbon tax into that pre-existing agreement’.

Poilievre would clobber Trudeau and likely win a majority if an election were held today, opinion polls show. One of Poilievre’s main promises is to “axe” Canada’s carbon tax if elected.”

Read more:

Canada’s Provincial Premiers Form a Rare United Front Against Justin Trudeau’s ‘Carbon Tax’

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]]> 0 Trudeau Video Shows Random Bus Station Sitting in Arizona Desert to Pick Up Border Invaders Mon, 27 Nov 2023 15:30:35 +0000

Anthony Aguero posted video this past weekend from the Arizona border with Mexico.

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A random bus station in the Arizona desert to pick up illegals invading the United States. This is a highly organized operation – via Anthony Aguero.

Anthony Aguero posted video this past weekend from the Arizona border with Mexico.

Aguero filmed a random bus station in the Arizona desert across from the border with Mexico. Illegal aliens are shipped across the region once they illegally cross into the US and Arizona from Mexico.

The invasion is a highly organized operation that involves NGOs, government, and businesses cooperating together to distribute the invaders across the US.

This is Joe Biden’s America.

Anthony Aguero: These NGOs out here continue to come through here and they’re facilitating the entrance. They are encouraging more people to come over illegally. As you can see right here, this is a water station. Pretty much. These people come here, they fill up their water bottles, come grab as much water as they need. Sometimes they leave there’s some of the cups, sometimes they leave food, sometimes they leave snacks for them. But nonetheless, this is a water station. And let me show you guys what the interesting thing about this is. Right across from this water station, which this is the wall right here. And you can see people have started small brush fires out here. Right across from this station, guys, is this.

A random bus station in the middle of nowhere at this particular location, migrants will arrive throughout the day, all day long by these random bus companies arriving there. Then they would wait until given the green light to get to these water rehydration stations put out by Humane Borders out of Arizona, which is the NGO who is currently operating out here in the aiding and abetting with these individuals as they’re coming in. The funny thing about it is that these individuals actually out here on the border, know the exact times that migrants are coming through and the exact locations. So there seems to be coordination between both sides. Ironically enough, in order to volunteer for these NGOs, you have to have a valid passport.

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]]> 0 random bus stations arizona A random bus station in the Arizona desert to pick up illegals invading the United States. This is a highly organized operation – via Anthony Aguero. arizona bus station illegals UPDATE: Tommy Robinson Released from Prison After He Was Gassed, Cuffed, Detained and Arrested for Attending Rally Against Anti-Semitism – Is Now Banned from London Mon, 27 Nov 2023 15:15:28 +0000

Tommy Robinson was gassed and arrested on Sunday in London after police surrounded him, gassed him, cuffed him, and dragged him away from a protest against anti-Semitism in London.

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Police arrest Tommy Robinson for attending protest as journalist in London, Nov. 26, ’23.

Tommy Robinson was gassed and arrested on Sunday in London after police surrounded him, gassed him, cuffed him, and dragged him away from a protest against anti-Semitism in London.

Tommy was covering the protest as a journalist.

The London police would rather arrest Tommy than confront the thousands of radical Muslims in the city who support the Hamas terrorist group.

Tommy Robinson recorded much of the incident live on Twitter-X.

On Monday Tommy Robinson was released from prison.

Tommy thanked all of his supporters and described the conditions of his release.

Tommy Robinson: So everything you’ve seen over the last 3 to 4 weeks – You’ve seen people climb all over monuments, they’re not banned from London. You’ve seen all of these extremists. You’ve seen Hizb ut-Tabir demanding jihad and calling for Muslim armies. None of them are banned. I am not allowed into London. I am now banned from London until the end of January.

This epitomizes the current insanity of British authorities and the globalist left.

Tommy posted this interview on his Twitter-X page.

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]]> 0 tommy robinson arrested Police arrest Tommy Robinson for attending protest as journalist in London, Nov. 26, ’23. Greta Thunberg Caught on Video Going Full Anti-Semite, Chanting ‘Crush Zionism’: Report Mon, 27 Nov 2023 15:00:16 +0000 Climate activist Greta Thunberg appears to have attended a pro-Palestinian rally on Thursday.

When it comes to leftist extremists, Greta Thunberg keeps getting clearer.

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]]> Climate activist Greta Thunberg appears to have attended a pro-Palestinian rally on Thursday.

When it comes to leftist extremists, Greta Thunberg keeps getting clearer.

The 20-year-old Swedish agitator and poster girl for perpetually adolescent progressives hasn’t been shy about grabbing headlines since bursting onto the world scene in her mid-teens.

First, she was anti-fossil fuels. Then she was anti-capitalism. Now, according to a report coming out of Stockholm, she’s a virulent anti-Semite, too.

In a way it’s fitting that the world’s newest cause of fearmongering is coalescing with the world’s oldest racial hatred: Both are are grounded in irrational emotion. Both claim to be operating for the good of humanity.

And both are inherently evil.

According to a social media post published by the Svenska Epoch Times (Swedish Epoch Times), Thunberg was part of a raucous crowd that gathered last week outside the Israeli Embassy in the Swedish capital, chanting “krossa sionismen” — “crush Zionism.”

The outlet also reported that Thunbererg attended another rally denouncing Israel in Stockholm last week — this one on Wednesday.

To be fair,  there’s only the Svenska Epoch Times report that Thunberg is the woman in the “crush Zionism” video.

The normally media-magnetic Thunberg apparently wasn’t a headliner at the event — unlike her usual, hectoring public appearances. She also hasn’t been written up for it by her slavishly adoring fans in the press.

And there’s been neither a confirmation nor a denial from the Thunberg camp nor her millions of social media-savvy acolytes. But her recent actions make it not only well within the realm of possibility but downright likely.

Two weeks after the barbarous massacre in southern Israel by Hamas terrorist marauders, with plenty of time to digest the news about the slaughtered civilians, the innocent women and children taken hostage, the women raped, Thunberg decided to add to her political portfolio not by supporting Israel, not even by issuing a carefully worded message deploring the deaths on both sides.

No, young Greta went full bore for the cause of the Palestinian terrorists, even linking it to  her own trademark “climate change” brand by declaring that “today we strike in solidarity with Palestine and Gaza.”

For good measure, she held a sign stating “Stand with Gaza,” to make the point, along with three other young women holding similar signs.

So, we know pretty clearly whose side Ms. Thunberg is taking in the war between the civilization of Israel and the barbarism of Hamas: The barbarians’ side, naturally.

We also know pretty well how the charming Greta feels about the state of Israel. At a Nov. 12 climate demonstration that she turned into a pro-Palestinian rally, she chanted, “No climate justice on occupied land.” Since Gaza is not “occupied” by Israel and hasn’t been since 2005, the logical conclusion is that she’s talking about the rest of the land that makes up the Jewish state.

(The fact that the rally included the now-standard anti-Semitic chant “from the river to the sea, Palestine will be free” bears this out.)

So, let’s posit that the video does in fact show Thunberg joining what amounts to a murderous chant outside the Israeli Embassy in Stockholm.

It’s not at all shocking that the extreme leftism of the climate doomsayers would match up seamlessly with the anti-Semitism of the modern left.

The most savagely anti-Semitic regime of the 20th century was, of course, Nazi Germany — a government wrongly considered right-wing when the word “socialism” part of the Nazi Party’s official name.

Hitler even made common cause with the Islamists of his day.

That’s followed by the Soviet Union — the communist regime that turned Russia and Eastern Europe behind the Iron Curtain into an open-air prison for its own people — but especially the Jews.

The Soviet Union also supported Palestinian terrorism during the Cold War while the United States has been a firm friend of Israel.

The Nazis and the Soviets have deservedly been left in the dustbin of history — the first by losing a world war, the second by losing a Cold War, but the leftist baton has been passed.

The totalitarianism the Soviets and the Nazis sought to achieve by force is still being pursued, now under the guise of climate alarmism.

Then as now, the totalitarians are leftist. Then, as now, the totalitarians hate Jews.

Greta Thunberg is the leftists’ champion now. But she, and they, are headed for the dustbin of history, too.

The young woman’s fascist priorities have been clear for some time now, but they keep getting clearer all the time.

Her followers have to know that, too.

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

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]]> 0 America’s Sixth-Largest Bank Announces Closure of 19 Additional Branches Nationwide After Closing 203 Branches in 2023 Mon, 27 Nov 2023 14:45:16 +0000

Major US banks are continuing their plans to shut down branches nationwide, resulting in a growing number of Americans being left without access to essential financial services.

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Major US banks are continuing their plans to shut down branches nationwide, resulting in a growing number of Americans being left without access to essential financial services.

America’s sixth-largest bank, PNC, has confirmed the closure of 19 more branches nationwide, following a staggering 203 branch closures earlier this year. This decision, aligning with the bank’s shift towards digital banking, is raising concerns among customers who prefer traditional banking methods.

Scheduled for February 2024, the closures will primarily impact ​Pennsylvania, where the majority of branches marked for closure are located. However, several branches in other states, including ​Illinois, ​Texas, Alabama, New Jersey, Ohio, Florida, and Indiana, will also be shutting their doors, leaving customers in these regions with limited access to in-person banking services, The Sun reported.

This decision follows the shutdown of a branch in Strasburg, Pennsylvania, on November 17, where banking services have been limited to an ATM across the street, and the bank’s assets have been transferred to a nearby location.

Below is the complete list of branches slated for closure on February 16th:
  • 202 N. Walnut St., Bath, Pennsylvania
  • 301 W. Trenton Ave., Morrisville, Pennsylvania
  • 14 N. Main St., Plains, Pennsylvania
  • Two N. Mill St., New Castle, Pennsylvania
  • 1969 E. 3rd St., Williamsport, Pennsylvania
  • 321 Bel Air Blvd., Mobile, Alabama
  • 2811 Eastern Blvd., Montgomery, Alabama
  • 5650 S. Brainard Ave., Countryside, Illinois
  • 2217 W. Market St., Bloomington, Illinois
  • 1949 E. Sangamon Ave., Springfield, Illinois
  • 505 W. Liberty St., Wauconda, Illinois
  • 8733 U.S. Highway 315, Indianapolis, Indiana
  • 528 Station Ave., Hadden Heights, New Jersey
  • 410 Main St., Orange, New Jersey
  • 115 E. Van Buren Ave., Harlingen, Texas
  • 407 S. Commerce St., Harlingen, Texas
  • 801 W. Kearney St., Mesquite, Texas
  • 1040 Mt. Vernon Ave., Columbus, Ohio
  • 1140 N. Main St., Gainesville, Florida

“PNC recognizes that branches play a key role in how we provide solutions to our clients. alongside our other channels,” the bank said in a statement.

“As a result of this work, we have grown our PNC branch footprint over the past five years–by building out new branches and through acquisitions–while total industry branches have declined.

“At the same time, we also make decisions to close branches as customer needs evolve.

“As always, we will continue to invest in – and optimize – our branch network alongside our other core banking channels to serve our customers in the most effective way we can,” the company said.

The total number of branch closures for PNC in 2023 is estimated to be around 203, as per a bulletin from the Office of the Comptroller of Currency (OCC) and reports from the Pittsburgh Business Times.

PNC Bank’s decision to shutter these branches is indicative of a larger trend in the banking industry, where financial institutions are increasingly prioritizing digital banking platforms over brick-and-mortar locations.

While PNC cites the rise of online banking and changing customer behaviors as the driving forces behind these closures, critics argue that this digital shift compromises both the security of customer data and the government’s ability to regulate banking activities effectively. Digital platforms, they point out, are susceptible to cyber threats, data breaches, and hacking incidents that can jeopardize customer privacy and financial security.

PNC Bank joins a number of other banks in downsizing their physical presence. Below is a list of bank branches that have either recently ceased operations or are on the schedule for imminent closure per Newsbreak.

  • Wells Fargo. 1155 Union Circle, 2ND FL RM 222, Denton.
  • Wells Fargo. 700 Jackson, Richmond
  • Wells Fargo. 14999 Preston Rd, Building F, Dallas
  • Verabank. 1100 Williams Dr, Georgetown
  • Amerant Bank. 12145 FM 1960 West, Houston
  • Wells Fargo. 3580 Frankford Rd, Dallas
  • Wells Fargo. 1200 Flower Mound Rd, Flower Mound
  • JP Morgan. 213 W Greens Rd, Houston
  • Wells Fargo. 2824 Hillcroft St, Houston
  • Bank of America. 9660 Hillcroft St, Houston
  • Wells Fargo. 1420 West Mockingbird Lane, Dallas
  • JP Morgan Chase. 16802 El Camino Real, Houston
  • Capital One. 2301 E. Riverside Dr, Austin
  • Capital One. 2910 S. Lakeline Blvd, Cedar Park
  • Wells Fargo. 11152 S. Gessner Dr, Houston
  • Woodforest NB. 80 Uvalde, Houston
  • JP Morgan. 14114 Dallas Parkway, Dallas
  • Wells Fargo. 1420 West Mockingbird Lane, Dallas
  • JP Morgan Chase. 16802 El Camino Real, Houston
  • JP Morgan. 1200 Clear Lake City Blvd, Houston
  • JP Morgan. 3103 FM 528 Friendswood
  • Home Bank. 12941 Gulf Freeway, Houston
  • Home Bank. 251 West Medical Center, Webster
  • Bank of America. 7900 Shoal Creek Blvd, Austin
  • First NB. 5671 Treaschwig Rd, Spring
  • First NB. 5671 Treaschwig Rd, Spring
  • Bank of America. 7900 Shoal Creek Blvd, Austin

In October, The Gateway Pundit previously reported that Bank of America led the way by closing 21 branches in just the first week of October, according to a bulletin published by the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC).

Wells Fargo was not far behind with 15 closures, while US Bank and Chase reported closing nine and three branches, respectively, according to the Daily Mail.

“In total, some 54 locations had either closed or were scheduled to close between October 1 and October 7. Of the overall closures, three were in Louisville in Kentucky. Eight of the 21 Bank of America closures were in California,” the outlet reported.

In 2022, 3,000 bank branches have closed down nationwide, according to the Kiplinger Letter.

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]]> 0 pnc 65% of Dutch Want Geert Wilders to Govern: “How I Love the Netherlands! I Will Be Prime Minister of this Beautiful Country!” Mon, 27 Nov 2023 14:30:30 +0000

Dutch election winner Geert Wilders called on the other conservative parties to sit down and negotiate a patriotic coalition government with him, as 65% of Dutch voters said they want a conservative coalition to save their country from out-of-control migration, crime and government overreach.

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Dutch election winner Geert Wilders called on the other conservative parties to sit down and negotiate a patriotic coalition government with him, as 65% of Dutch voters said they want a conservative coalition to save their country from out-of-control migration, crime and government overreach. The leftist assault on the Wilders party is already beginning, as Freedom Party negotiator Gom van Strien had to step down over unproven allegations of “corruption”.

An RTL News Panel poll showed that 65% of Dutch voters want a conservative coalition consisting of Wilders’ PVV Freedom Party, the RINO VVD People’s Party, the new-founded New Social Contract and the BBB Farmers’ Citizens Movement. 96% of Freedom Party voter support this model, 94% of BBB voters, 86% of VVD voters and 80% of NSC voters support a right-wing government.

“If (People’s Party leader) Dilan Yeşilgöz and  (New Social Contract leader) Pieter Omtzigt will sit down at the table with me and (Farmers’ Party leader) Caroline van der Plas tomorrow, and all four of us talk and make reasonable compromises, we will have a Coalition Agreement within three weeks. That’s what our voters want and it is the very best for the Netherlands!”, Wilders wrote on Twitter/X.

People’s Party politicians Halbe Zijlstra and Hans Hoogervorst called on party leader Dilan Yesilgöz to abandon her blockade of a center-right government, according to De Telegraaf, urging Yesilgöz to negotiate with Geert Wilders’ PVV. „Not because we think the PVV is such a a great party, but because it’s the right thing for our country.”

The designated negotiator for the Freedom Party Gom van Strien had to step down over unproven allegations of “corruption” today. Van Strien, who denied any wrongdoing, said, “The unrest that has arisen around this and the preparation of a response to it do not go well with my work as scout. I have therefore told Geert Wilders and the president of the parliament that I have resigned my position as scout with immediate effect.”

Wilders said it was “not an ideal kickoff” and promised to present a new negotiator for coalition talks Tuesday.

On Saturday, Wilders posted this historic reckoning on Twitter/X:

“For years they thought they could marginalize the PVV politically”; Wilders wrote on Twitter/X: (Former VVD PM Mark) “Rutte promised to ‘destroy my party down to the last seat’. (D66 party Finance Minister Sigrid) Kaag told me ‘Luckily you will fail in the polls’. Whenever I gave a speech in the House of Representatives, they turned away and stared at their phones.”

But they forgot that I will always keep fighting and never give up. And that setbacks only make me stronger. That I have mastered the profession of politics and love the debate. That I’m not afraid of anything or anyone. That the Freedom Party stands with the people, takes their problems seriously and voices them in plain simple language.

And now we have become by far the largest party in the Netherlands. How I love the Netherlands! So many people have taken the Freedom Party into their hearts. And I them. All of them! But some politicians still don’t get it. They’re digging into their political bag of tricks  again.

They don’t seem to understand:  if we are not given the opportunity to govern after a landslide upset like this, with millions of people behind us, it will only make us bigger and bigger.

The genie is out of the bottle and it won’t go back in. I remain positive and reasonable. I will continue to be moderate and there for everyone. Because the responsibility I feel is very great. The Freedom Party wants to help solve the serious problems facing the Dutch people today: 

Too many asylum seekers, too few homes, insufficient purchasing power and poor healthcare.

Today, tomorrow or the day after, the PVV will help govern the Netherlands – and I will become Prime Minister of this beautiful country.”

The post 65% of Dutch Want Geert Wilders to Govern: “How I Love the Netherlands! I Will Be Prime Minister of this Beautiful Country!” appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

]]> 0 65% of Dutch Want Geert Wilders to Govern: “How I Love the Netherlands! I Will Be Prime Minister of this Beautiful Country!” | The Gateway Pundit | by Richard Abelson Dutch election winner Geert Wilders called on the other conservative parties to sit down and negotiate a patriotic coalition government with him, as 65% of Dutch voters said they want a conservative coalition to save their country from out-of-control migration, crime and government overreach. The le Wilders Flag 2 UPDATE: California Governor Gavin Newsom and Florida Governor Ron DeSantis to Face Off in Live Debate in Alpharetta, Georgia — Moderated by Sean Hannity Mon, 27 Nov 2023 14:15:18 +0000

Florida’s Republican Governor, Ron DeSantis, is set to face off against California’s Democratic Governor Gavin Newsom.

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Florida’s Republican Governor, Ron DeSantis, is set to face off against California’s Democratic Governor Gavin Newsom.

The much-anticipated debate titled “DeSantis vs. Newsom: The Great Red vs. Blue State Debate,” hosted by Fox News’ Sean Hannity, is set to take place in Alpharetta, Georgia.

“FOX News Channel’s (FNC) Sean Hannity will present an exclusive live 90-minute televised debate between Florida Governor and GOP presidential candidate Ron DeSantis (R) and California Governor Gavin Newsom (D) on Thursday, November 30th in Alpharetta, GA. DeSantis vs. Newsom: The Great Red vs. Blue State Debate will be presented on FNC from 9-10:30 PM/ET during a two-hour edition of Hannity and will also be simulcast on FOX News Radio. Hannity will provide live reaction with a panel of guests from 10:30-11:00 PM/ET and FOX News @ Night with Trace Gallagher will follow in its regular timeslot at 11 PM/ET,” according to a FOX News press release.

It continued, “Focusing on the major issues impacting the country, the debate will examine the vastly different approaches the two governors have and offer insights into their political philosophies as well as ambitions for the nation. Throughout the debate, Hannity will highlight a variety of issues in each state, including the economy, the border, immigration, crime, and inflation. Presented without an audience, the governors will have equal opportunity to respond and address each issue.”

“I’m looking forward to providing viewers with an informative debate about the everyday issues and governing philosophies that impact the lives of every American,” Hannity said in a statement.

“I look forward to the opportunity to debate Gavin Newsom over our very different visions for the future of our country,” DeSantis wrote in a post on X, the platform formerly known as Twitter.

DeSantis’ campaign spokesman, Andrew Romeo, said in a statement obtained by NBC News, “The contrast of California’s failures to Florida’s success demonstrates that Ron DeSantis is right: decline is merely a choice.”

“Whether Newsom or Biden is the Democrat nominee in ’24, they both offer the same failed and dangerous ideology for America that helped get us in this mess. We look forward to putting Ron DeSantis’ record of success up against it,” he added.

Newsom’s spokesperson, Nathan Click, said in a statement obtained by the outlet that they “want a real debate — not a circus.”

“We’ve agreed to the debate — provided there is no cheering section, no hype videos or any of the other crutches Desantis requested,” Click added.

Newsom has been widely speculated to be considering a run for president, though he has repeatedly said that he will not challenge Joe Biden.

This event marks a new chapter in the ongoing rivalry between Florida Governor Ron DeSantis and California Governor Gavin Newsom, both high-profile figures leading two of the most populous states in the U.S.

Back in July, California Governor Gavin Newsom began airing ads in Florida blasting Florida Governor Ron DeSantis and Republicans saying “freedom is under attack” in the state.

He attacked them over their policies on abortion, LGBTQ+ rights, and voter integrity laws.

“Freedom is under attack in your state,” California’s Democratic leader said in the advertisement, which was aired on the rightwing Fox News channel.

“Republican leaders – they’re banning books, making it harder to vote, restricting speech in classrooms, even criminalizing women and doctors. I urge all of you to join the fight, or join us in California, where we still believe in freedom.”

DeSantis was asked about those attacking Florida – he didn’t hold back.

“Well look…everyone wants to talk about me and Florida. I’m just sitting here little old me doing my job. I can just tell you this, I was born and raised in this state, and until the last couple of years I rarely if ever saw a California license plate in the state of Florida, you now see a lot of them. I can tell you if you go to California you ain’t seeing very many Florida license plates,” he said.

Another incident where DeSantis blasted Newsom was when the Democratic Governor asked the DOJ to begin an immediate investigation against the Republican governors Abbott and DeSantis.

Newsom is basing his charges on an NPR report that some of the migrants said they were told they were being flown to Boston and would receive help with work papers.

“I strongly urge the U.S. Department of Justice (US DOJ) to open an investigation into possible criminal or civil violations of federal law based on this alleged fraudulent scheme. In particular, I urge US DOJ to investigate whether the alleged fraudulent inducement would support charges of kidnapping under relevant state laws, which could serve as a predicate offense for charges under the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organization (RICO) provisions of the Organized Crime Control Act of 1970,” according to Newsom.

Florida Governor RonDesantis responded to Newsom’s letter to the DOJ.

“The governor of California sent a letter to the Department of Justice saying that you need to prosecute Texas and Florida Governors. All I can say is, I think his hair gel is interfering with his brain function,” said Gov. DeSantis.

Gavin Newsom’s obsession with Ron DeSantis completely blew up in his face back in May after attempting to blame him for a mass shooting in Florida.

As Gateway Pundit readers know, Cristina Laila reported Monday night that nine Memorial Day beachgoers were injured in a mass shooting near the Margaritaville Hollywood Beach Resort in Florida. Three of the victims were minors.

Five individuals were taken into custody following the incident and one suspect remains at large.

Newsom pounced before the bodies were even cold. He blamed the mass shooting on a bill DeSantis signed back in April. Under the legislation, individuals will no longer need to obtain a permit to carry concealed firearms according to Fox News.

“Until our leaders have the courage to stop bowing down to the NRA and enact common sense gun safety this kind of senseless violence will continue,” Newsom tweeted.

There was one big problem with Newsom’s assertion. Jeremy Redfern, DeSantis’ press secretary, responded to Newsom by revealing a key detail regarding the legislation.

“Hi Gavin, How does a law that doesn’t take effect until July 1st change this outcome?” Redfern tweeted.

However, Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene has already warned the two politicians, “This debate is being held in Alpharetta, GA, where I lived for over 20 years. I can tell you right now GA is supporting Trump. No one cares about this debate except the Rep establishment, who is completely disconnected with Rep voters. Already a fail.”

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]]> 0 newsom desantis Elon Musk Lands in Israel – Meets with Netanyahu and Tours Southern Israel Where Hamas Slaughtered 1,400 Innocents and Points Out the Obvious Mon, 27 Nov 2023 14:00:19 +0000

Twitter-X and Tesla owner Elon Musk landed in Israel on Monday for talks with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his cabinet.

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Elon Musk tours Kibbutz Kfar Aza in Israel with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Nov. 27, 2023.

Twitter-X and Tesla owner Elon Musk landed in Israel on Monday for talks with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his cabinet.

During his visit Elon toured southern Israel where Hamas slaughtered 1,400 Jews on October 7. Hamas also took over 240 Jews and foreigners hostage during the bloody siege. It was the most devastating attack on Jews in a single day since World War II.

During the visit Elon Musk noted the obvious – that is often overlooked by the far left Western media: Musk noted that while civilians on both sides have died, Israel tries to avoid civilian casualties, and Hamas tries to kill both Israeli civilians and Palestinian civilians.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Elon Musk toured Kibbutz Kfar Aza on Monday morning.

Netanyahu showed Musk the horrors of the massacre at the kibbutz on Saturday October 7th.

Elon Musk was shown the horrors of the Hamas massacre of innocent Jews on Oct. 7.

Truth: Musk notes that while civilians on both sides have died, Israel tries to avoid civilian casualties, and Hamas tries to kill both Israeli civilians and Palestinian civilians.

