What is Xi planning to do? China is hoarding tons of raw materials

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By Pinang Driod

The development of China’s The raw material stocks show a significant increase. Noisy “EconomistThis is supported by satellite images, data from the Chinese central bank and reports of high import volumes. The geopolitical context is particularly worrying: there is increasing speculation about possible preparations for a conflict with Taiwan or a more intense territorial dispute in the East and South China Seas.

Strategy against external pressure

Gabriel Collins, a former US Department of Defense analyst, explained to The Economist that the resources China is currently amassing are precisely those that would be needed in the event of a war against Taiwan. However, according to information, the current supply ranges from “The week“not suitable for such a combat situation. It could rather be a strategy aimed at making China less vulnerable to external pressure.

China is trying to strengthen its strategic autonomy, mainly under pressure from the EU and the US. The US had under President Donald Trump imposed numerous trade tariffs against China, and the European Commission imposed provisional punitive duties on imports of electric cars from China in early July.

Despite economic problems, China is building up raw material reserves

Noisy “MirrorThe People’s Bank of China has been steadily increasing its gold reserves, while also expanding its storage capacity for oil and natural gas. China is increasingly importing metals such as copper and nickel, which are crucial to its technology and defense industries. Storage capacity for grain has also been significantly expanded.

Interestingly, China is currently experiencing economic problems and prices for these commodities are often high. The continuous and massive increase in commodities cannot therefore be justified by the current economic situation.

Storage strategy raises alarm bells

According to The Week, China’s stockpiling strategy is raising alarm bells in the US and other Western countries. Another theory is that China wants to become more independent of Western supplies. The Week reports that tighter export restrictions could be imminent if Donald Trump returns to the White House in 2024.

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