It started on Wednesday with a sit-in. Several hundred demonstrators gathered in front of the entrance to the Faculty of Social Sciences of Humboldt University. The Student Coalition Berlin, which has already called for the protests, among others, called for the protests the anti-Israel ‘protest camp’ on the FU Berlin campus was responsible. The university’s alerted security service had blocked the main entrance with chains, but not the side entrance.
What followed was a miniature version of the October Revolution and the fall of Byzantium. A triumphant mob of left-wing Germans and Arabs moved from room to room, vandalizing the facility, defacing the walls with Antifa and Hamas slogans, becoming intoxicated by their own massification and marveling at their own power. Not for the first time. In a letter to university leadership, the mob dictated the terms under which it was willing to leave the facility.
A president begs for talks
Anyone who wants to write a psychogram about the distorted self-perception of political sects will find a valuable object here. And how did the Executive Board of Humboldt University respond to the rude letter? She voluntarily agreed to report. When police began to clear the institute after more than 24 hours, university president Julia von Blumenthal assured that this had been ordered “from above” – that is, from the Berlin Senate. Even when the police led the occupiers to a secured area, they sought them out.
“When Gaza burns, Berlin burns”: #Anti-Semitism And #Israelhatred at the #Business the HU #Berlin. What is being done about it? Jewish life must be protected. Or… #b2305 #HUBerlin
— Jewish Forum (JFDA eV) (@JFDA_eV) May 24, 2024
“It is important for me to be with the students at this time and show them that I am also their chairman,” said the stalker, explaining his commitment. “I deeply regret that it was not possible to bring this afternoon to a close where we might have managed to come to something like an agreement with this very special group that was down there.” does not have to pay for the damage caused by this “special group” itself.
The usual left-wing flirtation with brutality
Let’s start with the positive: unlike their role model, Hamas, the occupiers did not use their temporary superiority to slaughter Jews. Even the evacuation of the occupied building went relatively without violence. Berlin police officers are used to something different than leftists. So it is a peaceful protest by people who want to express their genuine outrage at the conditions in the Gaza Strip? The growing number of attacks on Jewish students shows the opposite.
In fact, here we see again the usual flirtation of left-wing intellectuals with the ruthless brutality of the supposedly oppressed. It was left-wing intellectuals like Karl Marx who ignored the violent excesses of the Paris Commune or transformed them in their eschatological worldview as a necessary step on the road to earthly paradise. It was left-wing intellectuals like Jean-Paul Satre who celebrated and tried to justify every crime against whites in the colonies.
Hamas as an agent of history
So now it is our contemporary intellectuals, who enjoy the sweaty eroticism of Hamas fighters. Yes, the radical struggle against bourgeois society is primarily a struggle against its values. From their perspective, the Paris Communard, the RAF terrorist or the Hamas fighter may be psychopaths who have found a way to indulge their pleasure in torturing and killing people. For the leftist intellectual, they are the agents of history.
This is the only way to explain the open-minded acceptance that justifies even the wildest violence, as long as it gives hope for the ideologically desired consequences. All steps towards the end of history, the Nihil, the great nothing into which left-wing intellectuals pour all their unproductivity. The anti-racist, the discrimination-free, the domination-free society, or whatever the respective social fantasy is called.
speak out against tyrants
In practical terms, these leftist intellectuals with their utopia are of course only speaking out against a few tyrannical rulers. It is little consolation that they themselves will often not be among the first, but among the second and third victims. Or as that dedicated student put it during the Hamburg caliphate demonstration: “You all have to be careful,” he warned. ‘For when the cards are reshuffled and the sleeping giant awakens again, you will be called to account.’
Humboldt University of Berlin doesn’t have to worry too much about that. It certainly looks like it will no longer be able to produce world-class scientists in the future. But as the leading madrasa of the future caliphate, it has a good chance of eclipsing everything the Islamic world has produced so far in terms of arrogance, bigotry and missionary zeal. However, it is doubtful whether she will hold many gender professorships anymore.