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]]> 0 Elon Musk Lands in Israel – Meets with Netanyahu and Tours Southern Israel Where Hamas Slaughtered 1,400 Innocents and Points Out the Obvious | The Gateway Pundit | by Jim Hoft Twitter-X and Tesla owner Elon Musk landed in Israel on Monday for talks with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his cabinet. During his visit Elon toured southern Israel where Hamas slaughtered 1,400 Jews on October 7. Hamas also took over 240 Jews and foreigners hostage during the bloody siege. elon musk israel kibbutz Elon Musk tours kibbutz in israel with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Nov. 27, 2023. elon musk takes photos israel SCHOOL HELL: Students at Infamous Hillcrest High School in Queens Filmed Beating Security Guard (VIDEO) Mon, 27 Nov 2023 13:45:31 +0000

Last Monday Hillcrest High School in Queens made national headlines after students rioted in the hallways after learning a Jewish teacher had attended a pro-Israel rally in New York City.

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Students at infamous Hillcrest High School in Queens beat a uniformed guard at the school in the hallway.

Last Monday Hillcrest High School in Queens made national headlines after students rioted in the hallways after learning a Jewish teacher had attended a pro-Israel rally in New York City.

The pre-planned riot started on Monday in what students called “a pre-planned protest’ over the teacher’s Facebook profile photo, which showed her holding a poster saying, ‘I stand with Israel.’


The female teacher hid in her classroom for hours until it was safe for her to leave the building.

On Sunday New York City Council woman Vickie Paladino released a second violent video from Hillcrest High School that was reportedly taken a week befor the riot.

In the video students were filmed stalking and beating a uniformed school safety officer.

The school was trying to cover this up. Councilwoman Paladino asked her constituents, “What else are they hiding up?”

Councilwoman Paladino had this to say on the incident.

An anonymous source within the DOE shared video with my office of students at Hillcrest High School brutally attacking a uniformed school safety officer.

This event apparently happened a week before the riot.

The school administration tried to cover this up in the same way they tried to cover up the riot.

It’s clear that the administration of Hillcrest is totally compromised and either unwilling or unable to do what’s necessary to provide a safe environment to their students or their faculty. Furthermore, they seem more than willing to cover up crimes committed by their students in service of a political narrative, and to prevent these criminal students from facing consequences.

Were it not brought to the attention of my office, this may have remained covered up. And who knows what else they’re hiding at this point.

This cannot continue. Hillcrest High School must be shut down pending a full and thorough investigation, and the administration must be held accountable. Furthermore, the students who committed these acts must be arrested immediately and face appropriate criminal charges.

This cannot continue in our schools. Order and discipline must be restored. We’ve tried ‘progressive’ educational theory for far too long, and it’s gotten us absolutely nowhere. Our students and our city deserve far better than this.

It would be interesting to see the average test scores from Hillcrest High School. Can you imagine trying to learn anything at that madhouse?

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]]> 0 security beaten hillcrest high school Students at infamous Hillcrest High School in Queens beat a uniformed guard at the school in the hallway. NY Teacher BREAKING: Arrest Made After Three Palestinian Students Shot in Vermont – Suspect Identified Mon, 27 Nov 2023 13:30:36 +0000

As reported earlier – Three top Palestinian college students were shot in what is being characterized as a “bias attack.”  The victims, who were attending woke institutions such as Harvard, Brown University, and Trinity University, were targeted while on their way to a family dinner in Vermont’s bustling city of Burlington, the New York Post reported.

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Source: X/@hzomlot

As reported earlier – Three top Palestinian college students were shot in what is being characterized as a “bias attack.”  The victims, who were attending woke institutions such as Harvard, Brown University, and Trinity University, were targeted while on their way to a family dinner in Vermont’s bustling city of Burlington, the New York Post reported.

The Arab American Anti-Discrimination Committee (ADC) named the individuals involved as Hiham Awartani, Tahseen Ali, and Kenan Abdulhamid, who had gathered to celebrate the Thanksgiving holiday break.

According to WCAX: “The suspect was on foot in the area when investigators say he discharged at least four rounds from his pistol without speaking. Two of the victims were wearing keffiyehs at the time of the assault, according to Chief Murad.”

Authorities transported the victims to the University of Vermont Medical Center. The Arab American Anti-Discrimination Committee (ADC) reported that two of the individuals were in intensive care, with one suffering from extremely critical and severe injuries.

It is still unclear why the Palestinian students were shot in Burlington but that hasn’t stopped the pro-Palestinian lobby to start casting blame for the attack.

On Sunday, Burlington police detained Jason Eaton, 48, near where the shooting occurred.

Eaton lived in the building near where the shooting occurred.

Newsweek reported:

He was detained at around midday on Sunday near where the shooting occurred. Police searched his home in the apartment building in front of where the shooting took place and arrested him on Sunday evening.

Eaton faces three counts of aggravated assault, police said. He is expected to be arraigned on Monday. Newsweek has contacted the Burlington Police Department for further comment via email.

Hisham Awartani, Kinnan Abdalhamid and Tahseen Ali Ahmad were identified by their families as the victims, according to a post on X, formerly Twitter, from the Institute for Middle East Understanding. Awartani is a student at Brown University, Abdalhamid is a student at Haverford College and Ahmed is a student at Trinity College.
“We are extremely concerned about the safety and well-being of our children,” the statement said. “We call on law enforcement to conduct a thorough investigation, including treating this as a hate crime. We will not be comfortable until the shooter is brought to justice.”

Police released a statement on Jason Eaton’s arrest.

UPDATE: The police released a photo of the suspect, Jason Eaton, via WCAX.

Suspect Jason Eaton was arrested Sunday in connection to the shootings of three Palestinian students in Burlington, VT.

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]]> 0 Screenshot 2023-11-26 at 1.27.05 PM Source: X/@hzomlot jason eaton arrest police burlington jason eaton arrested Suspect Jason Eaton was arrested Sunday in connection to the shootings of three Palestinian students in Burlington, VT. Godless, Christian-Hating, Pro-Palestinian Mob Disrupts Christmas Tree Lighting in Ypsilanti, Michigan – Chanting “America is a Terrorist State!” (VIDEO) Mon, 27 Nov 2023 13:15:43 +0000

This is the modern day left.

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Pro-Palestinian protesters just disrupted a Christmas tree lighting celebration in Ypsilanti, Michigan. via BGontheScene

This is the modern day left. Radical, Anti-Christian, Anti-American bullies and thugs.

Godless thugs plotted to shut down the Ypsilanti, Michigan Christmas Tree Lighting on Sunday night.

The protest was organized by radical anti-Israel leftists who are demanding a ceasefire resolution by the community leaders.

The group includes gays, antifa, socialists, and pro-Palestinian groups. These gays are not the sharpest tools in the shed.

The radical, godless leftists ruined the night for Michigan families who wanted a night of Christmas carols and a tree lighting.

Instead, the radical anti-Israel bullies chanted, “America is a terrorist state.”

The Christmas crowd was forced to move over to the Freighthouse, away from the godless protesters who were there to ruin the evening for eveyone.

The godless left wants to eliminate Christmas.

The families were forced to move.

Then they ruined the after party.

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]]> 0 palestine protesters Pro-Palestinian protesters just disrupted a Christmas tree lighting celebration in Ypsilanti, Michigan. via BGontheScene ypsilanti christmas thugs Ukraine Opts For More “Cowbell” As Desperation Sets In Mon, 27 Nov 2023 13:00:30 +0000

Powerline Crippled in Odessa The last week of November is setting up to be a pivotal week in Ukraine’s futile effort to fend off the Russian military.

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Powerline Crippled in Odessa

The last week of November is setting up to be a pivotal week in Ukraine’s futile effort to fend off the Russian military. Russia is clobbering Kiev and other parts of western Ukraine with drone hordes that are wreaking havoc on military depots and electric power nodes. In Kiev, the rift between President Zelensky and General Zaluzhny is widening, with rumors swirling that Zelensky will order a full mobilization of Ukraine that will draft 17 to 70 year old civilians, including women.

To make matters worse General Winter has arrived in full force, lashing Ukraine (and Russia) with winds of more than 90 mph and mountains of snow.

There is a snowstorm in Ukraine , the pipes of a boiler house and a power line support in the Odessa region are broken, the roads are covered with snow, and Kiev is covered with snow by night. 400 settlements in Ukraine are without electricity.

In the evening, half a million people were left without electricity in Crimea ; repair crews began eliminating the consequences. On Tarkhankut , and on the west coast in general, there were floods, storms, coastal roads were flooded, hundreds of people were promptly evacuated, in Yevpatoria the Ministry of Emergency Situations rescued people from the roofs of houses in difficult weather conditions. A day off has been declared on the peninsula and in the Kherson region ; civilians are asked to stay at home. In the Zaporozhye region, the center of Berdyansk was flooded.

Despite the inclement weather, Russian soldiers are advancing steadily in Avdeevka and forcing the retreat and surrender of hundreds of Ukrainian troops from an area they have held since 2014. There is a graphic, disturbing video on Odysee (I can’t figure out how to embed it here) that shows elements of the AFU 47th Brigade bugging out of their trenches while being shelled and shot by Russian forces.

Ukraine’s reported plan to draft as many as 20,000 prospective candidates for cannon fodder is being condemned by members of Zelensky’s party, who believe this is a meaningless gesture that will not advance Ukraine’s military fortunes. Mariana Bezuglaya, the deputy head of the Ukrainian parliament’s security, defense and intelligence committee, stated:

The commander-in-chief of the Ukrainian Armed Forces has been unable to provide a [strategic] plan for 2024,” Bezuglaya wrote in a post on her Facebook page, referring to Ukraine’s top military commander, General Valery Zaluzhny. The general has absolutely no concept of further conflict, she claimed, adding that he has no plan for any type of warfare, “either large or small… asymmetrical or symmetrical.”

Zelensky’s efforts to hide the staggering losses of Ukrainian troops took a major hit when Ukrainian TV Channel 1+1 reported that the AFU’s casualties so far were 1,126,652 KIAs and MIAs. Andrei Martyanov noted that Zelensky’s office moved quickly to force Channel 1+1 to retract the story, but the damage was done. The horse left the barn. Closing the barn door does not put the horse back in its stall.

A draft will not solve Ukraine’s manpower deficit. Let’s assume the Zelensky crew decide to go ahead with this plan; where are these new “recruits” going to be trained? Rudimentary basic training to teach these newbies how to march, how to shoot and how to take care of personal sanitary needs in the field should take a minimum of three months. Ukraine does not have secure facilities/bases in country where it can start a training cycle for 20,000 every month. Russia has those coordinates and can blast them with missiles.

Even if basic training is completed, the new soldiers are not qualified to operate the armored vehicles, mortars, artillery and tanks they would need on the frontlines. And there is one big assumption here — the United States and NATO will continue to flood Ukraine with a billion dollars worth of gear. That ain’t going to happen. Public support in the United States and Europe to continue pouring good money after bad in Ukraine is flagging and the trend line points to growing opposition.

If the winter weather now battering Ukraine continues through December and January, the situation for Ukrainian troops hunkered down in trenches and bunkers will become desperate because the snow and cold will make it very difficult to keep them properly supplied with food and ammunition. There also is the question of whether Western supplied gear can function or be maintained with the icy fingers of General Winter squeezing the Ukrainian throat. It is looking like a very dark winter for Ukraine.

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]]> 0 Cyber Monday Deals from Gateway Pundit Sponsors – THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT! Mon, 27 Nov 2023 12:40:13 +0000

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]]> 0 cyber monday american flag whole cows beef black friday mike lindell depositiion mypillow black friday discount page wellness mccullough bio naked organs family zstack zev sitting zstack full range of products Siege of Avdiivka – WATCH: Russian Tank Forces Kiev’s Troops to Retreat – Female Ukrainian Soldier Terrified in the Trenches – Moscow Now Also Blasting Cluster Munitions Mon, 27 Nov 2023 04:00:52 +0000

When the Siege of Avdiivka started, I wrote that, according to what we learned about the similar sieges of Mariupol and Bakhmut, we could expect three things: First of all – advances will probably be slow.

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When the Siege of Avdiivka started, I wrote that, according to what we learned about the similar sieges of Mariupol and Bakhmut, we could expect three things:

First of all – advances will probably be slow.

The second important lesson from past sieges in this war has to do with the coverage by the MSM.

Ukrainians always win – in the MSM headlines.

All the time, it is stressed in their how horribly failing the Russians are, how they don’t have a chance, while papers sing praises for the impenetrable Ukrainian defenses.

Meanwhile, the Russians will be losing the war in the headlines but winning in the ground, until they finally take the city.

The 3rd feature is: when Russians do, a key defensive bastion like Avdiivka will be rebranded as a minor non-strategic place.

But if we dig a bit, it’s easy to find good information.

For example, Ukrainian soldiers now say that they fear losing a ‘war of exhaustion’ [attrition] against Russia ‘as Kyiv struggles to replenish its battle-weary forces’.

Telegraph reported:

“Units on the front lines are commonly 20 to 40 per cent below strength as Ukraine counts the costs of its summer counter-offensive, a retired Ukrainian lieutenant general told [the media].”

It was hoped that the ‘Nato-trained brigades equipped with Western tanks’ would liberate vast amount of territory occupied by Russia as part of the much-hyped counteroffensive.

But in reality, Ukrainian troops ‘battered and bruised’ Russian forces, but the heavily fortified front lines barely moved in months of brutal fighting.

“[Private] Bohdan Lysenko, of Ukraine’s 47th Brigade: ‘We don’t have a chance playing [a] war of exhaustion with Russia. We need a fundamental change in our army’.”

Lysenko’s unit is defending the town of Avdiivka, in Ukraine’s eastern Donetsk region, with only 20 men. The company began the summer with 120 men, many of whom are now dead, wounded or have been transferred away from the front line.”

Among the 20 remaining troops, several are replacement soldiers, many more than 40 years old, and even women.

Avdiivka, 16 miles from the Russian city of Donetsk, is now heavily surrounded to the north, east and south.

“Ukraine’s ranks, once made up of highly motivated volunteers, are now being bolstered by briefly trained conscripts. Many of the losses are blamed on Soviet-trained commanders whose rigid tactics have not allowed those forces with Western training to flourish on the battlefield.”

WATCH: Ukrainian soldiers from the 47th Mechanized Infantry Brigade in a trench, surrounded by Russian troops. A woman soldier’s helmet cam records the development of events.

But today, Russia made major significant advancements here, as it’s confirmed ‘a major, total overrun of Ukrainian positions in the Vinograd’ and Industrial sectors of southeast Avdiivka.

Analyst and news aggregator Simplicius the Thinker wrote on Substack:

“Some of the exact details are yet to be fully ironed out, like which specific areas are gray zone versus total RF consolidation. However, we have video confirmations of Ukrainian troops retreating up Yasynovsky Lane. This is being hailed as a particular triumph for the troops on the ground because, for the ones who’ve been there since the beginning, the industrial sector was considered one of the most heavily fortified areas that have withstood their assaults for going on a decade.”

WATCH: FPV drone hit a Ukrainian trench.

This is relevant, because since 2014, the industrial zone had been under the fortified control of Ukrainian forces.

“One analyst said that Avdiivka will likely fall the same way as Bakhmut, i.e. not from the full closure of its cauldron but rather step by step, building by building, urban city fighting.

This may strike some as counterintuitive or outright perplexing, and it’s something I’ve treated long ago during the Bakhmut battles. But the fact is that assault troops usually find it much easier to fight in urban environments than the type of wide open fields necessary to ‘close the cauldron’. In those fields, just like in the open steppe between Klescheyevka and Ivanovske near Bakhmut, where Wagner had a lot of trouble and countless deaths, soldiers are extremely susceptible to drone surveillance and coming under various targeted fires.”

WATCH: Russian tanks wreak havoc on Ukrainian positions. At the end, we see a column of Kiev’s troops withdrawing from the last edge of the industrial zone:

In an urban setting you advance behind cover – in a field, you don’t have that luxury.

“So with that said, there’s now reports that Russian forces have in fact begun entering and lodging themselves into the Coke Plant.

[…] Only thing I can say is that it was already nearly a week ago that 100% video confirmation showed Russian troops lodged right at the gate at that northeastern tip. So it is believable that they’ve finally managed to breach into the gates and establish themselves perhaps in the first few buildings in that quarter.”

WATCH: Ukrainian positions obliterated by cluster munitions bombing.

The industrial zone, under the Armed Forces of Ukraine since 2014, is only a small part of the territories that still have to be liberated.

Ahead is the liberation of the residential sector of Avdiivka and the battle for coke plant.

What is currently known about the storming of Avdiivka Coke: an analysis of the Military Chronicle Channel.

The primary challenge is the extensive area. Avdiivka Coke Plant spans 325-340 hectares with over 200 buildings, where the AFU has accumulated ammunition, equipment, and military gear over an extended period. Some buildings are mined or fortified. This factor will also be significant if the decision is made to block rather than storm the plant’s territory.

Moreover, the coke chemical plant constitutes a complex engineering structure. The territory, including underground passages, allows for covert movement, ambushes, and the setting of traps. Clearing this territory will demand considerable effort and time.”

Read more:

Siege of Avdiivka: Russian Forces Cut All the Supply and Reinforcement Routes for the Ukrainians, in a Move to Encircle the City

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]]> 0 Avdiivka pincer 6yy56y USC Professor Suspended and Barred from Campus For Saying, “Hamas [Terrorists] Are Murderers… Every One Should be Killed, and I Hope They all are Killed” Mon, 27 Nov 2023 03:40:30 +0000

The University of Southern California has placed economics professor John Strauss on paid administrative leave, with an additional ban from setting foot on campus, following comments he made about Hamas terrorists during a student protest.

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The University of Southern California has placed economics professor John Strauss on paid administrative leave, with an additional ban from setting foot on campus, following comments he made about Hamas terrorists during a student protest.

On November 9, amidst a sea of students advocating for a ceasefire in the Gaza Strip and commemorating Palestinian “civilian” casualties, the 72-year-old scholar reportedly lost his academic poise and exclaimed, “Hamas are murderers. That’s all they are. Every one should be killed, and I hope they all are killed.”

His video immediately went viral online for telling the truth. The digital uproar led to administrative action, with Strauss being placed on paid administrative leave and barred from campus.

According to the LA Times, a petition demanding Strauss’s dismissal has garnered over 6,500 signatures, while a counter-petition defending him as a victim of misinformation has attracted more than 9,000 supporters.

It comes as no surprise to many that USC is defending a terrorist organization, considering that US universities are influenced by extreme left-wing ideologies, which are indoctrinating the youths.

Hamas is widely recognized as a terrorist organization by various countries and international bodies. The US State Department designated HAMAS as a foreign terrorist organization in October 1997 due to its history of violence and attacks targeting civilians.

Hamas terrorists have ruled Gaza since 2007. In 2007, Hamas militants dug a tunnel under the Fatah headquarters and blew it up and then took over the territory.

And Hamas did this while they were holding “peace talks” with Fatah! Since 2007, Hamas has had 100% control of the Gaza Strip. That means when funds are donated to the Gaza Strip, they go through Hamas.

On October 7, 2023, Hamas, the Palestinian Islamist militant group, initiated a series of coordinated attacks against Israel. This offensive, which included an unprecedented land, sea, and air assault launched from the Gaza Strip, targeted various areas in Israel. The attack commenced on a Sabbath day, coinciding with several Jewish holidays.

The Hamas terrorists massacred over 1,400 Israelis and took over 200 people hostage on October 7, committed mass rape, Arutz Sheva reports, according to survivor testimony and interrogation of captured terrorists gathered by the Israel Police’s special Lahav 433 unit.

Over 700 testimonies have been collected from massacre survivors. Police called it “the largest investigation case since the founding of the state of Israel.”

The police have more than 50,000 videos from the terrorist attack and are using facial recognition software to identify which terrorists committed which specific crimes, Arutz Sheva writes. The police also have hundreds of cell phones which belonged to terrorists from Gaza.

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]]> 0 John Strauss Two Teen Football Fans Arrested for Alleged ‘Misogynistic Chanting’ Towards Female Referee Mon, 27 Nov 2023 03:20:33 +0000

Two teenagers, both aged 17, have been arrested following allegations of misogynistic chanting directed at referee Rebecca Welch during a Birmingham City, England football match on Saturday.

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Women’s Champions League – Slavia Praha vs FC Bayern München on 20.03.2019 at Eden Arena

Two teenagers, both aged 17, have been arrested following allegations of misogynistic chanting directed at referee Rebecca Welch during a Birmingham City, England football match on Saturday. Despite Birmingham City’s prior appeal to fans to avoid offensive behavior towards the female referee, the incident still occurred, leading to the arrests by West Midlands Police.

“We have arrested two boys for misogynistic chanting at the female referee during Birmingham City’s home game at St Andrew’s today (Nov 25),” a statement from West Midlands Police read.

“Our officers heard the chants being directed at the official and acted quickly to arrest the two, who are both 17. They are currently in custody on suspicion of a public order offense as we carry out inquiries.”

“We don’t tolerate any form of hate and it is important hate crime is reported to us,” it added.

“Today is White Ribbon Day which is the start of a 16 day long campaign. It focuses on everyone, especially men and boys on what they can do to change the behavior and culture that leads to abuse and violence against women and girls.”

Daily Mail reported:

The incident comes amid Mail Sport’s campaign titled ‘Stop Abusing Referees’, which seeks to shine a light on the aggressive behaviour officials face.

This was the exact type of story Birmingham City looked to avoid following their proactive statement before the game.

‘Unfortunately, when she last refereed at St. Andrew’s, the Club received several reports of sexist and misogynistic abuse aimed at the official,’ Birmingham City wrote pre-match.

‘This will not be tolerated and any individual reported for such behaviour will be asked to leave their seat by stewards.

Welch made history earlier this month when she was fourth official for Manchester United’s Premier League win at Fulham.

Welch, 39, became the first ever woman referee to be involved in a Premier League game. The promotion of Welch was the latest example of PGMOL advancing diversity among officials.

Born in Washington, Tyne and Wear, Welch qualified through the Durham County FA and began refereeing in Sunday leagues in Sunderland.

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]]> 0 Rebecca Welch Women’s Champions League – Slavia Praha vs FC Bayern München on 20.03.2019 at Eden Arena New South American President Orders End to Drug Decriminalization Experiment: ‘A Whole Generation of Addicted Children’ Mon, 27 Nov 2023 03:00:17 +0000

American liberals have been getting some bad news lately from Latin America.

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American liberals have been getting some bad news lately from Latin America.

Not only did last week see the election of a libertarian fan of former President Donald Trump to the presidency of Argentina, another new South American leader much closer to the border just overturned a policy in his own country that U.S. leftists have been pushing for years.

Maybe progressives can learn something from the neighbors to the south.

On Friday, according to Agence France-Presse, Ecuadorean President Daniel Noboa dumped a policy of decriminalizing possession of small amounts of drugs, declaring that it  “encourages micro-trafficking in schools and creates a whole generation of addicted children.”

It applies to “up to 10 grams of marijuana, 2 grams of cocaine paste, 1 gram of cocaine, 0.10 grams of heroin, and 0.04 grams of amphetamine” for personal use, according to the Washington Examiner.

The policy was instituted a decade ago by the country’s then-president, socialist Rafael Correa, according to AFP.

In the intervening 10 years, Noruba, 35, has apparently seen too much. Inaugurated on Thursday, he took only a day to make his announcement about repealing the policy.

“Long a peaceful haven between major cocaine exporters Colombia and Peru, Ecuador has seen violence explode in recent years as enemy gangs with links to Mexican and Colombian cartels vie for control,” AFP reported.”Homicides quadrupled between 2018 and 2022, climbing to a record 26 per 100,000 inhabitants.

“It is on track to keep climbing.”

In short, the law of unexpected consequences remains in effect.

Huge social policy changes based on ideology rather than reality will always have unpleasant results, no matter how well-intended they are (or claim to be). Sometimes that result is exactly the opposite of what the intention was.

In 2020, Oregon decriminalized possession of small amounts of hard drugs. It was a measure approved by 58 percent of the state’s voters, according to a Washington Post report from Nov. 19.

(As an aside, Oregon is run by Democrats and votes entirely by mail. Probably doesn’t mean anything at all.)

The idea was, ostensibly, to”transform addiction by minimizing penalties for drug use and investing instead in recovery,” the Post reported.

But in a result that should have surprised literally no one with any sense, things haven’t worked out quite that way. Drug use has grown, gotten worse, and gotten more deadly.

As the Post reported, “even top Democratic lawmakers who backed the law, which will likely dominate the upcoming legislative session, say they’re now open to revisiting it after the biggest increase in synthetic opioid deaths among states that have reported their numbers.”

Even the leftist publication The Atlantic has been compelled to report the results of Oregon’s experiment as a failure.

An article published in July noted:

“But three years later, with rising overdoses and delays in treatment funding, even some of the measure’s supporters now believe that the policy needs to be changed. In a nonpartisan statewide poll earlier this year, more than 60 percent of respondents blamed Measure 110 for making drug addiction, homelessness, and crime worse. A majority, including a majority of Democrats, said they supported bringing back criminal penalties for drug possession.”

But since liberals are largely loath to learn from reality, Oregon’s ongoing disaster hasn’t been the lesson it should be.

In California, it took a veto by lefty Gov. Gavin Newsom, of all people, to veto a measure passed by California’s even leftier Democratic lawmakers that would have allowed San Francisco to open shooting galleries around the city where illegal drugs could be used under “supervision,” the U.K. Guardian reported in June.

Across the country, in Philadelphia, a Democratic-dominated city council has been forced to pass a ban on so-called “safe consumption” sites, according to WHYY-FM (the city’s insufferably liberal NPR station). Simply having laws against drug use apparently isn’t enough to convince leftist activists that the idea is a non-starter in an already-devastated city.

For advocates of legalizing hard drugs, the arguments are always the same: Users aren’t criminals, they’re victims. And societies that punish small-time users are creating a problem where no real problem exists.

Ecuador, however, has had 10 years’ experience and is documented proof, for anyone who cares to look, that the failure to prosecute the possession of of drugs like cocaine and heroin simply brings more problems than drugs cause when the government is actively attempting to keep them out of the hands of the vulnerable — especially children.

The country’s new president sees that it needs a new course.

Unfortunately, this country can never expect American leftists to decide to change theirs.

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

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]]> 0 Pope Red Francis Goes from Meeting with Transgender Sex Workers in the Vatican to Accusing Jews of Terrorism Mon, 27 Nov 2023 02:40:01 +0000

This article originally appeared on and was republished with permission.

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]]> This article originally appeared on and was republished with permission.

Pope Red Francis went from holding a transgender rally at the Vatican to targeting Jews.  This man does not represent Catholics.

Over the past few days, Pope Francis invited a group of transgenders to the Vatican.

FOX News reported:

Pope Francis hosted a group of transgender women — many of whom are sex workers or migrants from Latin America — to a Vatican luncheon for the Catholic Church’s “World Day of the Poor” last week.

The pontiff and the transgender women have formed a close relationship since the pope came to their aid during the COVID-19 pandemic, when they were unable to work. Now, they meet monthly for VIP visits with the pope and receive medicine, money and shampoo any day, according to The Associated Press.

Shortly after that, Red Francis went after the Jews in Israel for going after the murderers, rapists and kidnappers who stormed their country on Oct 7:

Pope Francis has triggered a backlash from Jewish groups who see his comments over the Israeli-Palestinian war as accusing both Hamas and Israel of “terrorism.”

The pontiff met Jewish families with relatives held hostage by Hamas, and Palestinians with families still in the Gaza Strip. He told an audience in St. Peter’s Square in the Vatican City that he recognized suffering on both sides, saying: “This is what wars do. But here we have gone beyond wars. This is not war. This is terrorism.”

This Pope does not speak for Catholics.  He’s destroying the church.

Pope Red Francis is part of the operation to take over the world by destroying all things good. 

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]]> 0 Pope-and-Hamas Rep. Mike Gallagher Says FBI and CDC Refuse to Investigate Illegal Secret CCP-Linked Biolab in California (VIDEO) Mon, 27 Nov 2023 02:20:06 +0000

In a revealing interview on “Sunday Morning Futures” with host Sean Duffy, Rep.

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In a revealing interview on “Sunday Morning Futures” with host Sean Duffy, Rep. Mike Gallagher, Chairman of the House Select Committee on China, brought to light a concerning issue of national security. The Wisconsin Congressman and former Marine, who served two tours in Iraq, discussed the illegal Chinese lab discovered in Wheatley, California, which the FBI and the CDC refuse to investigate.

As The Gateway Pundit reported in July, an illegal bio lab was discovered in a believed-to-be vacant building in Reedley, California in Fresno County on March 3.

City code enforcement stumbled upon the building in December 2022 when they discovered a garden hose running up into the building through a hole in the wall.  In March, they obtained a warrant to inspect the property, and in April, the Fresno County Department of Public Health ordered an inspection of the facility.

Investigators inspected the building that contained the lab in July and found a room used to make COVID-19 tests and pregnancy tests.  They also found over 35 freezers and refrigeration units that contained “thousands of bodily fluids, serums, tissues, and other medical items.”

The company alleged to be running the lab, Prestige BioTech, is based out of Nevada and is the successor to Universal Meditech, Inc (UMI).  In Dec. 2022, the FDA announced a recall over 56,000 “Skippack Medical Lab” Rapid Anti-Gen COVID-19 tests distributed by UMI to California and Texas.

Another representative of Prestige BioTech, David He, dodged questions regarding accountability and ownership of the company and whether or not they were properly disposing of the hundreds of dead mice.  Prestige would not confirm if the biologics contained in the lab were theirs.

Prestige BioTech was able to operate 35 freezers and refrigeration devices without anyone questioning the electrical draw that would be required for a building that “was supposed to be vacant,” according to City Manager Nicole Zieba.  When investigators entered the building on July 5th, however, the power to the refrigerators and freezers “was lost” but the biological samples were still frozen.

Court documents show that “48 containers (appx. 44 gallons per container) full of biological material and medical waste” were removed on one day followed by another 31 the next day for a total of 75 containers full of biological material and medical waste.

According to court documents reported by NBC News, “the other addresses provided for identified authorized agents were either empty offices or addresses in China that could not be verified.”

Recent findings indicate that Prestige Biotech, officially registered in Nevada, lacked authorization to operate in California. City of Reedley code enforcement officials engaged with Xiuqin Yao, identified as the President of Prestige Biotech in emails and legal documents. Yao disclosed that the company was the primary creditor of Universal Meditech (UMI), Inc., a company that filed for bankruptcy. UMI had moved from Fresno to a warehouse in Reedley after an electrical fire and subsequently ceased operations. NBC News reports that Prestige Biotech was not only a creditor to UMI but was also named as its successor in legal filings.

Furthermore, a March 24, 2019 document from Governor Newsom’s Office of Business and Economic Development revealed a tax credit deal with UMI. The California Competes agreement granted UMI a tax credit of $360,000, adding another layer to the ongoing investigation.

FOX News gave an update on the mysterious bio-research lab in California.

The lab contained refrigerators full of deadly viruses and genetically engineered mice to transmit the deadly viruses to humans!

“The criminal charges don’t begin to capture what really happened inside this vacant warehouse in central California, where an illegal immigrant from China operated an unregulated underground lab. Zhao Shu, who also goes by five aliases, pled not guilty yesterday to lying to federal officials and mislabeling medical products,” said William La Jeunesse.

“But here’s the lab when it was raided last year. Dozens of freezers hooked to illegal wiring, vials of blood, jars of urine, and a thousand lab mice in soiled containers. Inspectors found refrigerators FULL OF deadly viruses. COVID, chlamydia, E. Coli, hepatitis, herpes, HIV, malaria, and Ebola.”

“Thousands of recalled medical test kits and around 1000 white lab mice genetically modified to catch and carry COVID for testing purposes. This was a true house of horrors, nestled next to an elementary school, a supermarket, a city hall, and a public water system,” Jeunesse added.

It is reported that the biolab owner is an illegal immigrant from China.

On Sunday, while discussing the ongoing concerns regarding the geopolitical stance of Israel and the strategies against Hamas, Rep. Gallagher shifted focus to the internal threat posed by unauthorized biolabs on U.S. soil.

He expressed dismay at the inadequate response from both the FBI and the CDC regarding the Wheatley biolab, which had been operated by a Chinese citizen linked to intellectual property theft and illegal financial transactions.

According to the Congressman, the establishment of the lab went unnoticed by federal agencies until a local building inspector stumbled upon a suspicious setup. Inside the building, officials discovered lab-coated individuals, mostly Chinese nationals, operating with pathogens, including Ebola and HIV, labeled in Mandarin. Despite this, the CDC did not immediately test potential samples even after finally inspecting the site, and the FBI allegedly refused to investigate due to the lack of ties to weapons of mass destruction (WMD).

“The FBI said, well, we can’t investigate because there’s no ties to WMD, which is absurd. They called the CDC. The CDC hung up on them initially. And it wasn’t until the local congressman got on the case that the CDC was forced to send a team to investigate. And that wasn’t until many, many months later,” Gallagher said.

“So this has revealed a huge soft underbelly in our domestic national security. It’s incredibly troubling. We need to do more to prevent this from happening. We’ve all seen what can happen to our society when we don’t have vigilance against potential pathogens and a pandemic in the last few years. And we know beyond anything else. Beyond anything else. The one thing that the pandemic should have taught us is that you cannot trust the Chinese Communist Party when it comes to this issue,” he added.


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]]> 0 Rep. Mike Gallagher Says FBI and CDC Refuse to Investigate Illegal Secret CCP-Linked Biolab in California (VIDEO) | The Gateway Pundit | by Jim Hᴏft In a revealing interview on “Sunday Morning Futures” with host Sean Duffy, Rep. Mike Gallagher, Chairman of the House Select Committee on China, brought to light a concerning issue of national security. The Wisconsin Congressman and former Marine, who served two tours in Iraq, discussed the illegal Screenshot 2023-11-26 at 9.14.44 PM UPDATE: Algerian Migrant behind Thursday Stabbing in Dublin Was Charged with Knife Possession Earlier This Year – But Not Convicted Mon, 27 Nov 2023 02:00:26 +0000

Five people, including children, were stabbed near a school in Dublin, Ireland, on Thursday by a suspect whose identity has not yet been released.

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Irish rioters set the Holiday Inn Express on fire in Dublin after an alleged Algerian migrant stabbed numerous children near a school earlier today.

Five people, including children, were stabbed near a school in Dublin, Ireland, on Thursday by a suspect whose identity has not yet been released.

Three children and two adults were taken to a nearby hospital with stab wounds. Their condition is unknown.

The perpetrator waas an Algerian immigrant.

Irish rioters later set the Holiday Inn Express on fire in Dublin after the Algerian migrant stabbed several innocent children.
The people in Ireland have had enough!

Now this.
The Algerian perpetrator was reportedly arrested earlier this year for possession of a knife but not convicted.

The Daily Mail reported:

The chief suspect in the multiple stabbing that left a five-year-old girl fighting for her life was arrested earlier this year for possession of a knife, the Irish Daily Mail has learned.

The man, originally from Algeria, has been living in Ireland for the past two decades. He took Irish citizenship more than a decade ago.

The man, who is in his late 40s, has come to Garda attention several times in the past year.

The latest incident involved possession of a knife, as well as criminal damage to a car in May.

He was taken to court on the charges but did not receive a conviction. The Mail understands he was not convicted due to a mental health report given to the court.

Sources have told this newspaper that the man was living in Dublin City Council hostel accommodation before he went on the rampage off Parnell Square on Thursday afternoon.

The suspect remains in hospital after he was tackled to the ground and subdued by passers-by.

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]]> 0 holiday inn express dublin fire Irish rioters set the Holiday Inn Express on fire in Dublin after an alleged Algerian migrant stabbed numerous children near a school earlier today. NFL RedZone Studio Evacuated, Emergency Sirens Blast During Live Game (VIDEO) Mon, 27 Nov 2023 01:40:45 +0000

Football fans watching the NFL RedZone broadcast of the Buffalo Bills vs.

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Football fans watching the NFL RedZone broadcast of the Buffalo Bills vs. the Philadelphia Eagles were quite confused when an emergency alarm started to sound off during the middle of the live broadcast.

NFL RedZone Host Scott Hansen was calling the game when all of a sudden, an alarm started to sound in the background of the NFL RedZone studio in Inglewood, California.

Hanson, entirely shocked by the alarm, told viewers, “This is the first in my twenty-something years of broadcasting career.”

He continued, “We have an alarm going off in the studios of NFL RedZone right now, in our studios here in Inglewood, California. We are being told we need to evacuate the building. We do not know the nature of the emergency.”


Per Deadline:

Viewers watching NFL RedZone broadcast on Sunday were confused when alarms started going off during the live transmission of the football game.

Scott Hanson was on the air when they were told to evacuate the studio as the live broadcast went on and they broke into the feed.

“This is a first in my first in my twenty-something years broadcasting career,” Hanson said. “We have an alarm going off in the studios of NFL RedZone right now, in our studios here in Inglewood, California. We are being told we need to evacuate the building. We do not know the nature of the emergency.”

Shortly after the alarm sounded, Hanson took to X and wrote, “Well, that was…. interesting. Alarm has stopped. Apparently all clear. Still waiting on details.”

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]]> 0 nfl Tucson Sector Border Patrol Announces It Will Stop Posting Photos of Biden Border Crisis to Social Media Amid Record Surge of Illegals Mon, 27 Nov 2023 01:20:53 +0000

The Tucson sector Border Patrol paused its social media activity on Sunday amid a record surge of illegal aliens.

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The Tucson sector Border Patrol paused its social media activity on Sunday amid a record surge of illegal aliens.

“In light of the ongoing migration surge, all Tucson Sector Border Patrol social media accounts will be paused until further notice. We appreciate your understanding and continued support during this challenging time. Honor First,” John Modlin, Chief Patrol Agent of the US Border Patrol’s Tucson Sector who’s in charge of 3,600 agents and staff said in a since-deleted X post.

In a follow up post to X, Modlin said, “Apologies for my earlier hastily written statement. To be clear, it is my intention to remain transparent. In light of the ongoing migration surge, all Tucson Sector Border Patrol social media accounts will be temporarily reduced to maximize our available staffing in support of our current operational challenges.”

USBP Chief Tucson Modlin followed up with: “At this time, all available personnel are needed to address the unprecedented flow. The social media team will return once the situation permits.”

“We will continue to post our Week in Review statistics, demonstrating the continued efforts of our agents and staff,” Modlin said.

“Regardless of the reasoning behind this – this is such a bad look.
Essentially – the border crisis in the sector is so bad that they’re going to cut off all communication and transparency with the public. We routinely use the photos & data from this account. It’s unacceptable,” Fox News’ border reporter Bill Melugin said.

Tucson, Arizona is being overrun by illegal aliens thanks to Joe Biden’s open borders policies. Border Patrol agents in Arizona are overwhelmed by illegals.

Human smugglers and coyotes working for the Mexican cartels have recently diverted tens of thousands of illegals per month to the Tucson sector. Apprehensions and narcotics/fentanyl events have spiked in Tucson.

According to the CDC, nearly 200 people die a day from overdoses linked to fentanyl.

Per reports, up to 60,000 illegals are encountered in Tucson per month.

According to Chief Patrol Agent John Modlin, just last week in Tucson:

– 15,300 Apprehensions
– 117 lbs. of Fentanyl
– 78 Federal Criminal Cases
– 17 Rescues
– 14 Human Smuggling Events
– 3 Narcotics Events

The prior week in Tucson:

– 14,300 Apprehensions
– 300 lbs. of Fentanyl
– 183 Federal Criminal Cases
– 33 Rescues
– 15 Human Smuggling Events
– 7 Narcotics Events
– 2 Firearms Seized

Tucson Border Patrol agents are under siege. A Border Patrol Agent died in the line of duty earlier this month.

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]]> 0 Tucson illegal aliens border patrol Former White House Doctor Ronny Jackson Sounds Alarm on Biden’s Rapid Cognitive Decline (VIDEO) Mon, 27 Nov 2023 01:00:00 +0000

Former White House doctor and current Texas Rep.

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Former White House doctor and current Texas Rep. Ronny Jackson (R) was on Fox News Friday evening to discuss Biden’s rapid cognitive decline.

Rep. Jackson expressed concern over Biden’s age and the decline of his cognitive abilities. Joe Biden just celebrated his 81st birthday last week which makes him the oldest man to hold the highest office in the nation.

The Texas Congressman said Joe Biden’s cognitive decline is “happening quickly.”

Fox News reported:

President Biden’s 81st birthday ushered in even more conversations surrounding his age and declining cognitive acuity, two things Texas Republican Rep. Ronny Jackson, a former White House physician, believes are valid causes for concern.

“[The decline is] happening quickly,” Jackson told “Sunday Morning Futures” guest anchor Sean Duffy.

“Like you said, I’ve taken care of three presidents… so I know firsthand what it takes to be the commander-in-chief and the head of state. It’s a grueling job, both mentally and physically. This man can’t do the job. He’s proven to us every single day that he can’t do the job, but this is going to get worse.”

Dr. Jackson is speaking with a lot of experience. He has been the White House Physician for three Presidents including George W. Bush, Obama and Trump.

“It’s just unbelievable how much he’s degenerated just during his time in office. We cannot afford to have this man in office for the remainder of this term and then [for] another four years after that. He’s already putting us at great risk right now,” Jackson told Fox News.

Biden’s declining health is not a new issue. It has been evident for some time including falling on various occasions.


Dr. Ronny Jackson has repeatedly sounded the alarm on Joe Biden’s dementia, health issues and old age.

The Gateway Pundit reported back in April when Dr. Ronnie Jackson said that Biden should take a cognitive test or drop out of the presidential race.

The Gateway Pundit reported on his assessment of Biden’s recent health report as ‘alarming’ and accused the White House physician of covering up Biden’s cognitive decline.

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]]> 0 Ronny Jackson Biden cognitive decline Biden Falling Down Biden fall June 1 2023 air force graduation biden fall1 bike Jogger Charged with Manslaughter After Evening Run, Prosecutors Say His Phone Holds Record of the Crime Mon, 27 Nov 2023 00:40:17 +0000 A California man is charged with manslaughter after recording himself killing a homeless man sleeping on the sidewalk near Disneyland. Police say the victim threw a shoe at him before being shot three times.

The devil delights in a world where dehumanizing your fellow man — no matter how absurd — is easy.

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]]> A California man is charged with manslaughter after recording himself killing a homeless man sleeping on the sidewalk near Disneyland. Police say the victim threw a shoe at him before being shot three times.

The devil delights in a world where dehumanizing your fellow man — no matter how absurd — is easy. We live in that world.

In one high-profile example, there are those of the LGBT community who are out in the streets dehumanizing Jews by defending Hamas — a terrorist organization that would have all LGBT people eliminated from the planet if it could.

Less dramatic but equally tragic is the homeless problem plaguing our country, especially in California. Video clips of people living in tents on city streets — some openly doing drugs, others talking to invisible entities residing in their heads, and still others defecating on sidewalks — abound on the internet. For many, images like these dehumanize the homeless.

Dehumanization leads to the senseless taking of human life. In a recent example of senseless death — a phenomenon that has become all too common — a California jogger killed a man who was in the way of his afternoon run. If that’s not bad enough, the jogger recorded himself taking the man’s life.

And now that man is facing criminal charges.

A news release from the Orange County District Attorney’s Office issued on Nov. 20 stated, “A Garden Grove man has been charged with felony voluntary manslaughter for shooting and killing a homeless man he had just woken up for blocking the sidewalk while he was sleeping. The victim threw a shoe at the shooter seconds before the shooting. The incident was captured on video by the shooter.

“Craig Sumner Elliott, 68 … has also been charged with one felony enhancement of personal use of a firearm,” the release continued. “He faces a maximum sentence of 21 years in state prison if convicted on all charges.”

At 68 years old, a sentence that long would likely mean death in prison for Elliott.

The incident occurred around 3 p.m. on September 28. Elliot was jogging with a pushcart and his two dogs. While passing through the 10400 block of Katella Avenue, about 2 miles from Disneyland, Elliott allegedly came across Antonio Garcia Avalos, 40, an unhoused man sleeping across the sidewalk.

According to the DA’s office, Elliott used the pushcart to “nudge Avalos in an attempt to wake him up.” Avalos responded by “yelling at Elliott to get away from him.

“Elliott is accused of recording Avalos and grabbing a handgun from his pushcart,” according to the news release. He was carrying the weapon legally. He had a concealed carry permit issued by the Orange County Sheriff’s Department.

According to the DA’s office, Elliott recorded Avalos on his phone standing up and throwing a shoe. Elliott ducked to avoid the shoe and then shot Avalos three times. Avalos later died from the wounds.

“This is a tragic set of circumstances that unfolded in the worst possible way over a minor inconvenience of a blocked sidewalk, and a man is dead as a result,” Orange County district attorney Todd Spitzer said.

It’s tragic because it appears to be senseless. Elliot will have his day in court. Maybe he will claim he thought the shoe was an IED and Avalos was an Islamic terrorist or a crazed Jewish militant out to commit genocide. Fear breeds irrationality. Irrationality is the devil’s playground.

Homeless people getting killed is common in California. In 2022, homeless people made up nearly a quarter of Los Angeles’ murder victims, according to KNBC.

The homeless crisis is plaguing many American cities. According to the National Alliance to End Homelessness, homelessness reached record highs “in the history of data collection” in 2022. There’s no reason to think the rate subsided in 2023 with the economic woes brought on by Bidenomics human dignity — just the opposite.

Homeless people are the victims and enablers of the homeless crisis. Many homeless suffer from drug addiction, poverty and/or mental illness. That’s not an excuse but a fact. Most homeless, it is safe to assume, don’t want to be homeless. Those who do are likely insane.

The bottom line is that homeless people are still people. They are not vermin to be shot on the streets like rats in a cage.

Provoking a homeless person and then responding with fatal force — if that is what Elliott did — is never a good solution. In this case, it looks like one man is dead and another risks dying in prison because of a lack of respect for human dignity.

We live in a world where Christianity is desperately needed. Christians hold human dignity in the highest esteem and are taught to hate the sin but love the sinner. If Elliot put more store in human dignity than his own convenience, he wouldn’t be charged with a crime and a man would still be alive.

The devil hates that.

Guns aren’t the problem. A lack of respect for human life is.

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

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]]> 0 NEVER FORGET: From 130,000-280,000 Completed Ballots Were Shipped Across State Lines from NY to PA in 2020 Election – Never Explained (VIDEO) Mon, 27 Nov 2023 00:20:09 +0000

As The Gateway Pundit reported back in 2020, election fraud whistleblowers came forward in December following the controversial election, including one who witnessed the shipping of an estimated 144,000-288,000 completed ballots across three state lines on October 21 2020.

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As The Gateway Pundit reported back in 2020, election fraud whistleblowers came forward in December following the controversial election, including one who witnessed the shipping of an estimated 144,000-288,000 completed ballots across three state lines on October 21 2020.

The information was made public at a press conference by the Amistad Project of the Thomas More Society, a national constitutional litigation organization.

The Amistad Project said at the time that they had sworn declarations that over 300,000 ballots are at issue in Arizona, 548,000 in Michigan, 204,000 in Georgia, and over 121,000 in Pennsylvania.

They said that their evidence reveals multi-state illegal efforts by USPS workers to influence the election in at least three of six swing states.

The whistleblower statements included potentially hundreds of thousands of completed absentee ballots being transported across three state lines, and a trailer filled with ballots disappearing in Pennsylvania.

Attorney Phil Kline said, “130,000 to 280,000 completed ballots for the 2020 general election were shipped from Bethpage, NY, to Lancaster, PA, where those ballots and the trailer in which they were shipped disappeared.”

Truck driver Jesse Morgan was present at the press conference and spoke for 9 minutes about his unbelievable ordeal. Morgan was tasked with delivering completed ballots to Pennsylvania from New York State.

This was explosive testimony.

Jesse Morgan: In total I saw 24 gaylords, or large cardboard containers of ballots, loaded into my trailer. These gaylords contained plastic trays, I call them totes or trays of ballots stacked on top of each other. All the envelopes were the same size. I saw the envelopes had return addresses… They were complete ballots.”

Jesse went on to say that he sat in Harrisburg for hours, and when he was told to leave, the supervisor at the post office would not give him a slip or an overtime slip so he could get paid. Jesse said the manager-supervisor was “kinda rude.”

Jesse’s testimony revealed that United States Post Office employees were in on the conspiracy to steal the votes.

The Gateway Pundit later discovered that rather than investigate this massive alleged crime, US Attorney General Bill Barr called up investigator Tony Shaffer and KILLED the investigation!  He never lifted a finger to investigate this enormous act of election fraud!

In June 2022 The Gateway Pundit reported that the United States Postal Service investigated the allegations by the truck drivers – but they would NOT release their report.

Now this- The American Thinker published a report this weekend. The USPS finally released their report on the accusations of truck drivers hauling completed ballots across state lines into Pennsylvania before election day!

Jesse Morgan was exonerated. No wonder they hid this for a year!

The USPS is running ballots!

In June 2023 RealRobert on Twitter-X reminded the Twitter audience that 180,000-230,000 completed ballots were delivered from New York to Pennsylvania before the 2020 election. And then the trailer disappeared.

This weekend this piece of 2002 voter fraud started making the rounds again online.

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]]> 0 usps whistleblower jesse morgan mcswain barr Palestinian Groups Blames Biden White House and Leftist Media After 3 Palestinian College Students Are Suspiciously Shot in Vermont Mon, 27 Nov 2023 00:00:05 +0000

As reported earlier – Three top Palestinian college students were fatally shot in what is being characterized as a “bias attack.”  The victims, who were attending woke institutions such as Harvard, Brown University, and Trinity University, were targeted while on their way to a family dinner in Vermont’s bustling city of Burlington, the New York Post reported.

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Source: X/@hzomlot

As reported earlier – Three top Palestinian college students were fatally shot in what is being characterized as a “bias attack.”  The victims, who were attending woke institutions such as Harvard, Brown University, and Trinity University, were targeted while on their way to a family dinner in Vermont’s bustling city of Burlington, the New York Post reported.

The Arab American Anti-Discrimination Committee (ADC) named the individuals involved as Hiham Awartani, Tahseen Ali, and Kenan Abdulhamid, who had gathered to celebrate the Thanksgiving holiday break.

According to WCAX: “The suspect was on foot in the area when investigators say he discharged at least four rounds from his pistol without speaking. Two of the victims were wearing keffiyehs at the time of the assault, according to Chief Murad.”

Authorities transported the victims to the University of Vermont Medical Center. The Arab American Anti-Discrimination Committee (ADC) reported that two of the individuals were in intensive care, with one suffering from extremely critical and severe injuries.

It is still unclear why the Palestinian students were shot in Burlington but that hasn’t stopped the pro-Palestinian lobby to start casting blame for the attack.

The Shut it Down Palestine org is blaming the Biden White House and the far left mainstream media for the shootings.

Palestinian activists are using this to paint their community as international victims.

They’re even blaming Bernie Sanders.

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]]> 0 Screenshot 2023-11-26 at 1.27.05 PM Source: X/@hzomlot palestine shot House Intelligence Chair Praises Release of J6 Tapes: ‘It’s Important for Americans to Know the Truth’ Sun, 26 Nov 2023 23:40:44 +0000


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Rep. Mike Turner, the Republican chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, commended newly elected House Speaker Mike Johnson for finally releasing a portion of footage from the January 6 riot.

In an interview on NBC’s Meet the Press on Sunday, host Kristen Walker pressed Turner on whether it was responsible for Johnson to release the tapes amid warnings from Capitol Police the move would jeopardize the security of the Capitol complex.

“Let me ask you quickly about the newly elected Speaker of the House Mike Johnson. He just made the decision to release and he started the process of 40,000 of footage from January 6. The Capitol Police have expressed real concerns that could jeopardize the security of the Capitol,” Walker said. “Do you think it was responsible to release all of the footage from January 6?”

“It’s important for Americans to know the truth. This has been fraught with an unbelievable amount of misinformation and untruths,” Turner replied.

“When you see the footage yourself, it’s going to give you an understanding of what was there and what occurred that day,” he continued. “Because we’re currently only depending on really partisan descriptions of what happened. Now the American people can see.”

Walker claimed GOP lawmakers have “cherrypicked some of the images to further conspiracies” and intentionally misrepresent what those images depict.

“Are you comfortable with that,” she asked Turner.

“I think it’s been cherry-picked by both sides,” particularly the January 6 House Select Committee, Turner said.

Walker asked Turner to address theories about January 6 being a fedsurrection, an orchestrated effort to attack and incriminate Trump supporters.

“Let me ask you about your Republican colleagues in the wake of this footage being released,” she said. “Are you comfortable with, for example, Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene posting–suggesting, that this was an inside job by the Capitol Police? She removed the tweet of course, but does that make you uncomfortable?”

“You’ll have to talk to Marjorie Taylor Green about that,” Turner said. “But what I will say is it’s important that the Speaker has taken this step because now people can see the truth.”


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]]> 0 House Intelligence Chair Praises Release of J6 Tapes: ‘It’s Important for Americans to Know the Truth’ | The Gateway Pundit | by Alicia Powe Rep. Mike Turner, the Republican chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, commended newly elected House Speaker Mike Johnson for finally releasing a portion of footage from the January 6 riot. In an interview on NBC’s Meet the Press on Sunday, host Kristen Walker pressed Turner on whether it wa BeFunky-design (12) Retailers Lost Over $4.4 Billion in Democrat-Run New York Due to Organized Shoplifting Sun, 26 Nov 2023 23:20:41 +0000

Organized shoplifting has impacted New York retailers greatly.

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Organized shoplifting has impacted New York retailers greatly. The Democrat-run state and its soft-on-crime policies have resulted in huge losses for businesses.

In 2022, there was an estimated $4.4 billion loss for retailers across the state of New York. Store owners are not happy about Governor Hochul’s approach to handling this situation.

Democrat Governor Hochul recently vetoed a bill that would have facilitated the issue of dealing with organized theft rings. A spokesperson for the Governor said the $35 million cost for the proposal was not in the budget.

New York Post reported:

Retailers across New York state say there’s no end in sight to the rising epidemic of organized shoplifting rings — and warn it could lead to more store closures, increased costs for consumers and threats of violence against store employees.

Store owners said they lost $4.4 billion last year as a result of retail theft — which they say adds to the urgency for Gov. Kathy Hochul to crack down.

However, Hochul vetoed a bipartisan bill last week — to the chagrin of store owners — that would have created a task force to combat organized theft.

Law enforcement puts the blame on prosecutors who have progressive policies and promote leniency on criminal behavior. Recently, the Syracuse police chief said that since 2021, there has been a 55 percent increase in shoplifting. Some businesses don’t report thefts so it could be potentially higher.

Some retailers have had to consider closing their businesses because numerous thefts and robberies make it very difficult and dangerous to stay open.

“Stephen Lands, owner of Buffalo Fleece and Outerwear, told WIVB-TV in September that he may need to close his shop due to rampant theft of his merchandise.” New York Post reported.

“In recent months, Lands said he has been robbed 20 times.” New York Post continued.

The Western Journal reported back in May that New York had a program to install kiosks in retail stores for would be shoplifters to contact social services. This was not received with much confidence.

The plan calls for installing kiosks in stores so that thieves who are reaching for something to steal can connect with social services programs instead, Adams announced on his website.

The New York Police Department is also losing officers at an alarming rate.

According to NYPD pension data reviewed by the New York Post, “a total of 2,516 NYPD cops have left so far this year, the fourth highest number in the past decade and 43% more than the 1,750 who hightailed it in 2018, before the pandemic and crime spikes hit the city.”

“The number of cops quitting before they reach the 20 years required to receive their full pensions also skyrocketed from 509 in 2020 to 1,040 so far this year — an alarming 104% increase, the data show,” the report said.

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]]> 0 Hochul2 WATCH: Over 700 Illegals Walk Across Open Border into Lukeville, Arizona in Just a Few Hours Sun, 26 Nov 2023 23:00:12 +0000

Joe Biden’s America.

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Joe Biden’s America.

In just a few hours on Friday afternoon, over 700 illegal aliens made their way across the border at Organ Pipe National Monument near Lukeville, Arizona.

“700+ migrants have crossed illegally within last few hours west of Lukeville, AZ in the Organ Pipe National Monument. Line is growing and is over a quarter mile long!!” retired ICE Field Director and Republican Congressional candidate in Colorado, John Fabbricatore said on X.


Lukeville, Arizona has become a major port of entry for illegal aliens to cross into the U.S. The Border Patrol agents here are overwhelmed with a continuous flow of illegals with no end in sight.

There are over 500 illegals in custody near Organ Pipe National Monument in Lukeville.


According to a Customs and Border Protection report, there were 269,735 migrant encounters at the southern border in September, making it the highest single month ever recorded.

Also according to the CBP, fiscal year 2023 finished with 2.47 million encounters. The highest annual total ever recorded in a single year.

“The Biden administration has now set the all-time record for recorded migrant encounters at the southern border for the last 3 years in a row, per CBP numbers,” Fox News reporter Bill Melugin reported last month.

According to The Highland County Press, more than 10 million illegal aliens have entered the US since Joe Biden was installed in January 2021.

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]]> 0 Screenshot_20231125-161313_X Fatal Fruit: ‘Wake-Up Call’ Infectious Outbreak Crosses Border, New Death Confirmed Sun, 26 Nov 2023 22:20:22 +0000

On Black Friday, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention issued an ominous warning that there was an outbreak of Salmonella infections — an outbreak that had swiftly doubled since the organization first noted the issue a week prior on Nov.

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On Black Friday, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention issued an ominous warning that there was an outbreak of Salmonella infections — an outbreak that had swiftly doubled since the organization first noted the issue a week prior on Nov. 17.

The Friday update noted that since the Nov. 17 report, “an additional 56 people” were infected with the “outbreak strain” of Salmonella.

That brings the U.S. total count to 99 infections across 32 states.

Since the Nov. 17 update, another 28 people have also been hospitalized, bringing total hospitalizations to 45.

On top of all that, Minnesota has also reported two deaths linked to the Salmonella outbreak.

Now, the Public Health Agency of Canada — an official arm of the country’s government — has announced that the same outbreak has claimed a life north of the border, as well as an additional “63 laboratory-confirmed cases” of Salmonella in Canada.

Canada has also seen 17 individuals be hospitalized due to the issue.

As to the source of this sudden international outbreak, the CDC notes that “interviews with sick people and laboratory findings” support the thesis that this Salmonella originated with cantaloupes.

The issue has triggered a recall of a variety of cantaloupe brands, which the CDC noted in a separate release.

Various brands and products of cantaloupes that have been recalled include:

  • “Vinyard” brand pre-cut cantaloupes
  • “ALDI” whole cantaloupes
  • “Freshness Guaranteed” and “RaceTrac” brand pre-cut cantaloupes
  • “Malichita” or “Rudy” whole cantaloupes, that include the number 4050 and “Product of Mexico/produit due Mexique”

The “Malichita” and “Rudy” cantaloupes were also specifically called out by the Canadian government, which labeled both types of whole cantaloupes as “the likely source of the outbreak.”

Given that those cantaloupes were from Mexico, the lack of oversight on this produce is galling to Dr. Marc Stiegel, a clinical professor of medicine, according to Fox News.

“The cantaloupes come from Mexico, and the bacteria could be from food handlers or animal or irrigation contamination,” Siegel told Fox.

Siegel said this whole outbreak and recall was a “further wake-up call that produce grown in a place where the U.S. has little to no control can be packaged and sold in many states, endangering many people.”

According to the CDC, the most common symptoms of a Salmonella infection include: Diarrhea (potentially bloody), fever, stomach cramps, nausea, vomiting, or a headache.

Symptoms usually start within the week of infection, if not much sooner (the CDC notes that symptoms can manifest in as little as six hours), and can last from four days up to a week.

As of Sunday afternoon, the CDC investigation into the Salmonella outbreak is still considered “active.”

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

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]]> 0 Key Swing County Sounding Alarm Bells on Voting Machines Ahead of 2024 Election Sun, 26 Nov 2023 21:40:17 +0000

Troubles with electronic voting machines in a key county of an important swing state have many voters and officials worried about the reliability of the coming 2024 elections.

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Troubles with electronic voting machines in a key county of an important swing state have many voters and officials worried about the reliability of the coming 2024 elections.

According to reports, voters in Northampton County in Pennsylvania have now experienced at least two elections when voting machines glitched on them, and many are calling for answers ahead of the contentious 2024 elections.

The machines reportedly glitched with fraudulent votes in a 2019 race for judge in the county, and while that experience did not become a big deal for many, the problem cropped up again this year. Now, with two glitches in only a few years, county officials are scrambling to reassure voters that the machines are still secure and reliable, Politico reported.

“We’re at the peak of mistrust of one another, but until that subsides, counties like ours need to be nearly perfect, and I think this system allows us to do that,” County Executive Lamont McClure stated.

For his part, Al Schmidt, Pennsylvania’s secretary of state, attempted to pivot on the machine glitches to claim that the detractors are the problem, not the machines.

“The broader concern is that an incident like this would be misused to undermine confidence in our electoral process,” Schmidt told Politico.

Politico went on to note that the 2019 election was the first year Northampton County rolled out the touchscreen machines made by Election Systems & Software. The rollout, though, was troubled when votes for a Democratic candidate for judge were seriously undercounted.

There were also problems in a local election for judges in Nov. 7 of this year when voters reported that the paper printout of their votes did not match what they chose on the touchscreen machine. Apparently, the machines switched some votes to a different candidate on the paper printout of the ballot.

Despite these problems, McClure claimed that there are more than enough safeguards built into the machines.

“One of the things I’ve learned through ‘19 and ‘23 is that the machines that we have have a great deal of redundancy built in,” he stated.

Despite McClure’s assurances, though, voters, poll workers, and election security watchers said that the problems seen now in two recent elections had caused a lot of confusion on Nov. 7 and the issue has undermined trust residents of Northampton County have in the Election Systems & Software systems.

“Since 2019, the theory has been well, that was a big mistake, but we caught it and we’ve implemented new processes to make sure nothing like that would ever happen again,” said the chair of the Northampton County Democratic Party, Matthew Munsey.

“I don’t know how we can restore trust with these machines,” he added.

McClure countered the concerns with his claim that the vote switching was an error programmed into the machines by an ES&S employee when testing the machines ahead of the election.

But voters say that when the glitch in 2019 occurred — which county officials also claimed was an “employee error” — they were told not to worry about it because the paper ballots were recording the real vote when the touchscreen seemed to show something different. But this year, the issue was the mirror reverse of the 2019 problem, yet they are still being told not to worry about it.

“In 2019, when the issues came up with the touchscreens, we were told, ‘Don’t worry about it. The cards are recording the votes,’” said Northampton County Republican Committee Chair Glenn Geissinger. “OK, you’re telling me now, in 2023, ‘Don’t worry about what’s printed on the card?’”

County officials also tried to allay fears by noting that the problem was quickly discovered and resolved, so the issue was isolated and had no chance to affect the outcome of the election. But distrust of the machines abounds.

“They were saying, ‘Don’t trust the thing that’s supposed to validate your ballot,’” Northampton poll worker John Walker told Politico. “That doesn’t instill confidence in the system at a time when it has never been more important to do so.”

Calls for change are also being issued by political parties, elected officials, and activist groups. Democrat and Republican officials are calling for the county to dump the machines and other groups are calling for a more thorough backup system to be devised and implemented before the 2024 elections.

Yet McClure and other officials insist there is nothing seriously wrong with the machines or their backup procedures. And Schmidt has waived off the issues in Northampton, saying, “No voting system is immune to human error.”

Ultimately, many are not mollified by the assurances of state and county officials. Kevin Skoglund, president and chief technologist of Citizens for Better Elections, had a typical reaction by finding the whole situation to be exasperating. “Our concerns kept getting dismissed by people,” he said.

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

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]]> 0 FLASHBACK VIDEO: Nancy Pelosi’s Filmmaker Daughter Alexandra Pelosi Caught on Tape REFUTING J6 NARRATIVE – Admitting Jan. 6 Protests Not an Insurrection, DC Courts Too Biased Sun, 26 Nov 2023 21:20:14 +0000

This video was originally poasted at The Gateway Pundit back in Feruary.

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]]> This video was originally poasted at The Gateway Pundit back in Feruary.

We noticed that it was once again making the rounds this weekend so we decided to repost with context.

Thanks to the J6 defendant who gave us this footage.

* * * * * * * * * *

It is widely known that Nancy Pelosi’s daughter Alexandra Pelosi produced an HBO documentary on the January 6, 2021, protests and riots in Washington, DC.

In October 2022, CNN released never-before-seen footage of Nancy Pelosi and Mitch McConnell inside the US Capitol on January 6, 2021 — the two people who refused to call in the National Guard prior to that day and during the rioting.

The footage on January 6 inside the US Capitol was filmed of Nancy’s daughter Alexandra. Nancy’s son-in-law was outside during the protests filming the “insurrection.”

Nancy had a camera crew at the US Capitol as if she knew it was going to be a historic day.  It was quite a coincidence.

As it turned out, January 6 was a historic day.  It was also well-planned and staged.

Now there is never before released video of Nancy Pelosi’s daughter admitting to a January 6 defendant that the insurrection narrative was nonsense and that Washington, DC is too biased to hold fair trials for Trump supporters.

In the video below, Nancy Pelosi’s daughter, Alexandra Pelosi, is meeting with a January 6 defendant she wanted desperately to be in her sham documentary.   It is a meeting with this same J6 defendant and his attorney.  Alexandra Pelosi asked the defendant numerous times to participate.  He politely declined.

The Gateway Pundit reached out to the January 6 defendant in this video to confirm the details in the recording.

Alexandra Pelosi agreed to be recorded by the defendant.

In this video, Alexandra Pelosi is on camera saying many very shocking things.  She mocks the idea that January 6th was an insurrection and admits that DC is too biased to hold fair trials and that many J6ers would be found not guilty if their cases were handled anywhere else in the country, and much more.

This video has not yet been made public. This is an exclusive video for The Gateway Pundit audience.

From our source who was in the room during the filming:  “I did a lot of due diligence making sure that the defendant who shot this video had permission to do so. I spoke with his attorney who provided me documentation that Alexandra agreed to be filmed if they met.  I wanted to bring this to you before anybody else if you’re interested in featuring it. Nancy Pelosi has contributed to destroying countless lives with her “insurrection” narrative and sham committee – And here is her daughter on camera saying it’s all a crock.”

Here are some of the key moments in the video where Alexandra makes some particularly audacious comments.

Key moments:

2:43: Pelosi: “The Shaman did nothing… What did the Shaman do? He stood there.”

4:24: “After the Democrats lose the house, then they get rid of the committee, people may lose I think interest… no one is going to care after the democrats are out of power. And you take Biden out of office- then who cares!?”

4:50: “DC is a lot of people who work for the government. I don’t think they’re sympathetic. If you got it moved (changed trial jurisdiction from DC) you’d totally get off” (laughs while saying this)

6:50: “If there was an insurrection… you were supposed to have a plan!” “It was the sorriest insurrection in history”

8:11: “You’re going to be able to laugh about this one day”

14:53:  Pelosi talks about her friendship with Gavin McInnes and laughs at the notion that Proud Boys are white supremacists.

Watch the video below:

The post FLASHBACK VIDEO: Nancy Pelosi’s Filmmaker Daughter Alexandra Pelosi Caught on Tape REFUTING J6 NARRATIVE – Admitting Jan. 6 Protests Not an Insurrection, DC Courts Too Biased appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

]]> 0 After the Liberal Meltdown, Conservative Media Has Some Intelligent Takes on Javier Milei’s Historic Election in Argentina Sun, 26 Nov 2023 21:00:45 +0000

Javier Milei’s landslide victory in Argentina’s Presidential runoff election is a historic moment for conservatives worldwide, hailed by the likes of Trump, Bolsonaro, Orbán and so many others.

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Javier Milei’s landslide victory in Argentina’s Presidential runoff election is a historic moment for conservatives worldwide, hailed by the likes of Trump, Bolsonaro, Orbán and so many others.

But in the MSM – as you would expect – there was a widespread wave of outrage.

“Far-right’, ‘Authoritarian’, and all the usual ‘bad names’ were applied. His election was called an irresponsible adventure by frustrated voters doomed to disastrous outcomes.

But now the level-headed, right-thinking news vehicles are starting to bring a more balanced and intelligent view of the historic event that marks a significant moment in the rise of pro-market, popular conservatism.

The article ‘Argentina’s chainsaw-wielding president-elect is a libertarian’s dream‘, by Mark Littlewood on British Telegraph, proposes the view that ‘Argentinian voters decided that the fruit being offered to them by the political elite was so rotten that they may as well upend the entire applecart’.

“Milei has not run on a reformist platform, instead he is promising a revolution. He is not offering short-term succor, but a full-blown overhaul of government to alter Argentina’s long-term trajectory. The public has voted for intensive surgery rather than palliative care.

His policy agenda makes a Thatcher or Reagan manifesto look like a mere tweak on a spreadsheet. Vast swathes of government departments will be closed, the central bank is to be shuttered and the country may abandon the peso in favor of the US dollar. State spending will be slashed. Milei has hardly made a secret of this – wielding a chainsaw above his head was a frequent feature of his campaign rallies.

To try and grasp the scale of Argentina’s woes, you could look at the problems afflicting much of the West and simply dial them up to the maximum. If stubborn inflation here has fueled a cost of living crisis, imagine the impact of prices increasing by nearly 150 percent every year. We may be swimming in debt, Argentina is drowning it. Our state infrastructure is creaking, inefficient, and pitifully wasteful; Argentina’s is in meltdown. Crony capitalism is a blight and affliction on our economy, over there, it’s a full-blown cancer.”

Milei is part of a global trend in which variations of popular conservatism are on the rise.

“In sections of the legacy media, this phenomenon is variously explained as the rise of the far right or by the observation that every nation now possesses its own version of Donald Trump. This is not merely over-simplified, it is wildly inaccurate. The Trump comparisons often amount to little more than noting that a politician exhibits an idiosyncratic hairstyle. What appears to be happening across the democratic world is that social democratic and statist structures – which have been the prevailing norm for decades – have reached breaking point and the electorate is noticing.”

Central banks have been on an insane money-printing spree of fiat currency. Taxes on historically high levels and unhinged state spending produce tragic results.

“Sizable chunks of the population are now latching themselves to mavericks who are broadly supportive of a market economy, deeply skeptical about the ability of a sprawling government system to address economic and social concerns and are focused on the key tasks that the state surely should be able to manage – such as the control of borders.”

Milei only has limited representation in the legislature and the mega-powerful vested interests ranged against him are scary to the max.

Sky News Australia had an interesting segment called Socialist ‘post-election meltdown’ in Argentina has been ‘enormous’:

Excerpts of what Rita Panahi and Kosha Gada said:

Rita Panahi: A huge development in Argentina which has just elected a president that is conservative. He’s a libertarian. He is vehemently anti Marxist, anti woke.

Javier Milei has been called far right. He’s been called an extremist and his rise to power has triggered all the usual lefties who’ve well, they haven’t been this disturbed since Georgia Meloni was elected as Italy’s leader.

Kosha Gada: I think Argentina is one of the biggest cautionary tales of our time of how rapidly that decline happened from prosperity to those numbers that you cite right now.

He’s an unconventional candidate in many ways, ways. He’s got the hair, he’s a TV host, He says kind of things that are beyond, you know, what’s conventionally said. He’s a bit eccentric but the thing is: conventional candidates – look where it’s gotten them [Argentina].

The hosts played some clips of Milei to portray his fiery style.

Rita Panahi: He said in that interview, ‘if you give the left an inch, they will use it to destroy you’, ‘you can’t negotiate with leftards’. That’s a direct quote.

He also said ‘Since they can’t beat us with real arguments, they use the repressive apparatus of the state to destroy us’.

It bears noting the careful analysis by the two journalists.

Rita Panahi: He’s been dubbed the Argentinian Trump. Can he turn the ship around? People are predicting chaos, economic collapse. All the things we heard when Trump was elected in 2016, care to make a prediction?

Kosha Gada: He definitely has his work cut out for him. And I think, when things have gone so far off the deep end – It’s gonna take drastic measures.

American conservative media also had something to say in the matter, with Jon Miltimore writing ‘What we can learn from Javier Milei’s victory — and Argentina’s ruinous economy’ for the Washington Enquirer:

“However one chooses to describe Milei, it’s clear his rise marks a total rejection of Argentina’s political establishment after years of economic pain.

The poverty rate in Argentina is above 40%. Inflation, meanwhile, has been in the triple digits all year, and it continues to rise. Argentina, the second-largest economy in South America, has battled inflation for decades, but inflation has spiraled out of control in recent years.”

“Americans who think they have little to learn from this spiraling South American country should realize that Argentina was once one of the wealthiest countries in the world.

Historians point out that just before the beginning of World War I, Argentina was richer than the primary European powers, Germany and France, and almost twice as wealthy as Spain. Its per-capita gross domestic product was on par with that of Canada, and up until the Great Depression, it was one of the largest exporters of food in the world.”

Read more:

The MSM Smear Machine Turns on Conservative Javier Milei, Most Voted Presidential Candidate in Argentina’s Primary Elections

The post After the Liberal Meltdown, Conservative Media Has Some Intelligent Takes on Javier Milei’s Historic Election in Argentina appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

]]> 0 After the Liberal Meltdown, Conservative Media Has Some Intelligent Takes on Javier Milei’s Historic Election in Argentina | The Gateway Pundit | by Paul Serran Javier Milei’s landslide victory in Argentina’s Presidential runoff election is a historic moment for conservatives worldwide, hailed by the likes of Trump, Bolsonaro, Orbán and so many others. But in the MSM – as you would expect – there was a widespread wave of outrage. “Far-right’, ‘Authoritarian Javier Milei President Elect “I Wish I Were There to Hold Her” – Biden Goes Off-Script in Remarks on 4-Year-Old American Hostage Released by Hamas (VIDEO) Sun, 26 Nov 2023 20:40:43 +0000

Joe Biden on Sunday delivered remarks on the release of Israeli and American hostages by Hamas terrorists.

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Joe Biden on Sunday delivered remarks on the release of Israeli and American hostages by Hamas terrorists.

13 Israeli hostages and 4 foreign nationals were released by Hamas on Sunday (Middle East time). They were all captured when Hamas terrorists stormed the border into Israel and slaughtered 1,400 Jews on October 7.

The names of the latest hostages to be released:

1. Abigail Idan, 4
2. Ella Elyakim, 8
3. Dafna Elyakim, 15
4. Hagar Brodetz Ama, 40 and her children
5. Ofri Brodetz, 10
6. Yuval Brodetz, 8
7. Oriya Brodetz, 4
8. Chen Goldstein, 48 and her children
9. Agam Goldstein, 17
10. Tal Goldstein, 9
11. Gal Goldstein, 11
12. Alma Avraham, 84
13. Adrian Aviva Siegel, 63

A 4-year-old Israeli-American girl with dual citizenship whose parents were killed was one of the hostages released on Sunday.

Biden went off-script and made a creepy comment about 4-year-old Abigail Edan during his remarks to reporters.

“Thank God she’s home. The little – I just can’t imagine the enjoyment…I just wish I were there to hold her,” Biden said.

“Do you have an update on the other Americans who are being held and any sense as to when they would be released?” a reporter asked after Biden gushed over the 4-year-old child.

“Uhh, we are hopeful, but I don’t have anything firmly to tell you at this moment,” Biden said.


“Have you extracted any guarantees about proof of life for other hostages or do you have an expectation how much longer you can push this pause?” a reporter asked Biden.

Biden said he just doesn’t know.

“I’m hopeful this is not the end, that it’s gonna continue, but we don’t know,” Biden said.

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]]> 0 Biden Sunday November 26 2023 hamas hostages group 3 James O’Keefe Put on ‘SSSS’ List for Extra Screening for Domestic Flights (VIDEO) Sun, 26 Nov 2023 20:20:19 +0000

James O’Keefe on Sunday revealed he was put on a ‘list’ for extra screening for domestic flights.

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James O’Keefe on Sunday revealed he was put on a ‘list’ for extra screening for domestic flights.

“Trying to understand the “SSSS” designations on my domestic boarding passes,” O’Keefe, the CEO of O’Keefe Media Group (OMG) said in a social media post on Sunday.

According to Forbes: “An SSSS code on a boarding pass stands for “Secondary Security Screening Selection.””

Palm Beach International Airport shut down an entire passenger line as O’Keefe made his way through security.

A TSA agent at Palm Beach International Airport told O’Keefe to contact the State Department.

One agent told O’Keefe, “Your name sounds familiar. Contact the State Department to get off the list.”


Update from O’Keefe: Just received from this from a DHS employee: ‘In 2015, SSSS was only for people on the terrorist watch list. In addition to the additional screening at the checkpoint it also meant federal air marshals were on the plane following the person. TSA has intel specialists that attend joint terrorism meetings across the country with the FBI etc. it very much appears this list has now been politicized post January 6. SSSS list is run by a background system called secure flight which checks everyone’s name and birthday they voluntary enter when booking a ticket. FYI to avoid SSSS screening just ‘accidentally’ enter the wrong birthday when booking your ticket. That was used by selectees as they were called in the 2015 time frame. Person only got caught when they flew internationally when passport was scanned. SSSS were flying all over US without additional screening using the mistakenly entered birthday.’

It is unclear why James O’Keefe was slapped with the “SSSS” designation on his boarding pass, however, it was recently revealed Air Marshals are stalking certain conservative citizens even if they were not at the Capitol on January 6.

Sonya Labosco, Director of the Air Marshals National Council said Air Marshals are quietly following Americans who flew into the DC area around January 6, 2021.

Labosco said Air Marshals are no longer going after terrorists or the bad guys because they are now stalking and following every single person who flew into the DC area around January 2021 even if they did not go to the US Capitol.

“We’re not flying right now. The only missions that we are doing are ‘Quiet Skies’ missions and those are missions that are following the January 2021 people,” Labosco said. “So we’re either on the border for illegal immigrants or we’re following folks from January 2021. We’re not doing our regular missions where we’re out there looking for the bad guys so for now most flights you’re not gonna have Air Marshals.”

Labosco said their primary mission is to stalk every single person who flew into the DC area even if they never went to the Capitol and were never charged with any crimes.

“That means our primary mission is a little group called ‘quiet skies’ – it’s a mission called quiet skies that we’re following people that flew into the national capital region in January 2021 and they did not have to go to the Capitol or the rally and you’ve been put on a specific list that TSA has now assigned Air Marshals to follow these people who have not had any type of criminal investigation – they haven’t committed a crime, but yet three years later we are following the same individuals day in and day out,” Labosco said.


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]]> 0 James O’Keefe TSA list airport Over 2,500 Police Officers Have Left the NYPD This Year Sun, 26 Nov 2023 20:00:41 +0000

A jaw-dropping 2,516 NYPD officers have left the job in 2023.

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A jaw-dropping 2,516 NYPD officers have left the job in 2023.

The nation’s largest police force will be shrinking even more as the city has plans to cancel the next five Police Academy classes.

According to NYPD pension data reviewed by the New York Post, “a total of 2,516 NYPD cops have left so far this year, the fourth highest number in the past decade and 43% more than the 1,750 who hightailed it in 2018, before the pandemic and crime spikes hit the city.”

“The number of cops quitting before they reach the 20 years required to receive their full pensions also skyrocketed from 509 in 2020 to 1,040 so far this year — an alarming 104% increase, the data show,” the report continues.

Police Benevolent Association President Patrick Hendry told the Post that officers leaving and a lack of new hires are causing those who remain on the force to be subjected to “inhumane amounts of forced overtime.”

“The workload is a leading factor driving people away from the job,” Hendry said. “If the NYPD is going to survive these staffing reductions, it cannot just keep squeezing cops for more hours.”

The Post reports that “drastic cuts will reduce the department to just 29,000 cops by the end of fiscal year 2025 — the lowest level since the mid-90s — and come amid a slew of city-wide belt tightening. The mayor has blamed the the city’s multi-billion-dollar migrant crisis.”

The report adds:

The exodus began after Minnesota cop Derek Chauvin murdered George Floyd on May 25, 2020, triggering nationwide protests and calls to defund the police. Anti-cop hostility, bail reform, and rising crime have fed into frustration among the NYPD rank and file.

Assaults against NYPD cops have skyrocketed by more than 25% this year, police data obtained by The Post last month revealed.

“When you look at the number of resignations, you need to ask yourself why would the mayor even consider making cuts to hiring in the NYPD?” Joseph Giacalone, a retired NYPD sergeant and adjunct professor at John Jay College of Criminal Justice, told the newspaper. “As the numbers continue to dwindle, things will take a dramatic turn for the worse.”

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]]> 0 NYPD Patch Iranian-Backed Houthis Hijack Israel-Linked Ship the Central Park Tanker in Red Sea Sun, 26 Nov 2023 20:00:11 +0000

Iranian-backed Houthi rebels seized the Central Park tanker in the Red Sea on Sunday.

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The Central Park tanker was hijacked by Houthi rebels near Yemen on Sunday.

Iranian-backed Houthi rebels seized the Central Park tanker in the Red Sea on Sunday. The Liberian-flagged ship is managed by Zodiac Maritime.

Three ships are now under their control.

The Jewish Press reported: An Israeli-owned cargo ship was damaged in an Iranian Shahed-136 kamikaze drone attack in the Indian Ocean this past Friday. One week ago, an Israel-linked cargo ship in the southern Red Sea was also hijacked by the Houthis.

According to Lord Bebo.

The attackers seized the Liberian-flagged Central Park, managed by Zodiac Maritime, in the Gulf of Aden, the company and private intelligence firm Ambrey said. An American defense official, speaking on condition of anonymity to discuss intelligence matters, also confirmed to The Associated Press that the attack took place.

Zodiac called the seizure “a suspected piracy incident.”
“Our priority is the safety of our 22 crew onboard,” Zodiac said in a statement. “The Turkish-captained vessel has a multinational crew consisting of a crew of Russian, Vietnamese, Bulgarian, Indian, Georgian and Filipino nationals. The vessel is carrying a full cargo of phosphoric acid.”

Zodiac described the vessel as being owned by Clumvez Shipping Inc., though other records directly linked Zodiac as the owner. London-based Zodiac Maritime is part of Israeli billionaire Eyal Ofer’s Zodiac Group. British corporate records listed two men with the last name Ofer as a current and former director of Clumvez Shipping, including Daniel Guy Ofer, who is also a director at Zodiac Maritime.

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]]> 0 central park tanker The Central Park tanker was hijacked by Houthi rebels near Yemen on Sunday. Three Top Palestinian College Students Shot in Vermont – Gunman Allegedly Fired on Students Without Speaking Sun, 26 Nov 2023 19:40:46 +0000

Three top Palestinian college students were shot in what is being characterized as a “bias attack.”  The victims, who were attending woke institutions such as Harvard, Brown University, and Trinity University, were targeted while on their way to a family dinner in Vermont’s bustling city of Burlington, the New York Post reported.

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Source: X/@hzomlot

Three top Palestinian college students were shot in what is being characterized as a “bias attack.”  The victims, who were attending woke institutions such as Harvard, Brown University, and Trinity University, were targeted while on their way to a family dinner in Vermont’s bustling city of Burlington, the New York Post reported.

The Arab American Anti-Discrimination Committee (ADC) named the individuals involved as Hiham Awartani, Tahseen Ali, and Kenan Abdulhamid, who had gathered to celebrate the Thanksgiving holiday break.

According to WCAX: “The suspect was on foot in the area when investigators say he discharged at least four rounds from his pistol without speaking. Two of the victims were wearing keffiyehs at the time of the assault, according to Chief Murad.”

Authorities transported the victims to the University of Vermont Medical Center. The Arab American Anti-Discrimination Committee (ADC) reported that two of the individuals were in intensive care, with one suffering from extremely critical and severe injuries.

No shooter has been identified yet, according to police. Meanwhile, the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) has announced a reward of $10,000 for any information that leads to the arrest and conviction of the person responsible for the shooting, NECN reported.

Read the full statement from ADC:

Earlier this morning ADC was aware of the shooting of three Palestinian-American, Arab students in Burlington, VT. After reviewing the initial information provided we have reason to believe this shooting occurred because the victims are Arab. All three victims survived the initial shooting, however two of them are currently in ICU, and one of the students has sustained very critical and serious injuries. The full extent of injuries is unknown at this time.

The students, each of them 20 years of age, are Mr. Hisham Awartani of Brown University; Mr. Kinnan Abdalhamid of Haverford University; and Mr. Tahseen Ahmed of Trinity University. The students gathered together to enjoy Thanksgiving break. According to the information provided the three victims were wearing a Kuffiyeh and speaking Arabic. A man shouted and harassed the victims, then proceeded to shoot them.

ADC calls on law enforcement in Vermont to investigate this shooting as a hate crime. In addition, ADC has reached out to the Department of Justice (DOJ) and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) to also call on an  immediate hate crimes investigation.

ADC National Executive Director Abed Ayoub said, “We are praying for a full recovery of the victims, and will stand by to support the families in any way that is needed. Given the information collected and provided, it is clear that the hate was a motivating factor in this shooting, and we call on law enforcement to investigate it as such. The surge in anti-Arab and anti-Palestinian sentiment we are experiencing is unprecedented, and this is another example of that hate turning violent.”

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]]> 0 Screenshot 2023-11-26 at 1.27.05 PM Source: X/@hzomlot Former NYPD Officer Sal Greco Requests Info on Why NYC Law Is Backing Mayor Adams in Sexual Abuse Lawsuit Sun, 26 Nov 2023 19:20:18 +0000

This article originally appeared on and was republished with permission.

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]]> This article originally appeared on and was republished with permission.

Sal Greco and Eric Adams

Former NYPD Officer Sal Greco has requested on behalf of all New Yorkers information that supports the city’s decision to back Mayor Eric Adams in a lawsuit brought against him for sexual abuse while he worked for NYC Transit Police.

Former NYPD Officer Sal Greco was fired for befriending Roger Stone.  The rationale the NYPD gave was that Greco was hanging around with a “felon” (Stone, who was pardoned), which went against NYPD rules.  Greco had an unblemished record at the NYPD.

Judge Allows Sal Greco Case to Move Forward – Fired for Being Friend of Roger Stone

Greco is suing the NYPD for this BS ruling. He argues that current Mayor Eric Adams has surrounded himself with felons. Because of this alone, Greco believes he was targeted and nefariously and illegally removed from his position at the NYPD.

EXCLUSIVE: NYC Mayor Eric Adams Is Already the Most Corrupt Mayor in NYC History

Greco has filed an Open Records Request showing why the NYC Law Department has agreed to back Mayor Adams in a sexual abuse case. The case is related to an event that occurred years ago while Adams was a police officer at NYC Transit Police.


Mayor Adams is a disgrace.  His record and his “friends” are very, very concerning. 
You can help support Greco at his website:

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]]> 0 Sal-Greco-and-Eric-Adams Sal Greco and Eric Adams Image “My Dog Saved My Life”: IDF Dogs Clear 50 Hamas Booby-Traps in Gaza (VIDEO) Sun, 26 Nov 2023 19:00:42 +0000

  As another 17 hostages were released from Gaza and Israeli Prime Minister Bejamin Netanyahu toured the combat zone, IDF army dogs have exposed 50 booby-trap explosives and dozens of weapons stockpiles since the start of the war.

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As another 17 hostages were released from Gaza and Israeli Prime Minister Bejamin Netanyahu toured the combat zone, IDF army dogs have exposed 50 booby-trap explosives and dozens of weapons stockpiles since the start of the war. 4 dogs have been killed, Arutz Sheva reports.

Since the beginning of the fighting, Oketz (K-9) Unit fighters and dogs from the Marom Special Operations Brigade exposed approximately 50 booby-trapped explosive devices and dozens of weapons stockpiles, Arutz Sheva reports. Oketz (K-9) soldiers and dogs discovered explosives in a room at the Rantisi hospital, as well as a weapons stockpile.

They also helped locate the bodies of slain hostages Yehudit Weiss and Noa Marciano in the area of the al-Shifah Hospital, Arutz Sheva reports.

In another activity, one of the unit’s dogs located a barrel of explosives set to harm arriving forces.

Four dogs that fought alongside the troops were killed in combat while defending soldiers in Gaza. They will be buried in the unit’s cemetery according to protocol. The four dogs who were KIA were identified as Mido, Taiga, Jack, and Ghandi, according to Arutz Sheva.

The Israel Guys: Why A Ceasefire With HAMAS Is A TRAGIC MISTAKE | EPISODE #2

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]]> 0 “My Dog Saved My Life”: IDF Dogs Clear 50 Hamas Booby-Traps in Gaza (VIDEO) | The Gateway Pundit | by Richard Abelson   As another 17 hostages were released from Gaza and Israeli Prime Minister Bejamin Netanyahu toured the combat zone, IDF army dogs have exposed 50 booby-trap explosives and dozens of weapons stockpiles since the start of the war. 4 dogs have been kil UPDATE: Tommy Robinson Pepper-Sprayed and Arrested for Marching against Hamas – Metro Police Release Statement Sun, 26 Nov 2023 18:40:39 +0000

After Weeks of pro-Hamas rallies in London, British activist Tommy Robinson was arrested at a march against anti-semitism in London today.

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After Weeks of pro-Hamas rallies in London, British activist Tommy Robinson was arrested at a march against anti-semitism in London today. Robinson was pepper-sprayed and once again arrested for the crime of journalism. Here’s what Urban Scoop reports:

Today, a huge march against Hamas, and anti-semitism, took place in London.

In attendance, planning to report on the event itself, was Tommy Robinson.

While Tommy was having breakfast with his team, the Met Police began to harass – and threaten him – if he did not leave London.

Tommy stood his ground, in a respectful way, and joined the march and began to livestream.

It was then, that Tommy was surrounded by around 20 police officers, who asked for his home address in front of the media.

Tommy simply asked what he had done wrong, which was absolutely nothing.

The huge mob of police officers then seized Tommy, handcuffed him, pulled his arms in the air behind his back, then pepper-sprayed him directly in the eyes!

See below, Tommy’s eyes look scalded and he’s in pain:

They then frog-marched him away from the crowd – which was very supportive of him – and led him away.

Tommy was in visible distress because of the gas sprayed into his eyes.

They then bundled him in the back of a police riot van and took him away to an unknown police station.

While in the back of the police van, luckily Tommy was able to upload a quick video (screengrab above) showing the shocking state of his face due to being gassed by the police.

At this time, we don’t know where they have taken him.

‘Tommy Robinson’ and ‘#TwoTierPolicing’ are trending all over social media, and Tommy’s arrest is being covered by the entire British media.

Support Tommy Robinson at UrbanScoop

The Gateway Pundit reached out to Tommy. Tommy’s spokesperson said, “He is currently being held in a prison cell at a police station.”

We are looking at suing the police for their actions today please help Tommy here –”

UPDATE: The Metro Police released a statement. The police insist Tommy’s presence was causing “fear for other participants.”

Below is the full live stream leading up to the arrest:

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]]> 0 Tommy Arrested 2 “Litigation Floodgates are Now Open” for mRNA Vaccine Injured: Comprehensive List of 90 Attorneys Around the World Available for Lawsuits Against Vaccine Manufacturers Sun, 26 Nov 2023 18:20:15 +0000

Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) held a hearing on COVID-19 vaccine injuries earlier this month, where she vowed to expose “the TRUTH behind the COVID-19 vaccines.” Greene was joined by Reps Clay Higgins (R-LA), Barry Moore (R-AL), Thomas Massie (R-KY), and Greg Steube (R-FL) to hear expert testimony from Dr.

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Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) held a hearing on COVID-19 vaccine injuries earlier this month, where she vowed to expose “the TRUTH behind the COVID-19 vaccines.”

Greene was joined by Reps Clay Higgins (R-LA), Barry Moore (R-AL), Thomas Massie (R-KY), and Greg Steube (R-FL) to hear expert testimony from Dr. Robert Malone, Dr. Kimberly Biss, and Thomas Renz in the Rayburn House Office Building.

The Gateway Pundit has reported extensively on injuries and sudden deaths that were likely caused by the COVID-19 vaccines and the Biden Regime’s deadly mandates. You can easily find countless stories of these tragedies by searching “dies suddenly” in the search bar on our website.

You can watch the full hearing here.

The Gateway Pundit reported in 2022 that while the United States does have a vaccine injury compensation program, many Americans who have filed claims after being injured by the experimental COVID vaccines have not received compensation and many were denied for not meeting the standard of proof.

If a petition is filed and it is determined that a vaccine or covered countermeasure caused an injury, the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA), an agency of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, has two programs available to compensate the petitioner financially, or certain survivors may be eligible for death benefits.

The two programs offered are the Countermeasures Injury Compensation Program (CICP) and the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (VICP). You can read the comparison here.

For claims associated with the COVID-19 vaccine or other COVID-19-related countermeasures, you can file your Request for Benefits with the Countermeasures Injury Compensation Program.

The Countermeasures Injury Compensation Program (CICP) was created so that in the unlikely event you experience a serious injury from a covered countermeasure, you may be considered for benefits, HRSA said on its website.

The CICP’s data for Fiscal Years 2010 through 2023, current as of November 1, 2023, shows a total of 12,898 claims filed, out of which 12,358 are related to COVID-19 injuries. Almost 96% of the claims were related to COVID-19 countermeasures. All of this happened after the release of the COVID-19 vaccination. To date, only 38 of these have received compensation. This number reflects an increase of only eight since October 1, 2022.

Source: Health Resources & Services Administration

Per HRSA’s reports, only eight individuals have received compensation for COVID-19 related injuries to date. The breakdown includes one person compensated for anaphylaxis, five for myocarditis, and one for a combination of myocarditis and pericarditis.

Source: Health Resources & Services Administration

Last month, Steve Kirsch wrote on X, “You can now sue the mRNA COVID vaccine manufacturers for damages and the FDA is required to take the COVID vaccines off the market. Why? Adulteration. The plasmid bioactive contaminant sequences were NOT pointed out to the regulatory authorities. It’s considered adulteration. I just got off the phone with Professor Byram Bridle and Dr. Robert Malone on this.”

From his newsletter:

Kevin McKernan is a friend of mine and his work is unimpeachable. His results have been replicated by others all over the world. He found that the COVID vaccines contain therapeutic levels of plasmid DNA. DNA lasts forever, and if it integrates into your genome, you will produce its product forever

The main takeaways are:

The mRNA vaccines are contaminated with SV40 and who knows what else. This should never have been allowed.

The vials exceeded the guidelines by “orders of magnitude.”

The discovery was confirmed by Health Canada.

The FDA and CDC are remaining silent. As far as anyone knows, they are no doing anything to assess the implications of the finding. I presume that they must believe that by not knowing the implications, they won’t have to disclose them so they are better protecting themselves against the public who might be very upset to learn they were guinea pigs. But that’s just an educated guess.

“I just got off the phone with attorney Warner Mendenhall. He confirmed I wrote below is true and the litigation floodgates are now open. Here is a list of 90 lawyers that you can contact if you want to sue the vaccine manufacturers:”

To view detailed information, it is recommended to visit the website using a laptop or desktop computer. Click here to access the site.

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]]> 0 vaccine injured Screenshot 2023-11-26 at 12.43.50 PM Screenshot 2023-11-26 at 12.47.02 PM Cantaloupes Recalled Over Salmonella Outbreak — Two Dead and 99 Infected Over the Weekend Sun, 26 Nov 2023 18:00:50 +0000

Cantaloupes are being recalled and pulled from grocery store shelves over a deadly salmonella outbreak that left two dead and 99 infected over the weekend.

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Cantaloupes are being recalled and pulled from grocery store shelves over a deadly salmonella outbreak that left two dead and 99 infected over the weekend.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reports that 45 of those infected have been hospitalized since November 24.

Cantaloupes included in the advisory are as follows, per Fox News:

  • Whole cantaloupes (might have a sticker that says “Malichita” or “Rudy,” with the number “4050”, and “Product of Mexico/produit du Mexique”)
  • Vinyard brand pre-cut cantaloupes (includes cantaloupe cubes, melon medleys and fruit medleys), which were sold in Oklahoma stores between Oct. 30 and Nov. 10
  • ALDI whole cantaloupe and pre-cut fruit products, with best-by dates between Oct. 27 and Oct. 31 (sold in ALDI stores in Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kentucky, Michigan and Wisconsin)
  • Freshness Guaranteed brand and RaceTrac brand pre-cut cantaloupes with best-by dates between Nov. 7 to Nov. 12 (sold in Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Louisiana, Michigan, North Carolina, Ohio, Tennessee, Texas and Virginia)

The recall was originally issued on November 17.

“The true number of sick people in this outbreak is likely much higher than the number reported, and the outbreak may not be limited to the states with known illnesses,” the CDC advisory says. “This is because many people recover without medical care and are not tested for Salmonella. In addition, recent illnesses may not yet be reported as it usually takes 3 to 4 weeks to determine if a sick person is part of an outbreak.”

The two reported deaths were both in Minnesota.

The number of cases in each state:

Arkansas (1), Arizona (7), California (1), Colorado (2), Georgia (3), Iowa (5), Illinois (4), Indiana (2), Kentucky (5), Massachusetts (1), Maryland (1), Michigan (1), Minnesota (13), Missouri (9), Mississippi (1), North Carolina (2), Nebraska (4), New Jersey (1), Nevada (2), New York (1), Ohio (8), Oklahoma (1), Oregon (1), Pennsylvania (1), Rhode Island (1), South Carolina (3), Tennessee (4), Texas (3), Utah (1), Virginia (1), Washington (1), and Wisconsin (8).

Cantaloupes from the same strain have also caused infections in Canada.

Salmonella is a bacteria that can cause digestive issues, including diarrhea, cramps, and fever. Symptoms can appear from six hours to six days after consuming the food.

Most people infected with Salmonella recover independently, but some high-risk groups can become seriously ill and require quick treatment.

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]]> 0 cantaloupe Windows Retailer Punished by EPA for Something it Doesn’t Do Sun, 26 Nov 2023 17:40:08 +0000

This article originally appeared on Guest by post by Bob Unruh  Regulation focuses on remodelers, not fixture sales A longtime replacement window and door retailer in the Chicago area is suing the Environmental Protection Agency for the federal bureaucracy’s claim that it violated rules regarding companies that remodel homes.

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This article originally appeared on

Guest by post by Bob Unruh 

Regulation focuses on remodelers, not fixture sales

A longtime replacement window and door retailer in the Chicago area is suing the Environmental Protection Agency for the federal bureaucracy’s claim that it violated rules regarding companies that remodel homes.

The rule concerns notification to homeowners of the possible problems with lead-based paint in pre-1978 housing.

But Ro Cher Enterprises, which runs Door & Window Superstore, is involved only in the retail sales of replacement windows and doors, not remodeling, according to a lawsuit filed against the EPA.

“If the EPA wants to impose exorbitant penalties for violations of federal law, it should have to make its case to a real court with a real judge, a jury, and due process protections for individuals and businesses,” said Oliver Dunford, a senior attorney at Pacific Legal Foundation.

The organization is working on behalf of the family business, founded by Roger and Cheryl Janakus, who have sold doors and windows for decades.

There are two issues, the first that the EPA has misunderstood the Ro Cher business.

It exclusively sells doors and windows. It does not do renovations, but the EPA accused the company anyway of violating the Toxic Substances Control Act that involves notices to homeowners about the potential for lead-based paint.

TSCA does impose certain requirements on companies that renovate older (pre-1978) housing to protect against exposure to lead paint. Renovation companies must have an EPA certificate and they must provide EPA lead-hazard pamphlets to homeowners of older houses. The EPA claims Ro Cher violated these TSCA provisions.

But Ro Cher is not in the renovation business. Rather, Ro Cher sells doors and windows and helps its customers find renovation experts. And these renovation experts do not work for Ro Cher. Nonetheless, the EPA seeks to hold Ro Cher liable.

The EPA demands a $375,000 fine.

The second issue is that the EPA brought the case, then assigned it to one of its own employees to “decide.”

That means the case was “overseen not by a federal judge but by an employee of the EPA itself. The prosecutor and judge work for the agency, which prevents Ro Cher from getting a fair hearing,” the legal team explained.

The lawsuit in U.S. District Court for Illinois is to obtain a fair adjudication.

The filing charges, “Neither the individual presiding over the action (purportedly an administrative law judge (ALJ)) nor members of the EPA’s Administrative Appeals Board, which reviews initial ALJ decisions, were properly appointed to office. They therefore lack the authority to carry out the functions of those offices, and their actions are void.”

Copyright 2023 WND News Center

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]]> 0 Window (Unsplash) CDC Issues Warning: Just 14 Percent Of US Adults Have Received An Updated COVID 19 Vaccine Sun, 26 Nov 2023 17:20:00 +0000

The number of Americans complying with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s latest COVID-19 vaccine recommendation has dramatically waned, the federal agency warns.

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]]> Image

The number of Americans complying with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s latest COVID-19 vaccine recommendation has dramatically waned, the federal agency warns.

According to CDC data, approximately 14 percent of US adults have received the latest COVID jab that became available in the fall.

In other words, a whopping 86 percent of Americans don’t trust the Biden administration’s agenda and see through one of the biggest scams forced on the public to date.

“COVID-19 vaccine uptake is lower than we’d like to see, and most people will be without the added protection that can reduce the severity of COVID-19,” the federal agency warned in a Nov. 22 statement.

“It is critical that this population get vaccinated to protect themselves against severe outcomes from COVID-19,” the CDC continued. “The bad news is that more than two-thirds of older adults have not gotten an updated COVID-19 vaccine and they need this added protection.”

More white people have received the latest shot than black and Hispanic people, the agency reports. Additionally, Americans with health insurance have received the new shot compared to their uninsured counterparts.

The CDC celebrated the number of elderly people who are lining up to get another COVID shot, noting that 30 percent of Americans 65 years and older have received the new “vaccine.”

A reported 50 people participated in human trials of the latest COVID shot. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration approved the so-called vaccine after primarily testing its effects on animals.

The CDC assures it is working “to remove barriers to vaccination” by partnering with community groups and “trusted messengers” including doctors “to build vaccine confidence and awareness.”

A recent survey by Rasmussen Reports reveals nearly a quarter of Americans believe someone they know died from side effects of the COVID-19 vaccine.

The survey found that 24 percent of American adults claim to know someone who personally died from the shot, while 69 percent of respondents said they don’t know anyone who died from the vaccination. A notable 42% of respondents expressed that they would “likely’ join a major class-action lawsuit against Pfizer, BioNTech, Moderna and other pharmaceutical giants ” over the vaccine’s side effects.

A survey published Nov. 1 by the Annenberg Public Policy Center shows the share of Americans who correlate COVID-19 shots to autism has increased from 10 percent in April 2021 to 16 percent last month. Similarly, the percentage of Americans who support using Ivermectin to treat or prevent COVID-19 has risen from 10 percent in Sept. 2021 to 26 percent in October.

In its latest warning urging more Americans to get the updated shot, the CDC notes, “COVID-19 is still an important cause of hospitalization and death, especially for older adults and people with certain underlying medical conditions.”

But throughout the height of the pandemic, numerous doctors, nurses and medical experts revealed patients were not actually dying from COVID in hospitals, but were dying from CDC protocol that requires COVID patients to be treated with Remdesivir, a drug that causes renal failure, and intubators.

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]]> 0 Image MMA Champion Conor McGregor Under Investigation for ‘Online Hate Speech’ Following Remarks After Children Were Stabbed by Algerian Immigrant in Dublin Sun, 26 Nov 2023 17:00:42 +0000

Former UFC champion and one of Ireland’s most prominent celebrities, Conor McGregor, finds himself in the eye of a new storm, as he is currently under investigation for comments linked to a series of violent events in Dublin involving immigrant assailants, The Sunday Times reported.

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Former UFC champion and one of Ireland’s most prominent celebrities, Conor McGregor, finds himself in the eye of a new storm, as he is currently under investigation for comments linked to a series of violent events in Dublin involving immigrant assailants, The Sunday Times reported.

Five people, including children, were stabbed near a school in Dublin, Ireland, on Thursday by a suspect whose identity has not yet been released.

Three children and two adults were taken to a nearby hospital with stab wounds. Their condition is unknown.

There are reports that the perpetrator is an Algerian immigrant.

Following the attack, five-time world champion MMA fighter and Irishman Conor McGregor weighed in on the vicious assault on the innocent children, saying, “Ireland, we are at war.”

McGregor then posted this tweet to authorities in response to the riots. “You reap what you sow.”

McGregor then lashed out at the police commissioner after his limp-wristed response to the vicious attack and resulting rioting.

“Innocent children ruthlessly stabbed by a mentally deranged non-national in Dublin, Ireland today. Our chief of police had this to say on the riots in the aftermath. Drew, not good enough. There is grave danger among us in Ireland that should never be here in the first place, and there has been zero action done to support the public in any way, shape or form with this frightening fact. NOT GOOD ENOUGH. Make change or make way. Ireland for the victory. God bless those attacked today, we pray,” he wrote.

McGregor REALLY went off: Any update on the wellbeing of those stabbed today? Absolutely horrific scenes all day, my stomach is churning. With no action being taken at all during these ever more frequent events, like literally zero action taken whatsoever, how do we expect an end to this? We need reform. WE NEED ACTION!

Conor McGregor demands a plan of action from the mealy-mouth officials!

“I don’t care about president higgins statement. Or Varadkars statement. Or Mary Lou’s. Or Justice McEntee’s. Or Garda commissioner’s. Announce our plan of action!! What are we waiting for? Your statements of nothing are absolutely worthless to the solving of this issue. Take Action!! Fix this situation IMMEDIATELY!”

The comments, which appeared on McGregor’s social media platforms, hinted at a deep-seated issue within Dublin’s immigrant community, with McGregor making direct references to the recent stabbing of children in the city. The remarks suggest a rise in criminal activity tied to immigrants, igniting a firestorm of reactions from both supporters and critics.

For instance, Ireland’s Tanaiste Micheal Martin described McGregor’s comments as “absolutely disgraceful” and indicative of inciting hate, particularly in light of the violence that erupted on the streets of Dublin following these remarks​.

Labour Party TD Aodhan O’Riordain told the Irish Sun that Conor McGregor and others must be held responsible for their statements. He accused the UFC fighter of inciting anger through his online comments.

According to The Sunday Times, the Irish police force, known as the gardai, is currently evaluating McGregor’s social media posts as part of an investigation into the spread of online hate speech.

“McGregor’s posts are being assessed by the gardai, the Irish police, as part of an inquiry into the dissemination of online hate speech. The inquiry is being led by Justin Kelly, an assistant garda commissioner,” the outlet reported.

The investigation comes on the heels of Ireland’s Prime Minister Leo Varadkar’s pledge to reinforce laws against hate speech in the country. Varadkar vows to crack down on free speech and would empower police to use facial-recognition technology to track protesters.

“We need laws to be able to go after them individually … They’re to blame and we’re going to get them,” Varadkar said.

“We’re a country of migrants. We’ve gone all over the world as a people,” he said. “Our public services wouldn’t operate without migration. There’d be nobody to look after the sick or to care for the old, certainly not enough people.”

“When I go into big companies, whether it’s tech companies or companies that produce medical devices or pharmaceuticals, I see how diverse the workforce is,” he said. “And these are the companies and the people who pay massive amounts of tax that allow us to build social housing and schools, and to fund our public services and our welfare system. If it wasn’t for migrants, this country would be a vastly inferior place to what it is.”

Politico reported:

Prime Minister Leo Varadkar vowed Friday to crack down on racist extremists who fought street battles with riot police — a “Rubicon moment” for a state ill-equipped to combat rising working-class animosity to immigrants.

Varadkar said the government within weeks would pass two key pieces of legislation. One would empower police to use facial-recognition technology to track Thursday night’s rioters captured by surveillance cameras on buses, trains, private vehicles and shops. The other would give police new powers to prosecute online promoters of hate speech.

Ireland, a rapidly growing nation of 5 million, last year admitted more than 120,000 immigrants, a 15-year high that included an ongoing disproportionate intake of Ukrainian war refugees. But the country is struggling to build sufficient housing in a country where properties are in tight supply and at prices far beyond the reach of many citizens.

Varadkar, who is the son of an immigrant Indian doctor, said Ireland was stronger and wealthier today because of its open approach to migration.


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]]> 0 conor mcgregor Irish Parliament Protected by Ring of Steel Following Stabbing of 5 Including 3 Innocent Children by Algerian Migrant Sun, 26 Nov 2023 16:40:14 +0000

Five people, including children, were stabbed near a school in Dublin, Ireland, on Thursday by a suspect whose identity has not yet been released.

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Irish government officials erected a ring of steel around parliament following stabbing of three children by Algerian migrant.

Five people, including children, were stabbed near a school in Dublin, Ireland, on Thursday by a suspect whose identity has not yet been released.

Three children and two adults were taken to a nearby hospital with stab wounds. Their condition is unknown.

There are reports that the perpetrator is an Algerian immigrant.

Riots broke out in Dublin later that night after news spread that the perpetrator was an Algerian migrant.

Rioters torched a Holiday Inn that was reportedly housing hundreds of illegal migrants in the city.

A young girl was sent home from the hospital on Sunday.

The Irish Parliament built a wall around their building to protect the ruling elites from the people.

The Algerian migrant reportedly lived in Ireland for years before the vicious attack.

The regime and their media are more worried about the angry countrymen than they are about the vicious stabbing of children.
And they wonder why people hate the media?

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]]> 0 irish parliament stabbing fence Irish government officials erected a ring of steel around parliament following stabbing of three children by Algerian migrant. Red Cross: Hamas Releases 14 Israeli Hostages and 3 Foreign Nationals in Latest Exchange including TWO 4-YEAR OLDS Sun, 26 Nov 2023 16:20:15 +0000

The International Red Cross announced the latest release of Israeli hostages by Hamas on Sunday night.

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]]> The International Red Cross announced the latest release of Israeli hostages by Hamas on Sunday night.

Hamas released 14 Israeli captives after the release of 13 Israeli hostages on Saturday.

The names of the latest hostages to be released:

1. Abigail Idan, 4
2. Ella Elyakim, 8
3. Dafna Elyakim, 15
4. Hagar Brodetz Ama, 40 and her children
5. Ofri Brodetz, 10
6. Yuval Brodetz, 8
7. Oriya Brodetz, 4
8. Chen Goldstein, 48 and her children
9. Agam Goldstein, 17
10. Tal Goldstein, 9
11. Gal Goldstein, 11
12. Alma Avraham, 84
13. Adrian Aviva Siegel, 63

Hamas is still holding over 200 hostages they took captive during their massacre of civilians in southern Israel on Oct. 7.

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]]> 0 hamas hostages group 3 Rep. Gallagher: Illegal Alien Owner of Secret California Chinese Biolab Was Receiving Millions in Secret Payments from Chinese Government (VIDEO) Sun, 26 Nov 2023 16:00:30 +0000


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Rep. Mike Gallagher says secret China Biolab was receiving millions in secret payments from Chinese government.

Rep. Mike Gallagher (R-WI) from the House Intelligence Committee joined Sean Duffy on Sunday who was filling in for Maria Bartiromo on Sunday Morning Futures.

Rep. Gallagher revealed more information on the secret China biolab that was discovered operating in California.

Gallagher says the biolab owner is an illegal alien from China and his biolab was funded by the Chinese Communist government.

As we learned earlier, the secret biolab was also subsidized by Gavin Newsom!

Sean Duffy: I want to talk to you about the secret lab run by Chinese with ties to the CCP in Wheatley, California. How many of these secret biolabs exist around the country?

Rep. Mike Gallagher: The honest answer is we don’t know. And what worries me in doing this investigation, my committee conducted the investigation. We have a bipartisan report that explains the whole thing that Americans can read, is that if the FBI director or the president turned to the FBI director and said, hey, we need to figure out how many of these we have in the United States, they wouldn’t even know where to begin. Here we had a Chinese citizen who came to America illegally. He was fleeing a $330,000,000 judgment for intellectual property theft on behalf of the Chinese government. He set up this lab, and he was buying dangerous pathogens, including Ebola, including tuberculosis, including HIV online. So we have no tripwires in place, no safeguards in place, in order to prevent potentially a hostile actor from buying dangerous pathogens in order to damage America.

And then when the local officials found this, and it was all because a local and business building inspector saw a pipe sticking out of what was supposed to be an abandoned building, they called the FBI. The FBI said, well, we can’t investigate because there’s no ties to WMD, which is absurd, they called the CDC. The CDC hung up on them initially. And it wasn’t until the local congressman got on the case that the CDC was forced to send a team to investigate. And that wasn’t until many, many months later. So this has revealed a huge soft underbelly in our domestic national security. It’s incredibly troubling. We need to do more to prevent this from happening. We’ve all seen what can happen to our society when we don’t have vigilance against potential pathogens and a pandemic in the last few years. And we know beyond anything else. Beyond anything else. The one thing that the pandemic should have taught us is that you cannot trust the Chinese Communist Party when it comes to this issue.

Sean Duffy: The fact that the CDC congressman wouldn’t go, of course, we’re going to immediately be on site the very next day to investigate how China could set up this lab, have these kind of bioweapons in the lab. Instead, they hang up the phone and the FBI refuses to investigate as well. It begs the question, did the CDC or the FBI actually know this lab existed? Is that why they didn’t come in and investigate?

Rep. Mike Gallagher: Based on our investigation, they did not know it existed until the local officials discovered it. So the local official, after seeing the pipe, went inside the building and saw a bunch of people in lab coats. Most of them were Chinese citizens. And there were all these vials that were labeled in Mandarin, eventually discovered to be even labeled Ebola or HIV. There was one case where there was a freezer. When the CDC finally did get there, there was a medical grade freezer, and inside were these sort of silver Ziploc bags. And because the bags themselves were not labeled Ebola, though the freezer was labeled Ebola, they refused to even test the sample. So even when they got on site, they refused to actually do their job. Again, it’s incredibly troubling. And the guy who owned the facility claimed that he had a medical testing kit business, but it was fraudulent. He had fake pregnancy tests, fake COVID tests, and there’s really no business reason for him to be buying pathogens online.

And he was getting unexplained wire transfers from China. Over $2 million of unexplained wire transfers from China. Again, incredibly troubling.

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]]> 0 china lab gallagher duffy Rep. Mike Gallagher says secret China Biolab was receiving millions in secret payments from Chinese government. Is America Short of Heavy Weapons? Sun, 26 Nov 2023 15:45:55 +0000

This story originally was published by Real Clear Wire By Patrick Drennan Real Clear Wire President Joe Biden echoed former President Franklin Roosevelt when he called America the arsenal of democracy.

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This story originally was published by Real Clear Wire

By Patrick Drennan
Real Clear Wire

President Joe Biden echoed former President Franklin Roosevelt when he called America the arsenal of democracy. With wars raging on two fronts, Israel and Ukraine, and China threatening to invade Taiwan, how stretched is the American arsenal?

First Israel

Israel receives about $3 billion worth of military aid annually. U.S. aid to Israel is mainly in the form of grants to American manufacturers- a type of subsidy. U.S. military aid also has helped Israel build its domestic defense industry, which now ranks as one of the top global exporters of arms. Fourteen Israeli defense companies, such as Israel Aerospace Industries (IAI), Rafael, and Elbit Systems export nearly 70% of their products abroad.

The Republican-led U.S. Congress proposed an Israeli-only defense aid package that they knew would die in the Senate. This has only affected U.S. arms manufacturers, because the Israeli conflict with Hamas has reached a stage where this aid is no longer required. Sure, the Israeli would like more support for their air defense systems and more bunker buster bombs, but they can proceed without them.

What about Ukraine?

America has given Ukraine about $46 billion dollars of military aid in 2022 – $23.5 billion of that is military equipment (the remainder is grants, training and financial aid). The total value of U.S. military equipment has not been successfully audited in years, but procurement of new weapons and systems cost $136 billion in 2022, and $107 billion was spent on research and development. In comparison the European Union has given $27  billion dollars of military aid to Ukraine, mainly military equipment.

So, is American miliary stock severely reduced?

The Economist created a useful chart which indicates that it is not. The chart shows that the military equipment the U.S. has supplied to Ukraine is redundant stock that is on the way to being replaced with new advanced equipment. The three main systems that are at a low point are Javelins, Stingers and ATACMs. Ukraine has been a useful testing ground for all of them.

Javelins (introduced in 1996)

Manufactured by US weapons manufacturers Raytheon and Lockheed Martin, the FGM-148 Javelin is a man-portable, shoulder-launched, fire-and-forget system designed to strike armored vehicles out to 2,500 meters. It has been highly effective in Ukraine. However, it is very expensive and costs $178,000 per unit, including the launch system and missile, according to the Pentagon’s 2021 budget. Ukraine has used up 7,000 Javelin systems which represents about one-third of the total U.S. inventory. Lockheed Martin has doubled production but can only produce about 4000 per year. The Ukrainians now prefer to use $4000 UAV drones, or home-made drones, cheaper, and just as effective.

Stingers (introduced in 1981)

The FIM-92 Stinger is a deadly man-portable air-defense system (MANPADS) that can be rapidly deployed by ground troops. Stingers were initially successful in Ukraine. However, they are not effective against fast-flying jets, and Russian attack helicopters have developed tactics and systems to counter them. When the U.S. Army placed an order for 1,700 Stingers in May 2022, the Pentagon said the missiles wouldn’t be delivered until 2026. Like Javelin’s they are very expensive – $119,00 per unit. In comparison, German Gepard 1 A2 self-propelled anti-aircraft guns (introduced in 1973) are cheap, basic and capable.

ATACMs (introduced in 1991)

Ther are several variants of the Army Tactical Missile Systems (ATACMS), a long-range missile. America is low on the penetrating ATCAMs that Ukraine desires. The ATCAMs sent to Ukraine contain cluster munition warheads, which are ineffective against heavily entrenched enemies. However, they can certainly spread shrapnel and were enough to disable nine thinly armored, and valuable, Ka52 helicopters in an attack on Berdyansk Army Aviation Base on October 17.

So, is the American arsenal depleted?

Yes, if solely based on the figures above. However, many of these sophisticated weapons were already in the throes of being replaced. The main lesson of their use in Ukraine, is that cheaper and more conventional weapons are just as effective.

From a philosophical viewpoint, Western society, particularly American society, has to decide whether to support worldwide democracy, or to let dictatorships and/or religious fundamentalists triumph. What many Americans do not seem to appreciate, is that both Israel and Ukraine will continue to fight for their independence, regardless of whether America supplies them with military equipment, or not. Arms manufacturers in Europe, South Korea, Japan, and China will readily step into the breach. The world is not short of heavy weapons designed to kill human beings.

Patrick Drennan is a journalist based in New Zealand, with a degree in American history and economics.

This article was originally published by RealClearDefense and made available via RealClearWire.

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]]> 0 American Flag Featured Image Format Worldwide Trend: New Zealand’s Conservative PM Christopher Luxon Vows To Cut Taxes, Roll Back Citizen’s Gun Restrictions, Revert Oil and Gas Exploration Ban Sun, 26 Nov 2023 15:30:26 +0000

The world is starting to get it ‘right’.

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New Zeland PM Christopher Luxon.

The world is starting to get it ‘right’.

In another relevant development in the worldwide realignment to the right, the Conservative New Zealand’s National Party finally sealed agreement on a new three-party coalition government.

This took drawn-out negotiations over ministerial roles and policies – including Indigenous rights, tax cuts and changes at the central bank.

The centre-right Nationals, led by incoming Prime Minister Christopher Luxon, will return to power alongside the populist New Zealand First party and libertarian ACT New Zealand.

This comes after six long years of rule by governments led by the left-leaning, fiercely Globalist Labour Party.

Reuters reported:

“‘We believe in this country, we are ambitious for it and we know that with the right leadership, the right policies, and the right direction, together we New Zealanders can make this an even better country’, Luxon said in a speech ahead of the formal signing of the agreement at parliament.

The coalition agreement outlines plans to roll back the use of Maori language, review affirmative action policies and assess how the country’s founding treaty document is interpreted in legislation. However, a controversial proposal to have a referendum on the interpretation of the document, the Treaty of Waitangi, will not happen.”

The outgoing Labour Prime Minister Chris Hipkins, successor to Covid-crazed Jacinda Adern, said the changes in policy were going to turn back ‘progress’.

New PM Luxon said the government will amend the Reserve Bank of New Zealand Act 2021, in order to remove the ‘dual mandate’ on inflation and employment – and to focus monetary policy only on price stability.

There are also ambitious plans to repeal a ban on offshore oil and gas exploration introduced by the previous Labour government, according to coalition documents.

“The new government will cut personal income taxes, following through on a campaign policy used to woo middle income voters struggling with rising costs of living.

‘Delivering tax relief is just one part of the Government’s plan to rebuild the economy. The Government will ease the cost of living, reduce wasteful spending, and lift economic growth to increase opportunities and prosperity for all New Zealanders’, Luxon said.”

The three new ruling parties said they plan to “re-write the Arms Act” without giving any further details.

They are poised to undertake a review of the ‘gun registry’ introduced after a shooter killed 51 Muslim worshippers in 2019.

The plans also aim to train no fewer than 500 new Police officers.

It was only six weeks after New Zealand’s general election that Luxon was able to tell a media conference that the three parties had agreed on a ‘common sense’ plan that reflected their values and policies.

“’We want change that makes our great country even better and this coalition government is going to deliver that change’, he said.

After a signing ceremony at parliament on Friday, Luxon said the role of deputy prime minister would be split between the populist NZ First party leader, Winston Peters, and the Act party leader, David Seymour. Peters will take the role for the first half of the term, and Seymour will go second.

National party deputy leader Nicola Willis would be finance minister and Peters would be foreign minister, the three parties said in a joint statement.”

It will be the first time in New Zealand’s history that three parties will forme a coalition.

Read more:

Conservative Leader Christopher Lexon Wins General Elections in New Zealand Over Leftwing Party of Tyrannical Flake Jacinda Ardern

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]]> 0 Christopher Luxon Overwhelming Number of Americans Would Not Volunteer to Fight if US Entered Major Conflict: Poll Sun, 26 Nov 2023 15:15:19 +0000

In Israel, every citizen is required to serve in the Israel Defense Forces for at least a year.

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In Israel, every citizen is required to serve in the Israel Defense Forces for at least a year.

Over the past month, we have been inundated with pictures and videos of 18- and 19-year-old service members, away from their families and in harm’s way to protect their country.

As we watch the conflict in the Middle East unfold, the question arises — would Americans be ready to fight for our country if we were pulled into a major war?

A recent poll by the research institute Echelon Insights found that 72 percent of Americans say they would not volunteer for military service in a major war, according to Newsweek.

“The figures come as all branches of the armed forces have in recent years struggled to meet their recruitment targets, suggesting a growing apathy towards a career of military service,” Newsweek reported.

The poll was conducted between Oct. 23 and 26 among 1,029 likely voters. Newsweek did not provide the margin of error.

Another recent survey found that less than half of Democrats would be willing to die for our country in the event of an invasion, and around 30 percent of 18- to 29-year-olds would rather surrender to the enemy than fight, according to the Daily Mail.

These shifting attitudes about duty and sacrifice do not bode well for our national security.

To be fair — as David Eustice, CEO of Military Recruiting Experts, pointed out to Newsweek — context matters. Americans have historically rallied during conflicts with clear-cut moral purposes, like World War II after Pearl Harbor or Afghanistan after 9/11.

But there are good reasons to believe this time is different.

For starters, young Americans have been steeped in a culture that denigrates patriotism and fixates on the failures of our past.

For decades, colleges have promoted the narrative that American and Western values are synonymous with racism, colonialism and oppression — and it’s bearing some particularly nasty fruit.

For example, we have recently seen some on the American left justify terrorism and accuse the U.S. of “genocide” for supporting Israel against Hamas. The long, messy war in Afghanistan only added to this pessimistic view of America’s role in the world.

Add to that the undeniable fact that today’s generation of Americans is weaker and more coddled than any generation before, leading ever more digital lives. Would they be able to withstand the rigors taken on by the “Greatest Generation”?

Of course, the U.S. military itself bears some of the blame, having embraced the worst excesses of the woke left and forced service members to serve as lab rats for the newly released COVID-19 vaccines.

While the costs of war must never be minimized, a citizenry that has lost its will to fight for its nation is doomed.

The threats multiplying globally already constitute a slow-boiling crisis, and Americans have grown flabby and simultaneously self-righteous and self-hating.

Let us hope it doesn’t take another tragedy to jolt us out of our complacency.

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

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]]> 0 MORE VIDEO: South Carolina Football Fans Cheer for TWO SOLID MINUTES for President Trump at Palmetto Bowl Sun, 26 Nov 2023 14:45:48 +0000

The South Carolina crowd CHEERED President Trump on Saturday as he entered Williams-Brice Stadium just minutes prior to kickoff.

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South Carolina super fans CHEER President Trump at Palmetto Bowl on Saturday.
Trump walks on the field at the Palmetto Bowl in South Carolina to wild cheering for two minutes.

The South Carolina crowd CHEERED President Trump on Saturday as he entered Williams-Brice Stadium just minutes prior to kickoff.

Governor Henry McMaster and Lieutenant Governor Evette met President Trump at the game between state rivals Clemson and South Carolina.

The Palmetto State crowd was cheering wildly for the 45th US President.

After his arrival President Trump walked onto the field with South Carolina Governor Henry McMaster for the coin toss.
The crowd cheered wildly for two solid minutes!

There is NO WAY Joe Biden would receive that reception in any stadium, at any event in America today.
We all know who won.

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]]> 0 trump palmetto South Carolina super fans CHEER President Trump at Palmetto Bowl on Saturday. trump palmetto bowl Trump walks on the field at the Palmetto Bowl in South Carolina to wild cheering for two minutes. Derek Chauvin’s Mom Responds to His Stabbing, Says She Found Out Through the Media Because Prison Never Contacted Her Sun, 26 Nov 2023 14:30:59 +0000

The mother of Derek Chauvin says that the prison did not contact her or any other family members in the 24 hours after her son was stabbed and seriously injured.

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The mother of Derek Chauvin says that the prison did not contact her or any other family members in the 24 hours after her son was stabbed and seriously injured.

Chauvin was stabbed at the medium security Federal Correctional Institution (FCI) in Tucson, Arizona, on Friday.

The Minnesota Attorney General’s Office announced on Saturday that former Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin is expected to survive, telling NBC News, “I can confirm that, as of last night, Chauvin was expected to survive.” No additional details about his condition were provided.

His mother, Carolyn Pawlenty, says she had to find out about the stabbing and her son’s condition through the media because prison officials never contacted her.

“I can’t even think what to say. I haven’t been to bed and made a path in my kitchen and living room floor by pacing. I am worried and scared,” Pawlenty told Alpha News.

“How the hell do these news agencies know and his own mother doesn’t even know? And that [prison] has an emergency contact number [for me],” Pawlenty added. “I have to stay strong for Derek as he does for me. There is no stronger love than a mother’s love.”

According to the Federal Bureau of Prisons, the incident took place at about 12:30 p.m., and “responding employees isolated and contained the incident … responding employees initiated life-saving measures for one incarcerated individual. Emergency Medical Services (EMS) were requested while life-saving efforts continued. The incarcerated individual was transported by EMS to a local hospital for further treatment and evaluation.”

Chauvin’s attorney, Bill Mohrman, told the outlet, “We have attempted to contact the Bureau of Prisons regarding the media reports regarding Mr. Chauvin and we have not heard back.”

Attorney Gregory Erickson, who represented Chauvin in a civil case, said that his family has not been updated on Chauvin’s condition, according to a report from The Hill.

“As an outsider, I view this lack of communication with his attorneys and family members as completely outrageous,” Erickson said. “It appears to be indicative of a poorly run facility and indicates how Derek’s assault was allowed to happen.”

“Although Derek’s family assumes he is stable because of a third-party report (not direct contact), they are understandably doubtful because of the lack of transparency that has permeated this ordeal,” he added.

The Tucson prison is notorious for poor security and staffing issues.

Chauvin was the officer filmed kneeling on George Floyd during his fatal interaction with police. His death caused nationwide riots throughout the summer of 2020.

Chauvin is currently serving simultaneous 21-year sentences for violating Floyd’s civil rights and second-degree murder.

The Supreme Court denied hearing his appeal last week.

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]]> 0 00 THIS IS LONDON: Tommy Robinson Gassed and Arrested at Protest – For Crime of Journalism and “Causing Alarm and Distress” Sun, 26 Nov 2023 14:15:35 +0000

Tommy Robinson was gassed and arrested on Sunday in London after police surrounded him, gassed him, cuffed him, and dragged him away from an Anti-Israel protest in London.

The post THIS IS LONDON: Tommy Robinson Gassed and Arrested at Protest – For Crime of Journalism and “Causing Alarm and Distress” appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


Police arrest Tommy Robinson for attending protest as journalist in London, Nov. 26, ’23.

Tommy Robinson was gassed and arrested on Sunday in London after police surrounded him, gassed him, cuffed him, and dragged him away from an Anti-Israel protest in London.

Tommy was covering the protest as a journalist.

The London police would rather arrest Tommy than confront the thousands of radical Muslims in the city who support the Hamas terrorist group.

Tommy Robinson recorded much of the incident live on Twitter-X.

Tommy later released video after he was gassed and detained.
This is heartbreaking.

The post THIS IS LONDON: Tommy Robinson Gassed and Arrested at Protest – For Crime of Journalism and “Causing Alarm and Distress” appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

]]> 0 tommy robinson arrested Police arrest Tommy Robinson for attending protest as journalist in London, Nov. 26, ’23. BREAKING EXCLUSIVE PART III: The Errors, The Lie, the Cover-Up in Georgia’s 2020 Election – Raffensperger Gets Caught – Here’s How You Can Help! Sun, 26 Nov 2023 14:00:04 +0000

The information in this article was provided by Georgia citizen Joseph Rossi, originally appeared on, and was republished with permission.

The post BREAKING EXCLUSIVE PART III: The Errors, The Lie, the Cover-Up in Georgia’s 2020 Election – Raffensperger Gets Caught – Here’s How You Can Help! appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

]]> The information in this article was provided by Georgia citizen Joseph Rossi, originally appeared on, and was republished with permission.

Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger and Gabe Sterling

Material errors were embedded in Georgia’s 2020 Election recount efforts in Fulton County. The Secretary of State and his team initially lied about these errors and then they worked with the AG’s office and the State Elections Board to exonerate the Secretary of State.

The information in this article was provided by Georgia citizen Joseph Rossi


As noted in the first article in this series, after the 2020 Election a Risk Limiting Audit (RLA) was carried out by Georgia’s Secretary of State’s (SOS’s) Office that included numerous errors.

Thanks to the efforts of Georgian Joseph Rossi, 36 errors were found in the Fulton County data in the RLA report posted on the SOS website.

Rossi doggedly went after those in authority in the state to review his data. He was turned down and ignored numerous times. But eventually after a series of events, Rossi was able to get these errors in front of members of Governor Kemp’s office. Governor Kemp and his team, listened and took action when errors were pointed out to them.

As a result of Rossi’s work and Kemp’s team’s investigation, the Georgia State Elections Board (SEB) initiated an investigation into the Fulton County data from the RLA report. This investigation was labeled SEB2021-181. Eventually the SEB identified violations and errors in the recounts of the 2020 Election in Fulton County.

Also, another complaint for Fulton County was filed that specifically called out 3125 duplicate ballot counts and 17,852 votes counted that do not have a corresponding ballot image. This complaint resulted in the creation of investigation SEB2023-25. This investigation is complete and the results of this investigation will be presented to the SEB on December 19, 2023. This complaint has been categorized by the Board as “violations found.”

And by the way, there is an open inquiry before the Georgia SEB (SEBBI2023-001), regarding Election Code Violations committed by the SOS.

Yesterday, we reported that the SOS’s office lied about the accuracy of the recounts in Georgia.

Today we will show that with their backs to the wall the SOS’s office, the AG’s office, and the Georgia SEB worked and continue to work to this day to exonerate the SOS of any responsibility for these numerous errors and violations.

[Remember that the 2020 results were certified for Biden three days after the election after he overcame President Trump’s 200,000 vote lead on election night to steal the election by less than 12,000 votes in Georgia. – See The Steal – Volume II: The Impossible Occurs for more information.

Note also that that the investigations noted in this series were independent of two court cases that occurred in Georgia after the 2020 Election. At least three individuals involved in a recount that occurred in the state after the election identified 148,000 ballots that appeared to have been created by a machine and to be fraudulent. Fulton county and state are still preventing access to these ballots even though the Georgia Supreme Court ruled that the plaintiffs have the right to audit these ballots.

In addition, a separate audit of voting machines was initiated after the 2020 Election which was finally released years later which showed that the systems used in Georgia had security issues and bad actors could hack into them and change the results of an election.]

The Coverup

In an email from Gabriel Sterling of the SOS’s office dated March 17, 2021, to Joseph Rossi, after admitting that errors existed within the RLA Report for Fulton County, Sterling attempted to exonerate the SOS from any responsibility for the errored report posted on the SOS website. He stated, “Fulton is the entity that ultimately needs to provide responses.”

At that point you could see that an effort was in place at that time to exonerate the SOS from the mess in Fulton County.

Next on December 4, 2021, Charlene McGowan, at that time the Assistant Georgia Attorney General, made an unsolicited phone call to Attorney Jack James (James and Rossi were complainants for SEB2021-181). James documented the call.

“The purpose of her call was apparently to convince me that the SOS has no responsibility for the errors exposed in Fulton County. I said Mr. Rossi and I believe the SOS has the ultimate responsibility, thus we disagree on the issue of responsibility.”

In a meeting on December 16, 2021, SOS Investigator Vincent Zagorin met with complainants Rossi and attorney Jack James. Zagorin made another attempt to exonerate the SOS of any responsibility for the errored RLA Report for Fulton County posted on the SOS website. At the 00:28:55 mark of this meeting, Zagorin states,

“I think you’re saying because it’s on our website, it’s our responsibility. These are not our responsibility.

Im Going to Turn in Warner Robins (From by Joe Ho on Scribd

This effort to exonerate the Georgia SOS continued. On March 16, 2022, the Chair of the SEB, Matthew Mashburn, in the hearing exposed himself as being part of the coverup. Whenever complainant Rossi, brought up data against the SOS, Mashburn shut him down.

“All right Mr. Rossi, I’m going to have to – I’m going to have to caution you again. Fulton County is the respondent. This is not a hearing about the Secretary of State.”

The comment above can be seen at p. 76 in the following document.

3.21.22 Hearing (002) by Joe Ho on Scribd

Next, at the SEB meeting of June 2023, the Consent Order issued by the AG’s office to Fulton County regarding SEB2021-181 – Fulton County rule violations – is brought to the Board for a vote. But surprisingly a copy of this consent order was not provided to all of the Board members prior to them being asked to vote on the order.

As a result, three Board members voted to ratify the motion and only one Board member, Dr. Johnston voted against ratification.

The emails below show that not all of the Board members had time to review the order before being asked to vote on it.

Backtracking to March 21, 2022, after the March 16, 2021 SEB Hearing, complainants Rossi and James filed a complaint specifically calling out code violations against the SOS for the errored RLA Report for Fulton County posted on the SOS website.

More than a year later, in July of 2023, SEB Chair, Judge William Duffey asked that an investigation be opened on this complaint against the SOS. In an email sent from Judge Duffey to complainant Rossi, dated August 6, 2023, Duffey attached an email sent from SOS Attorney McGowan to himself. McGowen had transferred from the AG’s office to the SOS’s office.

This attached email is dated July 21, 2023. In this email, McGowan states,

Judge Duffey, I understand that you have asked Sarah (SOS Investigations Director) to open up a new case on Mr. Rossi’s complaint against the Secretary of State’s office regarding the posting of the county-level RLA results for the 2020 presidential election. I have instructed our investigations division that this office will not be opening up a case on this complaint…”

Ms. McGowan closed this email with the following statement to Judge Duffey which sounded like a mafia godfather sharing with a fellow gang member:

I trust with this information that the Board will inform Mr. Rossi that no case will be opened on this matter.”

This email shows that the SOS continued to prevent any investigation into his department related to the 2020 Election.

In the body of Judge Duffey’s email to complainant Rossi dated August 6, 2023, he states,

We are evaluating our options on how we can proceed in this matter.”

Then about one month ago today, on October 26, 2023, Joseph Rossi received word that the SEB assigned a tracking number to the March 16, 2022 complaint filed against the SOS for election code violations – SEBBI2023-001.

In Summary, there were numerous errors and violations in the SOS’s Fulton County hand and machine recount efforts.

After the errors were found, the SOS’s office lied about the errors and subsequently a major cover-up effort to exonerate the SOS of any responsibility commenced.

There were three case numbers assigned related to what we’ve reported. The first case (SEB2021-181) has been closed via a consent order where Fulton County was found to have committed recount rule violations.

The second case (SEB2023-25) reportedly identified issues and will be discussed at the next SEB Meeting on December 19. This case has been categorized as violations found.

The third case (SEBBI2023-001) will be discussed at the December 19 meeting and involves SOS election code violations.

Multiple Georgia entities (the SOS, the AG, and the SEB) have worked very hard to exonerate the SOS from any wrongdoing related to the errored recount efforts for Fulton County ordered by the SOS.

You can reach out to the members of the SEB to encourage them to move forward with an official investigation (SEBBI2023-001) of the Georgia Secretary of State for Election Code Violations at the emails below:

Mr. T Matthew Mashburn –

Ms. Sara Ghazal –

Mr. Edward Lindsey –

Ms. Janice Johnston –

The post BREAKING EXCLUSIVE PART III: The Errors, The Lie, the Cover-Up in Georgia’s 2020 Election – Raffensperger Gets Caught – Here’s How You Can Help! appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

]]> 0 raffensperger sterling Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger and Gabe Sterling Count ‘Em… Obama Lied 8 Times About Televising Healthcare Debate Activist Leading War On Washington Redskins Recently DRESSED IN BLACKFACE (PHOTO) Conservative Lawyer DC Draino Clashes with Republican Presidential Candidate Vivek Ramaswamy in Heated Debate Over Vivek’s Controversial Background Sun, 26 Nov 2023 13:45:12 +0000

GOP presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy and prominent patriot lawyer Rogan O’Handley (popularly known as DC_Draino) found themselves embroiled in a war of words on X/Twitter.

The post Conservative Lawyer DC Draino Clashes with Republican Presidential Candidate Vivek Ramaswamy in Heated Debate Over Vivek’s Controversial Background appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


GOP presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy and prominent patriot lawyer Rogan O’Handley (popularly known as DC_Draino) found themselves embroiled in a war of words on X/Twitter. The heated exchange was sparked when DC_Draino publicly called out Ramaswamy for his controversial background and his flip-flopping on several critical issues.

DC_Draino questioned Ramaswamy’s integrity, shedding light on allegations that Ramaswamy faced earlier in his career.

In an X post, DC_Draino posted: “Yeah I mean sure he:

  1. was affiliated with the WEF;
  2. took money from the Soros family;
  3. got rich in Big Pharma;
  4. does massive deals with Pfizer;
  5. pushed for masks, testing, and vaccines;
  6. thinks Mike Pence did the right thing on J6;
  7. thinks Trump is a liar about election fraud similar to Stacey Abrams;
  8. never voted most of his adult life;
  9. wants to re-enter TPP;
  10. wants uncapped immigration (if they’re educated);
  11. changes his positions weekly when called out.

But we should totally trust him to lead the MAGA movement b/c he called out Ronna McDaniel (like 99% of other Republicans have been doing for years).”

Following DC_Draino’s accusations on Twitter, Ramaswamy wasted no time firing back with a strongly worded response. Ramaswamy vehemently denied any affiliation with the World Economic Forum (WEF), a claim made by DC_Draino, and called it a “pathetic lie.”

“Don’t disrespect your followers by lying to them like the MSM. The fact that you’re still sitting here saying I was ever “affiliated with WEF” is a pathetic lie. I’m the only guy who sued them & won, while others traveled to Davos,’” said Ramaswamy.

“I was the only candidate on stage with the stones to call on Ronna to resign, while others deflect. I won a generic scholarship, not massive George Soros loans/fundraisers like multiple other GOP candidates. I’ve never supported the government favoritism showered on Pfizer. If you have pent-up frustrations at others, then see a therapist but don’t dump it on me – because your shtick is getting old,” he added.

In a swift response to Vivek Ramaswamy’s fiery comeback, DC_Draino continued to challenge the GOP presidential candidate’s claims with a follow-up tweet. DC_Draino addressed each of Ramaswamy’s points individually, aiming to counter his defense and maintain the pressure.

“1. You were listed on the WEF website and only sued to get off their website once you started campaigning. Thank you for confirming my original claim.”

“2. Thank you for confirming you took money from the Soros family.”

“3. I didn’t bring up Ronna, but I do appreciate you working with Benny to come up with that line of attack during the debate. If it weren’t for Benny’s debate prep, do you think you would’ve even mentioned it?”

“4. Your company Roivant entered into a massive licensing deal with Pfizer in December of 2022 while you were Chairman of the Board (you resigned in 2023). I noticed you didn’t deny this and cut our interview short on Candace’s podcast when I brought it up.”

“I also noticed you didn’t deny or even attempt to address issues 5 through 11, but that’s ok I know you’re a busy guy pretending to be America First while you try to drag us back into Obama’s TPP and flood our country with uncapped immigration (as long as they have college degrees of course).” DC_Draino responded.

In a separate tweet, DC_Draino wrote, “People are asking for receipts so here’s a big 1 from Vivek’s book “Nation of Victims.” He may pretend to be a Trump fan now, but he wasn’t when he wrote this book. He says the 2020 election was *not* stolen & Pence did the right thing on J6. No more Judas Pence types please.”

In a tweet to his subscribers, DC_Draino vowed to release more exposé against Vivek.

“Draino why are you going after Vivek? Isn’t he pro-Trump?” He’s not. He’s smart enough to know that’s an effective strategy to gain momentum in the short-term, but once he smells blood in the water, he will pounce on Trump and try to take his crown. Then he will try to move the MAGA movement center-left, splitting us in half. He is a globalist Trojan horse and I’m trying to awaken the MAGA base to who he truly is before this trendy grass fire turns into an uncontrollable forest fire But don’t worry, I’m saving my best fireworks for closer to these primary elections It gets so much worse than what I’ve already shared,” Draino wrote.

Below are some of the allegations of Vivek Ramaswamy that The Gateway Pundit previously reported:

“Ties” to George Soros

In 2010, Ramaswamy received the Paul & Daisy Soros Fellowship for New Americans when he was 24, which helped him pursue a Juris Doctor in Law at Yale University. This fellowship was named after George Soros’s older brother, Paul Soros, a Hungarian-born American businessman and philanthropist, often called “the invisible Soros.”

Ramaswamy asserted that he never met both Paul Soros and George Soros.

“What is my connection with George Soros? Answer none, zero, indirect, zero connection with George Soros,” Ramaswamy said in a video statement posted in July.

“Back in 2010 – by the way, this was long before George Soros had completely fallen off the deep end and gone into progressive causes, funding what I perceive as disastrous and toxic prosecutors who are soft on crime, who I’ve also railed against.”

“In 2010, I won a scholarship when I was 24 or 25 years old and headed to law school that was partly funded not by George Soros but by Paul Soros, George’s brother. [Paul] made his money independently and who, by the way, is now dead, funded hundreds of people – hundreds of kids. I was one of them, to go to graduate school at the age of 24 or 25, back when I didn’t have a lot of money to do it.”

“If I had turned down that scholarship back then, that would have been so foolish that anybody that foolish probably should have no place anywhere near the White House doing trade deals on behalf of this country,” Ramaswamy added.

When Ramaswamy accepted the award in 2011, he was a first-year law student at Yale and had been working for several years as an investment analyst at the hedge fund QVT Financial, according to FOX News.

However, recent revelations regarding Ramaswamy’s financial records paint a different picture. In the same year he accepted the award, Ramaswamy reported $2,252,209 in total income, according to his tax returns. He also reported a total of $1,173,690 in income in the three years prior.

His campaign’s spokesperson, Tricia McLaughlin, defended Ramaswamy’s decision, emphasizing that the scholarship was a generic one that hundreds of students win to attend graduate school.

“Vivek would have been a fool to turn down that scholarship – Anyone who would have shouldn’t get anywhere near the White House doing trade deals,” she told Fox News Digital.

However, Ramaswamy’s Wikipedia page was updated to remove information about his association with Paul Soros, raising questions about the transparency of Ramaswamy’s candidacy according to critics.

According to Mediate, Ramaswamy seems to have paid Wikipedia editor “Jhofferman,” to remove content from his page that Ramaswamy believed would undermine his candidacy in the Republican primary. A few days later, Ramaswamy declared his intention to run in 2024.

“According to the article’s version history, the editor removed lines about Ramaswamy’s receipt of a Paul & Daisy Soros Fellowship for New Americans in 2011,” the outlet reported.

Source: Paul & Daisy Soros Fellowships for New Americans

World Economic Forum

Ramaswamy has also faced scrutiny over his inclusion in the WEF’s 2021 ‘Young Global Leader’ list published on March 10, 2021. Despite rejecting the award and repeatedly asking for his name to be removed, the WEF refused.

“The World Economic Forum named me on a list of so-called young global leaders. They did it despite the fact that I turned down their award. They kept my name on that list despite the fact that I repeatedly asked them to take it off because I did not share their values. I’m an opponent of it,” Ramaswamy said.

After two years on the list, Ramaswamy was removed by the WEF after he filed a lawsuit against the company earlier this year, saying, “This is an organization that does a lot of wrong and I’ve opposed it publicly and believe it should be held accountable.”

“Well, when they refused to do it, you know what I did? I sued them because I believe in taking action,” Ramaswamy said.

Stance on Face Mask

On the topic of face masks, Ramaswamy acknowledged that he made a statement encouraging people to buy masks out of personal responsibility early on in the pandemic, in opposition to government advice. However, he clarified that as the scientific understanding of masks evolved, so did his stance.

“I’ll admit it, my anti-government instincts got the better of me. Because I don’t know if you all remember this, but back in March, April 2020, when I put that tweet out, which said that we should buy masks based on individual personal responsibility or whatever it was that I said, that was in response to the government, including Fauci and the head of the CDC, laughing at people for buying masks and telling people across this country that they shouldn’t buy masks. I have inherently libertarian instincts,” he said.

“I’m skeptical of the government. I think the government mostly lies. And so when they were saying, don’t buy masks, I went the other way and said that, you know what? If the government’s going to tell me not to protect myself, then maybe we should be protecting ourselves. Well, as the facts changed, so did my opinions on it,” he added.

Role on Ohio’s COVID-19 Response Team

Ramaswamy’s alleged work with Ohio’s COVID-19 response team was also removed from his Wikipedia page at his request, a move that has raised eyebrows.

According to Mediate, “Also removed from the page on February 9, 2023 was Ramaswamy’s role on the state of Ohio’s Covid-19 Response Team. The editor recorded that Ramaswamy’s Covid-era work was removed from the article by the candidate’s own explicit request, while his Soros fellowship was deemed “extraneous material” by the editor.”

Connection with NIH

Vivek Ramaswamy has yet to respond to allegations that his company partnered with the National Institutes of Health to create a database of patients’ personal medical information.

“Regenstrief Institute, Indiana Clinical and Translational Sciences Institute (CTSI) and Datavant are supporting the National Institutes of Health (NIH) in a national effort to securely gather data to help scientists understand and develop treatments for COVID-19,” according to the news release.

“Regenstrief, Datavant and Indiana CTSI created solutions that will enable the linking of data from different sources without the identifiers, improving the quality and completeness of the information while still protecting patient identities. This process will make data more useful to researchers as they work to understand the virus and develop solutions to address it.”

“Datavant provides the privacy-preserving record linkage (PPRL) technology which underpins de-identified data contributions to the NIH COVID-19 Data Warehouse, including the N3C, ensuring patient records are shared safely, securely, and privately in compliance with de-identification standards. De-identified data linkages within and with the N3C will address the challenges of assembling comprehensive patient records in large-scale clinical research due to care fragmentation and data fragmentation.”

San-Francisco-based Datavant is a unit of Roivant Sciences that Vivek Ramaswamy owns.

Voting Record Shows He is Not a Registered Republican

GOP Hirsh Singh has brought to light controversial details concerning Vivek Ramaswamy’s political affiliations and voting history. Documentation obtained from the Franklin County, Ohio Board of Elections suggests that Ramaswamy is not a registered Republican but, rather, a registered “Unaffiliated” voter.

In an X post (formerly Twitter), Singh wrote, “Per documentation received by Vivek Ramswamy’s Franklin County, Ohio Board of Elections Vivek is not a registered Republican, but Registered Unaffiliated and never voted in a Republican Primary in his entire life.”

Source: Franklin County, Ohio

Voting records, initially posted by an account called Ohio Legislative Watch on X, show Ramaswamy did not vote in the Ohio state primaries in 2022 and 2023.

“Well this is awkward. GOP presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy, who lives in Columbus, is not a registered Republican in Ohio and has skipped half of the elections since registering to vote in Franklin County,” the account wrote, adding, “His wife is also unaffiliated and skipped the same elections.”

Source: Franklin County, Ohio

In August, Candace Owens hosted a heated debate between conservative influencer DC Draino and businessman Vivek Ramaswamy on her podcast, Candace Owens Podcast.

The podcast provided a platform for the two to face off directly.

DC Draino grilled Ramaswamy by calling out his flip-flopping on critical topics, including:

  • Election Integrity: Ramaswamy initially did not believe the 2020 election was stolen through ballot fraud. However, he later appeared to change his stance.
  • Support for Mike Pence: He supported former Vice President Mike Pence on January 6th.
  • Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP): Ramaswamy expressed interest in re-entering TPP, a stance that DC_Draino criticized as being in contrast to America First principles.
  • Immigration Policy: Ramaswamy advocated for “no cap” on educated immigrants.
  • COVID-19 Vaccination: He initially encouraged everyone to get vaccinated but later expressed regret.

“And just like magic, Vivek changed many of his positions and now claims: -there was 2020 ballot fraud -only wants bilateral trade deals -regrets getting the vax,” Draino wrote on Twitter.

“But he stuck to his guns on “no cap” immigration for high-skilled immigrants Nobody has been asking Vivek the tough questions even though he’s a Big Pharma exec that appeared out of nowhere, so I did,” Draino added.

2020 Election Fraud

DC Draino expressed his concerns about Ramaswamy’s past statements, including quotes from his book that seemed to criticize President Trump regarding the January 6 incident and called him a loser.

Draino directly questioned Ramaswamy’s stance on the 2020 election’s fairness, and whether the election was rigged.

Draino said, “I started to dig a little deeper on Twitter, and I came across some passages from your book. And I don’t know which book it is. It’s one of the two. But it talks about January 6, and it says, “It was a dark day for democracy. The loser of the last election refused to concede the race, claimed the election was stolen, raised hundreds of millions of dollars from loyal supporters, and is considering running for executive office again. I’m referring, of course, to Donald Trump.””

The quoted passage is from Ramaswamy’s book Nation of Victims, published in 2022, in which he lambastes Trump for refusing to concede the election’s outcome, dubbing him a “loser” and and detailed Trump’s futile efforts to overturn the results.

Draino continued, “Do you think that the 2020 election was fair? Do you think that Joe Biden got the most votes in American history? Or do you think 2020 was rigged?”

Ramaswamy provided a comprehensive response. He explained the nature of the quoted passage from his book, which he claimed had been taken out of context. According to Ramaswamy, he was actually referring to Stacey Abrams.

“Those exact words I’m referring to, of course, Stacey Abrams, that was literally the opening paragraph of that chapter. And it turned out that those words were literally borrowed from a description of somebody else criticizing Donald Trump that I then cut and pasted,” Ramaswamy said.

You can watch the debate below:

The post Conservative Lawyer DC Draino Clashes with Republican Presidential Candidate Vivek Ramaswamy in Heated Debate Over Vivek’s Controversial Background appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

]]> 0 dc draino vivek WATCH: Alex Jones and Condemned USA Founder Trennis Evans Expose Deep State Inside Job: DOJ Tortures J6 Political Prisoners After They Appear on His Show Sun, 26 Nov 2023 13:30:06 +0000

Infowars host Alex Joins and Trennis Evans, January 6 defendant and founder of the legal advocacy organization Condemned USA, recently discussed how the DOJ and federal judiciary are railroading January defendants in kangaroo court and torturing the political prisoners in prison for daring to expose the abuses they endured while incarcerated.

The post WATCH: Alex Jones and Condemned USA Founder Trennis Evans Expose Deep State Inside Job: DOJ Tortures J6 Political Prisoners After They Appear on His Show appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


Infowars host Alex Joins and Trennis Evans, January 6 defendant and founder of the legal advocacy organization Condemned USA, recently discussed how the DOJ and federal judiciary are railroading January defendants in kangaroo court and torturing the political prisoners in prison for daring to expose the abuses they endured while incarcerated.

As Evans detailed a litany of Brady violations the government committed during the Proud Boys trial, Jones revealed he is reluctant to air interviews with the political prisoners when the Justice Department tunes into his broadcasts and severely penalizes them each time they appear on his broadcast.

The DOJ tortured “the hell out” of J6 political hostage Joseph Biggs “for a month and a half” the last time he appeared on Infowars, Jones explained, adding he avoids discussing his co-host Owen Shroyer’s case while he’s incarcerated.

“Understand, sometimes, folks, when I’m not telling you something or doing something, it’s because I have to follow other people’s wishes, despite the fact I don’t like it,” he said. “But this time.. I’m not gonna tell people what’s going on with Owen, since that’s his wish …I get it, he’s in their control. He’s literally kidnapped by them.”

“Trennis Evans, other than the Gateway Pundit, is giving the most attention to it. They’ve really run circles around us, I’m glad they’re there,” he said. ” A lot of listeners criticized me during the last few years and said, ‘Why aren’t you having them on? Why aren’t you talking about it?’ Because when we have them on, they would then go put them in solitary confinement at 55 degrees in their underwear and torture them. They did a bunch of bad stuff to Owen. And see I’m already slipping up here…they torture them when you talk about them.”

Jones blasted the Justice Department for outright lying to Judge Kelly, claiming Shroyer was not an employee with Infowars despite the War Room broadcast he hosts on the network upward of three hours daily for the past seven years, Jones explained.

“The judge believed them. And they said, ‘Your Honor, he doesn’t work there. He’s a liar. We recommend charges as this is perjury. He’s never been an associate with Infowars. He’s not a talk show host now.’ That’s like saying the sun didn’t come up this morning, and as a listener, you’re like really insulted by that,” he said. “These people are beyond criminal. They know the truth. And they’re literally lying to the world and the judge knows it’s a lie. How do you stack shit this high?

“If you think I’m being screwed, or Trump’s being screwed, they want to screw all of you the same way. And they’ve somehow gotten most of the judges and most of the feds to literally just go along with it.”

“Just imagine the nerve, the balls, in multiple federal filings to say Owen never worked here, ‘He’s perjuring himself.’ I’m surprised the judge didn’t give him 10 years for perjury…You all know he’s been a host. Doesn’t matter to them because they’re there to murder the truth. These are crazy people.”

Judge Kelly scolded Shroyer during his sentencing hearing for being unremorseful for protesting election fraud and continuing to insist the election was stolen on his show.

“That judge looked at it all and he said, ‘You go to prison boy, you still aren’t sad for what you said, he said he is unremorseful.’


Evans’s organization Condenmed USA assists J6 defendants with finding adequate legal representation. He currently serves a sentence for protesting in the Capitol building on the weekends, he turns himself on every Friday and is released every Monday.

The Condemned USA founder described his first confrontation with the FBI on January 17, 2021, for his role in the Capitol riot before the feds would raid his home on March 4.

“I’m in full cooperation with law enforcement. I didn’t do anything other than go into the building — no vandalism, nothing. As a matter of fact, the police shook my hand and thanked me for what I was doing inside and I have that on video as well.I was speaking out for no violence, no harm, no destruction of property,” he said. “Through that process, my attorney was in contact with the FBI numerous times. When the FBI finally responded it was with a SWAT raid from the Joint Terrorism Task Force on March 4, to which you saw my 13-year-old son with his hands up as he was attempting to leave for school that day.

The FBI conspicuously raids the homes of its targets during special occasions like funerals, birthdays and anniversaries, Evans and Jones noted.

“It was odd the dates that they chose after months,” he said. “That was the day that we were supposed to identify my father-in-law’s body at a funeral home viewing …with a funeral looming that weekend. This is a constant phenomenon and an absolute odd coincidence that has happened to so many people [for] January 6, ‘They came on grandma’s birthday,’ ‘They came on the anniversary for mom and dad,’ ‘They came on a family’s anniversary party,’ ‘They came on the child’s birthday.’

‘It was part of what they told you they were going to do. It was the shock and awe,’ Jones added.

The DOJ is fabricating the events of January 6 to justify the predawn raids, over-prosecuting, over-sentencing and torturing so-called “terrorists,” Evans warned.

“I asked them specifically that day, and I’ve tried to FOIA this for some time, ‘Why are you doing this if you said you were going to talk to my attorney?’ I was willing to turn myself in. Why is the Terrorism Task Force on my front porch? And they said were here because. ‘One of your guys beat one of our guys to death with a fire extinguisher’ — that was an outright lie.”

“This is why our fight is in the courts, and it’s in Congress. And it is a slow and painful fight to do it this way, but it is the way that we must do this. So when we say, ‘Fight,’ just like when President Trump said it on January 6, we mean we’re going to fight with everything we got in our courts, in our Congress. We’re going to use the Constitution, we’re going to take back all the little offices and the big offices, and everything else. And we’re going to out and expose these people. ”

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]]> 0 00 Reuters Claims Hamas Released “13 Israeli Soldiers” in Today’s Exchange for Terrorists – The Israelis were ALL Women and Children! Sun, 26 Nov 2023 13:15:58 +0000

This was a new low, even for Reuters.

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]]> This was a new low, even for Reuters.

Reuters on Sunday morning reported that the Hamas terror group had released 13 Israeli soldiers in today’s release.

The 13 Israelis released by Hamas on Sunday (Middle East time) were actually ALL women and children who were captured when the barbaric group stormed the border into Israel and slaughtered 1,400 Jews and took another 240 Israelis and foreign nationals hostage.

The 13 released were ALL women and children!

This was an outrageous error by the anti-Israel news outlet.

Reuters later made a correction to their report.

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]]> 0 reuters soldiers children women hostages israel hostages 13 children women 2A Win: Judge Blocks Voter-Approved Gun Control Law Called ‘Most Extreme’ in Nation Sun, 26 Nov 2023 13:00:05 +0000

An Oregon judge has put on hold a gun control law Oregon voters barely approved in a 2022 referendum.

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An Oregon judge has put on hold a gun control law Oregon voters barely approved in a 2022 referendum.

The law, known as Measure 114, passed with 50.65 percent of the vote and only won majorities in six of Oregon’s 36 counties. The law mandates a permit to buy any kind of gun, bans any magazines that can hold more than 10 rounds of ammunition, and was labeled “the nation’s most extreme gun control Initiative” by the National Rifle Association, according to Fox News.

“This Thanksgiving, we can be thankful for Article I, section 27 and its continued protection of our right to bear arms,” attorney Tony Aiello Jr., who represented two gun owners, said.

A central point in dispute was whether the concept of semi-automatic and automatic weapons was such a break with the past that Oregon’s state constitution did not apply.

“The idea that Oregon’s pioneers intended to freeze the firearm technology accessible by Oregonians to antiques is ridiculous on its face,” Aiello said.

Oregon Attorney General Ellen Rosenblum said the state will appeal.

“The Harney County judge’s ruling is wrong. Worse, it needlessly puts Oregonians’ lives at risk,” she said.

The law was met with legal challenges after passage and has never been enforced, according to the Associated Press. Although a federal trial ended up with a ruling that the law passed federal Constitutional muster, to take effect it must be shown to comply with the state and federal constitutions.

In his ruling, Circuit Court Judge Robert Raschio said a citizen’s right to self-defense would be unduly burdened by the law, noting that when Oregon passed its constitution, it wanted to give settlers as much technological protection through weapons as possible.

“The court finds the (voters) of 1857 did not seek to restrain access to the best firearms with the highest functionality possible they could procure,” he wrote.

He said that limiting magazine capacity “does not enhance public safety.”

“The court finds that the large capacity magazine ban effectively bans all firearm magazines fixed or attached which is unconstitutional under any application of said law,” he wrote.

Raschio rejected claims that a magazine limit promoted safety.

“The court finds that 10-round magazine bans are no panacea to prevent a mass shooter,” he wrote.

“People tend to believe these events are prolific and happening all the time with massive levels of death and injury. The court finds this belief, though sensationalized by the media, is not validated by the evidence,” he wrote.

The decision is likely “the first opening salvo of multiple rounds of litigation,” said Norman Williams, a constitutional law professor at Willamette University, told the AP.

“The U.S. Constitution sets a floor, not a ceiling, for rights, so state constitutions can be more rights-protective than the federal constitution,” Williams noted.

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

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]]> 0 Trump Blasts Biden and Weak American Leadership as No U.S. Citizens Are Among Hostages Released by Hamas Sun, 26 Nov 2023 04:20:01 +0000

The terrorists of Hamas have released two groups of hostages this week, but American citizens were not among them.

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The terrorists of Hamas have released two groups of hostages this week, but American citizens were not among them.

Trump, who had a real talent for getting Americans released in situations like this one, blasted Joe Biden and ‘weak’ American leadership for failing to bring these Americans home.

In typical fashion, the liberal media is giving Biden an almost complete pass over this.

FOX News reports:

Trump blasts American leaders as no US citizens are among Hamas hostages recently released

Former President Trump blasted American leaders as there were no U.S. citizens released in the past few days by Hamas.

Hamas terrorists released 17 hostages late Saturday, and 24 on Friday, but none of them were any of the 10 American citizens being held, including 4-year-old Avigail Idan. The release of hostages comes as Israel and Hamas have agreed to a four-day cease-fire.

Fifty hostages held by Hamas are expected to be released within the four-day window, according to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s office. In exchange, 150 Palestinians imprisoned by Israel will be released.

“Has anybody noticed that Hamas has returned people from other Countries but, so far, has not returned one American Hostage? There is only one reason for that, NO RESPECT FOR OUR COUNTRY OR OUR LEADERSHIP. This is a very sad and dark period of America!” Trump wrote Saturday on Truth Social.

Two American nationals held hostage by Hamas were released Oct. 20, but no U.S. citizen has been released since then.

We all know how this would be covered if it was happening on Trump’s watch.

The full text of that tweet is:

If 13 American hostages had been taken under the Trump administration, it would be the leading story on 24/7 cable news.

If Trump oversaw a disastrous Afghan War withdrawal that left billions in military hardware & got 13 Americans killed, the media would never let us forget it.

If Donald Trump had risked World War III by sending 43 “aid packages” to a nation where his son had done illicit business, the news media would be screaming bloody murder.

This is why you should not trust the American media to report on political news fairly or accurately. You have to replace the news and do your own journalism.

The media would be hammering Trump over this every day. CNN would have a counter on screen showing the number of days the hostages were held in captivity. They don’t care about people, only how they can be used for their political purposes.

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]]> 0 donald trump joe biden Minnesota Attorney General’s Office Says Derek Chauvin Expected to Survive After Prison Stabbing Sun, 26 Nov 2023 04:00:16 +0000

The Minnesota Attorney General’s Office announced on Saturday that former Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin is expected to survive.

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The Minnesota Attorney General’s Office announced on Saturday that former Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin is expected to survive.

Chauvin sustained “serious injuries” after being stabbed in a federal prison in Tucson, Arizona, on Friday.

According to the Federal Bureau of Prisons, the incident took place at about 12:30 p.m. and “responding employees initiated life-saving measures for one incarcerated individual.”

Chauvin was the officer filmed kneeling on George Floyd during his fatal interaction with police. His death caused nationwide riots throughout the summer of 2020.

The press secretary for the Office of Minnesota Attorney General told NBC News, “I can confirm that, as of last night, Chauvin was expected to survive.”

No additional details about his condition were provided.

Attorney Gregory Erickson, who represented Chauvin in a civil case, said that his family has not been updated on Chauvin’s condition, according to a report from The Hill.

“As an outsider, I view this lack of communication with his attorneys and family members as completely outrageous,” Erickson said. “It appears to be indicative of a poorly run facility and indicates how Derek’s assault was allowed to happen.”

“Although Derek’s family assumes he is stable because of a third-party report (not direct contact), they are understandably doubtful because of the lack of transparency that has permeated this ordeal,” he added.

Minnesota Attorney General Keith Ellison, a supporter of Antifa, said that he was “saddened” to hear about the attack on Chauvin.

“I am sad to hear that Derek Chauvin was the target of violence,” he said, according to the NBC report. “He was duly convicted of his crimes and, like any incarcerated individual, he should be able to serve his sentence without fear of retaliation or violence.”

Eric Nelson, Chauvin’s attorney, declined to comment about the attack.

The Tucson prison is notorious for poor security and staffing issues.

Chauvin is currently serving simultaneous 21-year sentences for violating Floyd’s civil rights and second-degree murder.

The Supreme Court denied hearing his appeal last week.

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]]> 0 00 Gavin Newsom Tries to Gaslight the Public – Suggests Inflation is a Conservative Lie Sun, 26 Nov 2023 03:40:56 +0000

California Governor Gavin Newsom wants the public to believe that inflation isn’t that bad, and that the only reason people believe that it is, is because of conservatives.

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California Governor Gavin Newsom wants the public to believe that inflation isn’t that bad, and that the only reason people believe that it is, is because of conservatives.

Millions of Americans are struggling to afford basic items like food and gas but the narrative is more important to Newsom.

He should know by now that you can’t lie to people about how much money they have or how much things cost.

Townhall reports:

Newsom Suggests Inflation Is a Conservative Lie

To make Republicans look bad, Democrats have to lie, while to make the Democrats look bad, all Republicans have to do is point out the obvious and the truth.

Gov. Gavin Newsom (D-CA.) is suggesting that inflation— fueled by President Joe Biden’s Leftist policies— is a lie pushed by conservatives.

This week, Newsom claimed inflation plaguing Americans this holiday season is propaganda and nothing more than a fabrication being pushed by Republicans.

“Things you won’t see on Fox News today,” Newsom posted on social media. “Prices for Thanksgiving are down — from Turkey to air travel.”

The Democrat’s post included a chart showing price changes in items. According to data from the Labor Department, prices for peas, milk, stuffing, pie crusts, turkey, and cranberries have dropped from last year.

See the tweet below:

Newsom got roasted in the replies:

Newsom is trying to spin the economy because Democrats are getting absolutely clobbered on the issue. No one is buying his lies, though. People know the score.

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]]> 0 Gavin Newsom California Gov. Gavin Newsom speaks during a rally where he would sign the California Comeback Plan relief bill Tuesday, July 13, 2021, in Los Angeles. (AP Photo/Marcio Jose Sanchez) Climate Change ‘Activist’ Greta Thunberg Attends Ugly Anti-Israel Rally Chanting ‘Crush Zionism’ (VIDEO) Sun, 26 Nov 2023 03:20:12 +0000

Greta Thunberg has shown in recent months that her ‘climate change activism’ is not really what she’s all about in the end.

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Greta Thunberg has shown in recent months that her ‘climate change activism’ is not really what she’s all about in the end.

The truth is that Thunberg is your average, run-of-the-mill, America and Israel hating left wing communist who wants the same things radical leftists in America want.

She was just seen at an ugly anti-Israel rally in Amsterdam. This is who she is.

RedState reports:

WATCH: Greta Thunberg Takes the Mask Off Fully, as She Chants to ‘Crush Zionism’ at Disturbing Rally

The left has pushed forward Greta Thunberg for years now, to tout their climate change agenda. You weren’t allowed to criticize her, according to them, because she was a teen. Yet they still wanted you to accept what this child, who had no scientific background, was saying. And because it was about pushing the agenda wrapped in a package, you weren’t supposed to criticize or point out any problems.

But now with the Israeli-Hamas war, some are seeing another side to Greta, who has become very involved with the anti-Israel movement

First, she was embroiled in an antisemitism scandal over having an octopus — an antisemitic trope — on her shoulder, while she held a sign urging people to “Stand with Gaza.” She claimed that she hadn’t intended it that way, and that it was something to help with her autism.

Then as she was speaking at a climate event in Amsterdam, she tried to make it an anti-Israel event, wearing a keffiyeh and asking two activists up onstage. A man who thought he was there for a climate demonstration tried to intervene and bring people back to the subject, and he was dragged off the stage. “No climate justice on occupied land,” Greta continued to chant, unconcerned about how the man had been treated.

See below:

Hamas was the aggressor but these idiots act like they are the victims. And our media holds up Greta as if she was some sort of role model for kids.

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]]> 0 Greta Thunberg Israel Protest Bidenomics: Price of Christmas Trees Up 10 Percent This Year – Americans Feel Strain on Gift Budget Sun, 26 Nov 2023 03:00:38 +0000

Thanks to Bidenomics, the cost of a Christmas tree is up about 10 percent this holiday season compared to last year.

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Thanks to Bidenomics, the cost of a Christmas tree is up about 10 percent this holiday season compared to last year. The average price is $80 to $100 per tree, according to the National and the American Christmas Tree Association.

And, it’s not just real Christmas trees that have increased in cost. Fake Christmas trees are about $85 to over $1,000 per tree depending on the size and lighting options.

The New York Post reported:

It’s a not so Merry Christmas at the check-out line for many shoppers as Christmas tree prices are on the rise once again.

According to the National and the American Christmas Tree Association (ACTA), the average price of a Christmas tree is up 10% more than last year, with trees averaging between $80 and $100 this season.

The association says that artificial Christmas trees will break the bank even more than real trees, with price tags all across the board from $85 to $1,000 or more.

Even though consumers are concerned about inflation, a majority are still deciding to have a Christmas tree in their homes. A significant portion of those surveyed opted for a fake tree.

Americans are feeling the pain in their pocketbook regardless of whatever the Biden regime is telling them.

Inflation rates are still high under Joe Biden. Total household debt reached $17.29 trillion in the 3rd quarter of 2023, according to the Federal Reserve Bank of New York. Total household debt increased by $228 billion (1.3%) in the third quarter of 2023, to $17.29 trillion.

Consumers are strained and drowning in credit card debt.

“Mortgage balances rose by $126 billion from the previous quarter and stood at $12.14 trillion at the end of September. Credit card balances increased by $48 billion to $1.08 trillion in Q3 2023, representing a 4.7% quarterly increase.” the New York Fed reported. “Other balances, which include retail cards and other consumer loans, increased by $2 billion.”

Consumer prices rose 0.4% this fall – “hotter than expected.”

The core CPI excludes food and energy prices – here are the numbers for September:

  • Energy costs are up 1.5%
  • Gas prices are up 2.1%
  • Fuel oil prices are up 8.5%
  • Food prices are up 0.2%

Grocery prices are up 19%.

Please note that fuel oil prices are up 8.5% just as winter kicks in.  This will be devastating for those Americans who heat their homes with fuel oil.

Americans are suffering because of Joe Biden’s tax-and-spend policies.

Meanwhile, the Bidens enjoyed a shopping spree as they spent Thanksgiving weekend at a billionaire’s estate in Nantucket.

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]]> 0 Video thumbnail for youtube video izjwiili4cq Five Men Arrested After Police Post Fake Ad Promoting ‘Sexual Services From Minors’ Sun, 26 Nov 2023 02:40:09 +0000

Five Canadian men were arrested after police posted a fake ad promoting “sexual services for minors.” The Durham Regional Police Service in Ontario said that the fake advertisement was visited more than 6,600 times in four days and received messages from over 600 different phone numbers.

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Five Canadian men were arrested after police posted a fake ad promoting “sexual services for minors.”

The Durham Regional Police Service in Ontario said that the fake advertisement was visited more than 6,600 times in four days and received messages from over 600 different phone numbers.

The ad was part of Project Firebird, an operation by the Human Trafficking Unit to crack down on pedophiles seeking minors.

“An ad was published to create the illusion that individuals can purchase sexual services from minors,” police said Thursday, according to a report from Global News. “The ad was visited 6,678 times in a four-day period and received messages from over 600 different phone numbers.”

During the bust, police arrested Krish Subiah, 37, from Clarington, Rajwant Singh, 30, from Belleville, Mahbubar Rahman, 48, from Pickering, Sarangan Kirupamoorthy, 28, from Whitby, and Rajasekaran Natarajan, 38, from Clarington, Durham Radio News reports.

All of the men have been charged with luring a child for the purpose of obtaining sexual services (under 18 years), obtaining sexual services (under 18 years) and invitation to sexual touching (under 16 years).

The Durham Regional Police Service is asking anyone with any new information about this incident or other incidents to contact them.

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]]> 0 handcuffs Woman Charged With Murder After Giving Gun to Her Mother With Dementia, Encouraging Her to Commit Suicide Sun, 26 Nov 2023 02:20:53 +0000

An Oklahoma woman has been charged with murder after she gave a gun to her mother with dementia, who used it to commit suicide.

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An Oklahoma woman has been charged with murder after she gave a gun to her mother with dementia, who used it to commit suicide.

Jaye Dee Watts, 44, has been charged with felony murder by a caretaker and kidnapping in the death of her mother, Lynda Watts, 72.

Lynda Watts died on September 10 at her home in Oklahoma City.

The Oklahoma City Police Department said that Jaye Dee Watts “intentionally provided a firearm to the victim, which prompted the victim to take her own life.”

Dillon Quirk with OKC police told local station KOCO that the daughter “suggested that she take her own life, and very sadly, she did.”

Police also obtained Ring camera footage from inside the home. The video showed Jaye Dee berating her mother, calling her a toddler, and telling her to “take your pill or choke on it and die,” according to the report.

After leaving the room, she soon returned with a handgun and showed her mother how to remove it from the holster. She then told her, “Do with it what you will.”

“Jay Dee then came back with a drill, telling her mom she was going to lock her in her bedroom. Moments later, police said Lynda fired two shots and killed herself,” the report says.

The daughter turned herself into police after a warrant was issued. She was later released on $1 million bond.

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]]> 0 00 SCREAMING FANS Greet President Trump at Williams-Bryce Stadium in South Carolina – Chanting USA! USA!… (VIDEO) Sun, 26 Nov 2023 02:00:39 +0000

The South Carolina crowd CHEERED President Trump on Saturday as he entered Williams-Brice Stadium just minutes prior to kickoff.

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South Carolina super fans CHEER President Trump at Palmetto Bowl on Saturday.

The South Carolina crowd CHEERED President Trump on Saturday as he entered Williams-Brice Stadium just minutes prior to kickoff.

Governor Henry McMaster and Lieutenant Governor Evette met President Trump at the game between state rivals Clemson and South Carolina.

The Palmetto State crowd was cheering wildly for the 45th US President.

More video of the reception from South Carolina fans!

Here is more video via Forbes.

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]]> 0 SCREAMING FANS Greet President Trump at Williams-Bryce Stadium in South Carolina – Chanting USA! USA!… (VIDEO) | The Gateway Pundit | by Jim Hoft The South Carolina crowd CHEERED President Trump on Saturday as he entered Williams-Brice Stadium just minutes prior to kickoff. Governor Henry McMaster and Lieutenant Governor Evette met President Trump at the game between state rivals Clemson and South Carolina. BREAKING: President Trump has arriv trump palmetto South Carolina super fans CHEER President Trump at Palmetto Bowl on Saturday. Sandy Hook Families Continue to Attack and Harass Alex Jones Amid Bankruptcy Battle Sun, 26 Nov 2023 01:40:32 +0000

Families of those killed in the Sandy Hook Elementary School Shooting continue to level threats against legendary Infowars host Alex Jones for failing to pay them $1.5 billion in damages – that he does not have!

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Families of those killed in the Sandy Hook Elementary School Shooting continue to level threats against legendary Infowars host Alex Jones for failing to pay them $1.5 billion in damages – that he does not have!

Last year, Jones resigned to filing for bankruptcy for himself and his company Free Speech Systems after he was ordered by a Connecticut jury to pay $965 million in damages to 15 relatives of the victims and an additional $473 million to the judgment in attorney’s fees for spreading “misinformation.”

Adam Lanza killed the children at Sandy Hook school. The Lanza estate paid the Sandy Hook families $1.5 million total in its lawsuit.

In a motion filed Tuesday in a U.S. Bankruptcy Court in Texas, the families and a committed of creditors warned Jones “has not presented any viable path to emergence.”

“Nor has he done much of anything to preserve, let alone maximize, the value of his estate for the benefit of his creditors—predominantly the victims of Jones’s relentless campaign to defame the families of children and others murdered at Sandy Hook Elementary School,” the filing states.

They claim the conservative firebrand continues to live a lavish lifestyle and “has yet to sell a single non-exempt asset” to pay off the fine.

“He has refused to adhere to a reasonable budget or engage with the Committee on ways to limit spending,” the Tuesday filing states. “And he has resisted commencing meritorious avoidance actions against insiders. In short, Jones has failed in every way to serve as the fiduciary mandated by the Bankruptcy Code in exchange for the breathing-spell he has enjoyed for almost a year. His time is up.

“There can be little doubt that the Chapter 11 Cases must resolve soon. Jones’s estate simply cannot fund an indefinite bankruptcy. Indeed, the estate is not only bearing the costs of Jones’s professionals, but also hemorrhaging approximately $65,000 to $90,000 a month (excluding legal and professional fees) to bankroll Jones’s lifestyle.”

In October, Texas U.S. District Judge Christopher Lopez ruled Jones could not use bankruptcy protections to avoid paying money to the families of the victims of the Sandy Hook shooting.

In 2012, Jones surmised on-air that the US government may have falsified or concealed information about the Newton, Connecticut shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School that left 26 dead and speculated the shooting could have been staged.

Jones “in many instances never mentioned the names of many of the plaintiffs who sued him,” Infowars reports. “In the second highest payout amount to the plaintiffs, the jury awarded FBI agent William Aldenberg – who Jones never mentioned by name – $90 million in compensatory damages, despite the fact he had no connection to any children or staff who died in the mass shooting.”

Jones announced he would challenge the unprecedented verdict immediately after it was delivered.

“They want to scare everybody away from freedom, and scare us away from questioning Uvalde and what really happened there, or Parkland or any other event. And guess what? We’re not scared, and we’re not going away, and we’re not going to stop,” he said on The Alex Jones Show following the verdict. “For hundreds of thousands of dollars, I can keep them in court for years, I can appeal this stuff, we can stand up against this travesty, against the billions of dollars they want. It’s a joke.

This corrupt, dying political system wants to try to make me the devil. I’m not the devil, and God is my judge, not you, you globalist scumbags,” he continued. “This is how desperate the establishment is. I am so honored to have this happening. So we’re waiting while the judge sent the jury back out because they didn’t put decimals on how many millions I’m supposed to give, and that’s why it’s such a joke. I don’t have 2 million dollars in cash.”

Communists have criminalized free speech.

Only ideas that offend a liberal are punishable.

If conspiracy theories are illegal now, why isn’t every employee at the NYT, CNN, MSNBC, PBS, CBS, NBC, CBS, LA Times, and every other network that assured us experimental gene-editing COVID shots were safe and effective in prison?  

Someone should pay Trump $100 billion for the Russia collusion hoax. When will that happen?

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]]> 0 00 Democrat Presidential Candidate Says It’s ‘Delusional’ for Anyone to Think Biden Can Defeat Trump Sun, 26 Nov 2023 01:20:50 +0000

Democrat presidential candidate Rep.

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Democrat presidential candidate Rep. Dean Phillips says that it is “delusional” for anyone to think Joe Biden can defeat former President Donald Trump in the 2024 election.

Phillips discussed Biden’s chances in a post to X on Saturday.

“As a member of House Democratic Leadership, I supported and promoted the Biden agenda,” Phillips wrote. “I campaigned for him, voted for him, and respect him. But how can anyone read this and conclude he’s positioned to defeat Donald Trump?”

“It’s delusional,” Phillips concluded.

Phillips included a Politico article titled, “The polls keep getting worse for Biden.”

According to the article, “November started with New York Times/Siena College polls showing Trump ahead in four of the six swing states, but more indicators of Biden’s electoral peril soon followed. The president’s standing in head-to-head matchups with Trump is falling: Among the latest surveys this month from 13 separate pollsters, Biden’s position is worse than their previous polls in all but two of them.”

“And while polls suggest most of the movement comes from voters abandoning Biden — who might become undecided but not swing to supporting Trump — the Republican has also started to gain steam. Trump’s vote share in the national polling average is higher now than at any point in the past year,” the article adds.

Phillips announced his bid to take on Biden in October, telling CBS Mornings that he cannot “be quiet” as polling numbers “are so clearly saying that we’re going to be facing an emergency next November.”

Phillips explained that he admires Biden, but that it is time for a “new generation” of Democrats to take over.

“I will not sit still and not be quiet in the face of numbers that are so clearly saying that we’re going to be facing an emergency next November,” Phillips continued, claiming another term for President Donald Trump would be a “crisis moment for American democracy.”

Phillips was first elected to the House in 2018 and is described as a more “moderate” candidate.

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